Out of the cage

Chapter 1472 Chapter 2940 The Good Seed of Inheritance

The particle plane is being replaced, the magical world is on one of the timelines where the "Taiyi Traveler" is located.

In the southern territory, the war between the alliance of humans, elves, and dwarves and the orcs, undead, and many subhuman tribes is taking a new form.

In this war, the Tomorrow Territory trained a large number of volunteers and connected them in the human villages in the southern territory.

The focus of this series of work is to transfer the villagers to those strongholds with arrow towers and bastion walls through various means such as message trees before the arrival of the orc army. At the same time, they organized young men and formed a small militia unit to keep an eye on the small orc units that came out to plunder, and laid many traps to prevent the orc tribes from arrogantly crossing the territory occupied by the human alliance.

The war has changed from the collision of tens of thousands of swords and guns and the impact of magic to a confrontation of organization and patience...

Xia Sheng, a sociologist from the plane, was telling Eryuan about the "Decline of Dominance" mechanism: You cannot kill all the local aborigines, but the continued resistance of the local aborigines will make your high-cost operations in the war useless.

Oh, the term "Decline of Dominance" of Xia Sheng Civilization, translated in the main world, is the "Empire Cemetery".

Eryuan closed the book: "The stimulation of civilization by war is to strengthen the interaction of information within the same class, thereby making the 'cooperation system' within the war party fair." - After reading Xia Sheng's classification of civilization development Later, Eryuan made such a note. And this note will be passed on to many people in the future.

The people who came from the Xia Sheng plane also felt happy when they saw that the alien lord Eryuan they met had such an understanding of "civilization" and "history".

… “Comrades” are happy to be together, but “interested persons” are to seek each other’s will when they are together…

In the newly established Space-Time Management Bureau of the Taipei Plane, the scientific class of each country sent representatives, and Xia Sheng State held the majority. It made the latest plan for the situation of the "alien plane". In the plan, the behavior of the travelers was carried out. constraint.

From the perspective of Eryuan, this new space-time civilization stopped spreading "shu" and started spreading "Tao". This is a sign of maturity.

In the Taiyi dimension, at the Pacific Ocean Conference, Xia Sheng's representative said: "If we want to complete the long-term civilization development plan there, we should not plant evil seeds now."

"Skills" are ultimately used to satisfy desires, such as Luo Zhi Jing and Emperor's Mind Technique, which use people's small desires to control people's actions.

The dissemination of advanced civilizations to backward civilizations usually takes the lead in the "transmission of skills". Because in backward civilizations, it is often the upper class who control communication channels, and the upper class needs skills the most.

For example, the development direction of "finance" and "parliament" in the age of civilization is to satisfy the upper level's use of information differences to control the needs of the lower level, and is gradually moving towards the study of "techniques"!

But "Tao" seeks a hope and conveys "dreams". In the vast dimensional world, there are many beings who can communicate. Can they be taught by the "Tao"? That depends on whether it is a "good seed".

Those who follow the "Tao" walk towards the sun, and people will keep following behind them, and the Tao becomes wider and wider as they go.

But those who stick to the "skills" of building mountains and creating circles can only gather villains and work together.

…the fence dividing fertile soil from ruins. …

In the 584th year of the Holy Shield Calendar, the Tomorrow Leader, driven by various factors such as time-travelers, continued to fight piecemeal against the orcs, causing the orcs to lose a large number of teams.

A year later, those who launched attacks on human villages were no longer tribes of orcs, but scattered ogre bandits and porcupine people. They all joined the orcs' servant army, and they encountered all kinds of people. pain.

For example, a group of centaurs who have lived on the plateau all year round, but now that they have joined the orc tribe, cannot get out of their "comfort zone". Once they reach human territory, their hooves will be damaged by buried magic traps.

These magic traps are similar to mines, but instead of using explosives, Eryuan uses Druid-style "biotechnology".

