Out of the cage

Chapter 1548 Chapter 3038 (Extra) Obliterate the Gu Raising Space

Twentieth-century proverb: "Anything reactionary will not fall if you don't fight it. It is just like dust on the ground. The dust will not escape by itself if the broom cannot reach it."

In the early 40th century, as Qingshuang Lin, the last group of "unyielding" will of the Black Alliance, came to a tragic end, the road to hegemony in the Black Alliance's dimension came to an end, but the legacy still lingers in every patch of the dimensional territory. In the horns.

In order to prevent the space shuttle system of the main god organization from coming in and stealing the "not mature" echoing consciousness. The "Pastoral Faction" in Xingtian began to build fences in multiple hot plane areas.

However, the vastness opened up by the new era can still allow the old to remain intact.

From 3845 to 3934 in the main world, people in the Xinghai countryside were busy with the "Prince Yu's" plan to build the Xinghai irrigation system.

The scale of human society has expanded by four orders of magnitude relative to the age of the earth.

According to the latest human census, the number of new generations emerging from the solar system has reached 40 to 50 trillion.

But when society is large, tolerant, and open-minded to a certain extent, nastiness will grow wantonly under the light and tolerance.

In the past, in a small society, everyone hugging each other could deter some "degenerate" behaviors. Now that the mainstream of the righteous path has opened up a large space, those who are starting to walk on the main road have no time to pay attention to the small circles that are living in obscurity.

And under the skilled masking techniques of the new era, these modesty breeds a stronger darkness. Narrator: Just like in the 21st century, the most glamorous and noble groups have the most fun behind the scenes. Certain clubs and certain islands are under strict cover and cannot be touched by ordinary people.

"Leadership" has not disappeared. The ending of Qingshuanglin's perverse behavior in the 39th century is a warning sign, but it will never be the last one.

These remnants deeply used the knowledge system left by the victor (Wei Keng) who defeated them. This time they abandoned all moral bottom lines and developed in the direction of the "mysterious side" without supervision.

The main god system began to hide in the dark. They established a death screening system in an attempt to screen a new generation of "travelers".

These screening modes refer to Wei Keng's origins, but in the most utilitarian way, they put on the shackles of obsession and arrange a death struggle for the captured "Fertile Plane" consciousnesses.

The Black Alliance is like a piece of cow dung that exploded and dispersed in the dimension to gain strength, and scattered into dregs all over the sky.

The Lord Gods created a large number of small time and space bubbles around the adjacent time and space around the "Taiwan Plane". Like a "vood nest", these voodoo nests bite the adjacent time and space around the taiwan plane like mosquitoes, leaving behind "swollen" time and space plots before leaving.

Of course, the captured unidimensional consciousness has a problem of insufficient "controllability" for the owners of the "gu nest" like the Black Alliance.

As a result, the "half descending" technology of the plane is used to raise the Gu nest.

The "semi-adventured" time traveler is a neutral state between the past "supervisors" and "travelers".

Rather than saying it is a coming, it is better to say it is a "projection". The source of the real body is still in the dimensional layer, but the self on the plane is a projected "shadow".

Those who have been "traced to the source" below the third level and have been raised Gu cannot tell whether they "really exist on the plane".

Only at level three or above can you be sure that you are just a shadow on the plane, and your true body is still in the Gu-raising space bubble.

Similarly, only by "tracing back to the source" and breaking through to the late third level can one break away from the constraints of the space dimension and completely reach a plane to realize the freedom of life.

From the perspective of the main god system, the "advantage" of this kind of "projection" is that as long as the space bubble of the traveler is controlled, the traveler on the plane can be directly "obliterated".

Narrator: It is like pulling out a wire to eliminate the existence of the traveler in the plane he descended from.

Wei Keng commented with some trembling: This is the ultimate control of the time traveler, this is a darkness that he could not imagine in the past.

You must know that even in the 30th century, the supervisors had already separated from their duties. At that time, based on the existence of the basis of life based on the physical rules of the plane, dimensional facilities could only "give" to the travelers but not "take away" them.

