Out of the cage

Chapter 1437 Chapter 2911 Ranger and Sword Master

Chapter 1437 Chapter 29.11 Ranger and Sword Master

The frightening battle came to an end, and Eryuan regained his energy only ten hours later. By this time, the soldiers had finished cleaning the battlefield, and the camp began to bury pots to make rice.

Lunos and his Territorial Affairs Officer were summarizing their findings today, that is, the ogre forces here are funded by external forces.

This is obvious, there is a lot of iron in the ogre weapons captured from the battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, the clubs of the native ogre tribe are huge, but they are all made of wood. Most of them use the thorns of natural branches to increase the damage during processing. Some elite ogre leaders will inlay stones and rusty iron on the clubs. Nails, but now the ogre club is covered with metal pieces compared to the past. This kind of equipment is too sophisticated for the ogre.

Furthermore, the mages determined the runes of the orc shaman from the magic tattoos on the skin of the hands of two elite ogres after their deaths. This tattoo with power can only be inherited by tribes with a long history. This pattern makes the ogre more powerful in wielding the club.

The human leatherworker could peel off the skin from the ogre's hand and make gloves that were the size of a large human hand.

The original tattoos on this kind of gloves have magical texture properties, so that they still have similar muscle-assisted power. This kind of good props was divided up by the knights after the war. They wore these gloves and wielded their swords more powerfully.

For mages, any knowledge involving phase patterns should be taken seriously, even if there is a tribe of savage ogres. Because the knowledge is applied comprehensively.

For example, when Eryuan was in Kalar, there was a command spell on the back of his hand. However, the elves did not use a staff to cast spells, but directly raised their hands to cast spells. They also burned magic patterns on their hands. Orcs also had similar technology.

The ogre's own racial attributes make its hobby power far greater than its brain, so there is no smelting and no craftsman culture. Even a few awakened two-headed ogres are crazy. The two heads are quarreling with each other, leaving no complete inheritance of the magic system.

Some arrogant remarks in the kingdom: ogres can only participate in the "cooperation" of civilized races if they are controlled by shackles and urged by whips. Oh, the most common cooperation between ogres and civilized races is as slaves working as coolies in mines.

…The orc forces appeared in the Ogre War, casting a shadow over the forces of the human kingdom…

Everyone began to chew food amidst the clash of armor and the crackle of fire. Someone's bean curd was eaten as "chili sauce" by the knight who saved his life.

The knight didn't know how to use chopsticks, so he inserted a whole piece with a fork, put it in his mouth and chewed it, leaving Eyuan quite speechless.

Eyuan wanted to scold him: "This is not how fermented bean curd is eaten, don't you think it's cool?"

After the battle, Eryuan stayed in the wounded soldier camp and began the work of "building popularity"

As a doctor, Eryuan collected many herbs along the way and boiled them in a large pot to make a plaster. These green pastes have become the most useful supplies today.

Eyuan first saved his own horse. The poor colt's back was cut off and it was almost thrown into the pot.

Eryuan poured anesthesia into him, carefully inserted needles and threads to connect his nerves, then applied the medicine and sutured the wound with needles. Accelerate the jointing of broken bones through earth deformation. ——That's right, the sheep-transformation technique, which kneads the human form, turned into bone-setting technique during Wei Keng's research.

Eyuan comforted the soldiers and released medical skills to stimulate the healing factors of the herbal medicine, and the flesh and blood quickly grew.

For other soldiers, these boiled herbs also had a miraculous effect, and their flesh and blood quickly healed into scars.

This was a great relief to the busy pastors.

However, they were also surprised how Eryuan was able to identify various herbs in the jungle, and then accurately extract the restorative power from the herbs using unheard of magic potion preparation techniques.

Narrator: The whole set of pharmacies here is a skill that was accumulated bit by bit when raising pigs in Eryuan. The skills of the orc shamans were also accumulated in this way.

After finishing the work of treating the soldiers, Eryuan was summoned.

Lord Lunos had just finished handling official business, and the magic communication crystal behind him had just been turned off.

It was obvious that he had just been angry with the bureaucrats in the kingdom, and his beard was still curling up, but when he saw Eyuan paying his respects, he seemed very gentle.

