Out of the cage

Chapter 1452 Chapter 2924 (Part 1) Who is the problem?

Then he discovered the new space-time civilization through the "positive displacement particle plane". High-dimensional Wei Keng finally felt that he had finally stepped on the ground again.

Next, Tukang started planning again in the vast dimension. (Dream System Technology Experiment) became more and more careful, (in the large dimension) he was not hasty strategically, and (plane layout) tactically no step was wasted. The "Turkey style holding back big move" method.

Wei Keng breathed a long sigh of relief as he watched the part of his consciousness without any memory or talent seep into the plane of the Supreme Being.

When the "self" has arrived at a more fervent place (not just the Tai plane). Wei Keng, who stayed behind in the main world, became more relaxed and calm in front of the increasingly desolate scene. ——Just like an old man before the end of his life, seeing the laughter of children.

Wei Keng: Once upon a time, I felt restless when the fertile soil under my feet was increasingly being emptied of. This is the feeling of wanting to swing a sword but not being able to find where to lean.

...In the eyes of Diao Min: Where is the mistake? …

Wei Keng looked back at the entire main world: "Civilization" exists because every initial individual of human intelligence is small and difficult to pursue greatness independently.

Therefore, in the mutual support and cooperation of human individuals, the conceptual structure of civilization was born in the "people's desire".

Any conceptual structure, the "gain" to wisdom cannot be eternal. It is even less likely that it was explained in the "holy scripture" prepared by some guys later: it should exist eternally without reason.

The "civilization" of the main world has developed to this day, and it should no longer be emphasized that every wisdom follows the "eternity" of civilization. We must seek truth from facts and practice the "phased mission" of "civilization" cultivating and developing wisdom.

Some existences in the contemporary main world, in the name of "civilization", emphasize the "obligation" of every intelligent individual to obey without limit in dimensions. However, it did not seriously implement the obligation of "civilization to all stages of wisdom".

Tu Kang said, "This is deceiving the world and stealing your reputation!"

…In the leader’s planning: Who is the crux of the problem? …

At the end of the 38th century, before the Lhasa Conference, the consciousness group of the first inner universe group. An epic plan is being carried out for the "consciousness residential area" dotted with stars in the dimension.

Following the end of the six wars of "Black and Star Ring", the sixteen first-generation presidents of the will of the inner universe headed by Tian Xing are currently discussing the conflicting nodes that still exist in the dimension.

The focus of everyone's discussion and contradiction is obviously focused on the "Keng System Dimension Zone" that is still outside the dimensional rules.

Ji Tianxing: We have worked very, very hard to stabilize the travel system in the main world. But some people always insist on dimensionally unstable variables.

Kong Chuanniu, who was attending the meeting, nodded, but then thought of something and sighed:

Kong Chuan Gap: From the pastoral era to today, Wei Keng has a "flaw", that is, he has witnessed too much and is too shrewd and thorough, so that his heart cannot "move lightly".

The heart is not easily moved. Therefore, they don’t want to be hot, but they don’t want to be hot. They have the ability, but they just want to lie in the soil and slowly rot.

However, after Kong Chuanxiao radiated this emotion in the dimensional communication system, Yan Beixiang immediately got the superficial approval and substantive coldness.

Yan Beixiang: Therefore, I will be accused of being "insensitive" every time, and even in the end, I will be defined as old and deserving of elimination by those who claim to be victorious. Is it because he is old? Or are the "subtle ghosts" and "smart worms" climbing higher and higher?

Narrator: The subtle ghost and the smart worm come from Journey to the West. Of course, in the late thirty-fifth century, the meaning was also interpreted together with the two treasures carried by these two little demons, the golden-red gourd and the mutton-fat jade. The two treasures chanted incantations, opened the "treasure gourd", and captured those with magical powers. Therefore, thirty-five centuries later, it refers to the phenomenon of imps holding public weapons, reciting mantras, and capturing heroes.

Yan Beixiang summarized the information of the international conference in this dimension and then reported it to the "Information Enthalpy Business Department".

Yan Beixiang, who was "weaving silk" in the Dyson Ring of the Sun, looked at the blue earth with dazzling energy: Thousands of years ago? ! Can it come to an end this time?

…The long-lasting will may lose its purpose and take a nap temporarily, but it will not retreat…

In the year 3800 on Earth in the main world, the Sixth Plane War has entered a decisive battle.

The Black Alliance held a meeting in Lhasa to set the tone to completely solve the "dimensional inconsistency" chaos in the solar system. In the midst of the great victory, he proposed a plan of "severe punishment" that would not leave any room for the Star Circle faction.

In this city, there are six hundred and eighty-seven shuttle groups gathered at the gravity wellhead. An epic battle is ongoing around four realms.

At this time, the Black Alliance, in the name of "unification of the solar system", began to mobilize the "gravitational clock" facility in the inner circle of the solar system to block the gravitational shuttle wellheads of Jupiter and Saturn.

This is completely different from the past "conflict of consciousness" situation that only stayed on the plane.

