Out of the cage

Chapter 1330 Chapter 2706 (Part 2) The rebellion begins in the mountain nest

Chapter 1330 Chapter 27.06 (Part 2) The rebellion begins in the mountain nest

On April 30, the fact that the second wave of encirclement and suppression troops dispatched by Hechuan disappeared ten days ago was finally revealed. The major general stationed in the area began to dispatch armored troops to take action.

At the beginning of the third wave of encirclement and suppression, this unit with an armored core (three-meter spherical mecha) as its offensive force and a hundred or so Gauss riflemen began to march along the road. Wei Keng immediately realized the seriousness of this matter!

The regular army and the urban security army are two different things. Wei Keng stopped the army's arrogant attitude of "replicating the results of the last total annihilation" and asked all personnel to seriously face the battle of "the enemy is strong and we are weak".

Return to guerrilla warfare, compete with the opponent for energy, familiarity with the terrain, and organization to avoid the enemy's firepower advantage.

The No. 93 Federal Infantry Regiment in Hechuan began to advance cautiously after entering the mountainous area, because there were some anti-infantry mines buried on the road, which required radar scanning to remove them step by step.

We walked on the road for ten hours, with a cold wind blowing in the sky. The soldiers were shivering from the rain. Even the local soldiers who were sitting in the armor blowing the warm wind and drinking wine began to complain. The armor had to stop due to roadblocks, which was annoying.

Ever since, they began to expect something to happen.

As they expected, a flash of light appeared on the top of the mountain. The sudden flash of light made them alert. The federal commander accompanying the team was also quite ready to take on the challenge and immediately called for support. A nano force field appeared on the side of their convoy. shield.

But then they were stunned, because the flash of light hit the nano shield and turned into fire as if it had not broken the skin. In the normal explosion state, it can smash into the nano force field for up to half a meter. And the fragments will roll in the nano force field, but the force field seems to be too strong now?

Because it's not rockets, but fireworks? Yes, it’s fireworks.

Seeing these bright sparks spreading out on the armor cover, the federal soldiers who were prepared to prevent the shock wave stood up and began to fire with Gauss bullets like a vent.

In this way, after the farce, they vented their anger and continued marching, but then, ten minutes later, there were signs of the ambushers firing again, so everyone stopped again.

Stopping and going, over and over again, the federal soldiers seemed to feel that there was no heavy firepower on the other side. He started to show off his behavior without any hesitation.

…A unit is already taking steps toward hell if it starts to be careless…

In the "Guantianshe" headquarters, Wei Keng looked at the lax federal troops, exhaled, and first pressed the order for the squad below to request to go to war, and said: "Wait a little longer, according to calculations, they We are about to walk for fifteen hours. Without taking drugs, if we walk for more than ten hours in a row, we will rest. Once we relax, we will be extremely relaxed."

Mr. Wei had served in the federal army, and during his days as a top soldier, he knew the urinary behavior of the federal infantry.

Sure enough, three hours later, the army began to establish a defense line to rest. However, at this time, Guantianshe's general attack began.

The toy from the mine owner, that is, the bi-wing drone, hovered in the sky, started to communicate with the ground, and then exchanged fire with the Star Sea Federation machine gunners who hurriedly entered the battle.

When Wei Keng, the middle man, takes action, well, there is no single unique move, but all the moves are used to press forward quickly.

Electromagnetic interference appeared on the screen of the core command armor of the federal army. During this two-kilometer ambush battle, every federal infantry communication system turned into a rustling sound. Only the person in charge of the security army was left. The "space-time quantum communicator" on the car is also useful and can report to the rear the "bad situation" that they are being ambushed.

At this time, the federal force has entered the countdown to destruction, and all resistance is unorganized.

Dozens of hours of continuous maneuvering have long since failed again and again. The exhausted soldiers fired their Gauss rifles randomly, and blue lights buzzed towards the sky. They wore helmets and could not hear them. Any command is shouted.

Wei Keng was speechless about this from the perspective of a highland scout: "Tsk, tsk, the federal infantry are so brave, they don't even take cover when they are attacked."

With emotion, Wei Keng asked the truck that had arrived at the front line to take off its camouflage of vegetation and reveal the "Laiyang Steel Pipe" group.

With a squeaking sound, the large and full rockets swept towards the federal Gauss infantry.

In this storm-like explosion disaster, such tragic scenes were naturally transmitted to the Hechuan Central Command Headquarters through wartime communications.

The local upper class in suits and ties cannot cover up this problem at night.

An hour and a half later, as the Star Sea Federation air force arrived here, no signs of survival of its own troops were found. After reporting to their superiors, after receiving an ambiguous "destroy" order from the top, the air force pilots found a hilltop. After a lot of bombing, he went back.

Just before the federal Osprey fighter jet dropped the bomb, Wei Keng had already led his troops to move along the tunnel.

A few hours later, Wei Keng received news from the inner circle intelligence group of the big city. In the business newspapers in Hechuan, there was very little information describing Baiyu Mountain (034 Mine), only indicating that the road was blocked.

After the public security department of Yucheng was slapped by gangsters, the local magistrate who was originally here lost the power to handle the matter.

These local governors in Hechuan City looked at the arrogant federal colonels in military uniforms and were very unwilling to hand over their "leadership" on this matter.

