Out of the cage

Chapter 1391 Chapter 2810 Civilization Substitution, Dialectical Ability

The "celestial army" from the earth is a newly arrived civilization in the plane of stars. Like a young tiger dormant in the jungle of the sea of ​​​​stars.

In the Weihuang Star, Wei Keng is observing this universe: Well, for now, it can be considered civilized. ——The threshold for civilization in this plane is very low.

Now Tianxin League is like the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia in the 11th century. It has begun to transform from settlement to feudalism, and it needs to quickly replenish Dingkou. Well, under the concept of this starry plane, the number of "planets" needs to be enriched.

In this general galaxy, the three major ninth-level civilizations often have hundreds of millions of star cities, and the eighth-level civilization has nearly 10 million star strongholds.

Even if the current seven-level civilization is positioned, there must be millions of administrative stars. (Star City, Stronghold, and Administrative Star are concepts of space settlements built under different technologies at levels 9, 8, and 7)

If there were no million-level stars and the technology beyond the civilization level was exposed, it would mean that Huai Bi was guilty.

If the "Tianxin Alliance" straightens up in this dark jungle too early, other level six civilizations will attack at all costs and take away the civilization's technology, humanity, and genes.

In such a starry universe, one level of civilization is suppressed by another. It seems that weak civilizations can safely develop their own culture with little luck, but it is extremely difficult to advance. Every time the top nobles of every fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-level civilization look up and see the unchallenged oppression in the starry sky for tens of thousands of years, any passionate ambition will turn into a pus-like desire for power.

If plundering a weak civilization can raise a level, then a civilization will absolutely trample all morals.

Tianxin League has advanced technology, but it has absolute shortcomings.

As the top strategic decision-maker, Wei Keng is not prepared to attack by force, but is prepared to find some weak civilizations to infiltrate. Of course, he may also use the strategy of "Tian clan replacing Qi".

This strategy is to, as a high-tech force, prepare to find a large number of low-tech fourth-level and fifth-level civilized planets to infiltrate and control. After mastering the economic, political, cultural, and military leadership here, they will shape the "Tianxin Alliance" as the core. The ruling center promotes the technological and industrial progress of these civilizations, production concepts, and models of dependence on the Tianxin Alliance, and then selects the progressive consciousness of these lower-level civilizations that are worth exploring and enters the Tianxin Alliance.

In the end, Tianxin Alliance seemed to use the shell of "native civilization" to expand in this universe, but in fact it also changed its essence.

Narrator: Unlike the "palace coups" that usurped the country after the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Tian family took the grassroots path on behalf of Qi.

Sima Qian had a very bad opinion of the Tian family's usurpation of the country, and even described it as "recording that the Tian family used beautiful women to bribe their retainers and gave birth to children and brought them into the family", which is quite a bit like the later era of capital that slandered the social order of common wives.

But during that period, Yanzi, who was also in the hometown of etiquette in Qilu, was not so shady. Instead, he commented on Tian's process of usurping the country: "Use public power for private purposes, be virtuous to the people, and the people love them." The specific operation is to borrow money in disaster years. Grain is given to farmers, and Da Dou borrows it and Xiao Dou returns it.

At this time, what Tianxin League needs to do is not only "peaceful evolution", but also to advance the history of these lower-level civilizations.

...After all, those guys in the Tianxin League who rely on the heavenly position make Wei Keng very helpless...

At this time, in the Gesu Civilization, on the Huaiyue Star, Ji Zhong entered the area with flashing neon lights and began to prescribe medicine for the "hot blood" here...

Ji Zhong's small clinic opened. During the few months since its opening, it was empty at first. However, after the gang fights at night, Ji Zhong gradually became famous for receiving severed palms and retrieving bullets in front of the operating table.

Especially Jizhong's ability to obtain Jingui's antibiotics made people around him jealous.

Finally, in this block, some newly established gangs began to "innovate their ideas". In line with the principle of controlling the nanny first in team battles, before a certain gang fight, one of the parties decided to lead people to invite Ji Zhong back. After the failure, they were afraid Being besieged by multiple gangs, Ji Zhong began to flee to the biggest gangster on the block for protection. But this time, Ji Zhong felt that his reserve should end.

Mr. Wei took the initiative to come to the gang leader and had a "friendly meeting" (attending the meeting alone).

As Ji Zhong was very "unqualified", he blasted open the gang's door with explosives and wandered into the core of the gang.

Crash, all the glass windows on the street were shattered, but the broken glass pieces did not fall to the ground, but stood still in the air, and then turned into rotating blades, suspended in the air.

"Force field, you are a spiritual power user!!!". The gangsters who originally came to collect protection fees in the corridor room were frightened by the air crystals that appeared out of thin air.

Previously, Ji Zhong was afraid that the middle and lower classes of Gesu Planet would not recognize the "high-end weapons" such as spiritual power, so he prepared multiple groups of drone thermal weapon attack plans.