In the past plane wars, from the perspective of the main world, both sides of the Space-Time Administration fought against each other in their own high-energy laboratories, similar to online e-sports in the 21st century.

Of course, what is different from e-sports is that the server is not in the main world (main plane).

The network cables of both sides in the plane war are plugged into the alien plane.

Now, not only are "online" encirclement and suppression of each other "offline" are starting to pull out each other's network cables, there are now a large number of high-energy energy bodies from the Black Alliance floating above the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter.

The breakthrough from "online" to "offline" is related to He Chongyun's breakthrough in the past, but in the final analysis, it is the accumulation of industry fire after thousands of years of travel...

…Therefore, even the victors of the six plane wars have no confidence in future stability…

On August 8, at the Lhasa meeting, the multi-party group had finished discussing all the star gravity wells of the Halo Alliance. On the day of the meeting on the plateau, the sky was clear and clear. A few clouds in the blue velvet sky sprinkled snowflakes diligently on the venue.

The topic initiated by Tianxing this time is "the establishment of a normative convention for gravitational tunneling facilities in the solar system."

But for the Starfield faction in the outer solar system who have seen through the essence of this meeting, this international meeting is called "standards", but in fact it is a "carving up" of dimensional facilities.

When Wei Keng's consciousness arrived at the scene and faced with the situation where the inner circle of the solar system began to "vote" on the facilities in the outer circle, he categorically drew a red line: "I don't agree with this issue."

The sonorous words echoed in the hall, and 70% of the participants were laughing.

In the eyes of contemporary solar system participants: because only strength can support speeches.

Now the Black Alliance has the upper hand in all aspects. After capturing Saturn and Jupiter, it has established a "one super" pattern in the solar system.

Wei Keng naturally knew that it would cause "controversy" if his side had been silent for so long and suddenly raised its voice in the practice of major interests.

However, if no voice is raised, the fallacy that "the central leadership distributes everything as a matter of course" will be engraved in history and will be wrongly upheld for a long time.

Therefore, this time, the "Middle Man" faced Ji Tianxing, who had just completed six plane war victories, and expressed the attitude of "Don't say that you are unforeseeable."

Wei Keng directly opened the dimensional territory projection at the dimensional conference, pointed out several plane areas, and drew a red line that prohibited access.

In response, Ji Tianxing, who was in the leadership seat, said: "Your behavior is very dangerous." The entire Black Alliance stood below him, and his words at this time were naturally "Those who are enlightened will get more help."

And Wei Keng, who "has no help for the unjust", looked at this new individual who claimed to be derived from Qin Tianfang. He left an answer that can be interpreted in multiple ways like a proverb: "Your expression makes everything possible."

Ji Tianxing: "Then let this possibility become a certainty." His finger pointed at a plane area and determined the dimension area where the Black Alliance was about to enter.

This happens to be the "stars" developed by Wei Keng, and is regarded by the Black Alliance as the area within Wei Keng's inner universe.

The entire venue roared in approval, while teasing Wei Keng. Obviously, he didn't think Wei Keng had any threatening chips. Seeing that Ji Tianxing also increased his stake, he wanted to see how Wei Keng would end up.

They are already planning how to divide the control rights occupied by the inner solar satellite and the star field assets in the outer orbit according to the "recognized international rules of the inner circle of the solar system."

However, Wei Keng also added: "Then it's confirmed, that's it." Then he left without looking back.

Since no clear "declaration of war" document was issued, everyone regarded Wei Keng's departure as "a country bumpkin who made harsh threats in front of the master who was standing high in the mirror, but then ran away."

…Many important historical moments are often not taken seriously by people at the time when they occurred. …

The Lhasa meeting continues. But Zhao Xincai was in a corner of the venue. (His heel is the consciousness that returned after falling into multiple planes during the Fourth Plane War, that is, the Zhao Xingchen of that year, well, the gold coin of misfortune that achieved positive results)

Zhao Xincai looked at Wei Keng leaving thoughtfully. His previous consciousness was a multi-dimensional gold coin demon. He once looked up to Wei Keng to single-handedly challenge an entire multi-dimensional god. Then the multi-dimensional planes collectively lost contact, and Wei Keng became the only survivor.

Wei Keng arrived at the scene to warn him, which made him feel a little uneasy. ——Since he is now also embedded in the inner universe consciousness cluster, his emotions are quickly known to his colleagues.

However, his companion felt that Zhao Xincai's "far-reaching thinking" was too unfounded.

Zhao Xincai warned his companions, "Don't worry," and whispered slowly, "That one was once a Nibelung."

Nibelung - represents the destruction of the world in Norse mythology. When the mistakes made by the gods on the World Tree accumulate to a certain extent, this existence entrenched in the root system of the World Tree will subvert everything.

When another senior executive on the side heard this comment, he couldn't help but have a stress reaction and responded to Zhao Xincai's pessimism: "This is no longer the case!"

This contemporary "dimensional citizen consciousness" who claims to be derived from Monat is now a well-known popularizer of public truth.

But Zhao Xincai felt that he did not have the humility of Monat at all.

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