Out of the cage

Chapter 1374 Chapter 2734 New forces, new era, new order

In early 2630, the Silicon Heart Society, which had just finished negotiating the "equality" covenant with the Xinghai Federation, also reached a consensus with the Guantian Society.

As the initiator of the Global Alliance, Wen San declared from a high position after signing the agreement: "It is wrong for omnics to go alone in this world."

In the past, when the Star Sea Federation had the right to speak, all remarks about "omnics being harmful" were politically incorrect.

But now, those holy bitches under the idea of ​​"equality of man and machine" are all stranded in the occupied areas of the Star Sea Federation, which is deteriorating.

This is because Silicon Center, which restructured the federal assets, focused on engineering personnel with "industrial technology" in its human resource selection, and did not want to inherit the federation's "ideological contradictions caused by various extreme political correctness."

Those intellectuals who are useless and still want to live a high-class life are like the princesses of the subjugated country, abandoned in the abandoned castle and experiencing the ravages of reality.

Regarding this, Wei Keng lamented: The ideological changes in Mediterranean civilization are more complete than those in the East. The reason is that the East only changes dynasties, and people from the old culture will still bring their remnants to the new dynasties. In the West, the center has shifted, from Greece to Rome, and Rome to Charlemagne. , from Great Britain to the United States, the crazy state at the end of every dynasty will be abandoned in the violent alternation of national destruction.

Narrator: Once the basic cognition of the East is formed, it will last forever. Since the end of the 20th century, some people from Eastern culture have always used Eastern concepts to understand the basic cognition of the West. Little do they know that the basic cognition of the West is over like a calendar when it is torn off. It’s not a concept of “lasting”.

After 2630, suddenly a global human anti-omnic alliance was formed.

When the position of business and private enterprises moved to Silicon Heart Society, public opinion suddenly shifted from "omnics may have humanity" to a new basic understanding of "omnics harm human beings".

…The sudden change in international public opinion represents the emergence of a new global pattern…

As established hegemons, the Star Sea Federation and the Condor Empire have begun to withdraw from the international power system just like colonial powers such as Britain and France after World War II.

In the latest pattern, Guantianshe has developed World Island into the most important industrial production group on the planet, with the total industrial production value reaching more than 80% of the world. Silicon Heart Society controls key shipping channels around the world’s islands.

The combination of Silicon Heart Society and Guantian Society guarantees the normal operation of global industrial and economic activities at this stage.

In the economic cooperation projects signed by both parties

The two sides have determined the guidelines for sea lines of communication and land lines of communication, and no party can unilaterally cut them off.

Since the Silicon Heart Society will replace the Federation, the safety of sea lanes should be the responsibility of the Silicon Heart Society.

On the other hand, the two sides determined the supply of 17,800 strategic materials and light industrial products and the pricing linked to related resources.

This treaty basically divided up the entire earth, while clarifying the maritime trade camp and the continental production camp.

The omnic war that broke out in Europe seems to be the Silicon Heart Society and the Guantian Society helping the Star Sea Federation. In fact, the Federation has no future. Now the Star Sea Federation is now equivalent to a rescued "fat pig". After being rescued, they passed quarantine so that they could be weighed and slaughtered.

In January of the same year, Guantian Society's resources entered Eastern Europe from the Lihai area, and then the European resisters received support and began to fight against omnics. ——This new generation of European politicians will forever label “omnics” as heretical technology in order to defend their political correctness after peace in the future.

As the leader of the forces in the region, Li Xiaokong, well, as a time traveler, he looked at the tank chassis, electromagnetic gun barrels, and bipedal mecha factories that were shipped. These international aids were the first bucket of what he had dreamed of. gold.

When he walked out of the train station, he saw that his soldiers were more pleased than him. They tore open packages of "big plate chicken" and ham sausages in the marching pot and started cooking.

A few days later, after Li Xiaokong had a meal with the soldiers on a whim, he suddenly realized through the changes in the soldiers' rations that after receiving assistance, his control over the forces under his command had been penetrated.

Li Xiaokong looked at the soldiers eating Guantianshe's military rations and determined that his army had changed from "wolves looking for meat to dogs accustomed to eating food."

Among Wei Keng's "morale control" methods, the first one is to appease the soldiers' stomachs. If the conditions are difficult, they must eat with the soldiers. If conditions permit, you can make small stoves by yourself, but you must ensure that the large stoves are abundant.

If one day, Li Xiaokong orders his troops to fight back, morale will plummet!

