Out of the cage

Chapter 1480 Chapter 2946 Arrange the

Binghe, who was studying abroad in the Sunwell area, encountered an accident. Signs from the plane could be found and analyzed, indicating that it was a common interstellar demon invasion in this plane. Or it can be said to be an interstellar "nomadic force" (Burning Legion).

But when it comes to dimensions, I have to think about some more things. Those demonic forces that suddenly appeared in the Sunwell did not happen in most timelines within the fence.

And now on this timeline where travelers from the "Taiwan Plane" started to mess around (out of the fence), there is such an "accident", which is most likely caused by humans in the dimension.

...As for Binghe’s performance, Wei Keng: Well, he did it very bravely. …

From the perspective of the Taiyi travelers who returned at this time, the flaw of the summoners over the Sunwell was exposed, that is, even if they built energy-sensing bodies in this world, no matter how powerful they are, they are still "elements" The body composed of "summoned objects" can be dispelled. Only when the consciousness is embedded in the truly life-formed body of this plane can the time travel be truly realized.

On Crescent Island, Xia Sheng people's current research on rune technology is still very superficial. If they really face the magic destruction of the Burning Legion, the facilities on Sun Island will collapse in pieces. The demonic source attached to them will be easily broken.

Although Xia Sheng's traversers industrially produced magical machines that could emit intensive firepower, these mechanical runes could not withstand the dark corrosion of the old demons.

Xia Sheng has been encountering a situation where they can make mistakes, and there is someone who is willing to explain their mistakes. So I lost my guard.

During this crisis, the demons who broke into Crescent Island finally encountered each other. The smelting formation arranged by Eyuan was completely torn to pieces in the energy fluctuations, and it was Bing He who activated the formation.

After the battle at the Sunwell returned to calm, the surviving time travelers apparently reported the situation to their superiors.

…The time and space hubs of old and new time and space civilizations are busy…

Wei Keng from the Dimension later also analyzed why the Sunwell Xia Sheng people attracted "demons".

Xinghai Pastoral System Analysis: The life form on the plane is the container of consciousness. Just as good soil can retain water, a stable species life form on the plane helps to stabilize the expansion of consciousness in this plane.

On the displacement ion territory plane (the magic plane where Eryuan is located), the artificial elemental puppet body is just right for the "weak consciousness" of the ruins area, but for the "fertile soil area" consciousness, it is bloated and cannot satisfy the fertile soil consciousness. of escape. The consciousness from the fertile soil moves in this "unnaturalized" body, and the consciousness will more easily overflow from the plane. ——That is, this part of consciousness will involuntarily travel again and become a real person of flesh and blood in other time and space.

Therefore, this "overflow" may be captured by other nearby forces in the dimension (the dimensional shuttle facility of the Black Alliance consciousness).

Wei Keng couldn't help but look back at his father in the pastoral era of the main world. He was from that generation.

Perhaps behind the bravery back then, there was also a "sweet smell" towards certain dark beings.

...In the rainy season, the thunder was approaching, and Eryuan walked to the fortress, facing the upcoming battle...

On the high tower of the fortress, the ionizing beam shone around, and the fishmen writhing in the mud could already be seen.

It is difficult for human cavalry troops to move in this mud, but this does not mean that the terrain restrictions will suffocate the human race's counterattack.

The infantry of Tomorrowland rode steam-pressured sleds to slide through the muddy water, and then used "arc crossbows" to touch up the squirming murlocs.

If the lethality of magic could be fully controlled, Eyuan would not be busy tinkering with the rune ballista's shotgun arrows.

Even though Eryuan had gone through cheating, he was still self-aware and felt that he might not be able to defeat a type of magic like Naga that had developed for who knows how many thousands of years.

Before the war began, Wei Keng tried to conduct asymmetric confrontation in other directions to offset the enemy's racial advantages. Machines and runes began to accumulate without limit. As for magic? The cost of top-level magic is too high and the difficulty is too high, so plan the effects of low-level magic well.

Eryuan looked at the bloody battlefield and said to himself: "Standardize, be scientific, understand the phenomena of this world, and be neither superstitious nor complacent."

