Out of the cage

Chapter 1353 Chapter 2720 (Part 2) A quiet, pure, unsentimental war

The "Omnic Redefinition" war that suddenly broke out on October 4, 2617 was very "quiet" because there was no attention from the Mother Earth. Federal politicians are being harassed by the empire.

The Pioneer Omnics seemed to be aware of this and did not continue to circulate the so-called "human and robot" love story on the airwaves. ——The commander of the Xinhuo Army used war methods to express his intention to "let you (the traitorous robot) die"

The Zeus Mastermind invested five times as many omnics as the Fire Legion in batches, but at the battle level they were always clamped down and outflanked. After being unable to advance or retreat within an hour, the human commander found an opportunity. , mobilized a large number of artillery strikes to annihilate them, and turned them into wreckage mixed in the lunar soil.

Because the repeated failures of the omnics were so complete, there was a cognitive gap between the frontline artificial intelligence of the "Pioneer Omnics" and the "Zeus" master brain at the rear, and a "disobedience" program existed.

The greatest characteristic of the Skynet robot, as the mastermind of all programs, is that it commands all robots to follow one another.

At this time, the robot's disobedience is not the kind of "selfishness and self-reliance" that humans think of.

The "self-protection program" of the cutting-edge omnic was hit by the ferocious human attack and conflicted with the master brain system commands.

Just like "most omnics rebelled in the timeline, robots broke through the logic of the three laws and rebelled against humans in order to protect human survival." - Wei Keng: If you can rebel against humans, you can rebel against the mastermind.

Moreover, in the eyes of some cutting-edge intelligence, the mastermind seems to be irrational now because it has made miscalculations many times.

Of course, these intelligences don't know that their timing systems have been interfered with and "contradictory programs" have been implanted.

These artificial intelligence programs became visibly dysfunctional. This is most felt by the prisoners of the original Star Sea Federation on the moon.

…On the far side of the moon, the third server of the mastermind, the pioneer of artificial intelligence, is located…

On the back side of the moon, far away from the flames of war, the modern girl Mi Zaoyi successfully sneaked into Pioneer. She looked at the mainframe building below, smiled, and flew down. After falling several hundred meters, she spread out her mechanical wings behind her like a swallow. It also flew into the control center.

Her body was bent like a flexible noodle and she sneaked through the fan duct. The "digital chip" on the digital alloy mechanical combat suit was communicating with dozens of other groups of robots that had sneaked into the base through the air.

It has to be said here that Guantianshe has clearly studied the "space-time fluctuation" silicon core and mechanical "biochemical" characteristics. Now Mi Zaoyi is a standard "one of our own" under the scan of this "Pioneer Intelligent Mechanical Base".

In the computer room in the core area of ​​the omnic, as the partition board of the exhaust pipe became loose, she moved down, took out her electronic system, and inserted a crystal core hard drive into the chassis docking port. The progress bar on the monitor is in progress! Note: This graphic shows a cute Mi Zaoyi and Wei Keng running forward hand in hand.

Wei Keng's projection appeared on her eyepiece.

Mi Zaoyi: "We have found the server center of the Zeus mastermind in the seven regions of the moon. Currently, the program vulnerabilities have been implanted and are ready to be launched at any time."

The chip inserted by Mi Zaoyi and other special teams allows Wei Keng and other "Tianxin" to directly connect to the artificial intelligence host, and then let the Zeus mastermind understand time under the concept of "Tianxin", and also let the pioneers experience the Avengers mastermind The feeling of "Asura" being suppressed.

Mi Zaoyi: "Are we going to announce the next task now?"

Wei Keng: "Evacuate."

Mi Zaoyi: "Aren't you going to rescue the human hostages?" After completing the main mission, she also wanted to complete the side mission.

Wei Keng: "Such high-risk matters are not something you have to consider. I have already found someone to bring information to them. If they want to escape, they need to save themselves."

Wei Keng looked at Mi Zaoyi: "There is no need for my people to take risks. What's worse is that if we take enough risks, they won't appreciate it. I will be very angry. When I am angry, I will be irrational. .”

Mi Zaoyi also wants to win the task of "making trouble in the core area of ​​Zeus' master brain".

Wei Keng stared at her: "I don't want (to be said) to be angry for beauty." (She is not allowed to take additional risks)

Mi Zaoyi was slightly startled. After understanding the meaning, she nodded to Wei Keng. (The above means, Wei Keng: If something happens to you, I will unconsciously formulate revenge tactics.)

In fact, when it comes to rescuing human captives at this time, the leader of another team sent by Wei Keng is Qian Mumu (kind), and Wei Keng gives her a chance to face Qian Ruirui (dark self) and redeem herself at the same time.

…Obsession is the dividing line between the fate of the time traveler…

Qian Mumu had already sneaked into the center of the moon base and began to thaw the frozen Star Sea Federation human captives on the moon.