This entangled thorn usually coils under the thin soil like a giant python, but once it feels a vibration that is not its own, it jumps out of the soil and begins to entangle its victim. Thorns as big as a bowl can tie the ogre's ankles.

As a military observer of Xia Sheng Civilization, Ji Xu felt that this special mine was very effective, and felt that if necessary, an acid trap would be buried next to the vine. When the victim was dragged to the ground, the soles of his feet would be stepped forward. If you take one step, you will step into a pit. There are ceramic spikes in the pit. If you step on it, the acid inside will corrode the soles of your feet. All of a sudden, the victim was directly disabled.

This kind of python-like thorns are magical creations, and their specific material properties are the same as those creatures summoned by Eryuan.

The moving muscles in the vines are composed of soil phase crystallized bionic muscles.

Among them, the special "silica" phase material and the "organic fusion of inorganic matter" of plant vines are the same theory as the fusion of muscles and metals in Gods Descend to Earth, and the technology is even simpler.

Xia Sheng's technical experts: As for biotechnology, it is the most advanced when used on humans, but everything used on plants is ordinary.

In the rear, the number of entangled thorns produced in the magic arsenal of Tomorrow Leader can reach 200,000 per month. (Xia Sheng's technician: Moreover, this kind of "landmine" is easy to degrade. As long as one year later, the high-killing phase in this thorn will disappear, and it will almost become a thorn thicker than ordinary thorns.)

This output is enough to surround almost all the settlements of humans, elves, and dwarves.

In fact, the minelaying tactics used by the Tomorrow Leader Academy Knights are all offensive. He will not passively guard his home, but will actively ride on his face and bury himself near the tribe's barracks. Many wolf cavalry have completely surrendered and dare not run on the road.

Let's put it this way, when the orcs go out now, they must bring a mage unit with them, ready to disperse and purify at any time. Otherwise, after being entangled in the vines, the strangulating sharp thorns will not be removed, and will crush the muscles and poison the bones within thirty minutes.

But do orcs have so much dispersing power?

With the opening of the production line of Tomorrow Ling, we will not give up any strategy that can compete with consumption, and use industrial products to kill our opponents. No matter how we calculate it, we will make money.

…When tomorrow’s magic is being innovated in a “civilian” way, the lofty ancient magic system continues to be arrogant…

In Kalar, high-level mages are discussing the next changes in the mainland.

With the big explosion of the Sunwell penetrating the dimension, elemental fluctuations were produced that could be felt by the entire continent. The Guardian Council on the continent, as well as the mages from all over the world, all projected their magic on this supreme mage. At the meeting, talks were held.

The mages are having heated discussions now, no less than they were at the most critical moment of the orc invasion two years ago. .

This newly arrived alien force on Sun Island makes every high-level mage on the mainland feel the noise of the wind of magic. ——Oh, this is the noise from the construction site, which makes the surrounding residents with good hearing have a nervous breakdown.

Since ancient times, such a huge elemental fluctuation has only occurred when the Burning Legion arrived. Will the force that has arrived now bring a new disaster?

Especially those mages who have lived for a long time are very cautious now. ——At this time, they already know that these newly arrived visitors from other worlds are the existences that were sealed in Tomorrow Territory a few years ago, and they also know that these alien forces have once again established communication with Tomorrow Territory.

At the magic conference, a series of developments of the Tomorrow Territory after its return from Eryuan were also played. After the introduction of foreign forces, this new territory has experienced prosperous development in the past few years, with the emergence of fire (geothermal), wind, A water-powered magic energy extraction machine.

After the Black Tide swept across the southern continent, Eryuan used its reputation to gather the remaining people.

The unusual prosperity of the Tomorrow Territory made mainland mages suspicious of Eryuan's intentions.

Mage Lidante in the third seat on the crystal seat: "Based on the performance of the dispersing circle, he should be a local human - but the introduction of alien forces is too bold."

