Out of the cage

Chapter 1343 Chapter 2714 Familiar with the formula and skilled in operation

Chapter 1343 Chapter 27.14 Familiar with the formula and skilled in operation

On October 26, 2612, during the Battle of the Grand Canal of the Star Sea Federation, Snake Tail's new force shrank to the east of Gaoyou Lake, giving Xinhuo Army Rui a good opportunity to fight.

After the five heavy armored divisions of the Xinghai Federation advanced and were annihilated, Suqian and Huai'an to the west of Gaoyou were completely empty of troops.

Fang Rui: The enemy's "big snake" is spread out on the Grand Canal, and its abdomen is wide open. It's time to cut out its organs.

In fact, this is not the first time that the Star Sea Federation has been attacked in the east and in the west. But this group of federal commanders made no progress every time.

In Sun Tzu's Art of War: Therefore, there are five dangers to a general: death can be killed, life can be captured, anger can be insulted, integrity can be humiliated, and love for the people can be annoying.

Fang Rui and other fire army cadres joked: The biggest problem for the generals of the Star Sea Federation now is that they "love the people but are troublesome". Of course, the "people" here are the "people's wealth" of the capital group. As long as these "people's interests" are slightly threatened, the federal army will be mobilized.

When the Federation's 24 huge divisions were divided in this way, they penetrated from the entire northern Anhui to northern Jiangsu.

The "Iron Buddha" tank group officially arrived at "Lianyun Port", known as the bridgehead of the Eurasian continent.

Narrator: Even though intelligence has determined that the Star Sea Federation Group in Gaoyou is an "old bear hibernating". The Xinhuo Legion is still very vigilant, using a large number of lightweight air forces, dispatching "Starfish" supersonic light drones and "Eagle Eye" flapping-wing intelligent reconnaissance machines to closely monitor Gaoyou Lake.

It is worth mentioning that in this battle of the Xinhuo Army, the Tianxins directly controlled these drones. In order to make better use of the rehearsal capabilities, they let the extremely valuable electronic warfare drones such as Hawkeye dive at low altitudes, regardless of losses. to explore. Begin to gain the ultimate understanding of enemy intelligence.

Wei Keng's rehearsal was 6,000 times per minute, lasting half an hour each time. In the plot of Future Storm, there is no one with consciousness who can compete with Keng Qun, not even a king-level consciousness from the main world. But in the current situation of great advantage, Wei Keng still maintains the greatest vigilance! (This is the neurosis that appears after being counterattacked by the holy spear!)

Wei Keng is the third level of traceability (primary level), which is the upper limit that this type of heavenly system plane can accommodate.

Of all the travelers sent from the Earth War Zone in the main world today, none of them have been able to cross Wei Keng on the axis of the plane so far. Haotu has not understood the "tracing of origin" system.

When most travelers enter the heavens, their consciousness is like a wisp of slender meteors. The longer the trace, the higher the will. But Wei Keng is a traceless star...

The perspective returned to the battlefield on the eastern front. In the middle section of the Grand Canal, the arrangement of the serpent formation of the Star Sea Federation, which was not strong in nature, was the first to break through on the south side of Xuzhou. After the railway was cut off here, the Star Sea Federation was on the third In the 100-kilometer war zone, the eight divisions lost the space to maneuver and maneuver and were split into two parts by the Xinhuo troops.

The Xinghai Federation Heavy Armor Corps lost its main road and was stagnated in the dense rice fields of the Jiangnan water network. Its design shortcomings for "global use" were fully exposed.

As the main firepower, the Prism Chariot and the Poseidon Chariot are too "sports car"-like weapons. The so-called "global universal use" is actually coerced by the lobbying interests of large car companies. What? Have a problem with the product? Public relations case: You use a kitchen knife the wrong way. This is not how you use it in Michelin-starred restaurants.

During the battle in Jiangnan, these beautiful high-tech firepower tanks were often stuck in fish ponds and ditches. During the battle at the encirclement station, they were unable to enter the center of the Star Sea Federation's mechanized sine in time. As a result, they were trapped in the iron floating map. In this way, the tracked light tank cannot take care of the surprise attack from the "Star Shield" heavy armor robot, and as a result, these precious firepower are eaten up first.

