Out of the cage

Chapter 141 Chapter 4.35

On May 32, 1188 in the Dangxing calendar, the sword array hung high above the entire Purple Jupiter was the first time in history that it was shown in a standardized form and aimed at teaching.

The 1,423 treasures are the most basic parts of the entire sword formation.

Just take out any one, the above functions are not worth mentioning.

Thanks to the like, maybe you can master this function in a few days! Of course, the big difference is just the beginning. The control accuracy of each of these treasures must reach a certain precise value before they can be combined with each other in terms of function.

As a device, the actual combat function of the sword array is very weak, but the significance of this design is to be able to display the role of each basic subsystem in detail during the overall operation.


In the 21st century, intelligently integrated self-propelled artillery can theoretically match drones and satellite data links, and the strike effect of a vehicle can be comparable to that of an original artillery company.

But for the armies of non-industrial countries that sell resources, the gunners will only press the most basic fire buttons when faced with complex operating platforms, and the remaining 90% of the operating systems will hardly operate. This is not knowing the meaning of the operation of each subsystem in the overall system.

And industrial countries, even if their equipment stays at the level of the last century, are well aware of the importance of each step in artillery warfare.

Because the research and development requirements of various functions on the advanced equipment operating platform are integrated according to the combat steps of frontier investigation, telephone communication, multi-point observation and aiming, concealment before the organization strikes, and withdrawal after being discovered.


From the perspective of technological progress, every step is not the pursuit of gorgeousness, but a test of practical functions. Therefore, when cultivating the next generation of technical successors, the technology will be disassembled into simple subsystems, and they can be run like gears without losing coherence!

Of course, for the instructor, a single gear part is easy to manufacture, but the difficulty is how to control the tolerance grade coefficient during manufacturing. This means that you can only do this if you are proficient in the system.

Sword Master Xingze and Sword Master Ziling sensed the formation chains in the sky in the northern and southern hemispheres respectively!

They can easily destroy this sword array.

After all, it is a structure like a "building block castle". As long as the key structure is removed, the whole system will collapse. Even - it's a miracle that it doesn't collapse. Because forty percent are key structures.

Therefore, the space defense system of Zijupiter is still in the hands of Ziling and Xingze. Wei Keng's current behavior did not threaten these two sects. There was no interference.

Back to the current exchange.

The space-based assistance like the satellite network is the response to the magnetic coordinates of the mantle excited by Qianduan.

Wei Keng's thoughts: Since this sword lord has shown that his inheritance can directly reach a higher realm. In order not to let the "Array and Photon Guardian" taught in the Valley of the Wind in the next step be regarded as heresy, I also have to show the integrity of the technical route!

[This is the same as in the 21st century, you do not have the ability to gain a foothold in high-end fields, such as spaceships, moon landings, deep seas, and advanced industrial chains such as chips and pharmaceuticals, the whole world will subconsciously set your route as 'second-rate '. 】


After half an hour,

When the sword lights prepared by Qian Duan approached the Valley of the Wind in clusters, the ending was not much better than Lihan.

All the energy of the sword light was channeled out at the edge of the city and sealed above the city.

People in the Valley of the Wind saw such a strange scene,

At an altitude of 30,000 meters in the city, space cracks tens of meters long and five meters thick were blocked by a grid composed of a large number of hexagonal honeycomb space protection layers, forming a solidified "lightning".

And this "lightning" was translated into the gap between the buildings. Under the light, the street was rarely so bright.

People at the middle and lower levels of the city looked up at the light source that appeared in the urban canyon. After the initial surprise, they were sure that there was no threat, so they tiptoed to the window or the side of the street, pointing at the light that emerged from the "urban canyon". like watching fireworks

And those swordsman classes can feel that the squeezing force emanating from the entire city is like squeezing blisters on the skin, squeezing out the sealed space one by one, just in time to catch the sword energy from outside the sky.

Turn those sword lights that twinkle like stars into lights that light up the city.


One hundred and fifty kilometers away from the city, after Qian Duan attacked for three minutes, he ended all his normal moves. He took out his only remaining ballast moves.

Bowing his body, Qian Duan compressed the space with a radius of 600 meters in front of him into petals. During the preparation of the gorgeous big move, wisps of spatial fluctuation escaped, this overflow is "Cihong's sword language".

