Out of the cage

Chapter 1336 Chapter 2710 Total War in China

In September 2605, Qian Ruimu returned to her family. At this time, she had just been released from military confinement.

Within the Federation, many people confirmed that she had nothing to do with the "Omnic Rebellion" incident.

This kind of "exoneration" was achieved by her family using various financial resources and connections. As for why the family wants to keep her, naturally the big shots in the family have spoken.

In the family hall, Qian Ruimu is waiting.

Suddenly the wall behind her opened, and women with ridiculously perfect figures, but whose bodies looked like a combination of machines, came out and led her into the basement.

This is the Xuan-3 type robot. This robot is obviously not of this world.

Qian Ruimu entered the underground hall, and suddenly felt a pain in her forehead, and then she knelt down on the ground. She was so weak that she watched a mechanical arm pop out, insert a needle into her neck and inject liquid.

The nano liquid immediately took control of her whole body.

After the owner here perfected these "safety measures", the real owner appeared in the culture fluid.

This person is "Qian Shengzhao". Strictly speaking, it is Qian Shengzhao who was once controlled by the main world system, but is now released back to this timeline. In this plot world, because Qian Ruimu messed up in the mission, the Haotu System once again activated Qian Shengzhao's system in order to strengthen its control.

Therefore, Qian Shengzhao was suddenly summoned by the system again after retiring in this plane for hundreds of years.

Since Wei Keng has locked all of Qian Shengzhao's will, Haotu will not use Qian Shengzhao as a chess piece to fight against Wei Keng, but the system will use him as a tool to put pressure on its own time travellers. .

In this mission, Qian Ruimu did very poorly in various strategies, so when the main world judged the two conflicting time travelers, it set a punishment for Qian Ruimu after a comprehensive evaluation.

...He Chongyun: You have to tell these young people that they are in a plane war, not playing house...

At this time in the secret room hall, Qian Shengzhao said his line: "Before this world had established a colony on the moon, I had already come here. Well, the place I came from was another world. Strictly speaking, it’s another time and space.”

Qian Ruimu's hair was lifted and the operation was in progress. As the laser shock waves flashed on her back, she felt as if her whole body was being penetrated by fiery energy. Then her forehead was cut open by a glass light knife, and her perspective became hazy, as if she had transformed into two worlds.

However, just when Qian Ruimu's consciousness was blurred, she could still hear Qian Shengzhao describing her origins.

Finally, Qian Ruimu fell into a deep sleep.

Qian Shengzhao sighed outside the petri dish and said to himself: "As we get older, we talk more." At this time, as the mechanical warehouse split into two behind him, two figures were unconscious on the operating platform. On the metal nameplates are "Mumu" and "Ruirui" respectively.

He looked at the watch in his hand. This was his old system.

...Who said that only time travelers play with NPCs in the plane, Si Chen, everything can happen in the plane war...

In January 2606, the Star Sea Federation undoubtedly began to change its strategy in East Asia from resisting foreign forces to internal security.

After the General Military Department of the Star Sea Federation determined that the rebels in the mountains had mastered the "artificial intelligence base system" and refused to hand it over, they started to take action. In various central cities, those liberals also criticized the violence and terror of Xinhuo.

In fact, there is only one reason: "Helping young people escape debts will increase the risk of private investment in the eastern part of the Federation", which makes a large number of self-proclaimed middle-class families in the Star Sea Federation have an extremely bad impression of Tianshe.

In the current public opinion of the Star Sea Federation, the reputation of young people who have escaped from loan is the same as that of the naughty kid in the 21st century. That is, "if you make a mistake, you should pay the price" until death.

No one would blame the small fish that was hit on the shore by the waves, only the fish itself could blame it for being careless.

[Small theater, just after the Star Sea Federation decided to launch the Guantian Society, in the Bobin area, a rocket signed by the Qian family carried a manned capsule into space. And there is a word "Rui" on this space capsule, which is also a fish photographed by the waves]

On January 13, in Nandu City, with the roar of machinery in the square, the 50-meter square ground used to be a huge metal gate, and now it is separated from both sides just like the fire knife that controls the burning of solid alcohol on a hot pot heater in a small restaurant. , on the subway-style transmission track below, an eighty-meter-level aircraft slowly rose up, and then, under the anti-gravity shielding system, it sprayed blue light into the high sky, and at the same time formed an aerial formation with fifteen other Glory battleships.

This scene was filmed by the Guantian Society's underground organization in the city and quickly distributed to the base area.

