Out of the cage

Chapter 1372 Chapter 2732 (Part 2) Gun and pen, blood and ink

In 2628, the pioneer omnics of the earth and moon system felt that they could not defeat the "Heavenly Mind" of Guantian Society.

As a result, they tore up the so-called neutral strategy between the "Avengers" and the "Star Sea Federation" and began to join the Avengers Legion.

At the same time, in the Mediterranean region, as the Djinn rebel omnics began to retreat to the African region after robbing a wave of federal assets, the federation also breathed a sigh of relief, and some of the high-level ideas returned to their old ways. .

27 years ago, the Star Sea Federation, a group of business and private oligarchs who supported the government, could not spare any effort and had to watch the Battle of the Moon from afar. But even so, this group of politicians is "one yard at a time, one yard at a time", and they are not completely sure of Guantian Society's war against the "lunar" and "Antarctic" omnics.

Federation politicians tried to explain the "Mediterranean Omnic Rebellion" and the "War between the Sky Society and the Omnics" separately.

The first step is to cater to the internal contradictions. They believe that those omnics that betrayed their own side are indeed abominable, but the suppression of omnics by the Guantian Society is unreasonable.

The second step is to connect the two, that is, because of Guantian Society's various suppression actions against omnics, the Star Sea Federation has suffered the cost of out-of-control omnics. ——Similar to Western environmental rhetoric: We are experiencing climate disaster here because people in the Eastern Hemisphere eat too much meat.

The latest explanation from federal politicians to voters: We are kind-hearted white lotus flowers, and we were implicated because the pond where we live was polluted by bad people.

This kind of logic is quite awkward, but similar "flip" plots have often appeared in federal movies in the past two years. "Complex" explains that the bad guys become bad because the "good guys" side got involved with conspirators.

The main world has this evaluation of the "film media" in the ancient industrial period: it is a clever propaganda tool that can subtly embed complex political concepts into movies. Invisibly setting limits for everyone on “what can’t be done” and motivation to “do it boldly”.

Without the several movies filmed by the Federation in 2027, while the Federation's top leaders were resolutely resisting the AI ​​rebellion, they could still accuse the Guantian Society of treating omnics inhumanely. Such double-standard propaganda suddenly made many people around the world full of questions.

Under the official federation account, a large number of "uneducated" unfriendly comments are piled high. ——This label of "uneducated" is often given to "dissidents" by federal cultural people.

But then the federal cultural circles took action. Through many movie promotions, they deliberately portrayed the so-called "good people have to carefully screen everything to deal with the complex world."

People in the Star Sea Federation film industry quickly used film narration to help the public gradually "understand" how "rational" and "kind" are behind some of the double-standard behavior of the federation's top leaders in recent years.

For example, in the movie "Planet of the Apes" released by the Star Sea Federation in 2028, while describing the cruelty of the apes who oppressed the protagonist group of humans, it also depicted the friendship between some kind-hearted apes and the protagonist group. Therefore, the protagonists must not only fight against the ape suppressors, but also restrain the human villains from persecuting the good apes.

Yes, in 28 years, when it was clear that the Xinhuo Legion was going to win the Battle of the Moon, the politicians of the Star Sea Federation made political considerations and used a group of Holy Mothers to support the lunar artificial intelligence.

Wei Keng: Throughout the 20th century to the 22nd century, movies were definitely a powerful political propaganda tool and were deeply involved in "ideological wars."

Now in the future storm plane of 2629, the cultural trump card of the Star Sea Federation is also working. At the beginning, when the Star Sea Federation had double standards for omnibuses, the public opinion of those federal citizens in their 50s and 60s was still full of curses. , but federal citizens in their 20s and 30s who have "emerging", "diversified" and "independent thinking" feel that the omnics of the Mediterranean rebellion and the omnics of Antarctica should not be judged together.

The pluralists of the Federation: The artificial intelligence on the moon and the mutinous intelligence in the Mediterranean are different. They are the persecuted party like themselves.