This paragraph of sword language: I am willing to admit that I have fallen into a disadvantage, but the contest still has to continue until the end.

To translate, Qian Duan is saying: "I am indeed not as good as Your Excellency, and I cannot break through your defense, but I hope that Your Excellency can also attack me with a sword. This is the respect for my swordsmanship."


At this time, in District 88 of the Nausicaa metropolis, there used to be a suspension car parking lot, but now it is the playground of Fangcunshan College.

At the same time as the current sword fight, Wei Keng prepared teaching tools for the children several times as much as he was dealing with Qian Duan.

The playground where Master Wei and his students are located is a topographic projection map of the entire city in equal proportions.

This is not light projection, every building is a hard structure of 'force field' that students can stand on.

And these students can just squat down, step on the roof of the building, crawl down, and look down at how the various building ambush systems in the city control the twisting of the space field to resist the sword light coming from the sky. Of course, such teaching aids are not for kids to watch the excitement. Wei Keng called those students who were not serious one by one and clicked on the city model to learn the mathematical formulas on the base point.

Wei Keng, who was teaching students according to their aptitude, glanced at the sword master (Qian Duan) who was preparing for the final strike at the "edge of the playground". Whispered: "Equal respect, right!"

Then he clapped his hands and shouted to the students: "Don't look at the projection, look at me!"

After the students all over the mini city model collectively looked up.

Wei Keng raised the flashing pointer in his hand, and marked a high-condensation core logo in the center of the city model.

[At the same time, fifteen kilometers away, in the real center of the city, Sword Master Xu Kang raised his head and looked at the space without any color, but twisted and compressed to the extreme, like a gravitational lens of an interstellar black hole, his mind went blank]

When he came to the center of the playground, Wei Keng knelt down and pointed at the picture, and said in a lecturing tone: "In a smooth space, you can jump at will, but once the space loses its smoothness, the transition can only be carried out along the energy level."

Speaking of which, the signs around the city are divided into layers. The first layer is about three kilometers away, the second layer is about seven kilometers away, and the third layer is about eleven kilometers away.

Of course, with the formula marked in red, the students understood the key content almost quickly.

Wei Keng pointed to the punctuation mark outside the city, where Qian Duan was! That guy's big move now can only be released at the level deployed by Wei Keng.

Now as Qian Duan is accumulating space energy, all levels have begun to respond to this "external source of change".


Twenty seconds later, in the northeast corner of the city, Qian Duan, who had evaded the flashes for 640 kilometers in a row, covered his shoulder, and pierced an extremely thin space needle into it.

This needle piercing itself has no lethality, but Qian Duan knows that this needle is a space cluster that has not expanded. And this cluster changed from a point to a line, into a cutting surface, and my arm was about to break.

Having been defeated in all directions, he looked at the core of the city, and after a full ten seconds of sluggishness, he surrendered. Nodding his head, the flickering disappeared.

The direction of Qianduan's flickering is outer space.

half an hour later

A spaceship landed on the outskirts of the city, announcing that the property and personnel of the entire Nausicaa City would be handed over to the new Sword Lord (Master Wei).

At the same time, the power of life and death in the bureaucracy of the entire city was handed over.


In the following two or three days, other forces also sent spaceships to transfer the "Spiritual Formation" Sword Lord.

Only 70% of the industry in this city belonged to the Cihong Sword Sect, and the remaining 30% belonged to the Sword Sect.

For example, the Hongqie Sword Sect was founded by a disciple who was separated from the direct line of the Cihong Sword Sect three hundred and forty years ago, and he also holds shares in this city.

In the face of the sword masters sent twice from the Cihong Sword Sect, the Hongqie Sword Sect did not deny the result.

The sword lord of the Hongqie faction dare not say that he has the level of Lihan and Qianduan. The same is true for myself.

There is a set of unspoken rules for the result of high-level swordsmanship between kendo, and if you can't change the ending, then you will acquiesce. So they also sent personnel to confirm the cooperation and transfer of some urban industries that originally belonged to them.


The star calendar is 1188 years. The Valley of the Wind ushered in a new atmosphere in the metropolis

In the government affairs halls of each region, Wei Keng used the form of spatial projection to urge the management machines of the Nausicaa Metropolis to operate quickly and calculate all the assets in the city.