However, Ji Zhong underestimated the psychological shock that mental power can have on gangsters.

The gangsters saw the legendary spiritual power. Within the range of their perspective, their boss's car was crushed with a click, just as easily as a cockroach being stepped on and exploded. These bastards collapsed.

Brutal poverty is accompanied by low levels of education.

Therefore, if it is confirmed that the opponent's "morale bar is raising the white flag", Ji Zhong will not go on a killing spree. …

Gesu civilization lacks compulsory education, and people in urban slums do not even go to elementary school. Therefore, without understanding the essence of spiritual power, magic is everywhere.

If the aura field constructed by the first-level and second-level mental power is to form a strong squeezing force, it must have relied on external force. For example, under the control of mental power, combustible gases such as gas and powder enter the air area in front along the closed transistor.

Ji Zhong: During this process, the victim will feel the difference in air pressure as if the heart is beating and squeezing blood to all blood vessels throughout the body.

Ji Zhongrou controlled the flammable gas detonation process, allowing the shock wave to spread slowly in one direction.

Ji Zhong raised his hand to control the process of pushing the shock wave horizontally, which in the eyes of this street gangster became "force field propulsion".

It is worth mentioning that Ji Zhong has strong control and continuously extracts gas. In the complex "pipeline" constructed by mental power, the gas slowly flows into Ji Zhong's controlled detonation area, so the operation of "crushing" the car is easy. It's at your fingertips.

At present, Jizhong has not yet demolished the building any further. The burst water pipes are used to draw out electric current for stimulation. The gangsters dispersed like frightened birds.

Ji Zhong looked at the retreating crowd and let out a careful breath.

Ji Zhong: Someone should have a good talk with me next.

Then a steel tape measure popped out of his hand. Under the blessing of the force field, the steel tape measure turned into a sharp blade.

...The blade of light flashes in the palm, and the sword on the long street is avoided...

In order to discuss business, Ji Zhong took the initiative to find the Kowloon Gang on this long street. The tattooed boys on this street had already gathered together and were waiting.

Some people in Ji were "afraid" of the gang members' bright knives and firearms, so they preemptively began to disarm those within a hundred meters.

The "tape measure" in Ji Zhong's hand twisted like a metal snake, the beams of the house were pierced, and the machete was cut off.

The steel tape measure in Ji Zhong's hand shattered all the machetes on both sides of the long street. The sword flower in his hand retracted and retracted, and the sword light lit up the guys with guns on the wall in one second. The guns in their hands were retracting and retracting. It cracked under the light blade, leaving a red-hot fracture, as fast as hot wire cutting through butter.

In the past, when faced with the arrival of super powerful players, all gang members would often line up in two rows, just like the group of little demons from Xiaoleiyin Temple, to perform a common showdown in the world.

But now Ji Zhong doesn't follow the rules of the world and just takes action directly.

As the bowl-sized flagpole at the door clicked, a red fracture line appeared, and the gang's ridiculous card collapsed.

This group of gangsters immediately started to take two steps back, staring at the artifact that looked like a metal ruler in Ji Zhong's hand. They were afraid that Ji Zhong's hand would slip and cut them into two pieces.

Ji Zhong shook his head at the two rows of "welcoming people" and explained to himself: "How could my hands be slippery? I am a medical student and I am very accurate in cutting. If you cut the waist, you won't cut the kidneys." ” (These uneducated people don’t know that kidneys and kidneys are the same thing.)

As for the people on the roof, as the first gun in their hands was cut off, someone immediately retreated into the room, preparing to hold the second one. Of course, before they could touch the backup firearm, the ray of light penetrated the wall. , and cut off their backup firearms again. At this time, they did not dare to move.

...A lightsaber is faster than a sword within 300 meters, and a lightsaber is more accurate than a gun from 300 meters away...

Ji Zhong, who is somewhat accomplished in the body-fixing technique, has nano-molecules inside his body to create high-precision torque, and outside his body is a layer of high-precision combat uniform that sticks to his skin.

As for the force field curling sword in his hand, Ji Zhong was quite like Versailles: "Well, my swordsmanship has not deteriorated yet. Within a range of 300 meters, within seven microseconds, I can attack 487 targets, 0.5 Micron positioning.”

Ten minutes later, Ji Zhong sat carelessly in front of the gang leader and said politely: "I want to open a pharmacy." - Wei Keng complained: Studying medicine may not save everyone, but it can save some people. weakness

Yes, Ji Zhong wants to start a medical company.

Compared with grain and steel, which are monopolized by big businessmen in this era, it is obvious that the technology-intensive industry of medical care has not yet been monopolized.

The underground leader with a symmetrical curly beard saw the scalpel in Ji Zhong spinning like a machine tool gas cutter. He wiped the sweat on his head and announced with a smile that he was willing to provide all help.

