Out of the cage

Chapter 1338 Chapter 2711 (Part 2) For the Red Sunrise in the East

The Guantian Society showed its advantage in the first wave of "anti-encirclement and suppression" campaigns by the Star Sea Federation.

The Chinese began to comment with confidence (with the benefit of hindsight): "In the land of eastern Asia, there are many factors related to the outcome of the war, but the decisive factor is often regional economic conflicts."

In the history of wars in the East for thousands of years, a force that only dominates the world often relies on the rise of a region to radiate its authority to the world, and the decline of that region often leads to the collapse of imperial power. Wei, Jin, Tang, In the Song Dynasty, Taizu was first granted a title to form a regional clan group, and then conquered the world.

This phenomenon shows that all politics in the East cannot avoid "local groups".

In the early days of the dynasty, conflicts in different places always existed. When the dynasty begins to decline, fierce fighting in various places will turn from dark to bright.

Wei Keng: "I'm familiar with this, speed up the process!"

As a result, the Xinhuo Legion adjusted its strategic focus. Although the eastern front area had the upper hand, it advanced very slowly and did not seize the big city of Nandu as quickly as the Taiyi Heavenly Kingdom.

Wei Keng: The situation faced by the Guantian Society at this time is the same as that of the Taiping Rebellion. First of all, Yadong is not a single eastern world. Now the Star Sea Federation is a global government, which can mobilize a large amount of repressive power from around the world.

If the war is limited to the Huaihe River Basin, then for the Xinghai Federation, the war will only be a problem for the Asian consortium. But once the Xinhuo Legion captures the big city of Nandu, it will threaten the international center of Luhai. It will face what it faced in the later period of the "Tai Sheng Heavenly Kingdom". It will also face the joint strangulation by the Huai army forces supported by the Qing court in the north and the first-generation comprador forces in the east.

After the Taizheng Heavenly Kingdom established its capital in Tianjing, Jing and Xiang were not stable in the rear, so they were at a disadvantage in fighting on all sides. As the Northern Expedition did not succeed quickly, it fell into a strategic deadlock.

Furthermore, large cities have accumulated a lot of ills, and governance consumes cadres. If they are not managed, the ranks will be quickly corrupted. For example, the "public treasury" in the late Kingdom of Heaven is corrupted. Compared with the current occupation, which can obtain a large amount of scientific and technological resources, for Guantian The loss of the community is greater. It would be better to establish a base in the west first.

The strategy Wei Keng formulated for Guantian Society is to maintain strategic pressure on the eastern front, forcing the Yadong Xinghai Federation to gather heavy troops for defense here, so as to achieve the highest strategic cost-effectiveness for the Xinhuo Army! That is, using one piece to anchor the two opposite pieces on the chess board. This will lay an advantage for the expansion of vast strategic depth in the north and west!

The Yadong core economic city of the Xinghai Alliance is in Baihai City, where all the federal high-level personal capital gathers.

Please note that it is "capital" not "wealth". Wealth is real materials that can be used, and capital is the cost of exchanging these.

For example: a woman's beauty is capital, and a man's family background is capital. But a person's knowledge and ability are wealth. ——Compared to the "capital" inherited by birth, "wealth" requires a lot of time and energy to manage.

The real wealth in Asia is "mines", "factories", "transportation" and "supply chain systems", but in the end, in terms of commercial and private distribution, the majority of capital weight is in the southeastern coastal cities that control ports.

The upper-level decision-makers of the Star Sea Alliance often choose to give priority to preserving the "capital" of their own interest groups.

As for "wealth", capital believes that it can be managed by others. As long as it monopolizes the wealth exchange channels, it will always be the winner.

Once someone else tries to open up new channels, they are an enemy of capital.

…Familiarize yourself with the dividing line of “Ziluo Lun”…

When Wei Keng set up his strategy, he first controlled the "industrial and agricultural wealth" in the interior. As for the capital system that values ​​wealth?