Lunos greatly appreciated Eyuan's combat courage, and then awarded Eyuan a Medal of Courage.

After wearing this golden medal, a force of elements enveloped his whole body. Eryuan suddenly found that he could skillfully use the thirty-pound cross sword. Oh, this kind of sword was originally too heavy for Eryuan.

However, just when Eryuan thought he had obtained a prop worth several hundred gold coins for nothing.

The lord gave himself another pair of boots of speed. These boots have extremely elastic soles and can jump from three meters away.

At this time, Eryuan began to beat his heart.

Sure enough, the lord gave Eryuan two groups of infantry, a total of twenty-four people, and began to appoint Eryuan as the vanguard.

As the saying goes, the hardest thing to bear is the favor of a superior. Once you find that you have the ability to give you honor, and you accept the honor, you have to accept the arrangement.

Eryuan Self-Buried Tai: In Journey to the West, Tang Monk received the cassock and tin staff given by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, so he had to travel to the west.

After Eryuan put on the two magic items, the mission assigned by the lord became irresistible.

Eating the emperor's salary is a matter of loyalty to the emperor.

…In the midst of rapid development, the world’s happy-go-lucky Eryuan is currently unable to control its own destiny…

The next day, Eyuan began to lead the team to set off early. Along the way, Eyuan ordered the soldiers to tie thin strings to the branches around the road. This tying method is similar to the spider suddenly pulling a line for you in the bushes.

Eyuan reminded these soldiers that if the leaves behind them suddenly swayed inexplicably in pairs (the threads pulled two sets of branches), then someone must be following him.

Ever since Eryuan was a little scared of the Swift Wind Step Sword - his originally lazy mind was like having wind oil sprayed in his nostrils, and suddenly he became enlightened.

This technique was effective, and the stalker was caught for the first time while looking out at the ogre territory.

Eryuan immediately retreated with his troops, and this retreat was also timely, avoiding a dark wolf as strong as a calf. Looking at the dark wolf, Eryuan immediately threw out "Mana Stealing".

When the ghost wolf rushed over, Eryuan used a sliding shovel and punched it into the wolf's bloody mouth. After unfolding his fist, he released the hidden magic, and the newly mastered "mana stealing" beam suddenly filled the ghost wolf. Within his body, the transformation was quickly completed.

…The Alliance is intrigued by intrigues, and there are fools in the Horde too…

Half an hour later, the orc shaman came to the place where Eyuan stepped on the plate. His fanged face stared at the processed footprints under his feet, and he began to report this important information to the ogre camp.

In the ogre camp, the orc leader narrated this information to the ogre leader. However, the ogre leader was very arrogant and believed that humans were cowards and could not dare to go deep into their camp. The ogres still wanted to Enjoy the food and don't have time to patrol.

At the beginning, the dialogue atmosphere between the upright orc and the lazy dog ​​ogre was wrong.

As the saying goes: Never disturb an ogre's interest in eating.

In the ogre's simple building that can only provide shelter from the rain, this building only prevents the fire for barbecue food from being flooded by the rain.

Now that the orcs are being "ignorant" again and again, the ogre leader begins to use the topic to reprimand the orc heroes in the previous battle for being as timid as a mouse. What he said is: the sword master will be hammered if he fails to kill Eryuan. scene.

Of course, there is an unwritten rule on the continent: never mock orcs for not being waaaagh enough.

Feeling insulted and unwelcome by the ogres, the orcs left.

As a result, the ogres that Eryuan was worried about sending a pursuit team did not happen.

…Three hours later…

Long live the sixty-point pass, Eyuan returned, finished drawing the terrain map and roads, and placed small animals such as clay crows as eyes on the treetops.

When Eryuan walked more than half way back, he found that the lord had already walked over with his regiment.

At this time, the human legions put on their helmets and geared up.

Lunos, who was riding a big horse, determined the situation ahead based on the latest map, and then ordered the priest to prepare for battle and cast spells.

In fact, the lord planned to march directly to kill the ogre by surprise.

Giving the battle order so quickly was beyond Eryuan's expectation.

However, Eyuan, who was aware of current affairs, immediately expressed his willingness to serve the lord.

