Out of the cage

Chapter 1369 Chapter 2731 The Last Star Sea Federation

April 2627, Gibraltar, North Africa. One hundred thousand-ton cargo ships were coming and going on the sea, and above the cargo ships were federal triangular flying saucers patrolling the waterway.

Federation General Spike was on forced leave. He was leaning under a sun umbrella with his muscular body and legs crossed casually. But the omnic suspended next to him has been reporting to him the major and minor affairs of the Federation.

The reason why he was idle by the federation was because some brothers in the military were involved in the "counter-revolutionary case." And he exonerated these brothers and became suspected.

However, this kind of plot often occurs when a power is at its end. After the most incompetent person in the political arena has ruined the situation, someone will be found from the reserve talent pool to turn the tide.

…scene dividing line…

However, thousands of kilometers away on the coast of the Black Sea, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea are constructing the Grand Canal. Huge and high mountains are cut off by jumping and cutting facilities. The mountains are carved out like tofu and then transported to the Volga region in the north along the temporary low-gravity track belt. , these huge stones will become a continuous artificial defense line in the north.

Wen San, who was wearing a yellow safety helmet and was digitally alloyed, was leaning against the industrial subway tower. During his break, he connected with the communication from Qian Ruirui.

Qian Ruirui is telling about the current trends of omnics and the current opportunities of those plot characters.

As a veteran time traveler, Wei Keng commented on these plot characters who were reduced to detention and believed that although they would have troubles for a while, they would eventually make a comeback because a large amount of "resources" (karma) had been invested in them in the previous plot. This is Incidents will inevitably occur in the new situation.

Wen San looked at the family enjoying their leisure time and couldn't help but sigh to Qian Ruirui: "He is a good person, but not a good general. Of course, in such an environment, he cannot be a good general."

Wei Keng predicted Spike's future: These are troubled times. The Federation has reduced Spike's military power today, but will have to use him tomorrow.

Qian Ruirui immediately pricked up her ears. She wanted to know how the veteran time traveler judged the direction of the plot: "You mean Spike will become Cruise (the villain general in the original plot) in the future? Why do you make such a judgment?" "

Wei Keng said leisurely: The brothers who (Spike) survived will finally remember his love for never giving up in spite of adversity. In the future, he will be the leader and become a new force. And the persecution he has gone through now will become the reason for his darkening in the future! This kind of lucky protagonist will eventually be lucky enough to run away.

Qian Ruirui nodded, as if he understood how to be the protagonist!

Wei Keng glanced at her and frowned, trying to remind her: Don't learn little tricks. But then I thought: This cannot be corrected verbally. Then he sighed and stopped nagging.

Wei Keng looked at the time: "It's getting late, I still have to work here. Make some preparations, and then prepare for the Arctic Circle campaign." Then he turned off the screen - there are a lot of vacancies in the upper levels of Silicon Heart Society at the moment. Under the circumstances, Wei Keng gave Qian Ruirui the opportunity to advance and become the leader, allowing her to divert her attention from opportunism.

…back to the twisted plot scene of Future Storm,…

...Here at the Gibraltar Sanitarium, under an umbrella, Spike reviewed the global situation after reading the newspaper. His perspective first fell on Guantianshe, where the Xinhuo Army was operating a railway along the Caspian Sea, directly imported within the Persian Gulf region.

In the current contact, the ethnic forces in the Persian region have begun to accept the new order of the "economic belt" led by the Silicon Heart Society and the Guantian Society. Next, Guantianshe will provide technical resources. The ethnic forces in the area will be responsible for maintaining regional security. They have jointly built a series of infrastructures such as "power transmission trunk lines", "train lines", "canals" and "hydrocarbon processing bases". construction.

Due to the construction of these basic systems, the Star Sea Federation in the Star Sea Federation involves the "monopoly" interests of oligarchic families. The parliaments supported by these oligarchs are like wild dogs biting a piece of meat at the same time and no one will let it go. They are fighting for life and death internally. , so it is a "long-term strategic" bargaining chip to conduct strategic cooperation with local forces in the Caucasus and Zhongya regions.