The Star Sea Federation's own commanders were also numb. We rallied again and again, lost again and again, and were defeated again and again, and we still don’t know where we went wrong. Commander Xinghai: Obviously we are a regular army, our weapons are advanced, and the quality of our personnel is better than that of the "Debtors" bandit army. If you want to be strong, why did you lose?

Yes, it is always weird to be defeated by a group that you have always "disdained".

In this region of East Asia, a land of outstanding people, the officers of the Star Sea Federation have suffered repeated defeats. It still adheres to the so-called "Freedom Values ​​of the Star Sea Federation".

Wei Keng sighed: "The people above are lying flat and dying, and the people below are also numb due to the continuous monetary stimulation of the war, and they don't think about the pain. But the storm is coming after all."

Wei Keng, who reviewed the entire battle, commented to the Supervisor Space: "This is too caste-like self-confidence. How come these heavenly areas created by Haotu are like this?"

In the dimension, Bai Linglu "mockered" Wei Keng's rarity and strangeness: "You have to admit that religious philosophy is global, and whether it is the East or the West, trying to maintain social stability without damaging the interests of the upper class, Tianzhuization is the only way. solution!"

Bai Linglu reminded Wei Keng that he couldn't help but recall the multi-dimensional information.

I have to say that in the time travel, Wei Keng is too old and has seen too many conspiracies and fools. But if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t want to believe that everyone could be reduced to this.

...Wei Keng: I really want to meet some promising new generations! …

The Battle of the Grand Canal has just ended, and the perspective has shifted to Northeast Asia, and the Battle of the Nenjiang Plain has begun...

On November 28, the Xinhuo Northern Front began a blitzkrieg. Within forty-two hours, the Iron Buddha Armored Corps completed an almost perfect penetration under the leading reconnaissance of the Gale Scouts.

The airborne blast scouts were like dropping dumplings, quickly folding and landing on the bridge, taking out the defending infantry. Then, without waiting for the support of the federal armored forces, the Spark Alliance armored vehicles had already rushed across the bridge and launched an assault battle formation.

Along the way, under the cover of the air force, the "black soil-painted" mechanical regiment of the Yadongbei Xinhuo Corps on the ground was unable to be stopped by enemy fighters.

After waiting for the torrent of steel to run over, all seven federal bases in the area were destroyed, and the Star Sea Federation's iconic cone mining station base in this area was blown up.

The two-hundred-meter high magnetic energy mining tower collapsed. The most important "50-meter-diameter" spherical accretion facility in the center rolled down during the explosion and shattered like a watermelon. The drone maintenance docks were also in flames. Turned into scrap metal.

This blitzkrieg was formulated by the General Staff of the Xinhuo Army, but the specific implementation process was controlled by Wei Keng. Wei Keng required that every marching location be physically visited and mapped.

Wei Keng: The entire campaign mission must be concentrated within a week, because the longer the time, the more variables there are. This complex blitz plan requires margin, so the specific mission only takes three days to execute.

Compared with the rigor of the Fire Army, federal commands at all levels were in chaos when faced with the armored groups coming from the Fire Fire.

In the Bohai Sea, the federal base camp, at the most critical moment of the Xinhuo Blitz, the miraculous micro-control command ordered the newly assembled Gauss machine gunners in the Twin Cities to be the main reserve force and forcibly break through Mudanhehe. This precious force that was supposed to be preserved as a second-line defense on Chaoban Island was delivered to the Xinhuo Legion like "feeding".

As a result, when this new unit arrived at the predetermined location, the bridge collapsed, and it lacked engineers and air support. It huddled on the spot and was on standby. It was surrounded by mines and mines from the Fire Federation, resulting in the entire army being annihilated.

Narrator: It later became clear that the capital of the local commander's family also needed to evacuate, and the original evacuation road was unsafe, so the federation's valuable reserve force in the area was sent to the front line of the island to protect the safety of another road.

When the Fire Legion heard this reason for fighting, they sarcastically said: It is indeed a fish-in-water situation. In order to protect "citizens' property, the federal army went through the mountains of swords and seas of fire."