As a result, Eryuan changed from the acting captain of the two infantry teams to the official captain commander.

Under the feudal system, this meant that Eryuan was the source of command for this infantry team, and the captain of the original infantry team would serve as Eryuan's deputy. ——Oh, there is no contradiction in power transfer here. When the caster is wise and decisive enough, the team will often default to the leader.

For that group of infantry, Eryuan was the second source of command besides Lunos.

As long as Lunus did not remove Eyuan from his post, Eyuan's orders to the soldiers would even be higher than Lunus's chosen successor.

For human beings, social relationships (prestige) are an intangible asset.

This asset is difficult to inherit as perfectly as money. Under the feudal system, in order for the "interpersonal relationships" of the previous generation to be inherited by the next generation, they would personally select talented vassals to establish good friendships with their heirs.

Eyuan could judge that after winning this battle, he would be able to blend into the aristocratic circle. As a result, I have to work harder and continue to develop forward for the large army.

The marks made along the route to Eryuan played a role in the ensuing battle.

If these lines hanging on the branches do not show signs of branches and leaves shaking and falling off, it means that the enemy has not been here yet, so it is safe to march quickly and will not be ambushed.

Lunos' troops marched quickly. He marched forcefully according to the route determined by Eyuan's scouts. The entire army quickly broke into the ogre's territory four kilometers away and formed a semi-encirclement.

...Before the attack, Eryuan once again asked the Lord for orders and confirmed the safety. But he was rejected by the lord with great military skills...

Thirty-six hours later, I came to the ogre territory for the second time.

Since our own knights were in the rear at this time, Eryuan acted boldly as a reconnaissance team, and of course they soon encountered the enemy's warning.

At this time, Eryuan stretched out his palm in front of the tamed ghost wolf and began to strengthen his control, asking it to listen to him and enter the orc territory.

The ghost wolf seemed to realize that this was an act of betrayal of its original master, and its heart, which had been brainwashed, well, controlled by the heart, began to awaken.

The red light in Eyuan's palm pressed against the forehead of the ghost wolf that rushed towards him with its teeth and claws.

The entire ghost wolf struggled for a moment, its pupils confused, and then as Eyuan input a little magic reward, the ghost wolf nuzzled towards Eyuan affectionately.

Um? ——The mage who was following Eryuan looked at the big wolf that transformed from the air with a smile, and stood beside Eryuan obediently. He asked in confusion: "Magic theft?"

After three demonstrations by Hillmon, Eryuan is now a copycat. Even an elf would need several years to master this magic.

After Eryuan stayed in Kalar for a year, he quickly mastered shorthand magic, and the talent he displayed was absolutely incredible.

In fact, even Hilmon, who is willing to teach, has never thought about it now, and Eyuan will grasp it after just three glances.

The soldiers holding long swords on the side looked at the translucent magic wolf that Er Yuance had turned around and murmured: "The head belongs to an intermediate mage?"

As a forward scout, Eryuan reported to the archmage of the rear team through the "Wind Whisper Communication" spell: We just encountered the summons of the beast tribe, and the enemy camp may be wary,"

...The perspective stretches from the location of Eryuan to the battle map. Now humans form an ambush circle...

As the horn sounded, the knights began to charge, and the orc forces in the ogre territory were still there.

However, there are rarely less than twenty "warrior-type" members among these orcs. But there are thirteen shamans.

These shamans seemed to be busy with some kind of ritual. When the explosive warheads of human mortars fell from the sky, in the ogre territory, the orc shamans had not yet drawn the runes of the teleportation circle with their blood. .

Yushula, who was holding a broadsword, came to the center of the circle with bones and was discussing the current predicament with the shamans.

The shaman sighed: "Our magic power is consumed too much when outlining the magic circle."

Yushula roared with a big mouth missing a tooth: "Even if you only have your fists left, you still have to fight!"

...The raging war also made Eryuan suddenly remember that he was once a commander...

Wei Keng looked at the attack configuration of Lunos and shook his head. Perhaps it was because the number of soldiers fighting in this world was small, often less than a thousand, or because the military heritage here conflicted with its thinking diodes. Eyuan always felt that this The style of play is somewhat counter-intuitive.