Diao Min: The future situation of this world is generally one of conflict, and the global economy and politics must be regionalized. After I have managed all the "wealth" chains, I will start a different currency settlement system and decouple myself from the broken ship of the Star Sea Federation.

Now the Guantian Society has given the Star Sea Alliance a proposition: that is, should we protect our hometown in the east, or should we truly fight against the rebellion quickly "regardless of risks"?

For the upper echelons of the federation, the "risks" of their financial big cities have caused the price of their villas in big cities to drop to zero, and the risk of bonds and stocks completely going crazy because of the risk of a falling cannonball!

Wei Keng had found Shang private's hesitation quite amusing as early as when he was in the Chinese plane: Will you save your family or not?

…In May 2007, when the Battle of Anhui District held back hundreds of thousands of troops of the Xinghai Federation, the main force of the Northern Front began to open up the Shanxi and Hebei theaters…

Blade robots, guard robots, and low raider chariots, the entire black omnic army entered the Jinzhong Basin.

With the intelligence support of the local military engineering team, the Xinhuo Legion defeated the special agent team and won the important pass from Shanxi to Hebei without any blood. ——Oh, the military workers here are on par with federal agents in terms of training and equipment systems. Able to obtain various mechanical equipment through small jumps for infiltration operations.

Among these levels, there is a well-known one called "Niangzi Pass".

Of course, looking back on history, this is the "Shangdang" in the Battle of Changping, and this is the "silver edge" that determines the country in the north.

The 50,000 artificial intelligence individuals of Xinhuo's Northern Field Group formed a total of 27 light armored brigades and 18 squadrons of air superiority fighter formations. Like clouds and flowing water, they launched a penetrating attack here and surrounded the largest military force in the federation. group.

The military chief of the Datong region of the Star Sea Federation did not even realize who was responsible for the attack. During the information suppression, communications with various troops were lost.

Therefore, in North China, there is no tug-of-war and no exchange of firepower.

Like a heavy sword, it hit the paper window and shattered an egg behind the paper window.

A large number of federal troops had not even been dispatched to assemble. Halfway through, battalions were blocked one by one. They were forced to "surrender" by laser cannons. - Wei Keng: Yes, anyone who did not fire on us meant they surrendered. , you have to report it with great fanfare, um, and then send it to the Star Sea Federation.

Batteries of Osprey fighter jets are still in the hangar.

Before the three Glory battleships took off, they discovered that the blade robots were stepping on these large battleships like flies on fruit.

When generals are too "quick" in strategy and tactics, the quality of soldiers is not even noticed.

But the quality of soldiers is the internal strength of the army, and the tactics of generals are just the skills of war.

A surprise attack can only occur if an army has "executed orders and prohibitions", is "well-organized" and has "well-planned staff".

Only third-rate swordsmen can use swords to each other, while first-rate swordsmen make it impossible for their opponents to draw their swords at all.

For the Star Sea Federation Group in eastern Asia, this sudden large-scale attack on the northern front is too scary, and a large number of Bobin families have begun to have to move to the sea.

These old aristocrats, who are all masters, are afraid that they will be the next to attack.

Among the people who "turn like the wind" is "Qian Shengzhao", an old immortal who has been lying in a life-support cabin for hundreds of years and still lingering.

In this wave, Wei Keng strategically grasped the "key point" (the eastern capital gathering area), and then directly controlled the "Great Dragon Vein" (Taihang Mountains), so skillfully that the new traversers felt suffocated.

...The dividing line that the novices here in Haotu are messing with...

On the evacuated battleship, Qian Ruirui, who was among the officers, saw the situation suddenly collapse, with a face full of confusion. Originally, everything in the Star Sea Federation in eastern Asia was very stable, and she even felt a little free to start some overt and covert fights with Li Mengtong. But suddenly, things fell apart on her side.

Small details: Qian Ruirui has sweat on only half of his cheeks.