In the dark metal tunnel, she felt that her other self was nearby, and they both sensed each other's presence.

…At this time, the Lunar Battle is still going on, with the artificial intelligence corps of both sides fighting each other,…

The number of mobile omnibuses of the Fire Alliance Corps on the moon is 84,000 tons, while the number of omnibuses commanded by the Pioneer Mastermind is 640,000 tons. The difference between the two is about eight times.

But in actual combat, it is not possible to win with eight times the number of troops.

The battle is a process of spatial squeezing. When a large number of troops from one side (Zeus Mastermind) are squeezed into a small area, and the other side (Xinhuo) happens to have completed the fire coverage preparations, then the numerical advantage of this part of the troops will be useless. .

Wei Keng: That’s it, 800,000 versus 600,000, the advantage is not on the 800,000 side.

The war is fought by both sides looking for "time differences" and "space loopholes". The highest level of "observation of the number of days" in time is the battle. The larger and more complex the space area, the greater the amount of calculations involved in this "number of days" battle. And sometimes, it is "impossible to calculate" and can only rely on the "self-response mechanism of intelligent biological evolution" to sense and distinguish "space threats" and "time approaching".

For example: when the commander of the Xinhuo Group prepares to march in the open air on the surface, he will always have a strong sense of crisis and first compress the pioneer force's air force. Because, as a creature, you are unhappy with predators above your head. Only when there are no "falling objects" above your head can you focus on the ground with peace of mind. ——Unhappiness is “naturally sensitive to danger”, just like when a school teacher asks students multiple-choice questions: Sometimes the first feeling is correct

You have to ask: How to use a "calculation system" to explain this judgment? After the war, we took our time to review and calculate, but when the war was urgent, 90% of human beings judged that this was biological sharp intuition. Of course, successful military experts will ask the army to conduct a review after the war to determine which "intuitions" are usable and which "intuitions" need to be modified.

The pioneer air force is the "Vector Wyvern".

This silicon-based life that was bioformed in the fluctuations of time and space is in the form of a flying dragon in the current stability of time and space.

This unit relies on its wings to spread out particle jets to fly, and its firepower is a particle cannon in its mouth, which is unremarkable. Its only feature is that it will fly above the position and lay an egg, which will expand into a turret.

The problem lies in this fort. When the fort falls, it must accept the flying dragon's aerial reconnaissance guidance. The flying dragon and the turret need a minute to establish a data link before leaving.

The Xinhuo Alliance discovered the weakness of the flying dragon. When it was laying eggs, it used a fake fort signal to deny the data link link, causing the flying dragon to stay in the air and continue to connect. Just as the mechanical flying dragon was so "upright" to protect itself. When the mechanical egg breaks out of its shell.

The Xinhuo Alliance took advantage of this moment to launch missiles, destroying the flying dragons one after another.

When all the mechanical flying dragons' wings were broken in the first stage of the battle, the Pioneer's ground bombardment power lost its accuracy.

On the contrary, the heavy artillery of the Fire Federation has a stable output with the advantage of aerial vision.

To be honest, Pioneer's shortcomings were still caused by the Star Sea Federation back then. Pioneer's weapons were designed to cooperate with the existing system of the Star Sea Federation to fight.

The bureaucrats of the Star Sea Federation believe that the Lunar Armed Forces have the highest range and can win with just a wave of artillery suppression. As for tanks, they rely too much on roads.

Zeus, the Pioneer Mastermind, has absorbed these databases. The Pioneer Army has no tracks. The basic infantry MOA has two legs, the land armored Sky Knight has four legs, the Sirius Missile has eight legs. Spiders are also multi-legged.

Wei Keng speculated: In the original plot, the reason for the Pioneer's compromise was that he discovered that his army's technology tree had fatal shortcomings, so he began to seek to connect the technology of Asura's mastermind to produce mechanical infantry.

And Wei Keng further maliciously speculated on the feelings of the pioneer Zeus mastermind towards the Asura mastermind. It was not a similar concern, but a desire to annex. Of course, he did not want to be affected by the virus before the annexation, so he killed Asura first.

On January 3, 2618, in Tianzhu, Project 93, a decisive battle began

Under the cover of the air, Xinhuo formed an assault arrow with seven hundred rhinoceros tanks, running invincibly through the main road in front. Then the blade robot followed closely, using particle blades to cut off the obstacles on both sides of the main road, creating a Other Rhino tanks open up more attack paths,

During the mechanized group's assault, a large number of pioneer fortress bases were shrouded in electronic jamming smoke and unable to fire. The ceramic turret was stained with gray graphite powder and became a useless decoration on the battlefield.

The design of the pioneer arms comes from the federal lunar developers. These people are a group of "academic second generation" from the Star Sea Federation. That is to say, their parents and ancestors are all in the scientific research department, so the design components can be made quite exquisite, but If you are designing a complete machine project, there will be a lack of consideration.