In the existing information, the Glory battleship carries a laser cannon to bombard the ground, which is similar to a gunship, but this is actually an air superiority weapon. It can be seen from its water drop-shaped cockpit that it is an air superiority combat unit.

It is reported in the data that the missiles attached to it can carry out devastating strikes on air forces approaching it.

Faced with such an armed attack, Wei Keng, who was doing body-fixing techniques on the metal ring within the Xinhuo Corps, after completing today's exercise, said to the comrades who participated in the projection meeting: "The other side is ready to fight us seriously. Next is A tough total war.”

The latest deciphered intelligent machine base, under the analysis of the operators, the base production line has begun to produce those "intelligent machine" weapons.

These omnics can already be produced, but now the Xinhuo Legion is focusing on the safety of the omnics, that is, the Tianxins determine all the program processes of the omnics! This kind of control can adjust the "time" of various programs of the intelligent machine.

Even if an omnic becomes rebellious, as long as the cycle of its "rebel program" is infinitely adjusted to the atomic half-life of once in tens of thousands of years, its rebellion will be meaningless. In fact, let alone the omnic's rebellion now, even the various programs of the omnic "Priority" all depends on human needs for "cycle speed".

From 01 to 34, the person in charge of the regional block reported intelligence and regional traffic issues in order to ensure that the logistics were correct. Everyone's tone was much calmer than when dealing with the enemy a year ago. This year, many plans for all-out war have been made. The mines and transportation lines that were previously prohibited from being destroyed or occupied due to development constraints are all included in the plan.

For Tianxin people, there is no need to be afraid of things that have been anticipated and prepared for...

At this time, in the base area, after more than a year of exploration, the Xinhuo side has mastered the various military systems of the "Avengers" camp. These military units were built by the "Star Sea Federation" to fight against the Empire's heavy armored regiments. Now All fell into the hands of Guantian Society.

The most important of these technologies is: a three-thousand-ton collective jump, which can transport a reinforced regiment-level force.

At present, groups of black omni-machine combat soldiers are folded and packed in containers, and are projected along with the human commanders of Tianxin. Due to the urgency of the matter, what is currently being produced is only a piece of technology.

Black Death Omnic Warrior 1: Blade Warrior, this humanoid combat robot whose lower legs rely on the elasticity of the toes to move forward (similar to a bird) can charge at a speed of 200 kilometers. Wield the Ion Blade to slash through infantry and destroy weak spots on armored units.

According to research: when an individual soldier charges at a speed of one hundred meters per second, he cannot maintain shooting accuracy. Forcibly improving shooting accuracy is very costly. So it is better to go up and chop with the ion blade. The magnetic pulse module loaded in the particle blade can paralyze the vehicle.

Omnic Warrior 2: Praetorian Guard: Feminized mechanical infantry who can project ion spears.

These two humanoid weapons are the technology of the Star Sea Federation, and within the Star Sea Federation, the "elite force" in the hands of the highest commander will only authorize the frontline school-level commanders during periods of intense fighting.

Under the command system of the Xinhuo Army, each group of mechanical soldiers must be paired with human non-commissioned officers. The commanders of Xinhuo's artificial intelligence must pass strict assessments. These assessments include the prerequisite of the "Tianxin Test".

This year, only 4,580 people in Guantian Society participated in the "Tianxin Assessment", and the passing rate was only one-tenth, yes, only 433 people. Only 93 of these 433 people entered military positions.

The number of sergeants in the Xinhuo Army seems to be very small, but five "Heavenly Hearts" can complete the command of an omnic regiment in a fierce battle.

From this, it can be seen that Guantian Society currently uses omni-techniques extensively, but it controls the "intelligent weapons" within the scope of professionalism and does not teach them lightly for business or private use.

In the future storm plane, if in-depth study of silicon-based chips can be born from "self-awareness", it will be that during the space jump process, the silicon core can show the life characteristics of carbon-based cell replication and proliferation in the fluctuations of time and space.

During this process of time and space fluctuations, the boundaries between human beings' carbon-based and silicon-based bodies have become blurred on the physical level. The concepts of life and death. Many intelligent machine researchers believe that the moment most humans die, their consciousness leaves the carbon-based body. Perhaps a similar physical structure will be found to upload.

Scientists from Guantian Society who study the properties of time-space transition material phases: When humans die unnaturally on a large scale, there should be a connection with the awakening of artificial intelligence.

Perhaps it can be said that the awakened omnic is a kind of undead!

…“Live” “Live positively”…

In 2605, Jingzhou Old District graduated more than a thousand such talents in the past five years. Of course, most of them were involved in industrial construction, and only 150 people entered the army.