Wei Keng sighed: When did the "citizen name" become usurped? Well, maybe it was when "economic talent was given priority" was strongly encouraged.

Faced with this kind of comprehensive information suppression on the ground and in the sky, General Kesaishin, who was in charge of the overall command of the Star Sea Federation in the port, failed in the micro-control and evacuated directly to the archipelago across the Whale Sea in his own Nighthawk fighter jet.

Of course, Keseshin, a civilian general, could not admit his failure. Instead, he hurriedly dumped the blame.

Half an hour after the war failed, her staff team summarized thirty-seven mistakes made by subordinate forward combat commanders. "Help" grassroots military commanders analyze their shortcomings in detail.

But in fact, in the war, the most orders she gave were to "stand up."

As a result, the lightly-armored mechas couldn't withstand it, and the heavily-armed Star Shield Guards couldn't withstand it either. As for the Marines, they randomly jumped onto the frontier battlefield, only to be discovered by the Xinhuo Army's reconnaissance force.

Although the artillery is out of reach in this situation, you can space-jump to deploy mines. Although it takes fifteen minutes to deploy the mines, it is exactly half an hour faster than the federal soldiers' direct space-jump. "So these infantrymen were sent back to the "Jump Backup Dimension Center" by induction mines as soon as they emerged from space.

Kesaixin is the biggest master of this kind of "random operation". She is currently in the new rear command headquarters of the Japanese archipelago, cursing at the personnel who failed on the front line and rebuking her subordinates as trash and useless things.

When the federal military sent a question. She couldn't come up with any plan, she just asked for more war supplies and jumped over more Star Shield mechas as quickly as possible.

Although the Star Sea Federation did not remove her, they no longer had any hope that she could deal with the Fire Rebels.

On December 1, Wei Keng eliminated all enemies in the Heihe River Basin. You can talk about "one family across the strait" directly from the Kurotaki River estuary and the islands on the opposite side...

Since then, in the entire Yadong region, except for the southern coastline area, all strategic pivots of the Star Sea Federation in the inland areas have become invalid.

The federation was forced to begin to shrink, starting with the Jiao and Liao peninsulas in the Bobin area. Once locked, the power of the two cities of Yan and Tianjin would be a turtle in the urn.

Of course, more importantly, Wei Keng knows that Xinhuo Group is not yet ready to take over the big cities in the east. After advancing the control area towards the Grand Canal area, we paid attention to the differences in people's values ​​due to the uneven development between the east and the west! ——That is, the thinking of city people and country people is different.

During his earliest travels to the "Shenzhou Plane" and "Pandora Plane", Wei Keng knew deeply that in order for the reform to succeed, he had to squeeze the "pus and blood" towards a breach and force it out, so that the swelling could be reduced and healed. .

Don't expect the pus and blood to stay, be reabsorbed by the muscles, and return to the blood vessels to become power.

After Guantian Society entered the big cities for the first time, various policies encountered resistance.

For example, the most basic "network control" of Guantianshe is to limit the time for each community citizen to surf the Internet on the "entertainment public network" between three hours and five hours. This is a shackles of "cyber control", allowing everyone to Individuals have enough time outside the forum so that Guan Tianshe’s grassroots cadres can mobilize in each neighborhood to carry out community work. The organization establishes a "people's management" force, that is, to control public facilities such as electricity, tap water, street lights, etc. in its own community, and to prevent large companies and other groups from overly controlling key social data.

This "network control" measure is generally implemented in the west, but residents in the eastern cities do not understand it. Groups of people are bumping into the Internet and complaining that "their voices are blocked."

From the perspective of these cities in the east, virtual freedom is real and they have no concept of real social obligations and rights. This is precisely the result of the major monopoly companies subtly creating through online propaganda, because the "water quality" of each community "Electricity", even "takeaway", "moped" and other services, these have long been part of the cyber control of large companies!

Due to the turbulent public sentiment in the east, Guantian Society had to open a "green channel" to allow most people in the occupied areas of the eastern cities to "run to freedom" and defect to the Star Sea Federation.

Wei Keng understood: These people who are rushing to the Star Sea Federation have a large amount of Star Sea Federation currency in their accounts. These currencies are in the millions.