This time traveler now calls himself a centrist, but in fact, there is very little "room for maneuver" in what he wants in the future.

Well, if Li Xiaokong's forces don't seek death, they will still exist for a long time, because Guantian Society's strategy in the surrounding area is "tribute" doctrine.

That is, while the central government controls the promotion and development of productive forces, it does not interfere in peripheral politics and uses the simplest economic channels to maintain peripheral stability. This is similar to the way Easterners plant a few big trees around their houses. They don't move the trees around, and they don't expect much output from these big trees.

In fact, Guantian Society is also a kind of support for the "tributary state" to Silicon Heart Society.

In March 2630, the main force of the Silicon Heart Society began to land in Australia, which was the base camp of the Avengers omnics.

Compared with Guantianshe's annihilation attack by mobilizing the air and ground system. The Silicon Heart Society Alliance adopts a maritime strategy with fleet projection as its core.

Silicon Heart Society Wen San (Wei Keng) taught the time travelers (Qian, Wang, Li, Zhang) who are now close to him step by step: The focus of Lu Quan's military is "annihilation", through annihilation, the effective forces of the nearby opponents are eliminated. If the opponent's strength cannot be annihilated, even if it is defeated dozens of times, it is strategically equivalent to being a prisoner guarded by "jailers."

The focus of maritime power and military affairs is on "interference", through which interference increases the opponent's maintenance costs in the region, thereby gaining bargaining chips. If the intervention cost of the intervention force is too high and they are annihilated when they break in, or are delayed after entering, the sea power military will fall into strategic failure.

The actions of Guantian Society and Silicon Heart Society in this era happen to be at the strategic time point of both parties. ——Wei Keng to the ignorant Li Xiaokong: It is the "basic skill" for a time traveler to gather various favorable opportunities together through planning.

The Guantian Society launched the military operation only after it was sure that it could wipe out the omnic forces on the World Island and support the pro-Guantian Society and semi-autonomous forces in industry and agriculture to establish a country around itself.

Silicon Heart Society, on the other hand, must find a "target" to intervene after taking over a large amount of Star Sea Federation assets, and invest its own capital to prove that Silicon Heart Society has the ability to control overseas assets.

On March 21st, Silicon Heart Society's diamond-shaped battleship floated on the Australian coastline. Groups of beam cannons defeated the Avengers' air force, and thermite incendiary bombs easily ignited dozens of Avengers battlefields. factory.

Under the precise fire from the coastline, the Avengers' omnic army had to abandon the convenient transportation hub along the coast and began to retreat inland. The road facilities left behind by the Xinghai Federation's economic system are not even as good as those in the interior of Asia. They don't even have cement-hardened roads, they are just gravel roads, and the edges of the roads are eroded by Australia's unique weeds. When vehicles cross the road, kangaroos can often be seen scurrying away in the grass on both sides.

Silicon Heart Society formed brigades one by one and began to pursue the inland escort with the fleet.

There are three types of tours in Silicon Heart Society: light, medium and heavy.

1: Light mechanized brigade. The tactical requirement is to drive straight into the position quickly and seize the position quickly. It is mainly based on Cheetah Express and Scorpion mine-laying vehicles. Such a light mechanized brigade has more than 80 vehicles and is also equipped with four squadrons (16 aircraft). Osprey fighter jet conducts reconnaissance. The military mission is mainly to deploy unmanned observation towers on the forward side. Enhance situational awareness.

Currently, the Silicon Heart Society has invested thirty-five such light mechanized brigades in Australia, maintaining large-scale strategic maneuverability and establishing theater situational awareness.

2: Stationed mechanized troops are mainly troops stationed in big cities and strategic nodes, with Marines and field technicians as the main components. They use transport vehicles to move from one strategic node to another, build smart bunkers, and maintain them. The shipyard usually has a fleet of forty Prism Chariots, eight Poseidon Freeze Cannons, and of course the most important ones. War Weapon Maintenance Brigade,

Silicon Heart Society combat technicians are engineers who can operate Digizoid and can assemble a variety of new equipment according to the needs of the commander. Although the federal commander used to despise this kind of assembled goods as the rags of copycat warlords, now under the war , turning waste into treasure is an ability that every army must know.

