Out of the cage

Chapter 1415 Chapter 2830 Lack of Heroes

The uprising on the Su Ling planet is only a "local" friction. It is only part of the overall contradiction when the Gesu civilization advances and develops. For a long time, China has been willing to accept ignorance and accept that "the development of civilization is not as happy as the happiness of the small people". In the great conflict, it encountered a powerful new ideological challenge.

Of course, ignorance still exists. Basic theories that break through old common sense are difficult for the public to understand deeply at the beginning.

A few years ago, technicians on the "not trendy" planet Bakr developed new things such as "nuclear fusion" and "strong magnetic confinement to complete space distortion." A considerable number of people in the Gesu Civilization still believe that these The meaning of things has nothing to do with you.

Only when technological totems such as spaceships rise and the sky blocks the sun and casts shadows, does "pursuing science" become "politically correct" in the popular thinking of this generation.

At this time, the space program of Planet Bakr stimulated all living beings in the Gesu Civilization to raise their heads and look at the stars. Their eyes were filled with the obsession of "longing for the stars and the sea". This obsession will provoke changes on the ground that have not been seen in thousands of years.

The Battle of Sureng Star made the people of Gesu's various planets naturally linked to the concept of "scientific progress" and "conservatism and backwardness", instead of the vague concept of "rebel army and government army" in the past.

When the legions of the Gesu Civilization Elders were defeated, Beiluo Star and other planets soon also launched "innovation" wars against the Elders of their respective planets.

It has to be said that within the entire Gesu planet, there are currently two situations on each planet.

One is the alliance forces that have been 90% infiltrated by the Star Sea Federation (Earth) and now see the possibility of victory and are stimulated to take a gamble.

The other type is that the penetration is less than 70%. At this time, those on both sides of the head want to preserve their strength and let others test the water first.

...In the turbulent era, all groups in the rigid body are numb, and there are not many people who really decide the course...

In the 37th year of the Tianxin calendar, on the planet Mingkai, the army organized by the Holy Class Alliance launched a war against the conservative alliance on this planet.

As a fifth-level spiritual power user, Ling Sui was serving as a military commander at this time, and beside her was her confidant Lixu who had been promoted to the fourth level of physical skills under Tianxin's consciousness, but Lixu's mental power had also reached more than the fourth level.

On the eve of the war, Suzui purged the entire family. In one night, all fifteen elders of the family disappeared or had accidents. Suzui, who seemed to be a weak woman, showed ruthlessness, which made all parties in the Holy Class family jealous. My thoughts suddenly stopped.

This conflict led by Suzui frightened the conservative elders in the family because of its "high risk", so the alliance members now took advantage of the situation and assigned them to marginal departments, and the vacant positions were quickly filled.

After the replacement, the functions of the alliance were operated quickly and effectively, and there was no shutdown due to the lack of "key functions". This was obviously planned for a long time.

One detail: the fill-in staff quickly showed tacit cooperation with neighboring departments, which showed that it was originally an organization and was ready to take over. However, the original conservative party of the Holy Class League knew nothing about this, which shows that this organization is kept secret. How strong is the nature and organization.

...Ling Sui used a brutal iron fist to suppress everything easily. …

Compared with the Battle of Su Lingxing, Suzui was more well prepared for the uprising launched in Mingkai.

At least here, a chip industry chain has been developed in the past two decades, and of course this is also provided by "Tianxin Alliance".

Under the standards of the Star Universe, Suzui's fifth-level mental power can be attached to a smart chip and then drive an army of smart robots to attack. In other words, Ming Kaixing has the productivity to maximize his mental power.

In the past, the basic productivity of Gesu civilization limited the performance of level five spiritual power users.

Although there is a chip industry chain, the intelligent software system is not yet ready.

Under the advice of the special commissioner from the Star Sea Federation, it is still necessary to establish "personnel organization capabilities" to make up for the lack of intelligence.

After Ling Sui's transformation, under the guidance of Tianxin's experts, the team established information communication processing capabilities to ensure that each person's exclusive chip can handle various "wartime" situations in a timely manner (this was taught by Wei Keng, which is equivalent to The most primitive communication of mind language).

The battle around the urban area on Mingkai soon became no longer a group charge, but a continuous "artillery battle" around the transportation hub lines. Mechanized artillery units and tanks move in company form from one gun position to another.

On a front line of thousands of kilometers, the support vehicles with large tires and the accompanying truck guns are the key to "filling the line". When the forward troops detect the situation and the information chain is immediately linked, they can put the troops on standby dozens of kilometers nearby. The artillerymen dropped fire from the trucks.

