Out of the cage

Chapter 1386 Chapter 2805 Voyage, local galaxy plane

Chapter 1386 Chapter 28.05 Voyage, Local Galaxy Plane

...The dimensional tunnel navigation system is marking the direction of physical rules...

In the dimension, multiple sets of observation stations in the plane elevator are guiding the consciousness of this part of the "Shenzhen Navigation" satellite into the distant dimension area.

According to the current coordinate center of the main world, multiple areas are divided according to the changing directions of various physical rules.

The current heading of Wei Keng's tunnel is the direction of the "Inverse Displacement Particle" territory No. 18.

But the distance traveled is as high as 2233 degrees!

The unit "degree" is the dimensional distance unit from the main world. According to the standards of the Second Plane War, 1 degree from the main world is the relative plane, 5 to 50 degrees is the near plane, 50 to 100 degrees is the far plane, and 100 degrees or more is the alien plane.

The current plane of darkness is 340 degrees, which is already a quite distant plane. During the Fourth Plane War, it was still a "scientific research" distant plane.

Now Wei Keng suddenly tunneled to a place 2233 degrees away from the main world, which is almost the limit of the main world's observation distance.

It can be said to be "go as far as you go".

But according to Bai Linglu: Where are we now? Back then, the Pandora plane broke away from the main world. In an instant, it was as far away as 6000 degrees, beyond the detection range at that time. Oh, back then, the intentional field plane returned to the detection range. hour, it's almost 883 degrees.

Therefore, the distant planes do not necessarily represent non-human civilizations, they are all the planes of Cthulhu aliens.

The light of civilization of the human species on Earth has a much wider impact on the universe than humans themselves had previously predicted.

For example, when observing from a dimensional perspective, the origins of human species in some areas are not genetically the same as those of the Australopithecus on Earth. However, they eventually tended to evolve upright walking, with the head-to-body ratio reaching the golden ratio.

…The system is imported and tunneling begins. Due to the long projection distance, the soul-piercing start is adopted for insurance purposes…

The new dimension that Wei Keng arrived in was codenamed "Stars".

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, the Local Galaxy Group is a huge interstellar area, consisting of fifty galaxy groups including the Fairyland and the Milky Way, with a total span of 10 million light-years.

It is worth mentioning that the "galaxy group" in which the Milky Way and Andromeda are located is still a small open star (bar state) cluster without an obvious center point. The Virgo supergalaxy group next door has a super word with a span of 100 million. Light years, the whole is a vortex.

Returning to the cultural situation of this plane, there is a very high degree of exchanges between civilizations at all levels in this plane of stars.

The ship network marked by the star moment runs through a series of galaxies such as the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way, forming a developed channel system.

In the 21st century, the strength of a country is measured by its population. A country with a population of several hundred million is considered a big country.

In this star sea era, administrative planets are counted, and the superpowers in these star seas are measured by the number of administrative planets.

In this starry plane, there are theoretically 6 billion earth-like planets, and these are all administrative planets that can be transformed into living planets.

In fact, there are many more planets that have been abandoned.

There are only 500 million administrative stars in the Milky Way. The constellation Andromeda next door is 1.6 times larger than the Milky Way and contains approximately 800 million stars.

In this sea of ​​stars, the three top forces are the Wukai Civilization (located in the Milky Way) with 320 million administrative stars, the Paixun Empire (located in the Fairy System) with 220 million planets, and the Tianming Federation (located in the Fairy System) with 180 million planets. Also located in the Fairy Department).

Of course, in this plane, the Milky Way is called the "Armor System" and Andromeda is called the "Red Blade System".

Because the Andromeda system has swallowed up a large number of surrounding galaxies, compared to the smooth cantilever of the Milky Way, the periphery of the Andromeda system's cantilever is filled with dark red thin layers, which are like red sharp edges.

The Milky Way is called the Wukai System because the super civilization here is called the Wukai Empire.

…In this plane of stars, space tunneling is a common thing, and the spread of life is extremely easy…

All the intelligent races in this galaxy are humanoids. Although some humanoids have three eyes, the hair on the heads of some humanoids are synapses that can communicate optically, and the pores on the skin of some humanoids have degenerated and turned into fine scales. But taken together, all humans originate from a primate species.

This is due to the strange and special planetary environment, which makes primate gene evolution routes different.

And in this plane of stars, in the process of super civilization conquering hostile civilizations, when life on one planet completely conquers life on another planet, another intelligent species will hand over its genetic gene pool, and then we will directly knock out the genes. Go into the past and let the other person become what you are.