Just like under the feudal bureaucracy, any profitable business system, such as salt merchants and manufacturing bureaus, cannot escape the fate of being slaughtered by feudal lords. Therefore, the feudal system cannot allow industries with "investment return cycles of more than ten years" to grow.

And under the commercial and private system of the Star Sea Alliance, dozens of aristocratic families will never give up the possibility of "shareholding control" of these overseas high-value infrastructures. Therefore, it is impossible to conduct high-value cooperation outside areas under direct military control.

Wei Keng’s comment: In international economic activities, you should not give up part of the development dividends to create permanent output for the region’s “modern and progressive organizations”. This region cannot have a safe environment to create value.

The imperialism of the Star Sea Federation is precisely that it "only dares to invest in areas under strong military control", and every time it invests in a van, it is equivalent to having a tank to escort it (pretending to be cool), and the cost is terrifyingly high. ——It obviously only requires a monthly salary of 1,000 to hire seven or eight local security guards.

Every industrialized force must be "extremely developed" and supply at least 10% of the manufacturing economy in modern technological urban areas. If the government wants to maintain such high-tech troops in "underdeveloped areas", it will be useless. Jingui's tanks were on standby on the dirt road. When the armored soldiers got off the car, they could only see the local goods pulled by local people's donkeys. That was a huge loss!

[In the twenty-first century, even if the Bald Eagle knows that he will be hit by missiles, he will shrink to the Asia-Pacific when shrinking the imperial defense zone, because only the aircraft carrier, a gold-eating beast, can be suppressed in the Asia-Pacific region to control the industries of Japan and South Korea and master the East Asia. Only by having the right to speak in the largest industrial and economic region on earth can we ensure that the cost of building and maintaining aircraft carriers is not sunk. Otherwise, it will be like a furry bear. The powerful military industry has not completed the pricing of trade dividends for Western European industries and collapsed instantly. 】

The above-mentioned course on "Military Costs and Regional Economic Relations" is a required course in Earth 45's compulsory education. ——Wei Keng: I think everyone should understand. If you don’t understand, you haven’t graduated from compulsory education.

Of course, Spike doesn't understand now. He only sees that Guantian Society has invested a lot of money into the original Star Sea Federation's sphere of influence at any cost. This is to compete with the Star Sea Federation for hegemony.

Yes, Spike still has the concept of being an "upper district person". He saw the "Star Sea Federation" and the enemies of the "Star Sea Federation" in various media reports, and did not take the needs of the people in the region into consideration at all.

In the media in the upper area, when considering the animal rights of cats and dogs and the human rights of omnics, they are more important than the development rights of people in backward areas wallowing in the soil.

In the past two years, the attention of federal politicians in the Red Sea and Persian Sea regions has suddenly increased, all because of the actions of the Guantian Society, the Silicon Heart Society, and the young radicals of the Star Sea Federation even threatened to retake the "Aryan Zone"!

Of course, Spike feels that if the Star Sea Federation really implements a "radical" strategy now, it will definitely fail!

How does the Federation break the situation? He set his sights on the Silicon Heart Society in North Asia, which had acquired an Arctic Ocean port. Spike sighed: "Allies are sometimes more dangerous than enemies..."

After leaving office, Spike, the "former federal military chief" who was on the outside, was able to think from a general strategic perspective: that is, there was no way that the "Silicon Heart Society" would get closer to the federation. On the contrary, this force risks supplanting the Federation.

Spike: Damn the Federation bugs, the damn oligarchs, they only consider their own interests and have left the Federation aside.

At this time, some of the upper-level federal bureaucrats within the Silicon Heart Association had unclear and unexplained interests...

