Out of the cage

Chapter 1511 Chapter 3013 (Part 2) Black Passivation

In the year 3844 of the main world, the situation in the main world has changed. With the creation of "idyllic", the "natural scenery" that once existed in the solar system is no longer there.

The inner circle of the solar system did not know about the development of the Chao Plan. They only felt that the surrounding starry sky was disappearing day by day.

The expansion rate of rural areas in the Star Sea is six times that of fifty years ago. In some directions of the Star Sea, the speed of rural expansion has exceeded the speed of space navigation envisioned in the 21st century.

This also means that the space colonization plan of human civilization a few centuries ago that "first reached the center of the earth and then gradually emerged from the surface" will be replaced by this "star field strategy" in the new century.

This kind of replacement is just like motorcycles and electric scooters in history. No one knows at the beginning who will replace whom between the two technical routes twenty years later.

Because of the unclear application in basic physics. The technical route will continue to be tried as the ideas diverge.

As the most experienced “star farmer” in Xingtian, Wei Keng

At this time, "serving crops" in the star sea also requires technology. Well, adjusting the chaotic stardust to a level that can neatly withstand the entanglement of photons. Different star farmers have different levels.

Most star farmers in the outer solar system have now reached the point where they can adjust the "base point dust of the starry sky within fifty light seconds" in a quarter of an hour. ——This kind of "stardust" adjustment is similar to the Chinese ancestors who "went down with a hoe to turn over a piece of land in the Yellow River Basin a thousand years ago."

Wei Keng is the fastest in "hoeing the ground". Ninety percent of the once "wasteland" that has left the solar system has been plowed by Wei Keng. (Seven centuries ago, Wei Keng was the main force in the production of information enthalpy in Dyson rings. Now he is the main force in farming. As a middle-aged man, if he endures hardships and is willing to work hard, there is nothing to say.)

At the current stage of the starry sea where matter is thin, Wei Keng is now researching technologies to expand farmland faster! After all, the amount of material has become less.

In the second half of the 38th century, the rapid progress of Starfield technology was similar to the progress of large-scale integrated circuits from the late 20th century to the early 21st century.

The ultimate progress limit of integrated circuits is three-nanometer arrangement, and the current expansion efficiency limit of the Star Sea Dust Array is one-tenth of the speed of light!

When the sea of ​​​​stars turned into the Great Starfield Plain, it brought about changes in the worldview of humans in this generation of solar systems. ——This change in the worldview is equivalent to the change in habits of the old people in the 1970s and 1980s in the late 20th century to the new generation in the early 21st century, such as "apps", "sharing economy" and "takeaway".

Newly born human beings in the contemporary solar system: There is no need to use the interacting medium in the gravitational center of a large star (called star tidal force in the 21st century) for interstellar tunneling.

This has caused a huge change in this generation's "perception" of the universe.

For example, the 21st century looking down at the "astrology" of 1,500 years ago is the same as the 39th century looking at the space science of the 21st century.

Wei Keng's humble "Xingtian" cultivation hundreds of years ago was not mentioned in the endless reports of so-called "great moments" at that time, but it has caused a qualitative change now.

First of all, the idea of ​​​​colonizing the stars that was popular hundreds of years ago has been completely abandoned like "the giant ships and cannons of the aircraft carrier era."

Furthermore, it is whether the "cosmic natural planet" is still necessary for human growth and daily work.

The significance of the natural planet lies in the "human base". From birth to the seventh century, all physical development and mental growth are inseparable from the environment related to the planet. This is brought about by natural evolution.

Just like all vertebrates, they need a sufficient water environment during the development process from sperm and egg cells to embryos. They cannot be like spores, which dehydrate due to lack of water and wait for water to grow again.

At this time, although the "Starfield" faction in the main world still attaches great importance to the reference role of natural planets such as Earth, Mars, and Venus, they have cultivated a new generation through the "Youchao Clan" plan and still have not been exposed to the starry sky of natural planets. generation.

In the current century, the "Star Field Sect" in the outer reaches of the solar system has locked onto the gravitational zone of Proxima Centauri and planned to develop star fields in the outer solar system.