These Holy Mother sects began to think for the Lunar sect’s omnics! Begins to emphasize the Lunar Omnic's "justifiable circumstances" behind the rebellion.

People in China are "accustomed" to such disgusting double standards.

Note: In the 21st century, Western academic circles have always treated the "Jewish Holocaust" and the "Nando Holocaust" differently. The reason is that the Jewish Holocaust is "modern" and was a kind of "Jewish Holocaust" established by nanoparticles. "Modern scientific theory" carries out the so-called population cleansing, but the Nandu Massacre does not have this modernity, so it cannot be compared at the same level.

This group of double-standard dogs completely ignores the "modernity" of "bacterial virus experiments" that uses "scientific" theories to massacre. Oh, by the way, the "bacterial experiment" data fell into the hands of the "Free Beacon" after the war. Those The butcher was eventually acquitted.

…Double standards are fun for a while, but they will eventually lead to cremation grounds…

In 2628, the Djinn once again captured southern Europe.

Immediately afterwards, the Pioneer Base, which had been fighting side by side with the Star Sea in space, also fell from the sky and jumped to various strategic locations in Europe.

Yes, the omnics called "different" by the Federation Mother finally pointed their finger at them.

At this time, it was Guantianshe's turn to be "slow" on the sidelines. The Guantian Society does not have "double standards". It just ranks the importance of "supporting the Federation" after completely solving the lunar omnics!

The betrayal of artificial intelligence that was supposed to happen in this plot went round and round, and in the end all conflicts broke out.

Wei Keng: At this time, it is the turn of those time-travelers (projected by He Chongyun) to accept the assessment.

On April 4, 2628, the Nordic King Bixin (who came with the interstellar base) was buzzing. After the artificial intelligence disaster broke out, a large number of human refugees came to him, and he sent an army to pick up the refugees.

A large number of ordinary civilian humans arrived, and before he could confirm the skilled personnel among the immigrants, the omnics rushed directly to his base in the Alps.

The Sethus gunship used rows of ion bombardment warheads to tell him that the savior was not that easy to be.

These liveries have turned into black gunships, opening "craters" on the turtle's back.

From the launch module divided by yellow lines on the back of the battleship, glass-encased particle cannons were ejected from it, hitting Wang Bixin's base like meteors.

In the strategic direction of Europe, any possible regrouping of human military forces will be dealt with with the highest priority.

Ps: In fact, during this disaster, the middle and upper-level people who had the conditions took the best technical personnel and went to Silicon Heart Society first.

Wang Bixin took over second-rate technology and technicians, and the technology he could unlock were some "armored cores" (spherical floating tanks).

But before he could mass-produce these military weapons, the omnic army destroyed the transportation hub he established in the flat area.

He left his bombed base and sent a drone back to see the last scene of his base. It was a row of fifteen pairs of mechanical compound-eyed Sirius robots and MOA combat machines swarming up from the huge ruins.

Before he could lament the fall of the base, the magnetic blast mechanical infantry code-named "Cancer Leader" directly in front of him blocked his retreat, forcing him to rely on the secondary base in the north to carry out resolute resistance.

Thanks to the fact that he occupied a port before the war and could still receive assistance from the Silicon Heart Society, he was still able to stand firm.

After Wang Bixin resisted resolutely for fifteen days, his Danmark area was destroyed. Seeing that his barracks building was bombed and destroyed.

The system reminded him that if he could not rebuild a new base within forty days, he would be eliminated first. He was so angry that he scolded his mother directly.

...In Europe, there are people more unlucky than Wang Bixin...

Also scolding was Li Xiaokong, who controls the base of the plot world of "Battlefield 2142".

When the Mediterranean fell, this time traveler began to recruit troops at a faster pace in Kiev, building a regiment with skulls as symbols, and took advantage of the chaos to flex his muscles. ——As a result, he encountered a completely different situation from Wang Bixin.

