Out of the cage

Chapter 1482 Chapter 2948 Recruitment

Great facilities can affect large areas around them. For example, once the Dyson ring in space is established, the camp of our own civilization will be able to observe changes in star brightness for hundreds of years.

And the "fence" facility in dimension? In order to filter the "drama" of "dreams" and "obsessions" and emit "light" visible in high-dimensional areas,

Well, this "visible" expression: many of the wisdom of civilization before entering time and space suddenly had plot inspirations such as "fantasy". This is like the primitive humans who have not yet stepped into space and saw the changes in starlight on the tribe's observatory.

Wei Keng of the Magic Plane is being completed, the plot mission line has been stabilized as necessary, and super-order-of-magnitude splits have been launched in time and space to sort out the time and space save points of the Xia Sheng plane.

Different people have different feelings about the same plot. After observing this "plot", obsessives and dreamers will travel through time and escape into different timelines. This completes the division. The "plot" is the "plot" in time and space. Fence” stakes.

It is worth mentioning that since the main world is now a high-velocity area relative to the Tai plane, Wei Keng's time and space classification (piling) is in the "low-lying areas of time and space to high areas of out-of-control", which is particularly difficult.

The "space-time lines" archived by the main world's Space-Time Administration in the past all flow faster than those in the main world.

Wei Keng: "My own time and space is relatively thick, so I can have room to process information from other time and space, but now it's the other way around."

After calculation, Wei Keng was processing in the magic plane at this time. Those Xia Sheng civilization's split timelines during the crossing must be more than six orders of magnitude (a million times) to keep up with the out-of-control delineation of the Space-Time Administration of the Tai plane. Save point.

...Anyone can swim down the river, and jump against the dragon gate to be the true dragon species...

At this time, in the dimension area outside the plane, during the Battle of the Sunwell, the young man (Binghe) who accidentally slipped and got involved, faced the "Wish Inquiry" link of the time and space summoning system from the void, and said leisurely: "I hope , be honest and work hard, and no longer be bullied.”

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, the "obsession" filter in this dimension seemed to feel that it was being challenged, and returned: "Your wish does not belong to the system's corresponding category, please make a wish again." The young man named "Nuclear" He shook his head and said: "Since you deny this, I think there is nothing to ask for."

What the "core" faces is the obsession summoning system set up by the main world in the area of ​​positive displacement particles. There are no main world travelers stationed there. It is just an automated facility, similar to the automatic water diversion system of water conservancy projects in the late 21st century. .

The system of the main world specializes in processing each inner universe, and the consciousness that separates out, like river water, "breaks away", and guides it to each inner universe by setting up obsession channels.

This is the dimensional area management idea of ​​contemporary consciousness groups, which guides a large number of "weak consciousnesses" like river water to create controllable "prosperity."

Whenever a relatively "large-scale consciousness" from a plane leaves, the system will plant the initial "obsession" seeds through wish inquiries, and then start to let the seeds germinate through plane tasks.

For example, "As the world's number one killer", or "I want to put XX on top of the world."

Anyway, as long as these "limited" wishes are made, the system can compare the corresponding wishes and create shackles (talent) to lock the consciousness.

At present, the battle area of ​​the Seventh Plane War in the main world is very vast, so the Black Alliance has arranged patrols in the plane areas where there are signs of Wei Keng's presence.

In the positive displacement particles just now, the normal arrangement system locked the "core", the consciousness that left the plane, and "guided" it according to the program.

Because right now, in the wish-making process of "planting the seeds of obsession": "core" promises a simple but "infinite" wish. This wish is exactly what the system of the main world cannot satisfy.

Even though it has a large number of planes and thousands of power systems, only the "situation" mentioned by the core does not exist. Due to the mismatch of consciousness and obsession, he is unwilling to cooperate with the dimensional guidance system to go to the target plane obediently.

When the summoning system asked "He" to reselect his wish, "He" raised his sword in his hand and shook his head.

In the "core" belief: "You can die for the most basic ideals. Since your system can't even satisfy the most basic ones, what's the point of being reborn with these "old desires from the previous life"?"

So the "rebirth" link set up in the main world did not succeed. .

Of course, this is not the first time this system has failed. In all the inner universes of the main world, there are always some beings that are not summoned by them.

