Out of the cage

Chapter 1411 Chapter 2827 Old Love

In the science and technology building, Ji Zhong was introducing the design of new energy to the major alliances of the Gesu Civilization.

At this time, on the planet Bakker, Ji Zhong invited families related to the "power industry" and academics (including his own alma mater) who had made achievements in "magnetic energy experiments". ——Even though the final core components of nuclear fusion technology are still provided by Tianxin Alliance, Wei Keng hopes that the local civilization can achieve a self-production rate of about 20% of parts.

Thermonuclear combustion is controllable, and it is an important technological threshold related to "the leap between level five and level six civilizations" in the plane of stars.

The "thermonuclear reactor" technology authorized by Tianxin League is divided into "helium furnace" and "hydrogen furnace". The former has a stable process and the latter is easy to ignite. There are a total of fifteen groups of "helium furnace" and "hydrogen furnace" connected in parallel, and the output power of the reaction margin is equivalent Based on the combustion of 150 kilograms of standard coal mine, such a huge amount of energy will be instantly transported to forty-five large energy storage transformer rooms through forty-five main superconducting lines.

Of course, the operation of a "nuclear fusion reactor" on the surface of the planet does not have a cost advantage.

Note: Medium-sized power plants consume 5,000 to 10,000 tons of coal every day (installed capacity is 600,000 to 1 million kilowatts), and large power plants consume 10,000 to 20,000 to 30,000 tons of coal, which means they consume 125 to 300 kilograms per second. About standard coal. The coal-to-electricity conversion efficiency is 40%, which is electricity with a calorific value of 50 kilograms of coal per second. Thermal power plants only have a few more coal storage warehouses than nuclear power plants.

From an industrial perspective, if a coal power plant involves a thousand industrial production chains, this kind of thermonuclear fusion involves a hundred thousand industrial chains.

From the most basic permanent magnet smelting to high-end electronic control, the entire production chain is all-encompassing. This means that at this stage, ten times the manpower of engineers in the coal power manufacturing industry is needed to supply "fusion power."

Calculated in this way, the cost of nuclear fusion is too high. It is better to use "natural nuclear reactor", that is, geothermal energy.

But thermonuclear fusion must be carried out. Just like a major country in the 21st century, the people's livelihood economy does not require the development of aerospace technology and "small bypass ratio aeroengines", and every household's electronic products do not need harsh "anti-electronic interference" defenses. "Chip", but - the country's competitive confrontation cannot be without these.

…In the nine-level Zhongzheng star civilization system, there is a lack of competition…

At the exhibition site, many of the upper-level people attending the Gesu Civilization were clearly told that this was a technological advancement that had reached the fifth or sixth levels of civilization. But most people are skeptical. After all, there are too many scammers these days who use gimmicks to attract funds.

And even if this situation is true, various aristocratic families in the Gesu Civilization will carefully consider the value of this "news".

Oh, the sect master civilization that is more advanced than Ge Xu Civilization will definitely be interested in this news. If you can get more tangible family benefits from the advanced civilization, then should you hesitate to "leak it"?

…The reason why the party leader was able to integrate the free and scattered capitalists was not just through free calls, but also through the intimidation of terror and violence…

And at this time, among the forces participating in the meeting, Wei Keng only cared about those two or three fish.

Among the people attending the meeting, Ling Sui, who had long gray hair, looked at the shiny metal facility and saw the person he once knew,

She paused and wanted to meet him, but she felt abrupt again.

Because it is different now than before. At that time, she was disguising herself as a man, but now she is back in women's clothing. She used to have no makeup, but now her eyebrows are painted, making her look even more beautiful. However, when she found that Wei Keng's eyes were not paying special attention to her, even though she felt that this classmate did not recognize her, she felt unhappy for no reason.

Of course, that's not the problem at the moment. She glanced around, because this high technology was too obvious on the stage now.

And how many people at the top of the Gesu Civilization are really "loyal to this civilization" rather than flattering higher-level civilizations?

Why are there so many low-level civilizations in the universe? Because each level of civilization will have perfect control over lower-level civilizations. This control includes technological blockade and the absorption of talents.

In the Xinghai of the ninth-level Zhongzheng system, the control of higher civilizations over lower civilizations is similar to that of the American emperor and its allies in the 21st century. Throughout the 21st century, except for the American emperor himself, the technology of all his allies is the same as above. It's like being locked and unable to move.

As a suppressed civilization, there are too many people who lead the way and hold back.

At present, in the Gesu Civilization, high-level aristocratic families more or less have several channels to contact higher-level civilizations. These crabs who are holding each other back may be able to reach a compromise for a small profit, that is, the property rights of commercial raw materials on a planet, but when it involves the advancement of civilization, it is impossible to cooperate.

That is: seeing small gains and forgetting one's righteousness, doing big things but cherishing one's life.

Now on the planet Bakr, "Ji Zhong", a man with military characteristics, has forcibly completed the purge of all the old aristocratic classes, so that he can create a window period for the Gesu civilization to break through.