The leader of the gang here, after seeing Ji Zhong's skills, was shocked, but still felt that no matter how strong this young man was, he was still a human being. After this business was established, Ji Zhong was still essentially a guest of the gang. But in fact, they were wrong.

Ji Zhong is not alone.

Forty-five days later, in a vacant lot three blocks away at Michai College, as the balloons burst and banners were raised, Mr. Wei's company was opened...

In a rented warehouse behind the store, with the injection of electricity, a space door opened in the tunneling energy circle constructed by spiritual power.

As the halo flashed, agents with hexagonal force fields all over their bodies appeared.

They are Star Sea Federation snipers. In this dimension, their main weapon is still a sniper rifle. The sniper rifle fires and kills within one kilometer, and can project "signal coordinates" ten kilometers away to guide artillery bombardment, or space-based Weapons strike.

There were sixty-seven soldiers in the first group, forty-one of whom were women. The team was also led by a woman named Su Li.

As for the majority of “Phantom Agents” being female? That's because all the pure men went to practice lightsaber and joined the "Jedi Master Group".

Compared with agents who use stealth skills to carry out secret operations, pure men are accustomed to transforming their whole body into a three-meter-tall mecha in the first stage, and completing the summoning of a fifty-meter-tall Thor mecha in the second stage.

Ji Zhong commented: "If it were me, I would also fly a big mecha."

In the warehouse, Ji Zhong, as a colonel officer of the Star Sea Federation, accepted the salutes of these agents with only the rank of major and captain.

Sisiwen Wenjizhong began to tell these "murderous" guys about his company's development plan.

In the warehouse, after Ji Zhong finished talking about the company's development goals, he asked peacefully: What are your opinions? He received a military order-like assurance that the task would be completed.

Ji Zhongzhong was quite speechless and muttered: The military smell is still a bit strong, just like brewing beer with a gun barrel, every bubble has the smell of gunpowder.

Although these agents are best at "eliminating certain targets," Jizhong is currently recruiting company members, and they need talents to control important links such as logistics, sales, and accounting.

Of course, Ji Zhong also reminded these young cadres who were born as agents: "It is not peaceful to open a company here. In various gray areas, there will be people who come to cause sabotage, so you should be more vigilant."

Su Li: "Sir, what should I do if I find the enemy?"

Ji Zhong: "It's mainly self-defense. As for counterattack, well -" Mr. Wei looked at this murderous subordinate and added: "All actions follow the command. In emergencies, each of your groups will choose the opportunity to judge. As long as you follow the instructions Report the regulations in a timely manner, and I will take care of anything that happens. Please note that you can make the decision in emergencies, but you must report them in a timely manner. If there is an irresistible communication interruption, or there are only a few minutes to fight and there is no time to fight, everything will be easy. But if you deliberately suppress I'm not easy to be fooled if you don't report it, or you deliberately delay the execution first and then report it later. Besides, here, all your "reorganization plans" must be known to the organization."

Agents' private acts of revenge are often caused by the inaction of superiors in making deals.

Here Ji Zhong reminded them: "If you encounter grievances in action, the instructor will enlighten you. Well, you will report it to the organization according to the situation to help you eliminate your grievances, but you must obey the command in frontline operations."

In fact, Ji Zhong, as the provider of the "Tian Wei System", can sense their thoughts.

…After the balloon debris was cleaned up in front of the newly opened store, Ji Zhong also returned to school…

Six days later, Ji Zhong, who returned to school, turned his pen and looked at the mathematical formulas written by the school teacher.

This formula is elegant, but there is a fallacy.

Level 4 civilizations can correctly grasp classical physics and avoid the fallacy of "a three-pound iron ball hits the ground before a one-pound iron ball." However, there are many cognitive errors in high-energy physics. For example, when describing atoms, Ge Xu civilization used a gyroscope model to depict it. In this exquisite mechanical gyroscope, each rotating gear represents an electronic attribute. It is so precise, which shows that a magnificent foundation has been built on this "wrong theory". cognitive building,

It is these undeniable "common senses" that have prevented these level-4 civilizations from making breakthroughs for a long time.

Ji Zhong sighed: It was influenced by foreign civilization. While imparting some basic correct knowledge, wrong knowledge was given in more advanced areas. And many upper-class people in the steam era don't feel the need to spend money to explore such "reasons" that currently seem to have no economic value. They even idealistically believe that "so-called advanced theories" are actually of no use to the value of human life and thought.

Mill College is already a high-end research institute, but its scientific research facilities are still at the workshop level.

Ji Zhong lamented: This fourth-level civilization has the energy to create wonders that people can admire, but it is unwilling to use national power to plan space laboratories and underground high-depth laboratories.

Ji Zhong stroked the tip of his pen and crossed out all the wrong theorems in the textbook.

Looking at the well-dressed philosophy students in the library, Ji Zhong closed the book with a gold cover: "It is better to have no books than to believe in books. A civilization should maintain open communication, but it must make every effort to delve into its dialectical ability. ." (End of chapter)

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