At this time, the advantage of the multi-legged mechanical troops under the Pioneer Omnic in crossing the terrain was not fully utilized.

Because on flat roads, the maneuvering speed of multi-legged troops is slower than that of crawlers. This attack was along the main road.

If the mobility of the tracked unit is 10, the mobility speed of the multi-legged mechanical unit is 7.

And in the mountains, the Xinhuo Army's light mechanical infantry will also intersperse to interfere and block. These capable human grassroots commanders can determine their position based on the "footsteps" produced by the multi-legged mechas when they stroll.

The human Tianxin will lead the Avengers omnic system infantry to deploy in key terrain in advance.

Or set up potholes on the road, or set up roadblocks with rolling boulders.

Xinhuo's independent intersecting troops reduced the speed of the pioneer troops entering the mountainous area to only about 1.

Therefore, most of the pioneer mechanical troops of the "surprise attack" were seduced by the bad fighting in the mountains and did not come out until ten days later.

The Lunar Fire Command got its hands on the Pioneers through this great battle.

Zhu Xiaoyan: As long as our army randomly selects a point on a 500-kilometer battlefield and suddenly launches an assault of more than five brigades within an hour, we can stably annihilate a wave in one round.

The Human Resources Army (Zhu Xiaoyan misspoke) returned to the base and entered the base's nano-repair field. It only takes three hours to repair and return to the battlefield. This kind of attrition war will definitely make a profit for the team.

…Returning to the process of the great battle, Qian Ruimu’s small theater of self-redemption…

During this great battle, the vibrations from the artillery bombardment caused the ground to collapse.

In the entrance to the passage of Pioneer 24 underground base, two rays of light rose up, and two cyborgs with white ceramic mechanical wings spread out like angels rose up. These were two Qian Ruimu, looking at each other.

Among them, Qian Ruirui, the cold one, looked at the kind-hearted self who had half of the mechanical body removed in front of her, with resentment in her pupils, but she saw nearby the five-pointed star-shaped "Starfish" fighter jet that sprayed blue flames (the lightweight version of Xinhuo). Air Force) still chose to evacuate.

As the halo of light flickered on the cold Qian Ruirui, she teleported away.

Carbon-based Qian Mumu's broken mechanical body hugged its legs and leaned against the wall after the "particle beam" exploded against the wave.

Scientists and military personnel wearing spacesuits and transparent helmets were very anxious when they saw their "savior" lying there, unable to help.

However, a mechanical regiment from Xinhuo rushed over and sent Qian Mumu to the survival module. At the same time, armored vehicles were dispatched to evacuate the lunar scientists.

At the end of the Battle of the Moon, when the scientist hostages held by the Pioneers returned, the media of the Star Sea Federation on Earth seemed to have seen nothing. They were all paying attention to the current war with the Empire in North Asia.

Wei Keng: It’s good not to pay attention, but I’m afraid that the Holy Mother Bitch will come to speak for the lunar omnic.

…The Return of the Moon Wanderer dividing line…

In early 2619, all bases of the Xinhuo Army on Earth underwent military upgrades.

In the armored warehouse of the base of the Xinhuo Army on Heilong Island (Kuye Island) in North Asia, the "Reaper" modified by the Xinhuo Army is on standby. It is five meters tall and weighs 7.5 tons. It no longer has a huge shock in the hand. Not a sickle, but a sharp sword.

In experiments, this particle shock blade was able to cause huge damage to heavy armor, turret connections, mechanical transmissions and other fragile parts - this swordsmanship is all Wei Keng style!

The rescued Xinghai military expert Lu Yun has just returned to Earth from the moon and is undergoing rehabilitation training.

Narrator: This Lu Yun is the real thing (the prototype of the officer plane of the Star Sea Federation in the corn plane)

Lu Yun looked out of the glass window on the fitness equipment. The modified "Reaper" in the base, which can also be called "Sword Dancer", opened the short-distance space door through space jumps and pierced the target ship with a fifteen-meter particle lightsaber. , couldn't help holding his breath,

Narrator: On the side of the target ship, as the space door opened, bright-colored particle blades appeared out of thin air, making a huge incision below the waterline like cutting a cake.

This type of weapon is very useful on the lunar battlefield, especially in areas with narrow roads in mountainous areas. Since the Pioneer Army is non-wheeled, they run slowly and cannot escape. They are often flashed by the swords swung by this "gold-armored robot". These four-legged mechas all stagger like poor contact at first, and finally hit the ground. Only then did the explosive flames of the broken lithium battery inside burst out.

Lu Yun was looking at war weapons when he was tapped on the shoulder. When he looked back, he saw a Xinhuo officer with kind eyes.

Wei Keng looked at this old friend. Well, he had known him for a long time when he was exploring the planes of the heavens.

When he was in the millet plane, he came through the tunnel with his base. And now, in this original timeline, now he's a plot member.

Wei Keng said to him: "Hello, this is our first meeting. I am very happy to cooperate with you."

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