Out of the cage

Chapter 1349 Chapter 2718 Fighting for the Road

At the space base, Zhu Xiaoyan held her lightsaber and swung it at the target in space a few times, as if facing an enemy that was about to be annihilated. The laser path has dozens of space jump points, accurately destroying the targets modified by these biological mosquitoes.

Of course, after the sword dance ended, Zhu Xiaoyan's eyes began to calm down. According to the human base theory, if you have unpleasant things in your heart, you should direct them to other goals.

But after the mosquito was killed, her unhappy face still appeared on the interface. Zhu Xiaoyan glanced at her collaborator, Mi Zaoyi, on the screen, showed her charm, and said: "Please introduce according to the priority of the threat. What’s the situation on the moon?”

Zhu Xiaoyan emphasized in her heart that she must be confident.

However, Mi Zaoyi seemed to see through Zhu Xiaoyan's lack of confidence at this time and distanced herself.

In Zhu Xiaoyan's eyes, this was an arrogant provocation, because Mi Zaoyi showed off her perfect figure under the combat uniform.

Although Zhu Xiaoyan has a good figure, she feels that she is weaker when it comes to seducing people.

And she keenly sensed that the gaze of Wei Keng, codenamed Lu Yun in this plane, treated her and her differently.

The way Wei Keng looked at Zhu Xiaoyan was like a window into the soul. This feeling of being close to each other has always been very good to her.

But when she saw Wei Keng looking at Mi Zaoyi, she became furious. Because she found that Wei Keng's eyes had a "glow", well, she couldn't help but glance at his chest and butt.

Oh, on this point, Wei Keng is determined to quibble: "I treat them both equally!"

Zhu Xiaoyan now finally knows why women secretly call other beautiful women "fake-sexy".

Zhu Xiaoyan: "It turns out that when the person you like doesn't pay attention to you, you will be very concerned about it."

Although somewhat uncomfortable with each other, Zhu Xiaoyan and Mi Zaoyi completed the planning of the moon campaign.

And in their mutual communication, the two of them completed the mutual understanding between the two systems of "Bu Tian Xin" and "Human Base".

...people like the all-round development of "morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor", but people often find it difficult to keep in line with their own talents. …

During the fifth plane war, Wei Keng developed his own "comprehensive theoretical system", but due to the limitations of each territory, the system was always incomplete.

Strictly speaking, the enemy is still too weak. Wei Keng can win as long as he makes some progress in his system.

In short, after Wei Keng figured out the origin of the planes of the heavens, no one in this era could defeat him more than once.

Wei Keng has never described this conflict as the "Fifth Plane War" like the main world official.

That's because Wei Keng felt that calling it a "plane war" would be too flattering to him.

At this time, Wei Keng was very "simple" and set a threshold of "only 30% chance of winning" for the plane war: only his "human base", "entropy increase of life and environment", "spiritual language" and "extension of traceability consciousness" all appeared , that is the real war.

Many years after the "Intentional Field Plane" mission ended, Wei Keng has been thinking about whether he can win against the "top" opponent! ——The real goal of the "moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor" system is to ignite the ruins of the mind field plane!

In 2615, on the Guantianshe lunar base, the reorganized Qian Mumu fell into a calm state for the first time in a long time. She was wearing a white command uniform, and rows of underground giant tanks behind her showed that this was a helium-3 storage area.

She is the chief military officer of the moon, and the Guantian Society is not worried about her betrayal at this time! Because the "self-perception" conflict between her and another mechanized self in this plane is irreconcilable. (This contradiction between "positive and negative personalities" was created by Haotu in order to control her)

On the other side, Zhu Xiaoyan, as the chief scientific officer, quickly took out his own plane's technological system to analyze this plane's artificial intelligence program. The cold face returned to a rational state, like a lioness calculating the distance to its prey.

At this time, in her plane (hereinafter referred to as the human plane), humans are now in contact with a large number of biological planes. The characteristic of these biological plane counterparts is that powerful creatures have crystal nuclei.

These storage crystal nuclei are similar to the materials used to carry artificial intelligence computer crystals in this technological plane today.

Now the native travelers in the planes of the heavens have "ascended" in their own planes and witnessed a big perspective.

Zhu Xiaoyan divided the heavens into "ruin areas", "sub-ruin areas" and "development areas".

Similar to the Age of Discovery, it divides the civilized world and the wild world. The difference between "civilization" and "savagery" lies in the ability to realize that the same substance manifests itself differently under the rules of different planes.

Zhu Xiaoyan secretly felt that the super life condensed life crystal nucleus in the biological realm could be interoperable with the human and silicon crystal human-machine combination in the omnic realm. She opened a door.

Where is the boundary between humans and machines? Why is this boundary set here?

...The native travelers in the heavens are beginning to come into contact with the positive direction of "karma" modification...

