Out of the cage

Chapter 1501 Chapter 3004 Personality, Standardization Obsession

As the dimensional passage on Tianque Star begins to expand, the undead natural disasters of the Magic Age are surging across the earth in the form of silicon-based machines, and various electronic tentacles on skyscrapers are spreading like creepers.

Underground, mechanical tentacles, like vines and worms, drilled through the rocky soil and ejected a bunch of liquefied inorganic nanoworms. This liquefied inorganic body formed similar organic blastocysts, and as the sacs Plasma sparks flashed inside the embryo, and nanofabrication began in the high-energy electromagnetic field.

The upper-class nobles on Tianque Planet who enjoy the feasting and feasting in big cities are now resisting the "controllable" rebellion despite the storm.

However, just like the noble cavalry regiment on the kingdom's side, they were caught off guard when they suffered from the undead disaster in the early stages. When the omnic with the style of a skeleton broke into the safe area and opened fire on the crowd at the reception, these dignitaries, under the protection of the bodyguards, pushed away the idol girl group in their arms, looking like they were running away and the mice who had seen the light. No difference. .

Therefore, forty cities in Tianque Star suddenly lost their highest-level chain of command, and the security forces that usually suppressed the lower levels suddenly lost their organizational power.

In the city, a large number of cement pavements are cracked. As drill-shaped flower bones emerge from the ground, black metal flowers with sharp edges spread out from the ground. After groups of human corps merged with machines emerge, The war started.

Compared with the original natural disaster troops, some mechanical troops originally guarding the city were added to the natural disaster camp at this time. They were originally parts workers who were defined under the Wu Kaixing system as "the limit of training value has been reached" for human-machine fusion, but now they sensed the will of the great "machine god" in the chip and were inspired to join.

These semi-automatic robots with metal cannons did not even remove the blue paint of the original garrison. Under the leadership of several commanders infected with metallic liquid, they began to attack those on the surface of the planet, which were as high as 300 meters, reaching directly A metal information tower deep underground.

Four thousand years ago, why did the magical world at that time find the carrier of "inorganic nano-facilities" in this technological plane through the power of affecting the interstellar world, that is, the "natural disaster undead".

Nanobugs swallowed up the entire city like a green sandstorm. Countless wailing people turned into skeletons due to the erosion of nanobugs, and their flesh and blood were replaced by silicon. Then in this natural disaster, the newly mixed basic infantry, although It is a pure black metal mechanical armor, but if you look closely, there are civilian clothes under the exoskeleton.

…The heart-wrenching electronic version of “The Evening Song of the Dead” echoes in a city with no living people…

In urban disasters, civilians huddle in "retreat points" unable to evacuate. On both sides are mechanical ghouls, and floating inverted triangular "combat controllers" (equivalent to necromancers) emitting laser beams are directly in front and behind. Supervising the battle, when strings of nanowires like iron worms penetrated the wrists and ankles of civilians, the rest of the journey was like pigs and sheep being transported to a slaughterhouse. In the end, they looked at the scenery they had never seen before on the road.

Instead of the rancid smell of the Scourge Troopers from the Age of Magic, the air was filled with the weird smell of burnt protein and leaking battery fluid wafting around. The civilians who were sent into the pool to be transformed like mechanical garbage, regardless of whether they were fat or thin men or women, all turned into mechanical skeletons when they came out. Yes, these are ghouls, the people of the Scourge.

In fact, the commander of the natural disaster, that gangster, is Cairo Xi, who was originally a human. We don't expect these ghouls transformed from civilians to be able to play a big role on the battlefield. They just become a witness to this battle and witness to the new situation. The combat legitimacy of order.

The silicon crystal lichs of the natural disaster forces don't care how many casualties these "civilian troops" have. As long as they don't die all at once, the survivors are their true people.

These trapped people were bombarded with tons of heavy artillery shells falling from the sky, and their parts were flying under the cover of firepower.

On Tianque Star, the federal heavy artillery hurriedly counterattacked. In the shock wave of the shells hitting the ground, there were all kinds of squirming debris, some of which were flesh and blood, internal organs, and some of which were twisted wires.

