Out of the cage

Chapter 1443 Chapter 2917 Town Defense Battle

The Crow family rushed to the town of Hader, and just in time, the combined forces of the orcs and Naga were attacking the city.

The total number of enemy troops is about five hundred, but most of them are large monster-level units. This is already a very powerful military force on the mainland.

Orcs are generally over 2.5 meters tall and weigh 300 kilograms. As for Nagas, in addition to slaves such as small fishmen, they are also half-snake and half-human with a head and tail length of seven meters.

Three behemoth-level dragon turtles are already hitting the city wall with their horned heads. Every time these thirty-ton behemoths hit the city wall, the cracks in the depressions of the city wall will expand. The city's situation is critical.

A large number of simply trained militiamen in the city had already rushed forward wearing simple leather armor, holding hammers and wearing heavy armor wrapped in iron sheets and pottery shards, standing at the key pass to withstand the orcs' attack.

However, with the cold air of the explosion, a large number of militiamen fell to the ground. This is the Feng Shui phase magic "Frost Nova" mastered by Naga. The phase crystallization of ice and frost in the air shone like the light of a knife under the light.

Eryuan was shocked by this: "The explosive damage effect of ice magic in this world is comparable to explosives?"

On the other hand, the fireball spells of the human mages on the city wall were like hitting stones and did not cause much damage to the skin of the orcs and Nagas.

Although the orc didn't have much protection, the thick blood brought by the powerful muscles had no problem blocking the magic attack at this time. The fireball quickly dissipated when it hit it.

The knights who mounted their horses also received orders from Crow and rushed directly towards the orcs. This is a battle between tough guys and tough guys.

As for Eryuan - he didn't rush to follow him at this time, and he didn't even dare to release optical taunts. He led a team of twenty people and could only form a shield array and slowly advance from the side. The direction Eryuan was advancing was On the right rear side, the human militia there was struggling to withstand the impact of the wolf riders.

As a mage unit, Eryuan did not stand in the center of the shield formation. Instead, he carried a spear and rode a goat in front. This command method of leading his own infantry phalanx forward looked more like a ranger than a mage.

Due to Eryuan's "agility", the Nagas and orcs did not regard Eryuan as the first spell caster to suppress and attack. If Eryuan stood in the center of the shield formation as soon as he came up, the Naga and orc commanders would focus on him.

Although the infantry were not as fast as the knights in trotting, there was no large orc force on the battlefield to block them, so the advance was very fast.

When the Crow knights led a team to charge into the orc team, and after some killing, they successfully disrupted the orcs and Naga's military formation, allowing the infantry where Eyuan was located to arrive on the flank. The orcs then sent fifteen orcs Riding a wolf, he rushed up howling.

Eyuan thought to himself: It is said that dogs’ sense of smell is forty times that of humans. He took out a bottle of pepper from his pocket with his backhand, and ejected it towards the wolf rider. The pepper smoke hit the wolf's nose accurately, and then the running wolf began to sneeze. The speed slowed down

Eryuan took the lead and went around the side of the orcs. At the same time, he raised his hand and projected a small square in his palm towards the militia formation on his own city wall.

The block shot into the top of the city wall and began to inflate and expand. Soon a lantern the size of a human head, with red plum blossoms on a white background, began to float above the heads of the queue on the city wall. The whistle designed on the lantern emits a melodious singing sound under the action of airflow.

On the human side, since Eryuan had gotten along well with the militiamen beforehand, he often led everyone to sing together before eating. At this time, the militiamen heard the tune and began to hum this melody - "What a good time." A beautiful jasmine flower.”

Then everyone was surprised to find that light spots appeared on the wounded body's wounds, which was the flickering of healing magic.

The Orcs have long solved the problem of how to ensure that the healing guard increases blood and distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. It is through the same spiritual frequency. In other words, when the shaman makes the healing guard, he will write his own spiritual frequency into it. The orc warriors on the battlefield also received medical support through the same war song.