You can buy fried chicken drumsticks for just a few bucks, which is a lot of money. These currencies can be used to synthesize super equipment in the virtual network. So in their opinion, why should they get closer to the Xinhuo Alliance, which has a monthly income of only 3,000 yuan?

Prices in Guantianshe include egg fried rice for three yuan and beef noodles for ten yuan. A bowl of Hong Kong-style noodles from Xinghai Federation in the southeast is about the same price. ——But in addition to buying street noodles, people in the Star Sea Federation also have a large number of other investment projects. Therefore, these free citizens of the Star Sea Federation have a large amount of currency value in the virtual network, and they are all millionaires.

Wei Keng: These people who are running towards "freedom" feel superior to others and look down upon others for this amount of money that "they can never spend for their own ideals".

The cake that the Star Sea Federation has painted for ordinary people over the past three hundred years cannot be broken at once.

Wei Keng chose to start the train and let these people go to the Star Sea Federation. Just think of it as a "goodbye". In the next ten years, Xinhuo will tell the world how an area with a salary of 3,000 yuan has a better future than an area with an income of 100,000 yuan!

Thinking back to the early 21st century in the main world, many "smart people" took a fancy to the "high income" from foreign countries across the ocean, and gave up the good public security in their hometowns, gave up equality, and gave up the fair development that the next generation can have...

Relatively speaking, it is much better for Guantianshe to expand in the inland area.

Since pre-war capital had no interest in investing there, a developed virtual network world had not yet been established. Except for the capital of Shu, it is surrounded by small cities.

Of course, there are many problems, such as banned drugs, gangs, and other ills. But none of this has yet penetrated economically into the mainstream.

Guantian Society quickly arrived here and took thunderous measures to eliminate these "social tumors" and gave the honest and reliable industry the soil to germinate.

In June 2612, the cities of Shu District and Hanzhong in the New Guantianshe began comprehensive industrial planning.

At this point, Mr. Wei stopped pretending and directly showed his cards, directly bringing out a series of science and technologies from the "Chinese Plane", including China's quantum computers, nuclear fusion furnaces, and nano-assembly technology.

In Kawachi, after conducting a personnel census, technical personnel were recruited to develop these technological industries.

Wei Keng's inner calculation: Within five years, the "Suzaku attack aircraft", "Yanhuang tanks" and "Lingbo infantry fighting vehicles" will all be unveiled. And there will be a systematic communication chain and tactical application.

The two time travelers Qian Mumu (Rui Rui) and Li Mengtong have not yet realized what is happening behind the Iron Curtain in the entire inner Asia!

But the system behind them started to get angry.

In fact, Wei Keng is just a summoner to travel through the base, and it is nothing to the "intelligent" territory traveler.

For example, Qian Ruimu has collected more than a dozen industrial base vehicle systems in a hundred years.

Wei Keng's Shenzhou plane base vehicle system is actually on their exchange list, and the level is not high. ——Qian Ruirui: Who among the omnic territory travelers doesn’t have a few bases?

But why is the system in a hurry? Wei Keng brought out more than just base vehicles. There are also hundreds of years of industrial thinking.

He even knows how to impart industrial experience for each position and how to train personnel! ——There is an essential difference between the "sword" in the hands of a master and the "sword" in the hands of an incompetent person.

The character of Wei Axis people is to master a set of techniques immediately!

Most of the omnic plane travelers just get the base, just like the king who is not a swordsman has a large collection of swords, but he doesn't know how to use them!

Why is each part designed this way? It is necessary to consider not only the single performance, but also the convenience of subsequent maintenance by personnel. When producing and processing a piece of industrial material, when focusing on theoretical values, we must also consider the difficulty of production and processing. During the heat treatment of a piece of steel, how to arrange the handover time of workers to and from get off work. These are all knowledge.

Don’t underestimate it. There is a famous joke about workers taking over shifts. In order to get off work early, a worker set fire to the nuclear submarine that was almost completed! In the entire industrial chain, a factory requires tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. In the case of a large base, we must consider the small probability event that someone is a "wonder".

In this current conflict that spans dimensions and millions of historical lines, Wei Keng actually only has ten sets of industrial technology chains in his hands. From the time of the invention of the original "incandescent light", the manufacturing standard for all types of star warships was established.