In the replacement particle plane, the situation in the Xia Sheng plane is currently still being explored diligently by the Black Alliance in the main world. She has not determined the abnormal time and space point yet, but the distance is very close.

…What does the world outside the fence look like? …

In the main world, at the mouth of the gravitational well No. 35435 on Earth, Beiting Chao, the current consciousness cluster of the Black Alliance, and Luo Xinjiang returned from the dimension.

Although the carbon-based bodies were in good condition, because the information coming down from the dimension was very confusing, the two dimensional managers were quite exhausted when they incarnated on the earth.

Luo Xinjiang just wanted to tell: On the new timeline of the target plane he just had, the battle between the two sides once again reached a near-destructive stalemate. After seeing the same stern expression on Beiting Chao's face, he understood that the dialogue with Diao Min was progressing slowly in the dimension.

Due to the existence of the timeline in the inner universe war zone, a large number of objects proliferated during the war, and even formed a kind of dimensional "pollution". This "pollution" is defined by the Black Alliance,

The leaders of the Black Alliance discovered that once they won a victory on a certain plane, the "consciousness" on that plane would disappear and there would no longer be any "forward" power.

In this regard, they believe that the accretion timeline dilutes the density of consciousness in the inner universe. (Actually, they have lost the fertile soil timeline and cannot observe those timelines with high consciousness density. In other words, a "fence" blocks their coveted space in the dimension)

The serious "economic problems" faced by the "president" in the current dimension of Beitingchao: those in the inner universe after the war. All historical evolutions on this surface are slowing down, and civilization will become particularly long, from steam to electricity. It will take at least hundreds of years, and from the era of electricity to chip electronics, it will take even thousands of years. And the "wonderful era" (bonus period) for their arrival is getting shorter and shorter.

Narrator: This is similar to the dimension in which rural areas surround cities. Those "epic periods" are similar to large cities in time and space, densely traveled by Black Alliance travellers, but the long time and space ahead are similar to rural areas. Tu Kang tepidly grasped the initiative in it, just like he controlled the rhythm of century-old egg fried rice during the "empty twisting plane" mission a long time ago, controlling those smooth time and space.

In short, in Beitingchao's view, all of this is the destruction caused by the "refugees" in Wei Keng's dimension.

While they (the Black Alliance Consciousness Group) "work hard" to lead the prosperous timelines of the inner universe, they always feel that the world is sleeping soundly under the leadership of another "lazy force" (Wei Keng).

Luo Xinjiang agrees with this: It would be fine if the consciousness that guided the "lazy force" simply disappeared, but now it suddenly exploded (rebellion).

Background introduction: In the current dimensional war, Wei Keng has destroyed many consciousness groups in the inner universe. After these consciousness groups were severely damaged by Wei Keng's "arrogant" character, they have some shadows in their hearts and their mentality is difficult to stabilize. Just like After Qin Xiaohan suffered in the void plane for hundreds of years, he was passively vigilant when he heard "plans", "planning" and "long-term planning".

...The mantle's elevator slowly brought the two of them back to the Pacific base in the conference room. ,…

Luo Xinjiang: "How long will the war last?" The so-called "end of the war" here refers to the successful elimination of the Wei Keng cluster by our side.

He felt that if the fight continued, even if Wei Keng could be eliminated, those high-value cosmic planes would be filled with death information, thus losing the value of development.

He opened a dimensional map in a system "similar to the eighth-level mind language" and looked at battlefields large and small. Gradually I feel a headache.

Beiting Chao opened up the newly sent information from the dimension. The information was about the slow death of the latest dimension after "defeating the Diaomin".

...Beiting Chao's group can currently only observe the timeline of death, but has not discovered the timeline of new buds...

In a certain inverse-displacement particle territory, in the cultural zone of stars where the planes war takes place, the Black Alliance controls the dominant plane zone...

This place has just gone through a major reshuffle of the universe, and a spacecraft named "Lepton" has begun busy planting rice and sowing. Sow the seedlings for the next round of dividend era.

Why is it called "Lepton Number"?