Eryuan adheres to the concept that mages are strategic units. In addition to strategic spells such as Flame Storm, Frost Nova, and Blizzard, which can cause group damage on the battlefield, group health gain is the most strategically significant.

However, on this bloody battlefield, Eryuan began to reflect, "Is the tone set wrong? In this bloody battlefield, we are singing jasmine, right?"

Yes, it's very inconsistent. When Eryuan was making the healing lantern, the tone he wrote for his own peace of mind seemed to be really inappropriate for the atmosphere of the battlefield.

Oh, Eyuan decided to go back and changed it to "You will return like lightning."

Eyuan thought for a moment. In the future, when he rides a dragon or a griffon to the battlefield, he will release such a healing guard. Tsk tsk tsk, doesn’t it look like a great emperor?

No matter what happened before, when Mr. Wei ran over and threw a healing guard at the human camp on the city wall, both the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield knew that the person running at the front was a "priest"...

When the city militiamen relied on healing skills to hold up their front, the orcs transferred their hatred to Eryuan, but his two big feet couldn't outrun the surging billy goat.

Eryuan rode a goat running like crazy, circled his square formation, and used the light magic in his hands to calibrate the pace of his infantry in line. At the same time, he also placed a lantern-style "healing guard" on these infantry, and gave them The elite captains at the four corners of the military formation blessed the buff "Fire of the Soul".

The elite infantry captains who were fighting the orcs at the four corners of the array felt the warm feeling of increased blood, and their morale suddenly rose. They wielded their swords and slashed at the giant wolf with its claws.

On the other side, the human knights also launched another charge. After another strong collision, some knights were seriously injured in the impact. As soon as they pulled out the spearheads inserted into their bodies, a burst of golden light fell, and the wounds healed quickly. In terms of battlefield visual effects, this "Holy Light Technique" is far more exciting than the blood increase of Eryuan's "Plum Blossom Lantern Guard".

Paladin is an upgraded version of priest. The medical skill was replaced by holy light, and the staff was replaced by a war hammer.

Eyuan sighed: The Paladin is the high-end version of the Priest. It's hard and can be beaten.

At this time, the blessing of "double breasts" appeared on the battlefield, causing the originally disadvantaged human battle line to begin to change. The prince who rushed to the front knocked over four wolf knights alone, forming a protrusion.

After he finished using the Holy Shield, the surrounding orcs saw the opportunity and gathered around him. When he was about to swing his war hammer, he suddenly felt a flash of magic appear on his body, and three lightning balls flashed around him. This is the electric shield technique. When the Naga on the side attacked at close range, he was directly hit by the rotating electric ball. He was paralyzed for a while and was knocked down by the paladin with a hammer.

As for the prince, he was hit by Naga's blade, and the muscles under his armor were painful and traumatized. However, he soon felt the approach of the lantern behind him, and he reflexively started to play the songs spread in Eryuan. After all, those days After Eryuan organized a chorus in Hade Town, the "Plum Blossom Lantern" healing guard played the whistle-like melody in the air like a bedside alarm conditioned reflex in his head, and the blood congestion on his body was quickly cleared. .

The infantry and knights in the human army began to fight together, and for a while the orcs and Naga were attacked from both sides.

The roaring orcs chased Eyuan and circled the infantry square, then circled back. Eyuan was already close to the knights, and the orcs were blocked by the knights.

Of course, Eryuan didn't have time to be proud. The orc wolf knights threw out the nooses and formed a large net to cover Eryuan. Eryuan was frightened and immediately waved his butterfly sword and split the volleying net. At the same time, he released his own spell substitute.

The wolf cavalry caught the double in the net, making sure that the net was struggling left and right, and the orcs charged forward with grins and fangs spread, roaring wildly.

But after a few seconds, the raised mesh bag flattened to the ground. The beastman howled angrily when he realized that he had been tricked.

...Eryuan, who can increase blood, move quickly, and has high dodge, is too coquettish...

At the back of the battlefield, the orc leader sitting on the giant wolf also noticed Eryuan.