After these truck guns get the frontier reconnaissance information, they directly launch their guns and fire a few shots, which can cause considerable damage to the enemy troops stationed dozens of kilometers away. The enemy troops turn around and launch artillery counterattacks. By then, the truck gun had left.

When the conservative motorized troops on the planet came over, they could only find bullet casings. And unfortunately, they were met with another round of shelling when they tried to return.

Narrator: Similar to the role of "tanks" in StarCraft, tanks rarely charge, but only bombard opponents from a distance along the "urban transportation hub".

Suzui did not maintain a traditional large group on his own front. There are only artillery that are constantly mobilized, and mechanized troops that can always be used as small fists for "short punch attacks" (fifty-kilometer level assault).

Therefore, the troops of the Gesu Elders on Mingkai Star were more helpless than their colleagues on Su Ling Star.

On the planet Su Ling, the troops of the Elder Council were brought out by Min Ge. Although they were increasingly losing their strategic initiative, they were still able to unite and defend the big city, making it difficult for the rebels to defeat them.

But on Mingkaixing, Ge Xu's old guard lacked the professional guidance of the military. "Advance" was consumed in the bombardment, and "retreat" was locked in the turtle and was pulled out one by one.

The battle line is like this, taking three steps forward and retreating, and continues to advance towards the urban area controlled by the Elder Council. In the safe zone, the melody of the strings plucked by Suzui's fingers, who did not forget his art during the war, became more and more melodious.

In the armored vehicle, wearing a flying fin helmet (more decorative than practical), she handed over the battle situation on the planet to the general she trusted to take command.

And she was looking at the information in the stars.

The Saint of the Star Sea Federation (Wei Keng) reminded her: All the old families on Gesu Planet have been pushed to their limits.

Subtext: The dog has been beaten, and it’s time for the masters in the starry sky to come.

Ling Sui saw in the intelligence that the fleet interfering with higher civilizations was approaching. She knew that the Tianxin Alliance would help her in such a large-scale civilizational struggle, so she was not uneasy.

Ling Sui looked at the sky and asked: "What should we do next?"

Saint Wei Keng whispered: "Well, the next step, your civilization now has a strong obsession, and the next step is to need a hero to liberate it."

Ling Sui was stunned, a little confused, Wei Keng (sage) said: "That hero is not you, you just need to be the king."

Ling Sui didn't know the meaning of "hero" yet, because in the tens of thousands of years of Gesu civilization's history, "the winner is a hero and the loser is a bandit." So at this time, Ling Sui thought that apart from this "saint" of a foreign civilization, There is another person to package outside of her.

Having just completed the purge of the Holy Class family, she was wary of power and asked slightly, "Which hero is there now?"

However, the sage of the Star Sea Federation (Wei Keng) obviously saw through her thoughts: "As a king, you should expect that there is someone in this world that you can crown and respect."

On the outskirts of the war-torn Gesu planet, the Lomon Republic and three affiliated fifth-level civilizations were already waiting outside with their fleets.

Seventeen ten-kilometer-level transport battleships are equipped with a large number of "extremely cost-effective" transport cabins.

These hibernation warehouses are prepared for the intervention armies of affiliated civilizations. Some of these infantrymen who are ready to descend are genetically modified biochemical warriors with strong muscles and metalized bones, while others are mechanically modified warriors. Others are information infantry with data chips connected between their eyebrows. This respectively shows the degree to which the three five-level affiliated civilizations have different military characteristics and are biased in the three different scientific and technological directions of "nanoelectronics", "biochemistry" and "human-machine integration".

Of course, we can even see how big the gap is between civilizations at a higher level and civilizations at a lower level in the star sea.

With the Gesu civilization itself still at the level of infantry in World War II, without external assistance, facing these soldiers who are not afraid of life and death, with steel and iron bones, automatic repair of biological tissues, or with the assistance of information robots, no matter which Xiangdu's morale collapsed.

And now the Russell Republic has directly brought other "subordinate civilizations" to join the war. In fact, it is to dismantle this lower-level civilization that dares to advance and show it to other subordinate civilizations.

In the information hall on the battleship, Commander Lemon looked at the battle scenes of the Gesu Civilization uploaded on the interface, including the armored vehicles with diesel engines and the tanks with blue shells. Lemon stroked his beard and thought.

He asked the female assistant next to him: "Naxi, she suddenly broke through the technology trees of two eras in twenty years, and has the technology to build space battleships, but she still fights with such weapons on the ground. What do you think? ?”

Naxi, who has a graceful figure but a smooth metal robot body (a semi-mechanical bionic), flipped through the information: "This civilization should have picked up the remains of high-tech civilization."

Lemon waved his hand and motioned for his assistant to bring out the evidence.