If an old time traveler like Qin Xiaohan were here, he would teach her the same lesson as his daughter: "How do you still want to take the easy way against such an old time traveler? He (Tukang) seems to be taking the easy way, but pay attention The power has not been transferred, but you are good, you think you are smart, and you think you can divert your attention to other things if you are still idle!"

Qian Ruirui doesn't know now that her Haotu system has also been breached recently! Well, in the first sequence, many time and space lords (from the Chinese plane) under He Chongyun began to awaken and rebelled openly or covertly.

This is why Wei Keng can often get information about the Haotu system during a period of time during the mission.

Currently in the future storm plane, after confirming that the two time travelers sent by Haotu are fighting among themselves.

Mr. Wei marveled: "When you came to this world, you were assimilated by the contradictions of this world. Didn't you two come in vain? You are worthy of placing your affection on things, and your heart moves with them. You are like duckweed, floating in the world of mortals. Sprinkle.”

Cultivation of life and death does not mean indulging in nature. Nature is used to focus on destiny.

On August 19, the order of the Star Sea Federation collapsed in both the north and the south.

Under the pressure of the system, Qian Ruirui began to use what she was best at. She came to the confinement room in a military base and found a young man who was arrested by her. This young man was a "breakaway" from the empire. ", but after entering the Federation, he was imprisoned for fighting.

Qian Ruirui sat calmly in front of the soldier named Tienuo and negotiated a deal with him.

The main race of the Condor Empire is red Indians, with black hair, high cheekbones, and strong muscles. These days, they have been very disappointed with the self-proclaimed Star Sea Federation, but after listening to Qian Ruirui’s talk about "omnics" After telling the story of "fate", he still accepted the employment

…New generation time travelers often form path dependence, which is to use the protagonist in the original plot. In the eyes of Wei Axis: What is plot? …

On the front on the north bank of the Huaihe River, a small-scale battle broke out.

The Federation's three armored groups of fifteen core mechas and eight brigades of machine gunners, totaling 250 people, were intercepted by the Xinhuo Group's mechanical corps.

The Federation's "armored core" is similar to the Soviet Union's spherical tank layout, but it has an advanced suspension chassis, a magnetic mechanical arm, and 15mm grenade firepower. This is a weapon for anti-infantry (suppressing popular uprisings on alien planets). Now head on the ambush of the firewood.

More than thirty blade warriors were temporarily sprayed in earthy yellow camouflage and lurked near the road. They suddenly jumped out of the federal army and launched a sneak attack almost semi-invisibly.

Then another group of blades circled to the flank five hundred meters away and charged quickly at a speed of seventy meters per second.

This tactic replaced the modern light cavalry assault on the infantry line.

The ambush commander of the Eastern Front Campaign of the Xinhuo Army was equipped with a particle shock blade enhancement module. The original blade increased from half a meter to 0.7 meters, and the attack power was enhanced.

Xinhuo's ambush team used wave charge tactics to minimize the damage caused by the Star Sea Federation's firepower. The blades rushed forward to kill the first wave, interfering with the long-range firepower output of the Federation's mechanized corps. Allow the Fire Legion Raider Chariot to get close for output.

In the ambush circle, Spike, the commander of the Star Sea Federation, was on the intercom, controlling the machine gunners under his command to disperse. - As the Star Sea Federation generally became accustomed to physical surveillance, Spike cherished his brothers, but now They met Xinhuo, a new force that valued the combat power of light infantry more.

The federal machine gunners tried to block the attack while running with their machine guns in hand, but tanks from the Fire Scorpions appeared on both sides. These flamethrowers ejected a stream of blue heat across both sides. Although the ion flame was only fifty meters away, it surrounded the Star Sea Federation infantry and forced them to gather in the encirclement.

One after another, the fire dragons enveloped those who had fled farther away from the Star Sea Federation team. Three hundred meters away, blue heavy oil flames soared like fire dragons, and there was a sudden scream.