Immediately ordered the spear throwers to focus their fire. These orc spear throwers came over carrying javelins, and Eryuan was just about to continue following the knights.

When he looked up, he saw a batch of one-meter-long spears, which were hurled at him over fifty meters. Eryuan could only curse his mother for selling them.

Mentally calculate the trajectory of each spear, quickly find a safe place to dodge. At the same time, he raised the butterfly sword, and the sword light wavered like a butterfly, flying three spears. In the fire of the spears, Eryuan was unscathed! Hero units already have the blocking ability to deal with groups of enemies.

However, at this time, the gate of the town opened, and General Anlexi rushed out with five knights in a triangular formation. His powerful impact immediately knocked away the five-meter-tall Naga thug blocking the way, and killed the Naga thug with one sword. Liquid creeping sea element.

Anlexi's fifty-kilogram war hammer hit the sea element like a firecracker exploding in cow dung. The force field contained in the hammer exploded in the sea element, and the water splashed up to thirty meters. outside.

Eryuan looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but take a deep breath. This power value might be fifty.

He is worthy of being the top general in the kingdom. Compared with Anlexi, the Paladin of the Crow family is still very young.

…At this time, the wind on the battlefield began to blow in the direction of human attack, rolling up the sand on the ground, crackling, and opening a way for the knights…

The commanders of the orcs and naga saw the morale of their flanks beginning to collapse and decided to evacuate.

However, Mr. Wei was a stingy man, and when faced with dozens of gunfire, he started to hold a grudge in his heart. Compared with Eryuan, the dwarves who wrote the "book of hatred" were a very tolerant race.

Eryuan watched some of the injured orcs lagging behind, injected bloodthirsty surgery into the goat under his crotch, and chased after them.

Er Yuan, whose pupils emitted blue light, found a place that was relatively convex relative to the ground. This convex place was conducive to the accumulation of electrical phase states. Narrator: Just like the Eiffel Tower helps the magnetic blast infantry

After finding the location, Eryuan rolled out a stack of card material in his hand, and the cards began to float layer by layer, which was accumulating capacitance.

Finally, in the orc's astonishment, a jumping lightning chain was released from Eyuan's hand.

On the spot, three spear throwers were strung together by lightning, twitching, and finally fell down helplessly. Five other spear throwers were also wounded.

This scene caused the leader of the wolf-riding orcs to turn around, because the skill of chain lightning is a common skill of orc prophets, and few human mages can master electric spells.

The spell structure of the Eryuan Lightning Chain is exactly the system of the orc shaman and prophet.

After firing a wave of "Electricity Spells", Eyuan felt his blue bar clear and felt relieved. However, he saw the fierce gaze of the wolf-riding orc among the orcs and shrank his neck.

At this time, Eryuan was sure that he had provoked a second beast hero.

…This battle is over, but the aftermath is not over yet. …

His Excellency the Crown Prince led the knights in a good pursuit, and Eyuan returned to the town after all his mana was exhausted.

Because he is not a direct descendant, Mr. Wei is now back to being inactive.

Forget about defending the home, there is no way to retreat. As for the pursuit, after being focused on by the orcs, Mr. Wei thought that it would be safer to be more cautious.

Eryuan discovered in the town that there were three thirty-meter-high "mana burning towers" standing in the center of the city. This magic tower can burn the magic power of enemy mages, and is a very good building to restrain the enemy mages from casting spells.

Eyuan was sure that it was built with magic materials sent by Anlexi through the mage's teleportation array while he was away from home.

Eryuan heard the beeping sound of the system, and opened it to see the explanation of the system's axis: the jet accumulated in the energy sphere at the top of the "Mana Burning Tower" can cause other positive displacement particle structures (magic runes) to collapse.

Eryuan knew that this was another system emphasizing "academic terms" and he quickly dealt with the system. Continue to inquire about information from the militiamen in the town.