The left eye (electronic eye) of Nashi (cyborg) projected an interface, which contained information on the planet Bakr collected by spies from the conservative faction of the Gesu Civilization. It recorded a large number of scientific research institutes and factories. There were even " The core components of Bakker’s shipbuilding system and the parameters of its internal samples”

For example, components used in the development of superconducting magnets.

Lemon looked at this information and was puzzled. To a certain extent, these key components of the nuclear fusion project have a complete "research and development process". It is not like picking up the remains of advanced civilization technology from the outside. I copied it from Hua Lao, but the research on this lower planet was so fast that it made people feel frightened.

As a full-time intelligence adjutant, Naxi had already predicted that the situation would be very serious, but Lemon could not have imagined that the lower civilization he wanted to suppress was the result of the interference of the "Tianxin Alliance", an eighth-level advanced civilization.

And Luo Meng Civilization never imagined that there would be a high-level civilization in this universe willing to send more than 600,000 cadres to lower-level civilizations.

The two could not come up with any results from their discussions. At this time, the fleet had arrived at the public wormhole. The Hercules fleet of the Romon civilization began to enter the Gesuwen star area and began to suppress it with their technological troops.

The first wave they arrived at was Beiluo Star. The mechanical infantry of the fifth-level civilization appeared, and the battle titans (large land combat robots) of the sixth-level civilization, supported by the slender force field, the "battle cabin" began to emit light from high. Sweeping beam.

After the troops landed, Lemon immediately communicated with Loki, the original commander of the Gesu civilization on the planet.

When this officer who was once iron-brilliant and now bronze-brilliant faced the fleet expeditionary force of the sixth-level civilization, he undoubtedly began to fall in favor of this extraterrestrial fleet (later considered by the world to be an unknown person in Ji Zhong), and Become a leader. He betrayed the masters he knew within the Fangcun Mountain Sword Sect, as well as information that was suspected to be new technology from advanced civilizations.

But similarly, two-thirds of the troops belonging to Ge Xu on Beiluo Star did not abide by the "non-resistance agreement" signed by Lot, the "acting commander". Under the leadership of key personnel of Xinghai Company, more than Luo In the name of protecting the interests of the planet, the younger generation of young men began to draw their swords against this foreign advanced interference civilization and stood together with the former enemies of the Beiluo Star.

… boasts that he came from heaven and disdains changes in the world…

In the 37th year of the Tianxin calendar, the Hercules fleet of the Romon civilization launched an orbital bombing in the orbit of the Beiluo star. The huge beam burned the residence of the local indigenous people of the Beiluo star on the mainland.

Once upon a time, the rock houses and the solar power stations built by the lake were destroyed in the blazing red heat.

However, before the attack, all the Beiluo people moved away. Everyone watched in the darkness as the beams of death swept across their past homeland, feeling as if their hearts were pierced.

Then, under the leadership of the leader of the Fang Cun Sword Sect, everyone went underground, preparing to start a fight when the enemy's star landing troops arrived after the bombing.

In the tunnel, everyone watched the information system prompt the location of the seismic wave where the enemy landed. They held the electromagnetic blade tightly in their hands, and a translucent force field shield was ready to be deployed beside them at any time.

Note: Those carrying light blades and shields are company-level weapons, and it will not be a "big scene" where hundreds of thousands of people gather together.

No matter how powerful the firepower in the starry sky is, the landing battle still requires infantry. Of course, the infantry would not use the Tianling Gai to counter the Titan's energy beam. Instead, they would lie down in the jungle, take aim, and start calling for bombing.

In the jungle, some tires painted with green camouflage slowly rolled under the Titan driven by remote control.

In the continuous sneak attacks, there were seas of smoke and fire under the Titan's chassis. Although the steel infantry supporting the fifth-level civilization Titan were able to shoot off some tires. However, if he misses even one of the ten shots, his whole body will burst into flames.

The fleet of Hercules originally came to suppress Beiluo Star, but they did not expect how troublesome it would be. They thought that it could be easily solved by using the old method of "treating guests, killing chickens to scare monkeys, and accepting them as dogs", and then they never looked back.

Until Lott's "incompetence", Beiluo Star was everywhere, and the "Superman" of Fang Cunjian sent a space capsule to fight back against the Earth Orbital Space Station after the "big event" happened.

Lemon, who had already passed through three jump wormholes, had to admit on the Star Sea Channel Map that he had underestimated the intensity of the resistance in Beiluo Star. In order to ensure that the rear wormhole passage was not cut off, he could only send the transport ship to turn around and invest five more times. The advanced civilized troops bombarded the rear.

…The swarming struggles on multiple planets briefly confused the priority of foreign intervention forces’ deployment of forces…

Lemon himself was carrying the main force of the Hercules Starry Sky Fleet and began to move towards the Bakker Star, the second planet of the Gesu Civilization.