In this starry universe, before the Great Judgment (on the side of the Black Alliance), there is a star called a "lepton star". Selected by the mysterious "god" (the master god set up in this plane by the main world's Time and Space Administration). At that time, the magnificent energy surged out from the star and transformed all nearby large planets into arks.

These "seedlings" now are the result of the union of the one million boys and girls on the young son.

Such a plane is what Luo Xinjiang calls the timeline for the growth of the so-called "lazy force" after victory. Even, the timeline outside the dimensional fence.

...Below, is the perspective of the seedlings. They didn't even realize that they were being held in the hands of a certain being...

A spaceship called the Lepton seeded multiple "Garden of Eden" type habitable planets after the Great Destruction.

Subsequently, the voters who survived the great destruction redeveloped industrial civilization according to the guidance of religious scriptures, but it seemed that they would always stop at the backward religious and cultural stage, and there would be no innovation.

Well, if a civilization does not have the will and the heart to go beyond the rules, it will never be able to get rid of the shackles of conservatism.

In the industrial civilization developed in the Garden of Eden world, those inheritors of science and technology call themselves great sages.

And because they inherited too high knowledge of "life science" and "cosmic physics", they did not inherit the spirit of climbing from the bottom. So full of arrogance.

How to put it? Just like the third and fourth generations of wealthy people, they began to have a mocking and suppressive attitude towards any post-rich class.

After the human pedestal period, most people began to become imaginary, that is, after the era of natural man ended, they became "technological ghosts". The great sages of science and technology claimed that this was the "progress of consciousness and life" of human beings.

A traveler from the Xinghai Pastoral School accidentally passed by and glanced at it, and then commented jokingly: "Oh, the natural human stage of the orthodox human base is "physical sanctification", but you are unwilling to devote resources to the progress of the whole people, and start to collectively promote "ghost" "The road to immortality."

For humans on the "lepton" star, the stars in the sky cannot be looked up at, so what is the meaning of "going right" or "going wrong".

The lepton star was destroyed four hundred years ago. The terrifying wave that destroyed most of the civilization did not disappear. Instead, after passing the lepton star, it continued to advance towards the outer Milky Way cantilever.

For those people on the Eden planet, if they look up at the stars at this time, they will see that the Milky Way is divided into two halves by a strange light belt. This is the "unknown destruction wave" (the Black Alliance initiates the wave of galactic destruction).

Yes, when the suffocating power hangs on the star curtain all the time, looking up at the sky is equivalent to looking directly into despair.

This is just like Japan in the ancient industrial age. When the mainland was garrisoned and the economic development was harvested, the topmost part has been covered by an invisible ceiling. Looking up, you can only see despair. From then on, you don’t care about right or wrong, so that all kinds of Morbid thinking pervades its core.

This is also the case on these newly born "Eden" planets.

On most "Eden" planets, after entering the industrial age, human resources are no longer needed and the society will quickly transform into "information technology". The top management controls all the means of production of the planet, while the residents at the bottom live in a honeycomb. In his lair, he is wrapped in a cybernetic life. And there is a lot of repressed consciousness in these lairs.

…In such an inner universe world, the consciousness selection system of the main world’s “water conservancy project” is operating in an orderly manner…

In Hive City No. 3, there is such a bad guy, his name is Zhang Yue, and he is a game enthusiast.

In the city where Zhang Yue lives, for most ordinary people, in addition to the welfare guarantee in the virtual world, each person is given a room of 20 cubic meters when they reach adulthood, and the rest of their personal material properties are very few. It is the so-called "public ownership" of the advanced world, which completely eliminates the possibility of family existence in terms of social wealth.

For Zhang Yue, if he is willing to save a province, he can get the opportunity to visit the park fifteen times a month and look at the plants and trees through the glass window. If you have more money, you can choose to take a stroll in the park during the flower blooming season and smell the aroma of these herbs.

As for getting your own flowers, plants and trees? It takes ten years of working as a community animal to get a potted plant that can bloom huge flowers.

Zhang Yue looked at the advertisement inserted in the eyepiece, and the screen was full of flowers and greenery: It is said that three hundred years ago, human beings were still in the Garden of Eden period (the era of civilization reestablishment by the early voters of the planet), and people could freely touch these flowers and plants in the wild.