Gilisuna, the mage who was the sister of the king of the previous generation, immediately emphasized the seriousness of the situation: "Teacher! The current controversy is not about his human identity, but about his behavior. You should understand that contact with aliens The world is very dangerous, and in the past history, even those legendary heroes would turn to corruption when faced with great temptation."

Eyuan was not surprised at all that the conservative mages in the kingdom were arguing about "whether they would fall in the future."

In order to preserve their interests, the conservatives will frame any rising challenge to their own existence. In many derivative branch plots, good guys will also be forced to become bad guys.

... Mr. Wei himself is a very stable existence, but it is true that his quality is not high. …

In the military stronghold of Liuhe Town, the kingdom's envoy came again.

After arriving, this nobleman wearing the robe of a kingdom mage asked Eryuan condescendingly: "Do you know the consequences of opening a dangerous door to another world?"

Such a direct rebuke brought out that abominable sense of aristocratic superiority to its fullest! So much so that at the venue, the knights next to Eyuan wanted to draw their swords directly.

Eryuan was very interested in spying on the inner activities of the messenger through the "skill of understanding".

In the various information flows among the upper class circles of the nobles of this kingdom, they thought that they knew Eryuan very well, and believed that Eryuan was originally just a commoner who was just lucky. So his eyes were full of targeting.

However, Eryuan is not angry either. As a person whose memory can be traced back to the 21st century, he knows very well that this is just a fool who is "arrogant because of his strength". Eryuan cursed in his heart: "Tsk, tsk, it's just a stick~hammer."

Only people with weak foundations will continue to find fault with minor aspects.

The strategy in this situation is to ignore him. Eyuan took the document and said, "I understand," and ignored the mage.

The kingdom's club messenger was invited out by the knight, and he seemed to be shouting something before leaving.

Ji Xu, the traveler on the side, shook his head and muttered in his heart: This eagerness to declare his victory is like a barking Chihuahua. Of course, the Chihuahua will definitely add fuel to the fire after going back, but with such a villainous appearance, people with real decision-making ability will not adopt opinions like a barking dog.

And in the main seat, the old god Eryuan was always listening to the "barking" that was gradually going away: At this time, the kingdom needs to get the benefits from tomorrow, and sending such a wrong representative will not get what it wants. of.

...In the high dimension, the main world interferes with the fluctuations and finally grasps the important dimensional points slightly. Multiple groups of evolutionary consciousness are locking the target...

Iron Stone Fortress, on the renovated city wall, Sirolina said: "Uncle Anlexi, how is your injury?"

Anlexi stroked his shoulder that was traumatized by the explosion and said, "Very good. In just ten days, I can dance the war hammer again. How is the situation in the south of the kingdom?"

Sirolina picked up the latest magic mirror intelligence: "The forward combat nodes are being searched. The orcs' counterattack has not yet been found."

Anlexi took a look at the information and felt that the report was very perfunctory - maybe it was because the battle was really over and everyone was relaxed.

Anlexi raised his hand and used the phase force field to unfold the map scroll in front of him: "Sissi (Sirolina's nickname), can you tell whether the magic of the mage in the south (Eryuan) is Is there a bloodline inheritance?”

Sirolina responded absently: "We are investigating, he has magic talent - maybe he has some innate talent."

Regarding Eryuan’s magic system: there are the orcs’ spiritual burning techniques, smoke and spice healing techniques, and the dwarves’ metal bodies. All in all, it’s quite messy. The chaos was such that any mage would feel that Eryuan had not received professional mage training and had just relied on his amazing talent to rise to a high level from a side sect.

When Sirolina communicated with Eryuan again ten days ago, she saw Eyuan and Jieli together. The two already had the fruit of their love, a little boy who looked very cute. Somehow, Sirolina felt very uncomfortable.

After the conversation between Sirolina and Anlexi ended, the slim figure of the female mage looked a little thin.

Walking in the marble-carved Master's Palace, I felt particularly lifeless.