There are five sergeants in a group, and one group can control 600 such humanoid mechanical infantry.

At the same time, it is also matched with thirty various unmanned vehicles.

Scorpion mine-laying vehicle: Highly mobile, its main weapon is flamethrower, and it can lay thirty groups of powerful mines.

Shahu: A small robot with a height of 1.5 meters. It moves forward by relying on a suspended force field and stands upright like a T-shape. Hanging are two small-caliber ion combustion guns.

The Raider combat vehicle is equipped with a high-pressure ion jet cannon and is an anti-armor and anti-infantry vehicle. It also relies on anti-gravity, but its overall mass is 20 tons, five times that of the Cheetah assault vehicle, and it also carries enough nano-repair Liquid, although it can't defeat the Empire's armor destroyers head-on, it is low and fast. After the raid, retreat and activate the "space-time repair system" to allow the nanorobots to recast the damaged shell.

Wei Keng commented: “Since these vehicles do not have cockpits at all, their performance is much higher than that of manned vehicles. Therefore, the technical standards required for jumps are mostly second-level jumps (two bases) and the price Very expensive.”

As for the air force, the air force at Avengers Base is also very eccentric, leaving no cockpits behind. It has top-notch air speed and is also top-notch in its approach.

Hawkeye: A 400-kilogram Beetle-shell aircraft used as a scout to detect various stealth targets.

Swift Wind Scout: Similar to the unmanned version of the Tengu from the Empire of the Rising Sun in the Chinese plane, it is an acute-angled aircraft in the sky. After landing, it turns into a combat robot that is slightly one-third taller than the Marines. Of course, it has a laser cannon. It has a short range in the air, low power and insufficient firepower, and is easily covered in dust on the ground. It is a "dilemma" unit for show.

Death Fighter: A large air superiority fighter, forty meters long. This is a fighter designed around a particle cannon in the middle. Two sets of red engines and two sets of changeable wings form a diamond shape. It is first-rate against the air. As for the ground attack, since the cannon is the axis of the body, it cannot directly rotate to shoot downwards. When diving, the attitude is difficult to control and it cannot hit the ground. It is basically impossible to hit the ground. When the particle cannon hits the ground, it creates a half-meter crater and has no shock wave effect.

Wei Keng: This gift package from heaven is not only a relief food but also a technological lock...

In order to understand this set of technology, the Xinhuo Legion has already trapped all the industrial R\u0026D personnel in the base area. In 2604, Xinhuo Army's scientific research team was studying the technology brought by artificial intelligence.

Just like in the 21st century of the main world: with the introduction of the 59th and 9th-class Soviet tanks, they were used until the 1980s and 1990s, but they could not all be phased out and retired. Everything is magically modified on this shell.

If Guantianshe cannot win this war and allow the revolutionary team to further expand and absorb more people, the revolutionary team will not be able to get rid of the shackles of the military and economic basic industrial materials, design, and technology.

For example, currently, Xinhuo's highest-ranking Ministry of Science and Technology is currently researching "data lines" that can be introduced into human spinal nerves, allowing brain consciousness to be directly connected to the intelligent machine system.

The science and technology department of Guantianshe now proposes to focus on the development of "brain-computer chip" solutions.

But Wei Keng understands that the end of this road is interactive integration, the fusion of human and mechanical systems, and the machines will also maintain carbon-based tissues to maintain more and more emotions. The best ending is almost the fusion of both parties.

In Guantian Society, Wei Keng is opposed to this path. You know, Wei Keng insists on the human base in the next territory!

But it is better to lead the trend than to block it.

During the discussion of the third military meeting, Wei Keng stopped in the room and faced the comrades in the projection.

These were all students of Wei Keng four or five years ago. Wei Keng taught them mathematics, physics and chemistry through spiritual language, allowing them to see a wider world. Wei Keng felt that now it was time to emphasize the goal again.

Wei Keng: "Fighting must be fought. Today's situation begins with the old ruling model. Just like in the 19th century AD, Eastern history should have driven away the emperor, not ushered in a new emperor of the same race to the throne."

We are going to usher in a new era. This new era is not about letting the masters reward us with better things (better technology than the Avengers Base), but about us being the main ones (let us, the new masters of the era, create come up with something better). "

Wei Keng's memory synchronously recalled the first time he taught Bu Tianxin in the countryside four years ago. Now in the brightly lit underground base, it seems that the two scenes are connected in time and space...

Old scene: When Wei Keng first met these children, he transported them to him via a zipline. At that time, the manufacturing machine had not had time to print out the jet skateboard. He relied on the zipline between the mountains to connect them. In the earthen house, everyone gathered together. Unity, tension, seriousness and liveliness, Wei Keng wrote these four words on the blackboard.