Because most of the civilian cannon fodder was parasitized by nanomachines, when the powerful explosives were blasted, no flesh and blood the size of a fingernail could be found, and all that was blown to pieces were inorganic substances. On the contrary, those nanoparasites can survive the explosion.

These surviving "inorganic flesh and blood" fragments, summoned by quantum signals, began to gather on the battlefield. Soon, these "inorganic natural disasters" combined with the remaining human nerves and city buses and other systems to form a black armored battle of hatred. car.

…Being forcibly integrated into a machine is a primary challenge to human morality, while watching a human being integrated into a machine turn into pieces under the cannon is an intermediate challenge...

In the underground natural disaster base in Cairo West, this young man who has mastered the gene of the "Lord of Hell" is holding his own energy blade and overlooking the entire "natural disaster in progress" when the battle map composed of nano-liquid begins.

During the command confrontation, he saw the artillery of the interstellar forces in the distance bombarding his troops bit by bit. The young king pulled out the command sword with a dark style and began to swing it randomly on the projected map. He was busy parrying His appearance showed a trace of panic. The frequent death and injury of a large number of people in a war was beyond his imagination.

Due to the long period of peace, this generation of urban residents' imagination of urban war is somewhat similar to the ideological concept of "demonstrations". They really have no concrete impression of the brutality of seizing control of the city. (Hollywood movies in the ancient industrial era also portrayed popular resistance like this, and then exported it globally. As a result, in the Eastern European War in the 21st century, a large group of "Western braves" spontaneously joined the battlefield.)

When Cairo Xi, the young man who mastered the gene of God, began to feel confused, the "grandpa" in the spiritual world appeared again.

Arthas (character) in the Black Alliance game began to output to Rossi: "To be a real king, where is your power?"

Intimidated by Alsace's sword on his shoulder, the young man was almost crushed to the ground by the huge mental power of the "sword", but his inner obsession got up strongly under this pressure.

Under the strong urging of the death knight's will, Cairo Xi gritted his teeth and decided to temper his will in order to become stronger and truly embark on the path of becoming strong.

For the Death Knight, an alien will, the will chosen by him in this starry sky world can be said to be the tool man he selected in order to conquer this world. ——But this Death Knight of the Magical World doesn't know that in the setting of the Black Alliance, he belongs to "Ner'zhul" and is destined to be replaced by the next king chosen for the Frozen Throne.

Kairosi's character gradually became tougher, his pupils turned into gem-like inorganic crystals, and his new "strong" logic. At this time, GM (Wei Keng), who was undercover in the game system, commented: It started to be extreme.

Injected by the obsessional power system, Cairo Xi looked at the burning city and whispered: I am ready to build a new country. An era in which the hustle and bustle of electromechanical gears replaces the roar of human voices, and where mechanical feet and metal rails replace people riding trams.

GM Wei Keng whispered these "logics that the characters are now being taught": This world does not shy away from killing methods, and being strong enough becomes the only criterion. As long as there is the power to defeat this native world, then morality will be rebuilt under the new order of life.

...On the other side, the defensive front where the player Wei Keng (the invisible assassin) is located is experiencing the turbulent waves of mechanical natural disasters...

Due to the ongoing natural disaster, a large number of humans have been mechanically transformed, and the density of enemies on the streets is now like zombies in Resident Evil.

Flying mechanical beasts kept falling from the sky, trying to break through the barbed wire fence and seize the armory. Of course, blocked by steel wires in the sky, these monsters can only break through the gaps, but if they gather in the gaps, they will be easily harvested by machine guns.

At this time, although Wei Keng was a small non-commissioned officer, more and more senior officials such as colonels and municipal governors began to command themselves at higher levels. This was because the power they could mobilize had disappeared.

In addition, other warehouses have been lost, but Wei Keng still maintains a defense system and can become a basic point for projecting military power.

In addition, Wei Keng sent troops in advance to protect the surrounding oil depots and energy cracking plants. Currently, there is a steady flow of oil to support this place.