But with the development of the times, there are fewer and fewer places for wild flowers to grow, and the flowers in the Cyber ​​Building are becoming more and more precious, and have gradually become exclusive to the rich. In the past thirty years, with the business trend of "consumption upgrading", businessmen have turned all natural flavors such as "flowers" and "earth" into luxury goods.

Zhang Yue opened his metal wallet and took out his pocket money. When he took the money, he came across a diamond-shaped badge and couldn't help but recall what he said when he got this thing from his father.

Zhang Yue's father once boasted to Zhang Yue: It is said that your grandfather's grandfather's generation, our family was still a member of the social elite. However, the strife involved at the top level had to be devolved.

Of course, Zhang Yue knew that in his parents' generation, he had long been accustomed to his status as an ordinary office worker under the reprimands of his bosses. Obey the beating of "suffering" honestly, euphemistically called it, and taste the "sour, sweet, bitter, spicy" life, which is not a good taste.

As for Zhang Yue of this generation, he was taught by his buddies on the Internet in a "far-sighted" society. He got used to his status as a loser and knew that "sweetness" belongs to others, and he is not qualified to taste "bitter" and "spicy" tastes. The taste of outside.

He doesn't have any hobbies, he just likes to play games. A game called Dota, and now he turned on the holographic projection and prepared to enter this world.

In the game Zhang Yue plays, although the heroes and the map are still the same, the mode is a high-definition virtual mode of neural connection and mind penetration.

However, this time, after he went online wearing the family medal, something unusual happened.

His body felt like it had entered a realm that was not a virtual space.

It is worth saying that any quantum computing game world, no matter how realistic it is, has a fairy tale atmosphere.

On the roads in the game world, the sand on the ground has no clear particles, and the trees have no growth rings.

At present, high-end game cabins can make people feel the temperature, which is very good.

It is said that when rich people play games and encounter fire attacks in the game world, the game cabin will immediately make their skin feel slightly hot as if they have been smeared with chili oil. Similarly, when they encounter frost spells, they can feel a chill on their skin.

At this time, Zhang Yue was walking in the square and stepped on a bug with his shoe. The bug was crushed and its dirty internal organs were squeezed out. This is not the reality that the game world would show.

...On the black badge on Zhang Yue's chest, the rotating solar system begins to become dynamic...

Zhang Yue didn't know that when he entered the game warehouse today, he suddenly encountered electronic ghosts who had become information robbers. The robbers controlled all the information systems on the spot and killed everyone with electric shock. Just before Zhang Yue The moment after Yue died, the badge he carried on a whim today took him into a different world.

This obsession system delivers "key props" on the plane, and the holder can travel through them. Of course, the prerequisite for travel must be obsession. (And it must be systematic to satisfy the obsession. The "wish" of a leather goods will not work.)

In the virtual space, Zhang Yue began to choose heroes as usual today.

Zhang Yue: "Can't I play in all camps? Why do I suddenly have to choose between the light camp and the natural disaster camp?"

He thought for a while, and for the pleasure of the game, he decided to choose the natural disaster, butcher - because the skill of using the iron rope hook to drag people over was an operation he was willing to show off.

At this time, a voice came from the void: The hero selection was completed, the natural disaster camp was determined, and the hero butcher was selected. Please note that due to the ugly appearance of the game character, it provides the opportunity to transform and return to the human state in the water spring. The recovery in the human state is enhanced, and the attributes are one third of the combat attributes of the hero's original appearance.

Zhang Yue was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong. He was spinning in a halo of light. After regaining his sense of gravity, he found that he was already standing in a teleportation array.

The exit of this teleportation array is exactly the same as the place that appears after the character is selected in the game.

However, the difference is that in this row of teleportation arrays, only five heroes will appear in a game, but now, all the heroes from the entire natural disaster camp have appeared.

He lowered his head and saw that his body was a big, fat piece of flesh that was sewn together, had multiple limbs, and had ribs and fangs on its belly. ——This is the identity of the Butcher, and it is also the abomination of undead creatures in the realm of positive displacement particles.

"What's going on? Why is the game so realistic?"

"Uh, holy shit, it stinks!" When a puppy (ghoul) passed by Zhang Yue, he was sprayed by the crack in his belly and complained immediately.