New scene: Wei Keng still typed these four words to many Tianxin people in the projection.

In the old and new scenes, Wei Keng said at the same time: "What unity is, it is to work towards a common goal of victory and to use your energy as much as possible in the team involved in this matter."

Old scene: Wei Keng from the earthen house gently guides thinking: "(Unity) is not about defining groups for labels and deliberately forming aggregations. Please remember that everyone is born different. You may have certain label characteristics in the eyes of others. That is Others categorize you for the sake of memory, but you are you. There is no need to grow according to labels."

New scene: Wei Keng faced the comrades in the projection and said in a strong voice: "Our unity is the determination to accomplish something! It is not allegiance under a label. The label set by the federation now is that of an upstart who picked up artificial intelligence, but We just have to adjust our own route!”

Wei Keng pointed his finger at Bashu: "This is the largest industrial base in the Federation, with 60 million people gathered. Liberate this place and open up the war pattern! Let the conservative factions in the Federation understand that fire is not a small group, but can start a prairie fire." force."

Wei Keng from the old and new scenes simultaneously tapped on the "blackboard" (projection screen): "Nervous, why do we need to be nervous? Why be serious? When we decide to participate in something, we must pay attention to efficiency, instead of looking at whether there are any in the grass while we are already walking on the road. As idle as a berry.”

In the old scene: Wei Keng, who was sitting on a wooden bench with his legs crossed, was educating the child who went swimming in the river privately and was still talking back when he was dragged up: "If some high-ranking people keep teaching you to pay attention to the minutiae, but Not caring about the fundamentals of your survival, study, and development is not serious, that is harsh! But now, when it comes to the issue of "you go into the river unsupervised," we should be serious."

New scene: In the second stage of the meeting, Wei Keng held the projection model of the Avengers Base: "Every "serious" concept set by the organization must be related to the fundamental interests of the majority of people, rather than for the "voice" of the few. "The big beneficiary" will create a grand narrative about something and force it on most other people.

I understand that you want to master more "artificial intelligence technology" and be prepared to devote all your efforts to it! You are serious, but! Please look at the perspective of new comrades joining our organization now and those who may join in the future. Do they have to follow the path you are working hard for? If you haven't left them a broad and rich road, then why should they be serious in this regard? "(The route of human-machine integration is too easy to produce. Those who transform first will have a large number of backdoor permissions, suppressing the shortcomings of those who transform later.)

In the old and new scenes, Wei Keng wears a Chinese tunic suit (information uniform) and puts his hands on his hips and says: "Lively, who will judge lively?"

Old scene: On the edge of the mountainous area, Wei Keng pointed to the brightly lit city in the distance and explained to the envious children beside him: "The building over there is a venue set up by others. They laugh, and you have to pay for your laughter in the past. Then they The banquet is joyful, and you run over to give gifts. When you satisfy them, they will smile and stroke your dog's head and say: "You are a very lively person!" And that's not snappy. "

In the new scene, Wei Keng hammered hard on the eastern strategic map: "Liveliness is defined by oneself. In this rolling trend, perhaps no one is irreplaceable. However, everyone has the opportunity to take the lead in showing their own potential." effect!"

Wei Keng said with a smile: "The enemies want us dead, but we can't just be lifeless and lively to compete with them. At the same time, we must also remember that we also want to make the people who come after us lively!"

…Wei Keng: What I yearned for in the pastoral era has never changed. …

At the meeting, Wei Keng opened the map of Asia. Xinhuo is currently on the first and second tiers of China, while the Star Sea Federation now only occupies the third tier along the coast.

Wei Keng: In this war, they (Xinghai Federation) will attack across the board in the short term. We will retract in the middle (Dabie Mountains) (time changes space) and raise our heads in the north (Taihang Mountains)! (Leaving the Great Wall and making a roundabout way into Song and Liao), it drifted in the southwest (entering Shu and Yunnan).

After Wei Keng's introduction, the commanders of each column discussed with each other possible accidents in the combat mission handover area.

…Thousands of miles away, fifteen hours later…

In the picturesque military building at the mouth of the Huangpu River, the Star Sea Federation military AI is conducting the same strategic deduction.

ai: In a full-scale attack, our central part is close to strategic nodes such as Qiafei, Qingqing, and Jiujiang. The rebels are locked in supplies (Bara Bala). After each speech, the Star Sea Federation participating in the meeting The school officials collectively wore white gloves and applauded.

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