Groups of fishmen were all entangled in the vines in the puddle and went underground, leaving only bloody water emerging from the tunnel.

The Naga snakes twisted their bodies and came to a place two thousand meters away from the castle. Drive the parasitic fish slave through the vine mine area arranged by the wizards of Tomorrowland, and then attack from a distance to destroy these magic traps.

The unit that the Naga tribe can dispel is a flying snake like a manta ray.

In the muddy position, tomorrow's territory "plant mines", these manta rays were dispersed in pieces.

After the manta ray threw out the flash of water, the twisted metal vines became fragile and broken like soaked toilet paper, and the spikes inserted into the flesh became as crunchy and crisp as bean sprouts.

...Although it is very stable, this situation is still full of tension and seriousness. …

Before the snakemen launched their attack, Sirolina led seven mages to the fortress defended by the tomorrow leader mages!

Since Eryuan had offended all the mages, the two sides remained at a standstill. Even if it is certain that the fortress is under siege by the main force of Naga.

But for the Duke of Waves, Eyuan was recruited by him. If he was surrounded and attacked, it would be bad for his reputation.

Of course, although these mages obeyed Sirolina and came to support her, their attitudes were still arrogant.

On the city wall, Eryuan, who came to welcome them, found that he could not communicate directly, so he did not waste energy talking nonsense with them. The war has begun.

...Wei Keng in the dimension: Well, the time and space plot line has been separated...

Under the small city defended by tomorrow's leading mages,

The Tide Hunters, which were three meters tall and weighed one ton, carried whale bones as handles and anchor-like weapons, and began to move towards the three-meter-high temporary earth city. They carried huge turtle shells on their backs. They could be said to be sea turtles. people

This race is not the same race as Naga, but it is hired by Naga. Compared with Naga thugs and Naga royal guards, these foreign races are consumed in the war and will not make Naga feel bad.

Zhao Shouyu (Tomorrow's Lead Engineer), who was responsible for operating the steam turret on the city wall, quickly marked the locations of these new enemies on the paper with a pencil in the turret. On each piece of draft paper, the location of enemy and friendly troops is updated in real time.

At this time, his focus was not on the tidal giants that were approaching the city wall, but on the group of invisible Mulder fishmen following the tidal giants. ——The tidal giant only blasted away the defensive line, and it was these small fishmen who really poured into the line in the humid and heavy rain environment.

The reason why Tomorrow Territory discovered these invisible units is very simple, that is, before the war, Tomorrow Territory made a basic layout within five kilometers outside the fortress.

One of them is that wires are buried two meters underground. These wires form a large spider web distributed underground at intervals of fifty meters. These wires will have iron wires exposed to the surface at the nodes of the network, just at the bottom of shallow grooves on the surface. After rain, there is a potential difference in these tank areas.

Whether it's a Naga or a small fishman, what happens when the heavy rain moves forward? When passing by the water tank, the potential changes - Note: The life detector is also based on the principle of sensing the life electrocardiogram to save survivors of avalanches and earthquakes. That thing is very sensitive to electrical potential.

When preparing to discharge, first use some sound and light effect cover. On the castle, three rune cannons moved quickly along the rails from inside the trench to outside the trench, raised their launchers, and the electromagnetic propulsion runes on the dark blue metal responsible for accelerating the crossbow arrows began to flash.

"The muzzle is 33 degrees, the bearing is 34 degrees, and the range is 600 meters."

"The shells are loaded, the artillery is in good condition and ready to fire."

"Target enters (x335, j334) area. Requesting launch"

Sirolina saw that the rear artillery fire was not aimed at the Tide Hunters in the first trench. She wanted to say something, but then Eryuan raised his left hand, pressed something, and said into the microphone:


There was an explosion of air on the city wall, and blue cannonballs as thick as a human head swooped out, flew several hundred meters away, and then fell down visibly to the naked eye.

When it fell, it suddenly bloomed, and a large number of shotguns suddenly covered an area with a radius of several hundred meters.

In the area covered by the shelling, a large number of water droplets splashed, and in the mist, the six royal sirens, who were originally invisible in the heavy rain, and twenty murloc servants wielding large bone swords were directly hit by the electric current. When he came out, the fish skin all over his body was blown to pieces.