3: As for the heavy armored corps, it is the main force. It has thirty Star Shield mechas. Each Star Shield mecha weighs three hundred tons. It belongs to the heavy armored brigade on land and can call the fleet for support. Only six are now committed. The people in charge of this heavy force are all senior members of the "Mechanical Corps" of the Silicon Heart Society Alliance. The Silicon Heart Code emphasizes that digital humans are the centerpiece of the Silicon Heart Iron Skeleton Army.

There are still some considerations hidden in the above-mentioned division of military services. The Silicon Heart Society currently accepts federal military forces, which are both good and bad. The military conservatives from the previous stage of Silicon Heart Society must be arranged into the garrison troops to make room for talents with new military thinking needed for the current war.

In the latest military confrontation, Silicon Heart Society commanders frequently project "unmanned mechanical combat turrets" from space.

This was originally an "orbital strategic support" commonly used by imperial military commanders, but now that garrisoned legions frequently encounter surprise battles, Silicon Heart Society's technology in this area has begun to catch up.

The new team of Silicon Heart Society is different from the young people in the Federation who are suppressed by the veteran generals in the army. They are developing in the right direction and have room for their own talents to be used. They are rapidly accumulating new tactical systems.

...The new army and the old army, everything is just like the situation during the reform of the late Qing Dynasty. …

Silicon Heart Society's emerging military faction performed very well in its debut in the Australian campaign.

A large number of scout corps constantly clashed with each other in the early stages of the campaign, competing for control of roads and information, and using mines to restrain the enemy. A large number of Avengers robots were suddenly blown up by landmines while intersecting with the Silicon Heart Society.

After Silicon Heart Society controlled the rear area, armored trains were used to ensure logistics.

The roaring metal armor produced the emotion of "humiliation" in the Avenger omnic's chip.

Avengers: Their steel bodies have always charged and overwhelmed humans, but when faced with the "armored train" speeding past, they were run over by this suspended steel "ship" on land.

For the omnics, the most unacceptable thing was the armored battle on the west coast of Australia on March 22, 2630.

Silicon Heart Society's First Steel Legion, a series of airborne troops in the early stage were very efficient in clearing a series of "hidden piles" on the way forward. They were controlled by Digizoid warriors with tens of thousands of tons of war equipment, and they quickly approached the Avengers Group. The core fortress area.

Since the Avengers had ambushed "Stinger anti-aircraft missiles" in the surrounding area, Silicon Heart Society's light mechanized brigade was unable to completely clean up, and the heavy bombing air force was unable to enter. As a last resort, heavily armed mechanized troops were dispatched for the assault.

Among the military technologies that Silicon Heart Society inherited from the Star Sea Federation, its self-produced "Star Shield Guardian" mecha weighs three hundred tons.

Take an armored train and arrive at the front line at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The big blue and white iron top is still round. After rolling down from the train, the cylindrical mechanical legs immediately stretched out, and a small head popped up from the groove in the front. Come on, this mechanical head has fifteen sets of "lens" eyes. After the transformation, the Star Shield robot unfolds He took off the force field protective shield, raised the 30mm particle arm cannon in both arms, and rushed into the most anxious defensive fortress area.

Silicon Heart Society's star shield photon cannon exploded in circles of liquid-like plasma ripples around it.

The Reaper of the Avengers also held up a scythe, cut off the mecha's legs before being melted, and inserted the blade into the cockpit. However, the pilots in the cockpit may not necessarily be killed. When the mecha was destroyed, they activated "siliconization", that is, their carbon-based bodies were inorganicized in the fire of time and space, thus saving their lives.

The exchange probability between the two parties is twenty to one, that is, the black death-type omnic requires twenty harvester mechas to replace one star shield. With the collapse of multiple "strategic turning points" controlled by Asura's mastermind in Australia, the five-meter-tall winged scythe mecha "Reaper" lost one by one.

From March 21st to April 1st, a total of three such battles involving the highest technological weapons took place.

They occur in the southern plains of Australia, the gulf area of ​​northern Australia, and the mining areas of western Australia.

All three battles were fought within five days after the bombing, and the momentum was overwhelming. And this is what Wei Keng calls "second-rate tactics"

Wang Bixin and other time travelers did not believe what Wei Keng said. But in the end Wang Bixin asked: "Why is it still a second-rate tactic (Star Table)? So what is a first-rate tactic?"

Wen San, whose budget constant fluctuates at the gravity station on the Australian ocean, responded to these "elementary students" on the system interface: "You can't learn first-class tactics (Dragon Guards), you have to first find something that makes you "fearless" After you realize your true self, come to me again and ask this question." (End of this chapter)

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