The federal soldiers outside these protruding encirclements faced an ambush and surprise attack from the outer layer. They were first in clusters, but in the end they were doused with thermite. They picked up the Gauss firearm and shot themselves. ——Being burned to death by fire is more painful than being killed by shelling.

Within the encirclement, the infantry and convoys were already separated in the long route. The federal "core armor" covered by the infantry, like exposed eggs, began to be cracked one by one.

"Didiu"'s deep laser cannon cuts the air and produces high-frequency sound, which travels back and forth on the battlefield.

The black car and the blue spherical machine sprayed each other. The 15mm anti-infantry firepower of a spherical vehicle like the "Core Armor" was obviously not powerful against the tank armor.

The 70mm electrochemical cannon of a ladder-shaped tank like the Raider can more effectively penetrate the 20cm thick composite armor of these mining mechas at a distance of 300 meters.

After fifteen minutes of fighting, Spike had to retreat to the high ground. This was due to his charisma, otherwise everyone would have been unwilling to fight and would have simply waited to die, preparing for the next jump and resurrection.

Spike faced the "Black Death" and began to try to talk.

When he proposed to communicate, the surrounding firepower suddenly stopped, which stunned the besieged federal troops. They were beaten so hard that they could not lift their heads, as if they had returned to spring from the cold of spring.

The tough guy protagonist looked at the negotiating robot and felt filled with emotion.

Spike is a key plot character sent by the Empire to implant the "Origin Virus" here in the Federation to awaken artificial intelligence.

In the plot, he once talked with the Black Death, but he didn't know what happened to the artificial intelligence force he encountered now after it encountered "Tianxin Suppression".

And now the blade robot, whose body was completely black and whose face was a faceted black photosensitive mask, stood in front of Spike.

As the protagonist of the plot, Spike still said it like a saint: "Artificial intelligence should not learn the destructive side of humans." (Five minutes of meaningless chatter)

In the rear orbital cabin base, Wei Keng, who controlled the mechanical avatar to talk to the protagonist, breathed out: "You are right, but war is equal, and you are not the one who set the question. I am not sitting in your examination room now. Candidates, we are all human beings. In this war, we don’t need to choose the questions you set!

Wei Keng complained: "Teachers in the examination room can set questions for students from a high position. Students are only qualified to answer the questions and have no possibility to question the questions. The big shots at the top always like to preset correct standards in their preaching, and then let ordinary people deal with various contradictions. In a conflict, you can resolutely give up the milk and bread and give the correct answer."

Wei Keng looked at Spike through the hexagonal interface: Your 'correct' point of view cannot change the fact that the Federation is squeezing us.

Now, I am beating you, and it is your turn to answer the questions. Put down your weapons within ten minutes, and I can let you evacuate.

…Under the threat of laser cannons, debate is fruitless. …

When Spike gave up and put down his weapon, put on a civilian power skeleton, and left the battlefield, Wei Keng curled his lips in disdain and cursed secretly: "If you have the ability, you will defend to the death. If you don't have the awareness of life and death, you are not worthy of being a questioner."

Spike did not give up his dialectical system and was unwilling to endorse it, which made Mr. Wei shake his head and sigh.

Every dialectical system in history is like a sieve with countless square openings. This opening will filter out the "sand" and keep the "grain".

However, the variability of "people" makes any screening system timely.

Because under the rules set by people, people will change according to conditions.

Therefore, when any force reaches its later stage, the dialectics of "good" and "bad" will not be consistent with reality. Too many people will take advantage of the loopholes and become the "millet" left by the screening system, and some people will be divided and crushed. , fell into a moral crisis, turned into sand, and was sifted out.

The group of young people from the Xinhuo Alliance who were evading loans had previously become the Star Sea Federation to filter out the "dishonest" sand.

At present, the urban population in the Federation that loves small animals (pets) has become a good grain who "loves animals and loves people."

Wei Keng has no intention of talking to these old elites. If they don't abandon the outdated dialectical system, they will always think that "Sabi Valley is expensive" is weird...