Although Sirolina was surprised that such a large number of invisible murlocs could be discovered by such means, she still focused her attention on the tide hunters who were about to pass by the city wall.

Five minutes later, just as she was about to unleash her hail magic on the tidal giants approaching, these aquatic monsters holding giant anchors suddenly began to twitch.

The location of the fishmen in the one-kilometer outer area of ​​the fortress in Tomorrow's Territory was determined by the potential difference, and the inner circle was also electrified at the trench wall.

The barbed wire fence was electrified and outside fire was fired. This was the flesh-and-blood grinding mill of World War I.

"Exploding fish, electric fish, endless joy." At this time, the close defense team led by Tomorrow began to stuff the quivers into the Ice Crossbow.

At this time, in the bastion era, it was not a battle line with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people confronting each other like in the First World War. The core members of Naga in this battle were only more than a hundred, and the others were thousands of fishmen and various servant armies.

The first round of shelling killed six Nagas and more than 40 high-level units, which was a blow to the entire Naga army.

Sirolina's dull mage team saw that the first wave of Naga attacks were completely resolved half an hour later, and all the corpses were dragged into the mud by vines. For them who saw Eryuan's battlefield command ability, Although it is difficult to accept it, I have to admit that Eryuan is an excellent commander.

Sirolina, on the other hand, looked at Eyuan who was busy in the center. Before she came, the nobles in the kingdom were not optimistic about her rescue.

Some nobles even publicly declared that they did not believe that the Tomorrow Territory could defend against the main attack of Naga during the rainy season.

...At this time, Naga started to get serious after hitting the iron wall, but the pit was not just one...

Groups of cannon fodder began to attack, and flying snakes also rose into the air. When Sirolina saw the dense crowd of murloc slaves in front of her, she instinctively prepared blizzard magic. He was stopped by Eryuan. This was not the time to reveal his magic ability.

On the city wall, the mage troops of the Tomorrow Territory began to cast spells. They pushed over large buckets, and the water in the buckets was added with luminous powder by the mages. Soon the water in the bucket became as sticky as jelly.

Then, sheets of paper recording runes were affixed to the surface of the jelly. The papers quickly blended into the "gel liquid", but the runes remained in the gel. As the runes connected one by one in the gel, When finished, the gel liquid comes alive. Get out of the bucket and start picking up the weapons the engineer prepared for them.

The above is a new idea for Tomorrow Territory to create water elements on the battlefield. Compared with the instant casting of magic to summon water elements by the Mage, the process of awakening such "water elements" in Tomorrow Territory takes 20 minutes. Of course, the advantage is that it does not rely on the limited blue energy of the Mage. Article, because there are enough "Magic Active Gel Powder" and "Partized Rune Paper" stored in front of the station, there is no limit to the "Water Element" appearing on the battlefield at this time.

Just after the first wave of troops sent by Naga was blocked, fifty five-meter-tall water elements had already stood up and floated towards the high-pressure area on the defense line.

Among these water elements, there is a saw blade and chain on the left, and a shield on the right.

Three minutes later, a gap appeared in the defense line of Tomorrow's territory. The murlocs who had been electrocuted but had not yet turned their stomachs were swarming over like eels seeing a hole. But the gaps in the city wall were like an old glutton sucking noodles, endlessly swallowing Naga and sending melee troops.

From the human perspective, the gap in the city wall is similar to an automated pig killing farm, with multiple turns. The pigs walking in from the outside cannot see that the same kind in front of them has died.

At the moment, after the murlocs passed the attack entrance and turned three times, they reached the final assembly point. On the right side stood the water element holding a chainsaw, and on the left was the slope.

The murlocs excitedly rushed into the attack gap, and then were sawed open by the hydrodynamically rotating chain saws on the side. The scene was like disemboweling a fish.

The suffering murlocs were directly pushed into the pit. The murlocs behind them didn't know it yet, thinking that the murlocs in front had already rushed in to kill them. He is about to become the last straw that breaks the enemy's back. As soon as the result comes in, it will be delivered.