Wei Keng, who is dedicated and consistent, has done too much research on the "safety" and "efficiency" of industrial manufacturing and even the training of reserve industrial personnel. In the "base vehicle" confrontation, Wei Keng is a sword in hand, which is better than mastering it. Newbie to Thousand Swords.

He Chongyun has understood after countless collisions, "Don't try to rely on a certain base unit to just restrain Wei Keng's industrial chain."

The various types of soldiers in Wei Keng's production line can be changed.

For example, the "Tengu robot" was miniaturized and turned into a group of shrimps fighting bayonets, enlarged to load a phased array radar, and its armor was strengthened to become a Viking fighter. —

Firepower can be modified according to the rules of the plane. In some "strong material" planes, depleted uranium armor-piercing cannons that throw brass shells can be loaded. In the psychic plane, energy technology uses energy beams to attack.

Narrator: Wei Keng currently has a technical plan to improve the "Tengu Robot", but it is only a technical reserve. There are no plans for large-scale manufacturing. Unless the air-ground information chain is severely disrupted, forcing the Xinhuo Army to have a dual-purpose air-ground multi-aircraft, the design of "combining the disadvantages of both" like the Tengu will not appear.

In short, industry is a tool, just like the kitchen knife that Wei Keng has in his hand when he is cooking. How to cook the food depends entirely on his own skills.

With industrial manufacturing capabilities, Xinhuo has much more freedom in weapon selection in this plane, and is freed from the shackles of the "Black Death" omnipotent system. You must know that in order to stabilize the Black Death, Xinhuo Army Tianxin members are not allowed to "get a marriage certificate" They also signed the "Tianxin Treaty" with omnics. Narrator: If the Tianxin ones do not operate according to the Omnic Treaty, it will be like exorcising corpses in zombie movies and not following business procedures.

This makes Mr. Wei, who has been pursuing margin, very uneasy. The Xinhuo Army must have the ability to modernize its military after getting rid of the "Black Death".

For example, now 2612 years later, Wei Keng has started to copy the Federation's "Glory Battleship".

Oh, the newly built aerial weapon is also eighty meters long, and is named "cruiser" in a low-key manner.

The technology that Wei Keng was referring to was the flight control system of the Pioneer ship and aircraft, but the specific technology relied on the anti-gravity technology unique to this plane, so the Pioneer ship and the ones that were soon modified did not recognize him.

First, the two aircraft wings are removed. With the anti-gravity system, there is no need for such a wide wing surface, and the middle cabin is enlarged.

Replacement of the world's stable "nuclear power battery technology" expands the energy volume of the energy storage area required by the proton impact cannon from 3,000 degrees to 20,000 degrees (one kilowatt hour of electricity 0.12 kilograms of standard coal), and strengthens the bombing capability (20,000 degrees Electricity is equivalent to dozens of tons of explosives).

As for what to do in the face of the enemy's air force, there is a technology called tarantula on the moon at this time.

The pioneering omnic force on the moon has a heavy-duty vehicle in the shape of a 150-ton mechanical spider (codenamed Tarantula). The missile it carries can launch nano-restraint nets to forcibly drag the air force to the ground.

When the vanguard frigate encounters a small group of enemy air forces, it will activate a force field to drag it into the ground. Although these air forces will not crash, they will be within the fire bombing range of the proton cannon.

As for the larger Air Force Group, what should we do? That, of course, is to summon a "Death Fight", a specialized air-to-air fighter.

The trapezoidal tower on the rear half of the entire Pioneer cruiser is used to command drones.

In 2612, the Shudu Aviation Base began operations. On the pulsating production line, six vanguard cruisers with varying degrees of completion were executing the corresponding processes. There are slightly more people on this production line, because the industry has just laid its foundation, and it is necessary to train people while producing.

Since the aerospace industry built by Guantian Society in the interior still needs to be adjusted, the structure of the cruiser is based on the large transport aircraft of Future Storm fifty years ago. The technology is very conservative, and the tonnage is actually not as good as one-third of the Honor battleship.

However, under Xinhuo's current air system, the "Vanguard Patrol Fleet" has excellent ground support effects.

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