Zhang Yue was dissatisfied and waved the iron hook: "You damn bastard, get out of here!"

In the game, ghouls can eat corpses to regain health, but the action in that scene is like a dog chewing mud.

But then Zhang Yue encountered the ghoul's retort: ​​"You dung heap, how fragrant do you think you are?"

The ghost on the side was a woman, and she said in a confused ghost voice: "Everyone, stop for a moment, this doesn't seem to be a game? Please tell me how you got here, our situation is not right."

At this time, on a high mountain a few hundred meters away, on a black castle guarded by a row of spider web monster towers, eyes flashed out of the frost crystals, and the voice of the game organizer came.

"Mortals, welcome to the Death Battlefield. The exchange rules here are the same as those in the game. Kill wild monsters, neutral units and enemy units to obtain gold coins and experience. Gold coins can be used to purchase equipment, and after meeting the conditions for upgrading, you can obtain new experience. Skills. Full level sixty,

Your enemy is at the Tree of Life at the southern end of the continent. However, you will truly perish after you die twenty times, and those who survive will enter the next battle. This is a flesh and blood mill, and you can only get out of here after winning a hundred games. "

Such "game rules" were not previously announced to the players, so they immediately aroused dissatisfaction among those players who were not yet aware of the situation.

"who are you?"

"Forcibly trapping our consciousness is illegal!"

All kinds of complaints and threats came.

However, the complaints soon ended. All players had another perception at the same time. In that perception, they were dragged out of the holographic mental chamber and then pronounced as brain dead in the hospital.

Since the players are all at the bottom, in the real world of the lepton star, the medical doctors did not perform rescue operations and performed euthanasia procedures.

When all the players realized that they in this world were dead and now they were suspected of existing in this "I don't know if it was a virtual game" world, everyone became frightened and began to explore who the voice in this black castle was. Unfortunately, the black castle located on a high mountain was quickly sealed by ice blocks hundreds of meters in diameter, and no one could get close to it.

As for some people, they reacted immediately, quickly ran to the strange-shaped store building, and began to snap up initial equipment, such as iron tree trunks, intelligence cloaks, agility boots, and suppression blades.

Someone is looking at the struggling chaos and making a cold assessment.

In the dimensional area controlled by the Black Alliance, the interdimensional particle projection information center is located.

A lieutenant general looked at the people recruited this time and asked the system: "According to the model, this kind of trial can make the consciousness of the descendants of these time-travelers ignite with a probability of 70%, right? "

System: "It may be between 50% and 90%, and is affected by many factors. The upper and lower limits are not completely determined. However, after completing sixty combat trials, the standard for plane travel can be reached."

Zhongqing took a breath and said: "Now the battle in the frontier anti-displacement particle plane is becoming more and more complicated, and we have to open up a battlefield in the positive displacement particle universe. I really can't figure out that the superiors have to fight with the "guerrillas" (Wei Keng) here. When will the Xinghai Pastoral Force (represented by Xinghai Pastoral Force) fight?!"

Systematic: "In the past two hundred years, local shuttlers have carried out large-scale development, but now, the entire world is going downwards, and we must maintain the prosperity of the world."

Zhongqing sounded a little dissatisfied: "We have now reached the point where we need to use this recruitment method to fight. Although the number of consciousnesses waiting to be echoed is large enough to fill the lines of the plane war, their consciousness is not strong enough. After three times of traveling, Consciousness (determination) will dissipate.

The methods currently used (above) do not conform to past concepts. "

...On the timeline outside the fence, everything is utilitarian, and there is no "comradeship" feeling...

Zhang Yue and others are "reverberators". They are the lost consciousness of ancient time travellers, which periodically reverberates. When they are reborn, they happen to be holding a certain gadget. This is the proof that they can travel again.

Although there are many of these "reverberating consciousnesses", countless timelines will be born in almost every plane and proliferate like algae.

When the source consciousnesses of the "leading" group of the Black Alliance face these branches that are theoretically homologous to themselves, the dimensional consciousnesses of the main world should treat them as compatriots and care for them. (Similar to the 21st century, the same family relationship)

However, in the Seventh Plane War, in order to suppress the unruly people, some of the supreme consciousness among those black alliance groups have begun to use "scrupulous means" to "use any means".

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