As for this battlefield, with the electric light balls projected from high in the sky, the Naga air units could not see this scene, so the Naga commander on the periphery only saw his murlocs fiercely attacking the city. , waving the whale bone staff, ordered the new cannon fodder to rush in, and began to increase the amount, increase the amount, and increase the amount.

And Sirolina, who could see her own war layout, suddenly realized how "vicious" this strange-looking front was. This was not a war, this was a slaughterhouse. Of course, being able to turn a small fortress into this fully reflects the commander's control over the battlefield.

As the dragon turtles of the Naga tribe started to activate, the ballistae on the city wall came to a new firing port along the rails.

The "Steam Mages" of Tomorrow's Territory began to inject "Strike Technique" into the stone cannonballs. Oh, this "Strike Technique" is to compress the high-pressure steam in the boiler into a stone cannonball through arcane runes, so that the stone cannonball will explode as soon as the rune constraint time disappears.

Directly above the artillery, the glass lens began to magnify the artillery sight, and the sighter locked onto the target.

The dragon turtles and giant fish-men on the battlefield were locked under the cross-scale of the eight-fold mirror. As the commander's flag fell, multiple groups of artillery opened fire simultaneously.

Each stone quickly hit the Naga camp. The explosive stone bombs turned into a terrible storm and swept away a large area of ​​armorless fishmen. Some fishmen who were hit by fist-sized rocks had their eyes blown out.

But some units still stood firm despite such blasts. Among them, in Naga's center formation, the Dragon Turtle, with a muffled sound of shattering, the stone projectiles were embedded in the turtle shell like a fluffy pot.

"Change granite warheads" "No. 3 gun group, load gold coin bullets (copper shells)" - the artillery position commander quickly adjusted his strategy.

Under continuous bombardment, Naga's only reliable siege unit, the Dragon Turtle, finally collapsed.

The turtle shell collided with the stone blocks, and the stones shattered. The falling stones even caused splash damage to the surrounding Nagas, and the turtle shell was even shattered.

After the first round of shelling, the steam mages changed to another type of enchantment. Fifteen seconds later, the second batch of shells was loaded with "halogen gas". During the process of changing enchantments, all operators wore pig-nosed gas masks.

When the pungent smell came from the gun mount, the traditional mages brought by Sirolina were speechless. Tomorrow's magic system is really weird.

But it has to be said that this is very effective. Several of Naga's heavily armored units quickly turned white after being bombarded by "halogen gas" shells, and the original powerful regeneration function of deep-sea creatures also failed.

But now, with the second round of bombardment, the three-headed dragon turtle's health bar immediately dropped. Under the rounds of "halogenation" blows, the shell collapsed, and the flesh and blood sputtered like a watermelon.

Sirolina looked at these siege weapons with various pressure gauges with great interest.

She looked at the energy storage tank that the steam mages took out (the shape was similar to that of a gas tank) - it was very small, made of sterling silver, and densely engraved with runes. It was obviously expensive, but it was very effective on the battlefield. worth.

After the dragon turtle was dealt with, it immediately switched to shotgun mode, and the murlocs in front were almost exhausted.

Eyuan ordered 70% of the long-range firepower to join the battle. As the flashlights on the fortress began to issue instructions, the soldiers used brushes to clean the gun barrels, and then worked in pairs to lift the stone bullets with special iron clips. chemical emission.

Finally, the smell of murloc blood on the city wall made the influx of murlocs feel uneasy, and the senior Naga units at the back were blocked by artillery and were unable to provide magic assistance at the front. Naga's second attack was about to be repelled.

Eryuan picked up the telescope and looked at the battlefield ahead.

He sighed to Ji Xu: "As a living being, we have an instinctive sense of the smell of death."

Ji Xu: "Lord, after this battle is over, I want to return to the Sunwell."

Eryuan: "Well, is it intensive magic?"

Ji Xu: "No, it becomes a life in this plane."

Eyuan looked at him and nodded slowly: "Then welcome to this world."

At this time, raindrops are still falling under the city wall. This plot is completed, and part of the timeline will go outside the fence.

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