Before the senior leaders of the Lomon Republic successfully suppressed the progressive forces of the Gesu civilization, they had already confidently set their sights on the manpower team on this planet. Decided to destroy this resistance in the Gesu civilization in one fell swoop.

Of course, from another perspective, the Romond Republic has this attitude towards the sudden appearance of a large number of talents in Gesu Civilization: "Since you don't come to the lighthouse, then the lighthouse will burn your home with flames and let you come and sell yourself under the lighthouse." Take refuge.”

...Confident people will always encounter accidents...

Lemon never knew that his target was waiting for him as his fleet rushed towards the planet Bakr.

On the moon of the star Bakker, a stealth base is here. This base is cube-shaped. It is an additional "space warehouse" built when the "Hope" was manufactured. It is a space base code-named "Endurement".

In this base, Wei Keng (Ji Zhong), who is a key figure in the "civilization promotion" of the entire planet, completes combat loading from the first-level mechanical cabin.

Ji Zhong looked at the twinkling light of the ship among the stars and whispered: "Although I am not worthy, you are not feeling well. Well, I said this when I was lying down, but when I stand high up , when we are on the cusp of the storm, all the justice we have said must be fulfilled. This is integrity."

At this time, the individual with the identity of "Jizhong" has been loaded with an armed form suitable for space warfare in this plane at the level of body fixation, that is, the "angel form" (28.22), and another Wei Keng split on the back of the moon "Haoxin" is also making ground preparations for the battle in Jizhong and will be a substitute when necessary.

Weikeng Group has deployed double insurance for this battle.

In the space station, the angel-like form that can unfold the light sail is preparing tactics for low-Earth orbit.

This is the "preliminary test" that Ji Zhong has already practiced, that is, waiting for the enemy ship to approach in low-Earth orbit, and then unfolding the "light wings" for particle propulsion. At the same time, he activates the nuclear polymerization energy device in the combat armor he is wearing (thirty meters high) to store energy for the "Zhan Sword" weapon.

This entire set of physical techniques and matching weapon systems are specifically designed to deal with space warfare.

In space, the length of the "ship-killing" armed light blades equipped by Ji Zhong's mechas can vary between fifty meters and thirty kilometers.

There are a large number of nuclear reaction channels inside this mecha, and it is a weapon that can only be used under precise control like nerves in a physical force field. This type of weapon can shoot out a thousand tons of concentrated energy beam at a rate of one shot every ten seconds during a battle. This can split the armor on the front of the ship in a space battleship. Of course, a more effective move is to penetrate the belly of the ship from the side along the fragile belt of the observation window.

With everything ready, Ji Zhong contacted his split clusters working on the planet.

These satellite satellites, which were supported by the Tianxin League, reported data according to the procedures on various observation stations and telemetry spacecraft, and explained the details to be paid attention to to the interns who followed them.

The observation network where the Wei Keng Group is located has analyzed the location where the "enemy wormhole" is about to unfold from the fluctuation characteristics of the starlight spectrum.

Although everyone in the lunar base of Bakr Star performed their duties and stared at their work stations as if without any emotion, Ji Zhong in space knew at this time that just as the laser cannot flicker during the lasing process, Only after hitting the target can you see the "brightness", and everyone's passionate emotions are also contained in the work.

Before the collision is completed, there is no "BGM of the anime protagonist", only the heavy heartbeat before waiting.

Ji Zhong: I am like a long sword. Before the sword rises, there is a long night, and after the sword falls, the sky will turn white.

Ji Zhong stared at the starry sky in the direction where Russell was about to jump, and whispered: "A civilization needs heroes. This hero is not a suave and charming hero who makes countless beauties bend their backs and suppresses many mortals. Instead, he wants to live in people's hearts forever. That's all. That's all. It’s my turn next time.”

Ji Zhong raised his sword, and behind him was a charging cluster composed of more than 400 star points.

Ji Zhongren's mechanical body is on this most pointed arrow.

…dimension dividing line…

If a civilization does not have heroes, it will not be able to achieve resonance.

Whether this distant plane, which is three thousand degrees away from the main world, can get closer to the unknown "peak" depends on these historical flashes. In the dimensional space, the historical plane separated from this fossil plane began to come alive.

However, when Kong Chuanxiao of the main world was quietly paying attention to this distant plane, he whispered: Has his inner universe been completed? ——At present, the inner universe constructed by other will clusters in the main world lacks the self-sustainability of "variable circulation" and is often difficult to form "independence". When a large amount of "consciousness" passes away, the space-time nature of the inner universe will fall into the ruins. (End of chapter)

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