And these militiamen watched the return of the young mage who led everyone to "plant rice" to prevent sneak attacks dozens of days ago, and began to complain to Eyuan that they had encountered a crisis in the past half month, and more and more farmers gathered together, and it seemed that they would Eryuan was used as a channel for people to confide.

When Eryuan comforted them one by one, he also learned that in the past few days, Hader Town had fought off four harassments. The most dangerous time was when the four sacred defense towers (energy towers that defeated magic) were about to be built. General Andresi and all the soldiers were fighting outside the town. Several ghosts suddenly appeared on the construction site and bitten the village residents. .

Eyuan looked at the destroyed debris everywhere in the city, with collapsed ruins of wood and stones everywhere, and sighed inwardly.

And just when Eryuan wanted to join in to help, a knight from the town center came over.

As the knight approached, the farmers who had originally surrounded Eryuan moved out of the way.

Compared with his previous arrogance, the knight changed a lot after this battle. The knight used honorific words towards Eryuan: "Master Baiyuan, the lord asked you to come over." (That is, go to the municipal center to attend a military meeting)

Eryuan nodded and followed the knight out of the construction site.

The farmers gathered nearby began to disperse after a few seconds and returned to their jobs, picking up hammers and carrying wood and stones to repair the protective fortifications.

...The war is gradually improving everyone's ability to withstand stress. Every time they experience a war, everyone is increasing their experience points...

The Civic Center has been temporarily transformed into the central meeting hall of the Knights. In the hall, Anlexi began to assign tasks to all the knights (mages) under his command.

An Xixi told Crowe, the young paladin, to prepare the team he brought back for two hours and prepare to assemble again in two hours.

The meeting ended quickly in the voice of An, who was attending the meeting. After the knights took their orders one by one, Eryuan thought that the meeting was about to be dissolved and he could go back to play the spoon immediately. The mage under the master called Eryuan, that is, After the conference, we have to stay and have a small meeting.

Then, the two came to the teleportation array in the center of the town, and Anlexi was already here.

With the magic power of the mages, gold coins were thrown into the teleportation array, and then bottles of potions and scrolls appeared in the center of the teleportation array.

Eyuan: Oh, this is what it used to look like when purchased in stores during the war.

At present, every farmer in the town is dancing with "golden" phase light, slowly repairing wounds and fatigue, which is to restore the scroll effect.

Now, blue magic potions appear one after another on the teleportation array! This is said to be the craftsmanship of the elves.

Eryuan opened the system illustration and explained: The specific heat capacity of these magic potions is forty-five times that of normal pure water, and the phase level is C level.

Anlexi gave Eryuan this small test tube that glowed with blue light. It was a "little refreshing potion" that could slowly replenish magic power.

Eyuan opened the cork and drank it. It tasted like a mixture of "hot and cold", like burning knives in the refrigerator.

Then Eryuan felt that his body began to absorb something from the air. He looked around and saw that blue light spots were gathering towards him, and his "blue bar", which was his magic value, was recovering.

As an "enterprising mage", Eryuan can perceive complex phases. He can use a small amount of "high phase" substances, that is, magic potions, to form a "pumping machine" effect, forming a vortex that absorbs phases from the surrounding environment.

Other mages in the kingdom can only restore blue mana in certain "brilliant auras of high-level mages" or "sources of magic".

At this time, Eryuan's medical skills on the battlefield, as well as the subsequent chain lightning kills, proved that his mana had the effect of "breaking the situation" on the battlefield, and he was qualified to distribute magic supplies.

Eryuan took a look at what Anlexi had exchanged, and found that he had exchanged it for a teleportation scroll (a city return scroll), which was a "mass transmission" wormhole formed by violent fluctuations in phase.

In the system's deduction: this wormhole transmission route is not the "sky route" where the radar beam is reflected in the ionosphere, but the mass is sent to the center of the earth and then projected to another surface through the center of the earth. underground lines"

After the purchase was completed, Eryuan consciously hid aside, but Mr. Anlexi called him over and stuffed two more bottles of magic potion.

Master Wei understood the formula of "give first and then order", and then the general had to give him another task.

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