Sirolina returned to her magic room. At this time, a family messenger returned and verbally conveyed the letter from the Duke of Waves, requesting Sirolina to return to the family territory after the war on the southern front, because of the smelly snake (Naga) on the sea at this time. Ready to take advantage of the storm at sea, they swarmed up to Four Seasons Port many times and attacked citizens in the rocky city waterways.

The messenger did not leave directly after delivering the message. Sirolina asked in surprise: "Is there anything else?"

Under the illumination of the magic light, the messenger told the reason rather awkwardly: because he met an envoy from the kingdom on the way. During the trip, the envoy took away the Duke's document and claimed that he wanted to read it out together. However, during the meeting, he read it out first. received the Kingdom's edict. Moreover, his (the kingdom's mallet messenger) attitude was too arrogant, which made a large number of parliamentary representatives from the Tomorrow Territory very dissatisfied.

The representatives of the dwarf blacksmiths (Tomorrowland) who were present at the time even directly cursed the Kingdom’s Noble Council. He is a hypocritical villain. ——In short, the Wave Leader, who was forcibly pulled together by the Kingdom’s envoy, could not independently express his opinions on the Tomorrow Leader. (For reference, in modern times, every time the bad guys expressed their stance on China, they forced Europe to do so, thus cutting off the possibility of Europe independently handling its relations with China.)

Sirolina couldn't help pinching the crystal ball with her fingers. She took a deep breath and responded calmly after a few seconds: "I'll contact (Eryuan)."

On the other side, Eryuan still received the documents sent from Botao Territory. …

Due to the differences in values ​​caused by the interference of the handover person by the kingdom, obstacles have arisen between the Tomorrow Leader and other traditional nobles in the kingdom. ——Wei Keng originally wanted to seek common ground while shelving differences, but he couldn't stand someone who wanted to engage in confrontation.

The "antagonisms" created by those troublemakers in history are very troublesome.

Eryuan is also thinking about how to deal with the current "antagonism" problem. Well, we can't cut the knot as quickly as before - Wei Keng: As a "native" in the eyes of a Xia Sheng traveler, there should be certain historical limitations.

Eyuan finally decided: As for the magicians in the kingdom, it would be fine if they could be fooled. All this is left to the wisdom of “descendants” (travelers).

Of course, Eryuan's letting go heralds the stumbling start of the original civilization.

Those time-travelers in the Tomorrow Territory who have become affairs officers have been dealing with the upper echelons of the kingdom for so long, and they don’t expect the kingdom far inland to have anything to offer them. As long as they don’t come aggressively to cause trouble for themselves, that’s all. .

...The crystal chandelier in the conference room hall was shaken and flickered. …

In the office, Eryuan teased his one-year-old son "Binghe". Just now, he used the string holding the hydrogen balloon to hang the chandelier from the balloon. Well, he is so naughty at one year old, he will definitely be able to do great things when he grows up.

Well, since it was the year the Sunwell exploded, it was better for me and my children to get the "core". And he was born in an era of change, so "Bing" (the word "Bing" in the annals of history, as an adjective, means "bright", and as a verb, it means "igniting")

"Yi·Ge": "Xiang said: 'The great man has changed from tiger to tiger', and his writing is also Bingbing."

Jieli wanted to train him as the next generation of lords, but Eryuan took it back and gave him a life as an ordinary person. At the desk, Eryuan, who was holding yellow mud together, tickled his nose and asked: "Ah He, what are your ambitions for the future?"

Binghe held his fist and danced forward twice; "I want to be a knight and fight with people." (Hitting the air with a straight fist with his soft little fist.)

Bang, Eyuan slapped him on the butt: "What an ambition!"

Binghe, who was filmed crying, showed his ambition for the first time and was beaten by his old father.

Eryuan thought silently in his heart: "Are you going to be a knight? Farm honestly." - Eryuan's definition for his son is to complete the human pedestal and then be sent to the star field in the main world.

The child who was beaten soon forgot the pain and went to the corner to find trouble with the cackling bugs.

Mr. Wei tried his best to prepare a stable road for his child, but he did not force him to take his own dirt road.

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