Among the information obtained by Wei Keng: Although there are other alien civilizations in this star sea in the genetic record, in the end it seems that humans have the upper hand, and the entire star sea is full of human races.

Space-time investigator Wei Keng commented: This kind of genetic assimilation: This is a sign of "civilization", just like the emergence of slavery, which makes prisoners of war valuable for trading and reduces unnecessary massacres.

Highly intelligent species instinctively screen the species around them: kill the ugly ones and keep the beautiful ones.

The most beautiful models in the 21st century are all from Eastern Europe, where serfdom has been going on for a long time.

The black people in the American Lighthouse are also selected, just like the tall and handsome horses in the 21st century, they are all selected, and humans are beauty-controllers.

But here comes the question, where are the origins of humans in this universe?

Scientists from the ninth-level civilizations in the plane of stars all want to explore this issue, but in the end they can only attribute it to religion.

Wei Keng: The physical rules of this plane make it easy to make interstellar jumps, and civilization leaders who can make use of phenomena do not necessarily need "rigorous academic argumentation". They can also do it through "summary of mystical witchcraft experience" . For example, two thousand years ago, China did not know the arrangement of the periodic table of elements, reducing properties, and oxidizing properties, but it used experience to summarize chromide treatment technology.

In this world of stars, there is spiritual power, and spiritual power can precisely trigger the phenomenon of transition.

In the plane of stars, with the development of civilization, the tool for leveraging the transition has changed from the most primitive Stonehenge mirror to the space distortion furnace on the starship.

According to the records of the super ancient ruins of the Star Sea, humans on certain planets built sun altars based on the astronomical calendar. The primitive priest locked his mental power on the star, accumulated a wave of particle circulation, and then felt that he died of old age. His mental power was completely released, and he took a few tenths of a gram of his biological cell information directly into the sun, and then jumped to other galaxies through the high-energy particles of the star.

In fact, subsequent interstellar archaeologists have proven that witchcraft was the method used by early civilizations to expand in the open universe.

This kind of spiritual power travels through the universe, and after arriving on a new planet, it will organically merge with the native creatures in the exchange of energy, and become a new human race, and human-like genes will spread throughout the galaxy.

The above can explain the initial expansion of human genes in the plane of stars, but where did the earliest humans originate?

Advanced civilizations on the plane of stars are completely unable to determine the ultimate source of human genes. Because the ancient masters of spiritual power traveled through the universe and disrupted the traces of the spread and evolution of human beings in the star sea.

In the entire local galaxy group, there are three oldest human ancient sacrificial remains that can be traced, all in the Milky Way and the Fairy System.

The first one is the old falling star from 1.7 million years ago - fifty percent of its planet's surface is shallow sea. It is now affiliated with the first superpower in the galaxy, the Republic of Armor.

The second one is the Saint King from 1.56 million years ago. ——This planet was declared controlled by Feiyu Military Alliance.

The third one is the Eternal Star 1.87 million years ago (the planet's rotation has basically stopped, and the daily cycle is equivalent to five years of the Earth) - this planet is located in the third cantilever of the Milky Way, Paixun Empire.

The cultural symbols that appear on these three ruins can clearly show that they influenced the origin of similar ruins of ancient humans in the surrounding areas. It has huge political significance and belongs to the holy land controlled by the ninth-level civilization.

Well, could there be an earlier holy place? For the three major super civilizations, even if they exist, they cannot be made known to the world.

…The meaning of “Holy Land” lies in the orthodoxy of civilization. As a powerful force with hundreds of millions of planets, it needs “consensus”…

The civilization levels here are also from one to nine.

1: Those who only have stone tool technology and have initially learned to domesticate animals are first-level civilizations.

2: Those who master metal smelting and have a city-state handicraft economy are second-level civilizations.

3: Learn to use chemical energy, start basic physical enlightenment, and use firearms to fight, which is a third-level civilization.

4: Steam engines and internal combustion engines are level four civilizations.

5: Master electricity, build aircraft, and begin to apply electromagnetic energy to the battlefield (radar, plasma). At the same time, it is initially explored that there is a fifth-level civilization outside the atmosphere.

6: Master the manufacturing of spaceships. You can use spaceships and hibernation technology to colonize planets within a planetary system. It is a level six civilization.

7: It can manufacture space jump equipment, and can create energy blocks that are currency of the universe, and can insert replacement particles to allow uranium, plutonium, thorium, and deuterium substances to be precisely combined at the nanometer scale, which is controllable and safe.

8: A force that can complete star control and set up space jump gates for fleets in the area to travel freely!