Wang Bixin is a place of death, and those pig teammates have already fled with oil on their feet. Li Xiaokong's place still has control value for the selfish people in the federation.

On May 23, General Rogers, who had been defeated by the Federation, came to this base with a large number of Poseidon chariots, Star Shields and other heavy equipment to seize power.

After successfully seizing power, the federal regular army commander received federal political endorsement and directly forced Li Xiaokong, a local garrison officer, to serve as cannon fodder and lead a team to block the pioneering omnics in Poland on the Western Front.

You must know that Li Xiaokong's current military armaments are not yet at the normal military level of this plane. Most of his men are still in jeeps carrying anti-tank missiles.

He only has 60 Bipedal Titans in his hand, which is about the equipment of a regiment. How can he resist the massive omnics?

But before he could resist, the Star Sea Federation military police wearing electronic communication rings announced to him his appointment from the Star Sea European Military Council.

When Li Xiaokong was still experiencing the benefits of "promoting himself to colonel during the appointment", these airborne military police pointed their guns at him and announced that he must obey the federal order.

Immediately afterwards, General Rutgers Smiling Tiger elaborated: For the sake of the overall situation, to prevent his military weapons from being infiltrated by rebel omnics, he encrypted his armored forces and base factories in all aspects.

As a time traveler, he was rarely so angry with the natives. He was the only one who was so unreasonable when traveling back in time, but now he's the opposite? However, he can only understand current affairs.

...At this opportunity, Wei Keng began to extend a helping hand to these newcomers...

At the same time, in the year 27, the Silicon Heart Society had just defeated a sizable military force on the Indy Islands.

Zhang Hantu, a time traveler, took the military base system of "War Game Red Dragon" and used second-generation tanks and armed helicopters to confront the Silicon Heart Society head-on. He failed to win. He also wanted to use the tropical rainforest and mountains to fight guerrillas.

But what is the essence of guerrilla warfare? Wei Keng knows better than him.

In the tropical rainforest of the archipelago, Yu Chen recruited a large number of local grassroots administrative staff, registered household registrations for local people, then transported grain, oil and rice, set up civilian base stations, distributed smartphones according to the list, and processed " A low-cost data card of five yuan and twenty gigabytes per month, and it is free for the first two years.

When the entire guerrilla zone turned into a Silicon Heart Association, Zhang Hantu went to a certain movie theater the day before because he could get electronic transfers ranging from ten to two hundred yuan by providing photos and videos of "terrorists". The next day, photos of his team defecating in the forest were taken and sent to the Silicon Heart Society's military intelligence department.

Wei Keng gave Zhang Hantu a post-war summary afterwards: In guerrilla warfare, fighting comes second, and swimming like a fish in water is the key. Young comrade, you have to understand the people in the area to defeat the enemy before you can swim, otherwise you will be a dead fish due to lack of oxygen.

The defeated Zhang Hantu looked at the guy chattering in front of him.

It took him a while to realize that the guy who defeated him was a talker.

Zhang Hantu became the second person recruited by Wei Keng after Qian Ruirui.

During the great intelligence rebellion in Europe in 2028, when Zhang Hantu was at the base, Wei Keng found him: "Old Zhang, go and ask if you need any help over there." They were referring to Wang Bixin and Li Xiaokong.

Zhang Hantu had just boarded the pirate ship, and he was still unsure of Wei Keng's attitude. It was not clear whether Wei Keng wanted to "kill people and kill people" or really "only be virtuous and virtuous."

So he asked cautiously: "Do we have the military strength to intervene in Europe now?"

Wei Keng: "Well, no, let them know this clearly, but tell them that if their lives are really in danger, I will provide them with a passage. Also, their bases and resources will be almost exhausted, right? If you want To succeed in this world, we must unite and form a synergistic alliance under a common framework.”

Zhang felt strange when he heard that, and couldn't help but ask: "We and you, um, aren't they and you rivals? You -"

Wei Keng nodded and encouraged: "Yes, we are opponents, but you have to survive to be my opponent. You have to grow. You have been bulldozed by the natives, how can you fight with me."