On the premise of not overly violating the old-fashioned interests of Purple Jupiter, I only took down this city in order to carry out a thorough reform in a city.

So, in the face of Wei Keng's robbery, when all the funds and industries in the city were collected by the central government, there was no power in the city to dare to refute.

There were some forces that resolutely refused to cooperate, and the whole family disappeared the next day!

Nowadays, it doesn't matter who's line is followed by Nausicaa of the Wind. Even if there was a connection with Lord Jianjun, there is no news of it now.

Now, how could Lord Jian ask for face from Master Wei for the small family in the Valley of the Wind! In the sword fight, Master Wei gave Cihong enough face. want again. It's not face, but a slap in the face.

After the end of the sword fight, the Tianze faction once sent people to invite them because of the fact that there are also photon guardians in the axis area and the inheritance of the ambush technique. But it is said that the "Spiritual Array" Sword Lord didn't even give him a door, which made Tianze lose face.

After the 5.32 Incident.

Hundreds of buildings were directly publicized and converted into schools. The core industries such as "food supply", "magnetic equipment", and "body repair fluid" are also all included in the center.

As for the people in charge of various production departments, such as spaceship manufacturing and energy mining, most of the tasks are still the same, and more personnel expansion and production planning are stuffed in, and the remuneration is also completed according to the above plan. degree, given the lift metric.

Before coming to the metropolis of Valley of the Wind, when he was still in the axis area, Wei Keng had been inspecting various metropolises in the south for a long time and planning the governance model.

Looking at the overall situation of the war on the empty twisting plane, all timelines have already started comprehensive reforms. In order to defend against "historical contingencies", everything must be raced against time and strike while the iron is hot.


Xi Kan looked at the bustling city.

Nausicaa of the Wind, he has been here hundreds of times, but this time, he felt a special feeling. There are groups of people everywhere in the whole city, collecting information on people in various residential areas, and giving everyone an e-mail. identity system.

And those corners that were not managed by default in the past have also been forcibly broken through.

The property was swept away, and the illegal associations in the dark crevices were also swept away.

From a certain point of view, this is adding chains to the city and delineating grids for all classes.

This kind of grid greatly reduces the authority of the original upper-level swordsmen. As for ordinary people, they just have some more official identity verification, some more salary work routes, and the obligation to receive education and training.

[Wei Keng: "In this world, there are production chains that produce food from inorganic substances, regenerative medical technology for severed fingers, and intelligent machine assessment technology for mathematics, physics and chemistry teaching, and proper productivity in the interstellar era. But the social operation loss is so serious, as a Ordinary people with a middle-of-the-road appearance can’t accumulate with peace of mind, and those with a little talent can’t fully pursue and realize their goals. Now we must adjust this place to its proper level.]

When Xi Kan was referring to the situation in the city.

His eyes froze, and looking in the direction of his eyes, it was an automated catering and sales truck! Yes, all the interior is automated, and you just need to insert coins, but the picture promotion that tantalizes your appetite is exactly the same as the style you saw at the beginning.

Recently, Wei Keng's anti-investigation awareness has become weak, just like the fugitive suspects in the main world, who often miss one of the tens of thousands of details over time. Facing the return of the French Open, they were neglected.

Master Wei was lazy on this kind of low-end publicity, and did things according to the fixed ideas in his mind, so the pattern of the pancake fruit did not change. Isn't it? It has become a trademark and is recognized at a glance.


When Xi Kan was jumping beside a food truck, looking for the clue he had caught as if no one else was there.

Wei Keng's array system intelligent judgment system deployed in the city immediately locked on this abnormal phenomenon. Wei Keng saw this guy and let out a sigh of relief: "It's an old friend, um, I should see you."

In a place with few people, Wei Keng temporarily blocked the monitoring of this area, and at the same time let the drone temporarily deploy the flow of people.

At six o'clock in the evening, when the lights in the city came on, Wei Keng appeared in front of Xi Kan, ready to talk about the old days.

Without waiting for Wei Keng to open his mouth, Xi Kan took a deep breath, leaped backward for a thousand meters, and then drew out his sword to make a fighting salute.

Wei Keng looked at Xi Kan carefully.

After so many years, he still looks young, but his demeanor has matured a lot. But at this time, the victorious spirit of the young appeared, which is really rare.