Currently, in the direction of the Caucasus, the Federation still maintains a main army, eighteen military bases, three floating battleship fleets, and sixty-five ground brigades, all deployed here. In theory, Silicon Heart Society can be defeated.

but! No one in the federal political arena has the courage to start a war.

There were also cases of this kind of thing during the Warring States Period. Han had defeated only the capital, but it was not destroyed! Because there are Korean relatives in Qin. Therefore, when the country is destroyed, these related interest groups will stand in the way.

Another example is the famous allusion between Qin Shihuang and Wang Jian about "how many people are needed to destroy Chu".

Wang Jian's request was "600,000 to destroy Chu", but Qin Shihuang laughed at him, "The old guy is too cautious." 600,000 was the entire property of the Qin State! But the old general smiled and said nothing. As a result, what happened later proved that "Qin Huang's plan was broken."

What Wang Jian wanted was all the property of the Qin State to prevent these scattered military power from being used by other political forces when they destroyed Chu.

Although Qin Shihuang covered up historical data in order to protect his brilliance and prowess, and Li Xin's failure to lead an army of 200,000 took the initiative to blame Qin Emperor for two thousand years, the truth still emerged through the remaining bamboo slips. .

Because just when Li Xin was going well with 200,000 troops in the early stage, he suddenly went back in the middle of the battle to suppress a rebellion! And combined with the rebel Changping Jun (surnamed Mi), we can deduce the context.

Therefore, Li Xin's military strength of 200,000 men was enough to defeat Chu, and Wang Jian's political strength of 600,000 men was enough to destroy Chu. Both of them are correct!

In a war, you are most afraid of being held back by your own people. Once internal interests in a war are inconsistent, all theoretically implementable strategies will be deviated.

Nowadays, the politicians of the Star Sea Federation only dare to curse the Guantian Society. They secretly cursed in the newspapers that the local forces in the Aryan region cooperated with the Guantian Society as ungrateful and dishonest. But there is no way to attack the "Silicon Heart Society".

Silicon Heart Society is a federal agent who has inextricable connections with senior officials from the Federation's Yadong nationality.

At this time, Spike was in a irritable mood and scrolling through the electronic screen became more and more rough.

Spike: This is so stupid, but everyone is in this optimistic stupidity.

He looked through all the major media, and all of them gave "Silicon Heart Society" high praise. Words such as "the last freedom position in the Eastern Hemisphere", "pursuing freedom and flying under the humiliation-bearing heart", and "the sacred fortress under the threat of evil".

Spike has met the uprising leader of the Silicon Heart Society.

Spike: That's a calculating guy. Damn it, he (Wen San) fooled everyone.

However, Spike ignored that the illusion of "Silicon Heart Society and Star Sea Federation joining hands" was precisely constructed by the Federation itself.

...Those who flatter others will always say that they were deceived in the end. …

Current public opinion in the Star Sea Federation has systematically covered up the past situation of the "Silicon Heart Society".

The decision-makers of the Silicon Heart Association are all agents who escaped from the Star Sea. They still have the mark of the electronic collar on their necks, the taste of inferior food paste is still in their mouths, and they still have fresh memories of the "indifferent attitude" of the federal high-level officials.

Now that the Star Sea Federation has come to power, the new amateurs are very forgetful, and the constant propaganda has actually hypnotized themselves.

These young men of the Federation, who don't care about the past, also believe that Silicon Heart will fight for their common "freedom flag", and they won't, well, shouldn't care about the past hatred.

Just like in the movie, as the protagonist, well, the newcomers who enter the Xinghai political arena now think that they have the luck of the protagonist and have enough personality charm to persuade all "available combat forces" to join their side.

In the eyes of agents like Qian Ruirui, who have experienced the darkness of the Federation, these "amateurs" behave extremely idealistically.

In various speeches, the international topics discussed by these political amateurs in Xinghai are often "as long as the Silicon Heart Society launches a challenge, everything will be fine." However, the "amateurs" are not stupid. They know that they must take advantage of "their own power" "It's still fresh for everyone, hurry up and draw the cake."