In Wei Keng's arsenal, in order to increase the power of the missile, oil barrels were directly welded to the missile. This modification makes the missile have no range, but the current melee defense does not require a range. The increased amount of ammunition increases the explosive power four to five times.

Within five kilometers, huge burning clouds rose up in the frontier street fighting area of ​​the underground tunnel, effectively blocking the undead army.

Wei Keng, who temporarily took over the command authority, reported to the bureaucrats on the screen that his side was "shaky", while at the grassroots level he commanded according to his own plan.

Wei Keng explained to his brothers: "I described the situation as very critical because if I was at ease, the leaders would want to micro-manage. But if my side is about to collapse, they will not intervene in order to shift the blame."

Of course, Wei Keng also knew that he could not really collapse and must show that he could still withstand it.

Because the captain of this planet has issued an order for large-scale bombing. The bombing zone even includes a large number of civilian areas. If you really can't withstand it and the masters feel that this defense line is meaningless, and you need to deploy defenses on the second line, you will definitely "bomb" the entire map to save trouble.

Therefore, Wei Keng tried his best to carefully maintain a dynamic line of defense on the battlefield, and kept gathering the people to the rear. Even if he could not achieve full rescue, he must save a little bit.

At the same time, the shadow assassin controlled by Wei Keng is always ready to escape when facing opponents who are stronger than him on the battlefield.

Finally, two hours later, Wei Keng discovered that the communication system had entered an intermittent state.

Wei Keng looked out the window at the huge metal skeleton corps appearing over the city, and took a deep breath.

Six minutes later, a notice of surrender came from the base's municipal communication interface. This shows that the original command system of the municipal leaders has completely fallen into the hands of the silicon-based natural disaster.

The content of the Cairo faction's persuasion to surrender is: "As long as Wei Keng opens the door of the military base, he can become the regional commander."

Wei Keng sneered at this. I know the dark information about the Death Lord. In the final setting, he is a lonely star who feels that he has been abandoned by the world after "doing whatever it takes".

All hero templates summoned from the positive displacement particle plane, that is, the genes of gods, follow the "personal design".

GM Wei Keng: This character design ensures the standardization of character obsessions, and then the same standard obsessions can be recruited from a large number of timelines and projected to the war plane, becoming the driving force of consciousness in the gene of God.

Gao Weiweikeng's Daozizui commented: "Whether it is a natural disaster or a close guard, everyone is sick in their hearts. For example, this death knight suffered betrayal, misunderstanding from his teacher, suspicion from his subordinates, and separation from his girlfriend, so he has The tendency to take revenge on the world.”

Now that we have switched to the reverse-displacement particle star plane universe, we have the same standard fate.

Player Wei Keng: If I become his subordinate, it will be impossible for me to gain his trust. Only by being completely controlled by his power and becoming his zombie servant can I gain his trust, and even then I have to be there at all times. The possibility of being sacrificed by him.

In the mezzanine of the Black Alliance game system in the dimension, Wei Keng's consciousness, who had moved into the position of "Dog Planner", crossed his legs in the game space: "Of course, if it is the template of the Crystal Maiden, there is a possibility of obtaining his last humanity. .”

In the process of managing the recruitment system for the Black Alliance in the game system, "Dog Planner" Wei Keng was very aware of the "standardized" love-hate stories behind these standard obsessions.

For example, the story of the petitioner: he was on the verge of extinction when his race (blood elves) was on the verge of extinction, was dragged into the water by Fasqi (the Gorgon), and finally followed Illidan's journey of blind obedience.

The key points in this story are "the young master whose family is in decline", "the social girl who is like a snake", "the leader with deep thoughts" and "continuously jumping to the wrong path", which determines the obsession with standardized mass production model.

The encounters of the petitioner's obsession in other planes will most likely follow this story principle arrangement. For the wisher players, this is the fate planned by "God" (the ruling consciousness of the Black Alliance in the dimension).

"Obsession" needs to be watered by "fate". Now the Black Alliance only follows one principle in "watering", and that is "efficiency."