Ever since, Wei Keng also nodded. Pull out the light blade, the light blade is very short, wrapped in a layer of space film.

Seeing this, Xi Kan frowned, because a real sword should be used at the sword master level.

But in an instant, Xi Kan realized his mistake. The moment Wei Keng shot, the space film outside the light blade oscillated, and the light blade inside the film kept a sub-state of incomplete release at any time, sticking to it like a gangrene. He (Xi Kan) jumps and fluctuates. This is another combat system, and Wei Keng's current state is no less than that of a sword master.

Wei Keng This is the path number of the photon guardian corresponding to the sword master level.

Fifteen minutes later, a whole set of drills came down

Faced with the pale Xi Kan, Wei Keng frowned and said, "In these years, you seem~ (while hesitating, trying to use some tactful tone) you haven't made a fundamental breakthrough?"

At this time, after these years of unknowing precipitation, Wei Keng's current temperament is no longer the ordinary and deceitful one in the past. The already perfect physique and good-looking appearance, coupled with the straight waist now, is like a towering tree fully grown.

Xi Kan stared at Wei Keng, and said in a difficult tone, "This is what you learned from the Tianze School?"

Following the battle ten years ago, the photon guard was also known to the world. And everyone now knows that it is the Qimen inheritance passed down from the axis area of ​​the Tianze faction.

Wei Keng nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, it was practiced in the axis area." But then the topic turned to Xi Kan.

Wei Keng persuasively said: "I'm not sure if you can go further, but do you want to try?" (Whether you can become a sword king, I have not taught you how to be sure, but do you want to try.)

Xi Kan seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to react. After a few seconds, he came back to his senses and asked, "What did you say?"

Wei Keng looked at the starry sky and said slowly: "I need a group of people to lead the new generation to the starry sky. If you can't find a way to advance on the traditional swordsman path, then~~ I think that in the new space school's path , I can take you into the car."

Xi Kan looked around and said cautiously to Wei Keng, "Who is that lord behind you?"

Wei Keng smiled, as if he was proud of "I'm too ordinary, and I don't look like a high-ranking person" and still didn't change.

Wei Keng concealed his cunning: "Behind me? If you are willing to follow, you can find out." Then he added: "If you don't come, hey, this world might be less interesting."

This sentence is very meaningful, but Qin Xiaohan and other space-time monitors understand it in seconds!

The so-called "less meaning" means that Wei Keng is now intentionally creating some key figures in time and space to attract them to come down for a decisive battle against the Mediterranean system traversing forces.

Xi Kan, an ordinary swordsman, suddenly became a swordsman, and played a seemingly key role in the next era of change. So how do onlookers outside of time see it? ——It will make a little more sense.


During the war of planes, Wei Keng's space-time flow has now entered a state of turmoil. During the communication with Qin Xiaohan, Wei Keng also realized that now he has caused a dispute between the concepts of "historical inevitability" and "historical accident".

The new characters who emerge in the turbulent timeline are the "point of focus" to change history for the "historical accident theory" traversers!

On the 10,000 adjacent timelines near the timeline of the axis where Wei Keng traversed initially, all the traversers of the Mediterranean system of the three reorganization groups in the past were all left behind, even including the two front row consuls (Shangqing level) ).

But now, the commander of the plane battle of the Mediterranean Department in this area seems to have changed his character (in fact, he changed), suddenly became cautious, and did not dare to use the group to come down rashly.

When Mr. Wei handed in his 80 million-word thesis (to be continued) last year, he overheard Qin Xiaohan's words that "drawing the sword and looking around is in vain". Thinking about how this partner has been held back by me for a hundred years, it's not easy, so let's cooperate to complete her performance.

Now Wei Keng has won the Valley of the Wind and started the transformation of productivity, but there are still variables from the perspective of "historical accident theory".

1: The so-called top local forces like Xingze and Ziling haven't made a move yet.

2: The intensity of the outer space war will bring about a series of changes.

3: The swordsman sects are aware of the threat of change and will fight back when dying.

Wei Keng is now trying to give them the "illusion that they can change history" and trick them into being brutally beaten by history.

Master Wei's view of history: Some people have indeed played a key role, but anyone who goes against the trend of history is very small! As for the middle-aged self? , that should be a force that has been continuously accumulated in normal history.

It will be posted first, and it will be posted at 7:30 during working hours. Go to bed early

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