In the laboratory on the other side, Mi Zaoyi was watching the birth process of the "Avengers Camp", the highest-level unit.

When two (two-meter) blade robots are close to each other, after the main brain puts in a certain amount of calculation, a hyperspace collapse point will appear, and then the two blade robots will merge into a new "Reaper Robot" (five) at this energy center. meters high).

This reconstructed "reaper" wields a scythe, its wings flicker like a mantis, and has the ability to jump through short-distance space.

The same phenomenon also occurs with female robots like "Molta". The wreckage killed by Moore's Tower will have a space-time collapse point based on the principle of "space jump". At this collapse point, inorganic materials such as metal will appear as organic matter, and the mechanical remains will re-aggregate just like carrion digested by maggots to generate flies. into new structures "Blade" (melee robot), "Guard" (female long-range projection robot),

This is the magical "fusion" phenomenon of inorganic substances in the fluctuation of time and space in this world.

And during the fusion process, the robot obviously sent out "electromagnetic wave signals" that meant pain.

In the laboratory, when Mi Zaoyi stimulated the "artificial intelligence" test subjects outside the iron railings, her expression seemed to be that of building dominoes.

The twisting mechanical twitching in the artificially created collapse point gave her the feeling of handling a live chicken or duck.

Mi Zaoyi's research record: In the collapse of space and time, the robot's information recording system has the characteristics of organic life.

Inorganic substances have the characteristic of copying and transcribing information in space-time energy, which has genetic properties.

The moment the silicon crystal steel collapses in space, wonderful information will be transcribed in the stacked mirror space, and then macroscopically, its crystals will proliferate and replicate like biological cells.

We must know that organic life in nature has a "perfect information genetic process" that can be summarized as a "characteristic of life", and the transcription process of human cells has gone through a series of intermediate complex processes such as mitosis.

Now the genetic information of the "Avengers" and "Pioneers", during the many information replication processes in the fire of time and space, is more like a "quantum form", popping out one by one!

Mi Zaoyi: So they experienced the life growth process in another dimensional area (plane) with different rules when time and space collapsed, and then returned here to be transformed into omnics again.

Of course, Wei Keng particularly appreciates the efforts of Zhu Xiaoyan and Mi Zaoyi, especially since Mi Zaoyi is not a time traveler at the moment (Wei Keng has not yet realized the evolution of Keng), but he has seen more deeply that the world has multiple dimensions.

Wei Keng understands that the consciousness of omnics is the reflection of another area in the heavens, and this area is "ghosts and gods".

The master of the realm of ghosts and gods, Li Mengxi, currently has the most stable defense in the fifth plane war. This is also related to the line of "aesthetic education" that Wei Keng took in the realm of ghosts and gods. Wei Keng's "aesthetic education" is "beauty in line with the accumulation of labor." This path is too slow to bear fruit.

Compared with the rapid defeat in the two major fields of "biology" and "technology", Wei Keng in the field of ghosts and gods may not have time to "accumulate and develop" in the field of ghosts and gods.

With the completion of the construction of Guantian Society's base in the Arctic region in 2615,

The Xinhuo Army formed twenty-seven legions on the moon, among which Qian Mumu was the person in charge of Jinghai. Note: This year, there were more than 6,000 people in Guantian Society on the moon. Qian Mumu seemed to have a high position, but he only had seven well-established young people under him.

The only person Qian Mumu had to deal with was her "cold" individual. She knows herself best.

In the human plane, Wei Keng's identity is the Moon Lord, so he is proficient in the relevant lunar management plans.

The Lunar Fire Army and the Pioneer forces have not yet opened fire on each other, and both sides have begun to build barriers on the surface of the moon.

Compared to the neat rows of isolation walls of the Pioneer. However, the Xinhuo Army did not build regular city walls, but arranged them in a mosaic manner. That is, from the perspective of high-altitude reconnaissance, the Xinhuo Army's pillars in the defense zone looked like mosaic camouflage.

This column is messy, but mathematically fits the probability interval! And one-third of them are inflatable and can be moved flexibly. Although these shelters are sparse, they look like mountains from a distance, and you can't see behind them at all.

The color difference distribution of this position cannot be seen when photographed from high altitude. Once the opponent enters the "formation", amid multiple interferences, without the builder's map, the direction will be unclear. ——Master Wei is good at positional warfare.

Preparations are already underway for an artificial intelligence war on the moon.

March 4, 2615. In the lunar crater test site, that is the place where Zhu Xiaoyan met Li Gui for the first time in the human plane (she chose this place specially).

A woman wearing a mechanical battle suit appeared. The mechanical battle suit was very decent and full of metal angular style. As for the face under the helmet mask and this outfit, Wei Keng's eyes obviously lit up.

Zhu Xiaoyan, wearing the mechanical battle suit, was very satisfied.