As for Gesu, a loose civilization, if there is a planet inside that actually builds a space fleet. Then the stable interest relationships of various families in the Gesu Civilization will undergo earth-shaking changes.

For some people, the dividends of advancing to a higher civilization are ethereal, but if they tip off a higher civilization and show their value as a dog, the benefits gained from the outside are real.

...The fish have their own motives in front of the scented bait, but the fishhook is quietly hidden in it...

After the industrial display, Jizhong met with six waves of large-scale alliance forces. They all expressed their "intention" to invest, but they all wanted to see more results "first".

Ji Zhong smiled and said to them all, "Let's talk another day", pushing back the temptations of these alliance members!

Know that those "results" involve core departments. Ji Zhong currently does not disclose the results, so it still has the initiative in science and technology. If it is announced, these big shots will have the initiative.

After these alliances such as Ge Xu Civilization get this so-called "initiative", they can choose to invest or sell out.

Wei Keng (Jizhong), who seems to be stupid, is actually not short of funds now. This "exhibition" is just to see the decisions of these alliances.

Wei Keng: If you don’t even have the determination to invest in science and technology, and just want to “wait for the price,” then such an alliance will have no effect on the progress of civilization, and it can start to destroy it.

The large alliances thought that Ji Zhong wanted money, but they didn't know that Wei Keng was actually afraid that he had killed the wrong force and was trying to find gold in this "toilet."

...a civilized force that values ​​art and philosophy too high, and its contempt for those on the basic lines of industry and science and technology is deep-rooted. …

Ten days later, when the wrangling between the two parties came to an end, the man in Chinese clothes and leather shoes in the alliance thought that he was an investor, and Ji Zhong wanted to do things based on his expression.

Therefore, the tone is proactive, the dialogue is aggressive, and the words used are words such as "you should, you must, and your obligation."

As everyone knows, this meeting is the last test for them to obtain redemption.

Wei Keng has a theorem about civilization: if there are actions to embrace technology, then they can still be preserved as the local heritage of this civilization, but if they stubbornly refuse, then they must be "turned into spring mud to protect flowers."

Another half month passed, and it was clear that in this final test, these alliance members had failed in this examination question.

After Ji Zhong received everyone, all the alliances left in anger. They even began to claim that "this is just a scientific hoax." In order to cover up their failed acquisition of Buck Planet, these alliances that wanted to hold a controlling stake could only forcefully deny it "wisely" to save face.

However, Wei Keng didn't care because he knew that he was fully protected.

On the third night after the meeting, at 12 o'clock at night, representatives of the Holy Code family came quietly.

In the office, Ling Sui took off her bamboo hat and revealed her true face. Wei Keng (Ji Zhong) paused. Because if you look closely at this time, you can see that she is more beautiful than before, because her body has been perfectly revised under the heavenly system. ——Wei Keng (Jizhong): But she no longer has the girlish temperament she had in the past.

Ling Sui's red lips curved slightly into a smile. She didn't say much and opened the suitcase directly. On it was the price given by the Holy Class Family.

The projected list in the suitcase was opened. On the list was the factory where the Holy Class family was willing to provide funds for experiments.

Lingsui decided to use these investments to become a shareholder. As for the technology system, the two parties will first establish a mature cooperation model before discussing technology transfer.

This is much more sincere than the conditions put forward by other alliances: "The experimental factory must be built here, and the core technology must be retained."

Attracting investment is the magic that every "new bureaucrats in backward countries" are trying to use in the 21st century in the main world.

However, the bureaucrats of most "backward countries" are too explicit, and they show their attitude toward capital: "The nest must be built here, and the eggs cannot be taken away after they are laid."

"Whether investment can be autonomous" has always been something that investors are very concerned about.

Even if the "investment attracting party" provides investors with independent policies that are not permanent, as long as they remain unchanged for more than ten years, twenty years, or thirty years, it is still good, because investors feel that they can achieve success in more than ten or twenty years. , within thirty years, the capital generated by its own investment in the technology industry can be deeply integrated with other local economies. Establish a solid alliance of interests.

In short, capital investors also know that underdeveloped areas want to borrow chickens to lay eggs, but the problem is: "The chickens have not had time to lay eggs when they arrive at your house, so you want to catch the chickens and cook them in a soup pot." "

Wei Keng: In the 21st century, in those underdeveloped countries, the political system changes every few years. The so-called investment attractions are all about short-term benefits, and various short-term harvesting methods are not hidden at all. No outside capital technology.

The policy proposed by Ling Sui is not that the perspective of Holy Class is longer-term than that of other alliances, but that this alliance has been infiltrated by the "Xinghai Company" from top to bottom, so the so-called Holy Class investment is just hosted by Tianxin League Next, the 'gloved left hand' (Tianzhi plug-in supports the holy lesson) passes "warmth" to the "right hand" (Ji Zhong presides over Bakir).