9: As for the ninth-level civilization! It is possible to create a lunar-mass shuttle powered by white holes to sail across galaxies. ——The scale of this jump, and the stellar energy extraction, storage and control technology involved behind it, require massive engineering capabilities.

Of course, these civilization levels are only an objective evaluation of the degree of civilization development and do not represent strength!

In fact, among the stars, the mutual status of a large number of middle-level civilizations depends not only on level, but also on diplomacy (whose dog is it).

Among the stars, the existence of the space warp network determines the existence of geostrategic competition.

Some lower-level civilizations in the star sea are liked by higher-level civilizations. Sometimes they are only first-level civilizations. As soon as their tribal leaders have built altars, they are given power armor by the sixth-level interstellar civilization and trained to become loyal guards.

Let's put it this way, it's about loyalty. Believers in Level 1 and Level 2 civilizations are purer than humans in Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 civilizations. They all firmly believe in the gods and have no rebellious intentions. They even please some nobles of the sixth- and seventh-level civilizations and become "minions" of these advanced civilizations.

It is also common for wealthy slaves to bully others in this highly communicative star sea.

Extreme case: Someone from some second-level civilization arrived at a fourth-level civilization and was killed. As a result, the fourth-level civilization had to pay compensation and the government apologized.

Because this second-level civilization may be an eighth-level civilization, deliberately placed in order to obtain optimized "combat races".

So, in the steamy industrial city, I suddenly saw some Spartan style people in the blocks near the space elevator port in the Capital District, holding retractable spears made of inexplicable metal and unknown technology, and carrying energy shields with them. Soldiers, don't laugh at their inferior culture, they have fathers!

...History of the 21st century: The culture of the country with the strongest military and economy can make a lot of "dream chasers" from third-rate civilization areas kneel down and worship, while on behalf of the most powerful country, they can satirize the culture of those countries that are not strong enough. …

Most civilizations in the plane of stars are inversely hierarchical. It is more that the politics of higher civilizations have begun to support weak civilizations out of strategic considerations. For example, some level 5 civilizations are still unable to transport millions of people to the interstellar space. They can only build one or two standing space stations in space through the efforts of some big countries. But they are allowed to use the "space wormhole" facility. Advanced civilization needs this fifth-level civilization to fill in a certain planet area.

For another example, in order to contain the potential of a fifth-level civilization, a sixth-level civilization will deliberately elevate some fourth-level civilizations (which only master steam and internal combustion engine technologies). After receiving the "divine assistance" provided by advanced civilizations, they can complete interstellar transformation. Leap, occupying far more planets than level five civilizations.

There is also a bronze cannon civilization that has only learned to produce gunpowder. Perhaps because of its important strategic position in the star sea, a seventh-level civilization wants to better control this turning point, so it provides this third-level civilization with The duplication and maintenance of "warping equipment", as well as the steel battle suit.

"Traveler" can see this centurion of the third-level civilization (the age of gunpowder armor enlightenment) wearing a powered exoskeleton carrying a "big general cannon", and at the same time he can hold an imported "plasma bow and arrow" at a certain interstellar fortress stronghold Contain the steel torrent of level five civilization.

When high-level civilization suppresses low-level civilization, it is not only economic suppression, but also talent extraction.

When a "spiritual power user", "physical practitioner" or "scientist" of a lower civilization exceeds the level of the civilization where he is located, he will also be taken away by the higher civilization.

…Wei Keng’s scientific summary of the planes of stars…

This plane is in the "anti-displacement particle" physical zone. "Inverse displacement particle" is a physical quantity named in the main world.

Wei Keng saw his brother's record during the Second Plane War: the intermediate particle of "mass-energy" conversion.

This particle is also the basis of the star sea-jumping technology of this plane and the basis of human superpowers. They are called "currency particles" by humans on this plane.

Human beings in this plane are divided into two routes in terms of personal accumulation ability.

One of them is to increase the ability of information processing, the spiritual power master's route, the spiritual power of the universe has been reduced to nine levels in total. The seventh level is a sage, and the eighth level is a great sage. (Wei Keng found out that Qin Tian was showing off in a similar plane, and curled up his lips with contempt.)

The other is the physical training master route that strengthens the bond between matter and energy. There are also levels one to nine, with level seven being a grandmaster and level eight being a grand master. (Mr. Wei accidentally read about his younger brother, who once shook the universe with his fists in a similar rule plane, and whispered: "Young people are nothing, haha.")

Wei Keng concluded: The mental route, or the physical route, is the material "reverse displacement particles". Is it used for "chips" or "armor steel"?

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