Out of the cage

Chapter 1424 Chapter 2835 (Part 1) The Period of Discovery

Chapter 28.35 (Part 1) The Age of Discovery

In the time and space next to Xi Danyu, the source consciousness of the main world behind it (Shuang Mingyi) is always "too branched" because of the selected plot. In other words, these spies of the main world's will group who are "evolving Keng" can now find the background time and space of Wei Keng's consciousness in "Ji Zhong" who created the epic, but they are unable to accurately locate Wei Keng's hottest timeline. So that every time the "target" is a piece of local food digging in the soil, not the Tianhuang stone under the shining light.

Kong Chuan Gap: He (Wei Keng) is always switching between the duality of "dormant" and "flashing", with no intermediate form.

…The perspective comes to Wei Keng’s choice of flickering time and space lines…

Wukai civilization area, Wuxuan star. This is one of the locations selected for the second wave of Wei Keng's arrival. It is also the "fossil plane" out-of-control area disclosed by Bai Linglu, and a "plane observable point" that can be glimpsed by the main world.

This planet is not a paradise filled with gold in the eyes of low-level civilizations. On the contrary, many of its daily routines are similar to those in the lower-civilized capital area.

Just as there is a philosophical saying in the 21st century: The circle you are in, in fact, does not represent the world...

Wu Xuan Star is a special planet where Wu Kai civilization specializes in training "physical skills".

In the martial arts civilization, such a planet is equivalent to the martial arts training base in the East, and the Hollywood of San Diego in the United States is preparing to cultivate stars.

Wu Xuan Star is a "functional" circle for civilization, so it cannot be said that it can represent the entire civilization.

Wu Xuan Star is a high martial planet specially built by Wu Kaiming. If you were born directly on the planet, the average time traveler would even think that you were in a high-tech cultivation world.

On such a martial arts planet, there is no space elevator or information-based flying vehicle helmet. There is a floating public transportation system, but there is only one bus per day, so there is no convenience at your fingertips.

But outside the atmosphere of Wuxuan Star, there are a large number of ships carrying people for shuttle.

The Dyson ring of stars in space has complete facilities, and rows of extremely powerful light cones point at the planet.

Looking into the wider space, in the universe around this "Martial Arts Star Area", the "currency particles" produced by the gravitational operation of seven or eight stars are concentrated on this martial arts star. (Similar to the entire agricultural and industrial production in California, which supports the Hollywood film and television base with intensive tertiary industry.)

And this martial arts star passes through the Dyson ring, and then injects currency particles into the surrounding administrative stars, which is the Dyson ring "light cone" received by the physical arts planet. These light cones bring a large amount of "light cones that can be combined with carbon-based life." "Particle Field" makes the entire planet's physical skills practice very fast, which can be called a science fiction-level artificial spiritual vein.

...Before arriving, Wei Keng continued to remind himself that he must not have any generalizations about Wu Kaiming because of his daily habits here...

Circle perspectives tend to be narrow.

Just like in the 21st century, although the world is an era of great power confrontation, drone technology is constantly updated, deep-sea exploration, high-altitude lunar exploration, and new materials are emerging in an endless stream, there are still many people at the same time who are addicted to a certain small circle, such as gambling. Stone, entertainment.

If you are addicted to the circle, you will never leave the circle for the rest of your life. Addicts stand in a small circle and look at the world in this progressive era, and they are also full of circle filters.

Wu Kaiming, the super civilization that is the hegemon in this galaxy, has created a circle that is equivalent to an entire world for most "carbon-based natural humans".

But for "obsessive people", the circle is the best petri dish.

The second wave of Ji Zhong arrived in this world of physical arts and in the circle of star warriors.

The 85th year of Tianxin calendar, which is the 3435th year of Wukai calendar and Mingxuan calendar, is the day of Wei Keng's arrival.

Of course, under the isolation of tens of thousands of light years, this has nothing to do with the "Gexu Civilization Uprising". It seems that in a few hundred years, there will still be two parallel timelines, even if the Gesu Civilization Uprising will evolve Create your own "Uprising Universe", and within four thousand years, either the variables will cool down and integrate into the plane of stars to become a new advanced civilization, or pass through the plane sieve and travel to other cosmic planes, and the second The Wuxuan star where Bo Weikeng has now arrived is still in the old plot world.