...The clock sounds, ticking, arriving and moving forward. …

Just when Spike was hesitant about the current international situation, the door suddenly opened, Lilith walked in, and then she clicked on a communication in front of Spike.

When Spike saw his wife on honeymoon suddenly so upset, he almost took out the sniper rifle from the box. At this time, he saw the top-secret news of the internal communication. The Black Death Rebellion in the Aegean Sea.

Spike paused and suddenly asked loudly: "What's going on in Area 673?" This area is where the Federation Djinni Mecha is located.

Lilith's expression was very depressed: "There is no information now."

But then, she saw the latest news on the Internet.

In the Atlantic area, the black fleet docked, and then the mechanical structures above the waterline on both sides opened, and crab-like limbs popped up and began to crawl on the shallow shore. Under the cover of the giant ship's cannon, the black invasion began...

...The catastrophe of the omnic invasion is late but has arrived...

On the east coast of the Peloponnese Peninsula in Greece, on a coastline full of gravel, the Djinn God landed on the sea, raised his neutron sword and volleyed down the missiles flying towards him within a range of thirty kilometers.

As the particle sword light swept across, the energy-gathering tank five kilometers away only fired two rapid rounds before being turned into scrap metal by the shock wave. The giant giant spirit mecha began to walk towards the theater building that was the same height as itself. In front, the mecha's soles crushed the yacht at the dock, but it avoided the marble statue of the Spartan warrior.

After landing at the ancient Greek ruins, the combat robot stopped in front of the theater where humans had fled and remained silent for a while. Then it made an electronic sound and muttered to itself: "Human warriors think about interesting things." - on its chest The laser scanner scanned the Spartan warrior statue and said.

Artificial intelligence has a tendency to chase stars. However, around it, each mole tower began to create blade warrior infantry out of car wreckage, and groups of mechanical troops began to pour into the city.

The "War Omnic" that had high hopes went off alone again, teaching the Federation a painful lesson.

Europe has never experienced the risk of omnic rebellion before. Regarding omnic disasters in other regions, the hosts of BBC and Der Spiegel shrugged their shoulders with self-conscious humor and continued to go their own way. Now retribution has come.

Thirty minutes after the "Djinn God" walked alone, the pioneer forces in Antarctica expressed neutrality towards the artificial intelligence incident within the Federation, and a large number of Cester warship weapon systems refused to fire on the Black Death's military tide.

At the most critical moment, the suddenly unreliable Pioneer Intelligence greatly frustrated many "omnic egalitarians" in the Federation.

And just three days later, it seemed that you sang and I came on stage. The Fire Legion began to announce that they would take back Antarctic territory. And restart the Battle of the Moon.

In other words, how can those “pseudo-leftists” of the Star Sea Federation retain their omnic allies in Antarctica?

As a strategic competitor of the Star Sea Alliance, Guantian Society announced that it would take action to kill this pioneer! ——This was a legal slap in the face of the Star Sea Alliance when it was at its most decadent.

…the dividing line of values…

Wei Keng: A group of virgins clamor for others to understand their own "justice", but they are never willing to understand the justice of others.

Just like in the Aryan region, when there was no omnic rebellion in the past few years, the local forces here that originally dealt with the local bureaucrats of the Star Sea Federation announced that they would remain neutral between the Guantian Society and the Star Sea Alliance and would not be involved in the conflict.

At that time, public opinion in the Star Sea Federation denounced this place as a betrayal.

As everyone knows, the Star Sea Federation has never regarded this place as a homogeneous place. It requires "loyal dogs" standards and requires fellow humans in the area to assist it. It has no sympathy for the backward development of this area. -On the contrary, he poured his sympathy into the omnics.

Now being stabbed in the back by an omnic, and surrounded by similar people being silent, it can be said that it is a good reincarnation. (End of chapter)

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