Zhang paused for a while and seemed to realize something. He began to guess: This nominal combat mission was actually an exam? (Haotu) Could it be that the person that the system has marked as needing to be defeated is his current examiner?

Zhang continued to think wildly: Could it be that the examiner saw that no one on his side could pass the test, so he was ready to let the "newcomers" know how to grow in this dimension.

Due to the unequal information between the upper and lower levels in the vast system, grassroots time travelers like Zhang Hantu used their full imagination. Of course, Zhang Hantu was right about one thing. Wei Keng was indeed teaching him step by step.

For Wei Keng, his goal is to severely injure He Chongyun. In the process of achieving this goal, there is no need to kill all the other people involved in the time travel.

While this small chapter was thinking wildly, Wei Keng sighed to him: "You have been harmed by the system's baton for too long."

Keng pointed at his head and said: "As a time traveler, you must understand your own opinions. As for me, my purpose in the plane is to promote the path, not necessarily to force you out of the plane abnormally."

At this time, on this tank production line, a large number of boxes were ejected from Zhang Hantu's perspective, and each box was a necessary course for learning "craft". The things Wei Keng gave him were not given in vain.

Zhang Hantu was like a primary school student facing his teacher: "But the main world system told us that we will bring you to justice."

Wei Keng smiled and patted him: "The eggless supervisors from Haotu have arranged such an "impossible" and unplanned task for you, so I want to deal with them."

As a veteran time traveler in the pastoral era, Wei Keng is ready to give this wave of time travelers a chance to recognize themselves again...

In 28 years, Wei Keng restored Zhang Hantu's "War Game Red Dragon" military base and gave him a European intervention force.

Zhang Hantu saw the return of the "base system" and was overwhelmed by the sudden delegation of power. When his base was lost and recovered, his mentality also changed.

At this time, he could reconnect to the main world system, but faced with a large number of emails in his mailbox, all of which were instructions requiring him to do so immediately. He paused, and after reading them all with one click, he did not let himself " System Update" is subject to Haotu supervision.

Zhang Hantu reopened the base's tank production chain, and suddenly found that his base's production chain had become complicated, with a large number of information pendants loaded. The original manufacturing workshop of his 59 tanks has now been extensively renovated and expanded.

The turret was changed to a larger one, the cockpit became a digital system, the engine power package also added complex electronic controls, and was loaded with this plane's proprietary black technology: nano force field shield technology, creating the new model 59w.

If Wei Keng had pushed his base flatly before, Zhang Hantu was still dissatisfied, but now he saw various technical notes on his base and helped him outline the feasible future development routes for various armaments of his base. , to help him plan the next step of building tanks, fighter planes, fleets, and command systems.

Zhang Hantu opened his mouth wide like a baby bird, accepting the "feeding" in a daze.

Before this mission, Zhang Hantu and other time travelers did not know that his opponent was a veteran who had traveled through time for many years. Now I am sure that this is definitely not a skill that can be achieved by "traveling through two armies".

…Four days later…

On the way to Europe, in the large cargo submarine, Zhang Hantu looked through the current Star Sea Alliance information.

When reading the information on federal training agents, there was content highlighted in red by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "They (referring to the instructors of the Star Sea Federation.) are just like Shan Yu training soldiers with loud arrows (shooting love horses, shooting love concubines). They only require agents to obey orders like combat weapons without thinking about them. In this way The superior mentality will eventually lead to self-immolation."

After Zhang Hantu saw this content, he couldn't help but have new thoughts. He suddenly thought of himself: Is the main world's Space-Time Administration also providing "Da Shanyu's ringing arrow training" for low-end time travelers like himself.

Zhang Hantu comes from the main world. In the ivory tower area on the earth, in that equal and non-bullying environment, suddenly entering the time-travel system, it is difficult to imagine the complexity of the Space-Time Management Bureau.

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