As a last resort, the younger brother of the Archon of the Sancha Chamber began to feel sorry for his own private mine and miss the wonderful feeling of the mine owner's wife.

...The resources of the Federation are huge, but in this incident, they were added in batches...

Federal local commander Li Luhe, who took over the matter on May 3, is now very satisfied. When he took over the matter, he immediately received many gifts from powerful forces. After he knew the gold content of the mine, he became even more enthusiastic.

After a small-scale discussion, the federal general decided to directly use the three Nightingale transport aircraft and a wave of Gale Scout air and space unmanned combat mechas to launch a surprise attack and land this wave of traitors.

On May 5, Commander Li Luhe, on the electronic platform, beat his chest and assured the city's upper-level leaders that they would extinguish this civil uprising like "warming wine and killing Hua Xiong."

Then, that night, when the Nightingale transport plane passed over the hilltop, red laser scanners locked on the Nightingales on the hilltop, and then the Stinger missiles hidden in the tunnels swiped towards them. He directly hit the transport plane five kilometers in the direction, and in a burst of flames, the transport plane fell.

There is no sound in public opinion, which shows that the upper levels have strong control capabilities, but it also shows that a lot of combat information is only known to the upper levels, and is not known to the middle and lower execution parties...

Weikeng's current base is already capable of producing some civilian laser weapons.

In this battle, Wei Keng mobilized three students with the ability of "time premonition"

These students from the command radar team stood in the mountains and hid, their own radars were not turned on. After seeing the red dots on the rear radar network, they began to prepare. When they were close enough, they suddenly turned on the radar, and then fired a shot that was about the level of technology thirty years ago. of old missiles.

When the nightingale in the distance fell behind in response, the students who had been busy in Weikeng for three months were relieved that the "big product" could be played for a while.

But the federal commander who was preparing to land in an Osprey fighter jet was confused and raised it to an altitude of 10,000 meters, avoiding the lock of the ground laser guidance.

But in this trance, all his brothers' elite troops were wiped out in one fell swoop.

Although in the space jump backup, people can be jumped out of the life-sustaining warehouse again, the resources and jump time required for this cannot be collected in half a year. This was a big defeat for the Federation in Hechuan City.

...At this time, Wei Keng once again went to interrogate the mining boss. At this time, he chopped off ten of his fingers, and then made him cry for ransom...

In the newly built cave base in the mountainous area, Wei Keng reported the reasons for his decision to the first backbone of Tianshe who attended the staff meeting.

Although the final vote will pass, there must be a procedural process.

Wei Keng: Negotiations are necessary, but we have less than 4,000 people in this base area. The opponent's county is responsible for hundreds of thousands of residents, and the situation of the enemy being strong and we being weak has not changed, but we need to be prepared for the discussion. First of all, they cannot look down on us. Here we have to take advantage of the way they look down on us to gain an advantageous situation.

Wei Keng patted the table: "So, be prepared for the worst. Now we need to move all the facilities in the mine to our hidden mountainous mining site. All vehicles and large equipment must be transferred there during this time. , and we cannot give this mine to them easily. Be prepared to fight another war."

At this time, someone asked: "What if the enemy sends more advanced forces, such as the shaped energy tanks and blade mechas you mentioned?"

Wei Keng glanced at the "worried" team member and nodded approvingly: "If we really want to get to that point, we have to lie dormant and wait for the international situation to change. There are great conflicts in this world, and a war will break out sooner or later.

Wei Keng actually doesn't know whether he will be the last straw to overwhelm the Federation...

At this time, the Federation was at war in the southeastern peninsula, and its expenditures were extremely huge. However, the tax revenue on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River had not increased, and it had long been looking for an excuse to rectify it.

In the bureaucracy, who can say for sure whether something is big or small? A few people in suits and ties in the office pointed at the electronic map, and the entire material system began to be implemented in a focused manner. As for other local idiot issues, civil servants were able to temporarily get rid of them.

On May 13, 2600, the newly established "Xinhuo Army" from Guantian Society fought the last battle at Mine No. 034 before the federal regular army arrived.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, when the night fog filled the air, Wei Keng's combat team, wearing the captured equipment, arrived at the air force base in the core city of Chongqing.

Next, it was the same old operation. First, the jamming bomb caused the airport air security department to instantly lose its communication capabilities, and then, dozens of TV-guided rockets were aimed at it, killing a large number of aircraft formations. These corps were originally preparing for the third suppression. If they were really allowed to take the initiative to launch an attack, it would be difficult to deal with it.

The plane that was originally in good condition "had its health bar cleared immediately." The airport also came to a standstill amid the fire.

In just one month, facing the Federation's retaliation, Wei Keng also continued to reciprocate.

Until~~Small scene: During the card game of Landlords, Wei Keng watched the opponent throw out Wang Zha, and said helplessly: I can’t afford it.

On June 25, forty fighter planes and large transport ships arrived. At the same time, more than 300 combat vehicles jumped at the local jump center. The federal bosses in the Asian theater really paid attention to this this time. A small rebellion, but of course their attention could not last.

Master Wei sensed the jump wave, took a deep breath, and said to the team members who were preparing to ambush on the hilltop, "All mortars and mines are set to automatic counterattack, we are ready to moisten."

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