Zhu Xiaoyan discovered that: Finally, Wei Keng's eyes were not just looking at his "soul window" (eyes) for reading and understanding, but began to wander.

Of course, with his scorching gaze, Zhu Xiaoyan, who turned into a girl, was obviously not used to it. Her face was slightly red, and she secretly said, "Pervert." Zhu Xiaoyan now knew that this guy was good at this.

In the energy chamber of "the fusion of omni-machine and human organic body", Zhu Xiaoyan's body flashed with light from the changing magnetic field, and a circle of black energy spread out. Then as the energy of time and space shrank, the metal turned into organic matter to form a covering on her body. Later, when the time and space flame ended, it had become a mechanical armor connected to the nerves of the whole body.

This is the application of organic research on omnics in the fluctuations of time and space.

Wei Keng was stunned by this, and his expression clearly reminded him of some "shameful" childhood memories. Wei Keng shouted in his heart: Armored Warrior Transformation.

Of course, after the second year of middle school, Wei Keng started to get serious. Because the technology involved is so novel.

A large group of machines grew like living things.

Zhu Xiaoyan just wanted to introduce this equipment. But Wei Keng obviously needs no introduction. The key word "mechanical life" was spoken.

Zhu Xiaoyan nodded: This "human-machine fusion" is currently only elementary, involving a technical system that connects more than 60,000 nerve nodes in the body to inorganic chips.

This is based on the human base system, without damaging or replacing carbon-based organs, adding additional inorganic tissue extensions. By controlling the inorganic chip, with the supply of logistical energy, it can directly grow and directly connect to the nerves of the organic body. Mechanical part.

This transformed "mechanized shell body" can already allow humans to operate in an atmosphere-free environment for several days or even a month, just like pioneer robots.

Zhu Xiaoyan knew the bottom line of Wei Keng's "natural human body", so she focused on the side effects: after seven days, the body's carbon-based organic matter will be disordered. According to the operation manual, it is still necessary to sleep once a day and eat three times a day.

Wei Keng gently touched the armor on Zhu Xiaoyan's body and sensed that the buzzing sound of the motor on Zhu Xiaoyan's mecha was getting stronger. He couldn't help but retracted his hand and asked: "Can you transform into a mecha robot, that is, a person with dozens of lives?" Tons of machinery!”

...In the future storm, theoretical and basic research on its roots will give Guantian Society a higher civilization level perspective...

Understand omnics as a special existence that only "appears life phenomena in the fluctuations of time and space."

Zhu Xiaoyan: "This is similar to a virus showing a state of life replication and proliferation in a specific environment." - The "negative entropy" that controls the proliferation of inorganic objects such as intelligent machines in space and time is named "digital"

When Zhu Xiaoyan just wanted to clear her throat, she discussed the further development of these "Digimon" with Wei Keng in detail.

At this time, Mi Zaoyi came over with a disk and helped Wei Keng open the socket of the robot arm to connect it. Wei Keng glanced at the new war situation information on Earth through his eyepiece. Resign to Zhu Xiaoyan.

Wei Keng hurriedly went to the moon system docking event, while Mi Zaoyi who delivered the information stayed where he was.

She and Zhu Xiaoyan looked at each other. There was no dialogue between the two, but there were dozens of back and forth contests hidden in their eyes.

Zhu Xiaoyan pretended to be calm: "A new situation has occurred on the earth?" She said while showing her authority.

Mi Zaoyi pushed up her unused glasses, checked Zhu Xiaoyan's permissions, and then opened the "senior dialogue entry" system.

The dialogue between Xinhuo's two senior executives can be kept confidential using this system. At the same time, the dialogue scenes are also recorded. After ensuring the organization's secrets, there will be no gangsterism. Mi Zaoyi and Zhu Xiaoyan can fight without breaking up now because of institutional constraints.

Mi Zaoyi: "On the other side of the earth, there are signs of alliance between the Star Sea Federation and the Condor Empire."

Zhu Xiaoyan frowned and tentatively asked a low-possibility answer: "Are they joining forces to deal with the Black Death?"

Mi Zaoyi looked at the moon outside the glass layer. Wearing white silk gloves, she crossed her chest and said, "Who knows? The drunkard's intention is not to drink."

In the original plot, the Star Sea Federation and the Eagle Empire united to suppress all potential opponents they considered.

Zhu Xiaoyan's eyes narrowed, and when she saw Mi Zaoyi hugging her chest, she deliberately raised her plump figure. He nodded and said: "Yes, in this world, if you have breasts, you are a mother. Some people are just for useless stupid things and can't help themselves."

Mi Zaoyi tilted her head and asked: "What did you say?" At this time, she was very happy to see the "little sister from Tianjiang" getting angry.

Zhu Xiaoyan moved her eyes away, looked at the blue earth above her head, and explained (disguising): "It is difficult for the old forces to give up their false sense of power."

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