...Public or private, this matter can be successful...

In the office, Ji Zhong checked all the provisions and was relieved that the head of the holy class did not impose any additional conditions privately. (Although the left hand shifts the right hand, "people" are often the biggest variable in execution. Ji Zhong is afraid that some clever people will do extra things during the holy lesson.)

However, when Ji looked up, he found that Ling Sui was suddenly standing next to him and looking at him.

Wei Keng: "Your Excellency, the head of the family, you are courageous. I can guarantee that if your investment does not withdraw, you will definitely reap sufficient returns."

Ling Sui was staring at Ji Zhong, and his serious face was exactly the same as ten years ago. After hearing Ji Zhong's words, she was slightly startled: "As long as the general is satisfied."

Seconds later, both parties signed each other's names on the paper document.

Ji Zhong signed with his left hand (he was right-handed in the academy back then), so Ling Sui stared at the handwriting for a long time, obviously breathing heavily, and annoyance began to gather in her brows! ——Ji Zhong deliberately changed his handwriting.

The two of them were still alone in the office. Ling Sui did not leave, but Ji Zhong was too embarrassed to see the guest off directly.

Ling Sui stared at him and asked, "Your Excellency, General, you graduated from Mill College."

Ji Zhong saw that he couldn't avoid it and nodded.

Ling Sui: "Then do you have any good classmates?"

Wei Keng determined her purpose of staying here, and then he had no choice but to show his cards: "I remember, there was a crybaby with a high nose, and I had to coax her to sleep every night, and she doesn't seem to have grown up yet. big."

Ling Sui, who was still brewing her emotions and wanted to channel "good memories", opened her eyes wide. She was gentle and intellectual and suddenly stood up and walked to Ji Zhong angrily: "You have actually recognized me a long time ago."

Ji Zhong looked at the angry but red-faced Ling Sui in front of him, and said speechlessly: "I recognize you, so you can't mess around. Business matters must be done publicly. We are talking about business, not reminiscing about old times. Also, it's so late. It’s time for you to go back.”

Ling Sui was angry: "After you recognized me, you still pretended to be with me. Don't you want better cooperation conditions?!"

Ji Zhong looked her up and down, seeing her slender legs, slender waist, and deliberately puffed out chest, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, you don't know how, prepare to seduce me."

Before he finished speaking, a glass of water on the table was poured on Wei Keng's face. However, after Ling Sui splashed the water, she was also startled. Her unspeakable little thoughts were revealed by her original sweetheart, and she lost control of her embarrassment. However, after doing all this, she felt slightly regretful and continued to look at Wei Keng. Worried that he was angry.

Amidst Ling Sui's worries, Wei Keng indifferently picked up a towel and wiped his face, and then said slowly to her: "Even if you are tempted by sex, I don't dare to accept it. Now there are all kinds of invisible swords and swords around me, so Well, don’t stay here too long.”

Ling Sui was slightly startled, and she realized that Ji Zhong was worried about herself. Therefore, I feel a little guilty.

Suzui: "Each alliance is now full of covetousness for new technologies, and our scientific and technological cooperation should remain highly confidential."

Wei Keng looked at her and shook his head: "You don't have to say it, this technology must be brought to light! Technology is not only about the strength of civilization, but also about the hope of civilization. If hope is not public, it will be shrouded in the world. In the dark, protected by a few people, even if this hope succeeds, it will only be the hope of a few people."

Narrator: As a high-level civilization, the Tianxin League can transfer all technology to the Gesu Civilization overnight, but the development of technology has not been expected or struggled by everyone in the civilization, let alone destroyed or interfered by the bad guys in the crowd. , then technology is not the technology of this civilization.

After Ji Zhong finished explaining his reasoning, he found Ling Sui looking at him infatuatedly, feeling a little weird.

Once again, I felt the firm temperament from Ji Zhong, which made Ling Sui, who had always had to drift with the crowd after "graduation", seem to have grasped an anchor.

Just like when the assassins attacked that year, she was at a loss, and then she could only follow Ji Zhong, confused, and did things she had never thought of before. Then in fear and confusion, Wei Keng called him back.

Later, after returning to the family, whenever she encountered plots and conspiracies, she would look back on the past and deal with them with determination. Today, the person who once "badd" her is still so reliable.

Ji Zhong stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes. He was suddenly held by her, and then looked at him angrily.

Ling Sui whispered: "I will accompany you to do the shady things." - Her shy expression seemed to have returned to the night when the two of them were executed together. But in Ji Zhong's eyes, the way this woman whispered was a bit evil.

Ji Zhong waved his hand resolutely: "No, you are too clumsy and will delay things."

Seeing this, Ling Sui suppressed her mental power directly, but Wei Keng suddenly stretched out his hand and touched her neck, causing a chill on her neck and suppressing her mental power at the same time.

Ji Zhong looked at her who was pretending to be cold, shook his head and said, "I'm just saying, your actions are too clumsy and will delay things."

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