…The perspective returns to Tianque Star…

At this time on the defense line, the player Wei Keng was in communication and did not directly give back to the superiors who were busy at this time. ——If you give feedback at this time, 99% of the time you will get the task of filling in the lines.

Player Wei Keng remotely controlled several stand-in mechas and called his superiors for rescue through the communication.

At this time, in the hall filled with metalized skeletons of the Silicon-based Scourge, Wei Keng's frequent desperate communications of "crying for father and mother" were monitored: it was determined that Wei Keng's front was crumbling. At this time, the Death Lord, who occupied the center of the city, looked at the front that was still resisting but retreating towards the distant mountains. For the time being, he did not focus his offensive attention on the "cowarded" human regiment, but began to follow the Transportation lines to attack the next big city.

In the urban battle, Wei Keng, who defended his front line, gradually became a transparent person. Until Wei Keng received a signal asking for help from the city.

…In the corner of the urban battlefield…

Xi Danyu, who has level five mental power, was hiding in the underground tunnel. She watched the black liquid on the surface submerge the civilians.

Then the invaded nanometer clusters on the civilians sneaked into the back spine, and the body skeleton was mechanized and became a fusion soldier. The muscles of those soldiers who originally wore exoskeletons were like plant veins, with a large amount of nanostructures pouring into them, and then The surface of the skin is like a layer of armor stacked on top of feathers.

Her mental perception even saw the whole process of these strange nano-liquids opening the skull, allowing the liquid tentacles to enter the brain and embed the chip.

This kind of scene made her, who only came from a sixth-level civilization, feel even more frightened.

A few months ago, she felt that there was no danger in this advanced civilization territory, and that all civilians were just ordinary.

But now she understands that the superiority of advanced civilization does not lie in ordinary people, but in the power of destruction. Under this advanced civilization, ordinary humans can be replaced at will like mechanical parts.

Xi Danyu's original six-level civilization still had some "civilizationism" and "racism" at the top, and had similar feelings for ordinary people on the planet.

But when she came to Wukai civilization, she suddenly discovered that in front of the rulers of the highest-level star sea forces, the lords on the planets were their subjects, and all the living beings on the planets were just dust.

But think about it, the differences between planets are too great. If every planet has at least one ethnic group, then the entire Wukong civilization will have countless ethnic groups.

Therefore, in this world, the "love and support of ordinary people" is of no use to a very large interstellar civilization.

In its top-level rule, perhaps only the most traditional bloodline can muster some empathy.

Xi Danyu is a spiritual power user who pays tribute to lower civilizations, which is equivalent to a slave who pays tribute to foreign territories during the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, she is not within the empathy range of Wukai rulers, unless she can break through the seventh level of spiritual power.

In the rubble, Xi Danyu put on his helmet, turned on the communication idly, and heard "Requesting Superiors for Rescue" being sent from sixty kilometers away like a repeater. She was already feeling a little irritable, but now she was in adversity and had an emotional explosion. She couldn't help but use her mental power to reach the camp site and reprimanded: "Stop shouting, there is no rescue, accept the reality!"

Following this outburst of reprimand, the other side seemed to stop.

Tens of seconds later, a weak message came from the other side asking: "Sir, your location is in area 3243. It should have fallen. Do you need fire support to open the retreat channel?" - Wei Keng's request for help was directed to the above. "Crying for help", but we still unite all the forces that can be united to the brothers and sisters on the front line.

Xi Danyu was slightly startled. The person who was sending noises one second ago offered to help this second. This reverse feeling made her feel ridiculous.

A few minutes later, a cover plan was sent over there, detailing the enemy's current blockade gaps on the battlefield, as well as the intermittent periods of our own fire cover, and the roads that can be retreated.

Xi Danyu exhaled, looked at the sky filled with turbid dust, and whispered leisurely: "Haha, at this doomsday moment, is there anyone who wants to help me?" A self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Xi Danyu's consciousness is also one of the echoes, and she also has an established "persona", so next, her "persona" and Wei Keng's invisible assassin's "persona" will come together, and a story will be told interpretation. (End of chapter)

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