Out of the cage

Chapter 1365 Chapter 2729 (Part) Skilled historical promotion

When Guan Tianshe took over the outlet of the Burmese River and pushed it all the way to the opposite side of Malay,

Yu Chen, who was engaged in "speculation" in North Asia, controlled the Silicon Heart Society under his control and almost peacefully entered all the cities in the Black Sea region. The "Silicon Heart" man wearing Digizoid led the omnic corps to station in these cement cities.

After digital transformation, Wen San met a group of overly naughty children on the street after entering the city and playfully asked him how to pee. Whether to stand or do the splits, Wen San squatted down and conducted popular science

Wen San, who straightened his back, took apart the found computer: just plug it into the data receiving terminal.

Such a group of children who were very naughty at first are now listening to Wei Keng's nonsense in a daze, and they all open their eyes innocently and feel very awesome.

Finally, Wei Keng emphasized that he must "transform" before he can do this.

After the Silicon Heart Society occupied the Black Sea area, they bought federal arms seized from Xinhuo from Guantian Society.

Qian Ruirui, the commander of Silicon Heart Society, looked at the federal base and federal industries in the jump site, which were originally on the defense line of the Burmese River. He felt uncomfortable with the current smooth situation, "Why did this time travel at the beginning, Are you frustrated and unable to achieve anything? It seems that speculation is not that difficult?" This new generation time traveler began to reflect.

Retail investors have joined the trader's camp, but they have not yet understood the trader's overall operation. Of course, there will be eight retail investors who will give her similar demonstrations. "

Qian Ruirui announced the establishment of an "independent trading city-state" in the Black Sea region after the entire war came to an end on September 8, and after political stability.

In this era, Silicon Heart Society takes advantage of every available opportunity. Due to the political ambiguity of the "Silicon Heart Leader", the Federation, after a series of failures, dealt with the Silicon Heart Society with unrealistic illusions.

The Federation hopes that Silicon Heart Society can join its camp during negotiations.

The hearts of most of the federal middle class newly joined by the Silicon Heart Society are also unstable.

This group of middle-class people who came to Silicon Valley still have the hope that they can return home after the "federal political clarity". Just like Hu Yanzhuo, Chai Jin and others in Liangshan in "Water Margin", they are high-spirited and unwilling to become grass bandits. However, before the Song Dynasty fell, Liangshan was a grass bandit and could not become Wagang Village.

Therefore, at this time, Silicon Heart Society cannot make a clean cut with the Federation. It must pretend to be a snake and continue to compete for people's hearts. Of course, we cannot let "Song Jiang" come to power and completely lead to Zhao'an, because Huizong (Xinghai Federation) will fall

Wen San: The Silicon Heart Society must seize all key resources in the Black Sea region, and after quickly restoring important facilities such as energy stations, communication stations, and warehouses, relax with the Federation. And let the wind go, and the possibility of rejoining the Federation can be discussed openly. ——In short, hang a carrot to hang the newly joined elite. When the carrot becomes stale, replace it with another one.

Following these operations by Wen San, the hearts of people within the Silicon Heart Association began to temporarily stabilize.

As a speculator, you must deeply understand that when your speculative goals are too long-term, you need to constantly create short-term "speculative goals" to guide your donkeys forward.

Wen San discovered the situation in the hearts of people in the entire system, and shouted a new slogan in the second half of 2023: rebuild the order of the Star Sea Federation and support the youth team.

In short, it is to remove all those who have already made a fortune so that a new wave of people can climb up. ——Of course, to implement this slogan, we must really cut down the oligarchs with one blow.

With such a policy, the middle class rejoices, just like the young people with small business minds feel the joy of seeing those who easily start their own businesses and make millions a year, and successfully join the upper class.

Wei Keng: “For capitalism to survive, it requires the monopoly giants at the top to be constantly metabolized and consumed, and not to block the path of the “progressors” below who are preparing to climb to the upper echelons of wealth.

The middle class has always denounced the grassroots revolution as a carnival of violence because they are afraid of being robbed, but in fact they really want to replace the richest people.

How to replace it? The fantasy is that in a "just" and "subtle" process, there will be no violence and bloodshed, but the top players will automatically abide by the rules and exit.

Wen San announced: I will implement this idea. I will be responsible for talking to the top leaders of the Star Sea Federation, and they will exit with dignity. No bleeding. At least everyone in front of the curtain is civilized.

The middle class chooses to believe in the elegance of the upper-class gentlemen, and at the same time they are confident in their own wrists. They are indeed more capable than most people in many things, but they are too naive when it comes to political issues.

Wen San controlled the new shipbuilding industry in the Black Sea and Arctic Ocean areas. A lot of money is invested in this.

Wei Keng knows that the future is the starry sky era, and the center of the economy lies not in the ocean, but in space routes. Especially in the future when interstellar civilizations come into contact, the mineral channels of asteroids will be even more important.

…Wei Keng is consuming the earth’s capital through Silicon Heart Society. These speculators cannot be allowed to truly earn dividends...

The perspective goes to other corners of the world, and the great battle ended in 2623. This is a sunny day for many travelers who have just traveled to this plane and have their first base and first army in their lives. thunderbolt.

The high-tech warfare of Future Storm made the "technology-locked" base they held instantly unpopular.

In Alaska, in the temporary military base built by the native imperial forces, Li Mengtong was watching the production line of the "Dominator Land Cruiser" in a daze, the manufacturing progress of rows of wide tracked heavy armor.

But at this time, in her system, those eight teammates were already in trouble.

On the surface, there are eight bases to fight the boss, but the technology of their bases cannot have a technological advantage on this plane. The advanced technology on the system always has a lot of prerequisites, and it cannot be opened no matter what.

Qian Ruirui, who used to be in the main world camp but now rebelled, used his ability to disrupt things and persuaded them through communications in the past few days not to resist.

"Don't expect to be able to unlock space cruiser technology. Information enthalpy projection is in progress, and all related large-scale fleet structures on all planets are banned!"

Li Mengtong was very angry when he heard that Qian Ruirui, a young man in his fifth year, was so disruptive.

In this dimension, the industrial departments of large battleship engines are all barrier technologies of major powers. This results in the option of "upgrading the main base with high base" in these bases being gray, and the "battleship" option with advanced armaments is also gray. Gorgeous packaging on instant noodles cannot become a reality either.

Li Mengtong's current role as the "Haotu Traveler Leader" can theoretically access the empire's "Wrath of Heaven" level strategic ship, but in fact he cannot drag this high-level warship out and give it to the eight time travelers for imitation (in other positions, In this aspect, the system base can imitate local creations in the obtained plane.)

Qian Ruirui added during the exchange: "If all technologies want to turn from blueprints into real objects, they need people. In this plane, you are all in a remote area, in a small village playing with mud, and you want to make a jet fighter out of blueprints. , dream on you all.”

Although Qian Ruirui's words have not caused the travelers from the main world to withdraw from the group, the eight travelers from the vast land have lost their confidence in this "plane construction".

The existing time travelers are collectively trying to force Li Mengtong into the palace, so that he must help them enter the empire and recruit talents, so that these time travelers will be willing to assist.

But if this is the case, Li Mengtong needs to betray the empire and help the eight time travelers develop their base through blood transfusion mode.

If Li Mengtong chooses this path. Whether he can defeat the big devil who supports Xinhuo, let alone instigating a coup in the fragile empire now, the empire may collapse on the spot.

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