...The plane of stars is too big, and one hot spot cannot drive the plot of the entire universe. …

Note: Wukai civilization regards six thousand years as one era and sixty eras as one cycle, that is, 360,000 years as one cycle. Wukai civilization has completed three reincarnations in the present, and now this fourth Reincarnation is called the Mingxuan Calendar, and today is in the 25th minor epoch under the Mingxuan Calendar.

Wu Xuanxing, on the side platform of a building imitating a mountain, a group of teenagers are practicing ancient martial arts on this "sunny hillside zone".

Eryuan (Wei Keng's new name), who is only three years old and very timid, is walking and jumping tremblingly on the six-sided pile on the lake. Looking at his peers who are walking freely, he can't help but feel envious.

Just like the previous wave of "Ji Zhong", Master Wei still chose to suppress the "awakening of power seeds".

The last time it was deemed "intellectually retarded" and discarded, but this time it stubbornly maintained the human base development guidelines and was deemed "congenitally disabled".

...Bai Linglu rolled his eyes: If you open it low, anyone who encounters it will give you a bad review first. …

On Wuxuan Planet, the social unit is a settlement based on 20,000 people.

This settlement sounds like a sect or academy. People who live in the living area will raise a group of children every forty years. And Wei Keng is the one at the end of the crane in this session.

In the advanced star martial civilization, the reproduction and cultivation system on a planet has been highly periodized.

Therefore, no matter when the child is born, before the time comes, they will all be sealed in the energy warehouse. Then at a fixed period, the lockdown will be unified, development will begin, and education and training will be launched at the same time.

This cycle is about once a hundred years, which means that each generation of newborns appears together, and then the same generation enters the school and competes on the same stage.

Social observer Wei Keng expressed his admiration for this: This is quite "socially advanced", and such educational resources can be used efficiently.

Since students appear cyclically, when a generation of newborns appears, only the "education courses" related to this generation of students will be held on the planet every year.

On such a planet, the education system does not need to maintain the entire education system from primary school, high school, and university at the same time.

Let me explain carefully: Since the birth time of children on Earth is random, teachers have to divide education into different grades and classes. However, when the development and learning time of children on the entire planet is unified, teachers do not need to divide into groups and only need to focus on one class. Only students are required, which can save a lot of educational resources.

Educator Wei Keng: Human passion is limited, and education is precisely what requires the most emotional devotion.

Just like in the first year, the teacher is passionate and declares that no one should be left behind. In the second year, he starts to show preference. After more than ten years of working smoothly, he starts to be utilitarian and understands how to select and train the best students, how to let go of the poor students and let them go. Detoxification does not affect the class.

Now that all children are concentrated in one wave, and the entire society focuses all its educational passion on one stage, it is not a bad thing.

Wei Keng: "This model can indeed cultivate social talents most efficiently." - This may be a characteristic of the civilization of the fertile soil plane to which the fossil plane and Topology once belonged.

Wei Keng sent information to the Xingtian system in the main world.

On Wuxuan Planet, Eryuan (the reincarnation of Ji Zhong) is being an "ordinary" person. From the perspective of a middle person, he sees the paths assigned to the geniuses in each "petri dish" of this "fossil plane".

Eryuan, who was thinking wildly, lost his footing when stepping on the six-sided stake in the pool, and fell into the water with a plop, causing a burst of laughter from his peers.

In the current school district, Wei Keng is undoubtedly the worst student in this class. He is also good at cooking and fun-loving.

After the teacher fished out Eryuan, he comforted the young Tu Kang: "How about you take a rest first."

The subtext of the gentle teacher is: "If you are not in good health, please stop practicing. This will save everyone's worries."

However, this teacher underestimated the obsession with the central axis. Wei Axor shook his head resolutely: "I can do it if others can practice it. If I practice for a longer time, I will become more familiar with it."

Eryuan raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky, although his ordinary self might not encounter anything in his life.

but! Wei Keng knew that the "fossil-level travel system" in this fossil plane was now being launched. Follow the remains left by this civilization in outer space and time.

The Wei Keng cluster in the dimension carries out "the fourth kind of contact".

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