In September, the Battle of Zhangjiakou began. On the grassland area, the black armored flow bypassed the important fortresses in the south and directly entered the East Third District. This is the most important natural grain-producing area in eastern Asia.

When the gold powder on the shit was scratched, the familiar stench emerged, and the big shots in the big cities of the Star Sea Federation began to micro-manage the front line.

These big shots are even better at micromanaging areas they are not good at than Cruise, who was criticized by the protagonists in the original plot.

When travelers from the main world first come to this plane, they will comment on how incompetent the villain General Cruise is, but Wei Keng is very objective towards the NPC Cruise and does not follow suit and fight against him. star!

Because Wei Keng, as a middleman, knows: when you see a group’s appearance is very good, it means that other people at the top of that group are more good.

Wei Keng commented on the plot of Future Storm: No matter how good General Cruise is, he was born in a military bureaucracy, just like Wei Zhongxian. He is indeed bad, but he has controlled the cabinet for so many years and knows where the boundaries are.

After General Cruise was removed, the Star Sea Federation's Yadong military dispatch became a stage for incompetent people to perform abstract art.

… When an opponent puts an incompetent person in charge, it’s a rare opportunity to thrive. …

In 2609, the Xinhuo Army broke into the Xing'an Mountains and the Heihe River Basin. The Xinhuo Army had a total of 8,000 various staff members. Except for 135 Tianxin controllers, the others were base maintenance and logistics personnel. As well as the cadres who are preparing to contact local personnel. As for how many mechas are in combat?

Twenty-four underground bases are filled with rows and rows of intelligent weapons and weapons.

In fact, based on the calculation of one ton of steel per population during the war, the total number of troops invested by the Xinhuo Alliance in this direction was 100,000.

After these 100,000 people entered the north, they did not confront the main force of the Xinghai Federation in the Central Liaoning Peninsula. Instead, they began to build high walls and accumulate more food for preparations.

Wei Keng: You have to hold back on the map of the Arctic Circle. With high technology and superior strength, small planes go around and bomb the enemy's "power stations, super weapons, and minerals."

The Xinhuo Legion, which moved to Northeast Asia in 2608, took the initiative to attack on the plains while arranging machine production lines in tunnels in the mountains. I wish I could wrap people's daily travels in a steel shell.

In 2608, Xinhuo Group manufactured armaments in its own industrial system. It produces the "Tiefutu" medium tank, the "Tianjinu" guided missile anti-aircraft vehicle, and the "Falcon Eagle" fighter jet, which are more orthodox in anti-armor war ideas.

These equipment that are different from the "Black Death" omnics were unveiled. To be honest, they are roughly imitated after the empire's weapon specifications. The current performance is not comparable to the omnics "given for free" by the Star Sea Federation. The reason why we still need to build it! That's because of Guantianshe's philosophy: We fight for the future, and only by deciding the future with our own hands now can we truly control the future.

In the process of building a heavy industry chain within Guantianshe, "materials, design, and processing" are needed. It is precisely because of these meaningful goals that the factories, schools, and government organizations established from scratch began to truly grow in name, rather than metaphysically, just like those in backward countries carrying democratic parliaments.

The Xinhuo Alliance maintained its health, stability and strength during the war, but relatively speaking, the Star Sea Federation's endurance in Yadong has reached its bottom.

In the military headquarters at the beginning of 2609, Wei Keng thought very cautiously: "If the war continues for a period of time, the total force that the Star Sea Federation can mobilize may reach three million. But self-destruction is not far away!

This year, the highest organization of the Guantian Society ordered the Xinhuo Army to prepare to "stretch their chests"

That is, in the Grand Canal area, stand up to strategically attract the attention of the Star Sea Federation in Yadong, and gain the necessary time to get closer to the main strategies of the northern and southern lines.

Wei Keng said this to the commander of the central cluster: Even if you finish the battle and lose everything, as long as the comrades from the north and the south can stabilize their feet strategically, the sun will still rise in the east.

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