Wei Keng, who is among them, looks forward to the future: It is expected that within this century, the construction of Xinghai Garden will be completed directly in Proxima Centauri.

This is truly stepping out of the cradle, allowing human consciousness to leave the human solar system and release the power of change in other star systems.

In the past hundred years, the birth of Starfield has been no less shocking than that of Zhongguo, a non-traditional old industrial country in the 21st century, which has completely surpassed in the construction of lunar bases and relied on traditional capital to start an industrial country.

…The main world is still the main world, because the thick soil is still willing to bear...

The Black Alliance is now facing major challenges. They still fail to view human progress from a positive perspective regarding the historical changes in this "Starfield" era. Like the conservative forces 1,700 years ago, they always focus on the "new opponents brought by new opponents" at the time of historical change. Challenges" on.

Their thinking is still stuck in the stage of the sixth plane war and the first technological breakthrough a century ago.

At that time, in the main world solar system, the sixth plane war between the Black Alliance and the Star Ring Alliance took place.

In the main world, the pure energy space war is just the beginning of Xiaohe's emergence. The Ring Alliance uses the gravity of Saturn and Jupiter to accelerate high-energy particles to form energy bodies. The Black Alliance chose the solar route and produced energy bodies based on the solar orbit.

At that time, we were still in the era of "initial dividends". At that time, leaders could achieve obvious results with just a little policy push.

Indeed, in the thirty-eighth century, the Black Alliance made rapid progress in Dyson ring technology through a series of "stimulation" means.

And now, a hundred years have passed, can the times still be like this? ——The Black Alliance once happily took the lead in the Dyson Ring, but now it has been left behind again.

For Wei Keng, this hundred years of chasing each other is a small stage in a long history.

However, for the Black Alliance, which was only born in the thirty-fifth century, this is the first time in three hundred years that they find that they no longer occupy the dividends of the times, so they are not used to it.

The Black Alliance uses a "negative" filter to describe Hoshida's various advancements. For example, Hoshida at this time is now building a fertile starfield belt around the solar system. The Black Alliance reported this: "He is Want to seal off our (solar system).”

Wei Keng joked: It's almost the 40th century, hey, you are three hundred years old, how can you still have such a "can't afford to lose" mentality. Grandma Linglu, what do you think is wrong with this generation of young people?

On the fabric belt of the solar system, Bai Linglu simply responded: Get out!

Later, the self-proclaimed Sun Fairy Lark seemed to be upset and used the stellar band to broadcast to the consciousness of Wei Keng in all surrounding sky regions: You old man, go back to the fields and farm.

…with resentment, the direction is wrong…

In the Black Alliance's base in orbit around Mars, many consciousness cluster commanders are having solemn meetings.

On the information projector in the center, a number of room technologies related to "Star Field", "Solar Core" and "Dimension" are displayed. Most of them are "determined", and a small number are "awaiting development".

However, during the discussion at this meeting, more and more opinions from the participating consciousness groups were only "agree" and "no". Many opinions from other perspectives in the past have now disappeared.

Mo Xiuran, who was in the realm of replacing particles, had just come back from below.

This personally experienced leader immediately opened up the information about Wei Keng upon his return.

He wanted to know if the situation in the plane war had improved, but the monitors gave him bad news: Wei Keng returned to the main world this year, and the scale of his consciousness increased significantly again.

This information made him feel desperate, because he had exhausted all his strength on the plane, and Wei Keng was still fighting in the dimensional war. Why on earth was this?

At this moment, he saw an inconspicuous pop-up window, which was a declaration of fairness issued by Wei Keng.

The words above stung him - any "dividend extraction model" nourished by unfair factors cannot wash away the cause and effect as history turns the page. When "unfairness" is born, contradictions will not be suppressed. Instead, a "historically inevitable war" occurred.

The Black Alliance dimensional cluster consciousness is still meeting. In fact, they don't know that they have no new consciousness emerging at this time. The Black Alliance claimed to be a new era before the war, but now the consciousness of the major territories It's becoming more and more blunt.

During the forty years of war, they were beaten to a pulp.

On the contrary, the consciousness cluster of Wei Keng, the opponent of the Black Alliance, has entered a new "peak" state.

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