"We are surrounded by three and one is missing. If we just block the enemy and fight, how many casualties will there be?" Eyuan saw that all the roads near the ogre camp were surrounded by infantry shield walls and felt a pain in his head.

Sure enough, on the narrow three exits. A lightning shield appeared on the ogre, and three electric balls as big as a human head rotated around the ogre's fat waist. The soldiers holding swords, guns, swords and halberds in front of them were all paralyzed and stiff.

For this reason, the front row of humans is under tremendous pressure, and the mages in the back row are constantly dispelling spells. But the Slowness Technique was also driven away.

The war was so intense that Eryuan had an ominous premonition in his heart. He took a look at the weak flanks exposed by his overlord's advance. If his troops' advance was not smooth and the delay lasted for a long time, it might not be the "Battle of Saarhu". ".

Eyuan took a closer look at the rear. If the attack was not effective, wouldn't it be bad if the mage troops and artillery troops behind him were raided? In particular, Lord Lunos was in a hurry and would rather block the ogre's exit than leave a reserve team.

Eryuan couldn't help but think about countermeasures: If the opponent wants to launch a sneak attack now, what would the sneak attack team look like?

Eyuan paused, understanding the source of the sense of crisis, and couldn't help but feel bloody.

First of all, Eryuan observed the endless giant wooden camps of the entire ogre camp from a good perspective on the treetops, took a quick note of the rough distribution of buildings in the entire ogre camp, and made a decision.

At this time, Master Wei took out the tooth that Yushula pulled out, pinned it on his chest, and walked towards the battlefield.

The only force that can sneak attack now is the Beast Sword Master, and if he walks in front of the battlefield, then the Beast Sword Master will not be able to sneak around behind and attack.

Because in the orc culture, throwing one's fangs at the opponent means fighting openly. If the orc avoids such a fight, or uses other methods, then even if he wins, he will be shamed by other orcs.

Eryuan came to the front where flesh and blood were flying everywhere, took a deep breath and said silently: "I hope that sword master can have a little more personal heroism."

Eryuan came to the forefront of the battle and walked towards a dying ogre. (Er Yuan: If you have remaining health, you need to make up for it)

The ogre suffered an injury to his leg and staggered away from the six-man team in front of him. Then he saw a little man walking towards him. The ogre looked at this "little man" in confusion. In its view, even if it was injured, such a "little thing" couldn't take it down, but it didn't want to think about it and reflexively picked up the mallet to threaten.

Eryuan took advantage of the moment he raised the mallet and rushed forward, directly took out a piece of silver paper and put it against his face to output strong light.

Then, while the ogre was stunned, Eryuan jumped up quickly, drew out the cross sword in his hand, and chopped off the two heads of the two-headed ogre with one sword. The morale of the people in front of this position was greatly boosted. Such a head start boosts the morale of soldiers within fifty meters of your own camp, providing you with a "battlefield presence" and prompting the orc leader on the opposite side to look over.

Sure enough, the sword master who was about to take a detour five hundred meters away noticed this side and sensed the breath of his fangs.

At the same time, he saw Eryuan again, with fire in his pupils. He raised his knife and rushed towards the duel target with the Wind Step.

On the battlefield, Eryuan was waiting. In the noisy environment, Eryuan was filled with uneasiness and expectation, just like the results were being announced before an exam.

Finally, as the sword master wielded a two-meter machete and twisted his body out of the air, Eyuan took a deep breath, glanced at the warrior, and then~

Turn around and run away.

Yes, Eyuan just asked the Sword Master to come to him, not to make a sneak attack, but Eyuan himself was not prepared to actually challenge the Sword Master in a duel.

Of course, the Sword Master has never seen such a shameless human being. After being stunned for a while, it immediately decided to pursue it.

At first, when Yushula first met Eryuan, he just wanted to kill the mage. Because when Eyuan killed an ogre head-on, he felt that Eyuan was worthy of being killed by him, and his head became the accessory of his defeated opponent. But now after meeting, Eyuan was shameless again. He was so angry that he wanted to chop Er Yuan into pieces.

The chase and escape began, and this time, something was a little different.

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