In the 28th century, when Wei Keng and Bai Linglu were chatting, on the Pandora plane, Bai Linglu could only threaten to "deduct information enthalpy", but he did not deny it.

Note: She is not eligible for points deduction under the time-travel system. At that time, time-travel is a "military" exploration behavior, and the person responsible for exploring the plane is a traveler and supervisor. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the "front-line troops" and the "general reserve team" Relationship, Bai Linglu's so-called "deduction" of information enthalpy is the "preparation" of the plane she controls.

Of course, according to Bai Linglu's self-report: In that era, when the life safety of his partner's time traveler was seriously damaged, as a supervisor, he still had to go all out due to professional ethics. It was just that there was a lack of communication between the two people (Wei and Bai) at that time, which resulted in serious incompatibility at work.

Oh, the supervisors at that time were still very professional.

If a dimension partner dies unexpectedly, he will also bear a similar notoriety.

Hundreds of years later, the "free" inspectors of the 32nd century got rid of these responsibilities, euphemistically saying: "You should not bear unnecessary baggage." And "the death of the time traveler affects the evaluation of the inspectors." Confused with "the female widow of the Ming Dynasty carries her husband on her back".

Returning to the topic, in fact, Wei Keng had experienced obliteration back then. In the Chinese plane of the 29th century, it was said at that time: "If you fail to return after the time limit, the channel for consciousness to return will be closed." At that time, the main world did not understand the impact of forced return on time-travel consciousness. harm.

Back to the present. After the "Lord God" organizations of this era failed in the plane war and lost their power, they completely ignored their responsibilities and completely violated the human rights principles of travelers. His reactionary nature has been "Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it".

These master gods even hope that the consciousnesses captured from the "Taiwan Plane" will only exist in this space bubble from beginning to end, and can be easily controlled like bonsai.

...In the 40th century, Mr. Wei was still competing with these guys in the dimension, and quietly went undercover...

Welcome to Dead Space, where you can understand life.

When Wei Keng was undercover, he asked in confusion in the language of the taiwan plane: "Where is this? What do you mean?"

This main subsystem called "Dead Space" begins to announce the beginning of the great game.

Such an impression was conveyed back to Bai Linglu. Bai Linglu scorned: It is shameless to apply the most despicable purpose to the slogan of Guangming, and to say it with full sincerity.

The undercover Wei Keng, who came up from the positive displacement particle (magic plane), looked up at this mysterious space and almost immediately understood the physical operation system here.

I also know the "good intentions" of those behind the operation of this space.

Wei Keng then looked at the other teammates in the "Tai Yi" plane and marked their consciousnesses one by one for backup.

These trialists are all people who are close to the historical line in Xia Sheng's position.

The main gods of Xia Sheng could not get close to the main world of Xia Sheng, but they found the slower timelines infiltrated by the Xia Sheng plane...

At this time, the "main god" of the main world is considered a dimensional "evil god" for emerging space-time civilizations like the Xia Sheng plane. (Similar to the early pastoral era of the main world, the evil gods worshiped behind the mysterious side encountered during dimensional exploration)

In fact, some people in the main world's time-traveling group had the idea of ​​"enslaving the civilized plane" as early as the first plane war. However, there were many upright people at that time, so this idea was suppressed.

Now that the Xia Sheng plane with a different language and culture has appeared, whether it is the promotion of interests or the low threshold of obstacles, the idea of ​​​​"slavery" has developed rapidly.

For the Lord God, the "new time and space civilization" is an object that can be exploited for a long time. The premise is that the main god maintains the technological advantage of the dimension.

At this time, in another "Gu Raising Space", there was a person Wei Keng knew.

Ji Xu looked at the interface in front of him - Do you want to know the meaning of life?

Ji Xu, a human being in Xia Sheng, devoted his life to the magical plane of positive displacement particles. As a result, he lost contact with the Space-Time Administration (Taiwan Plane) during the exploration of the time-sharing line and was caught here.

During his exploration of multiple timelines, he was hit by a death spell and his life was exhausted. Then came here.

Now the light ball produced by the main god of the Black Alliance is facing the lost person: "Trialist, you have one chance."

Ji Xu: "Who are you?"

Guangtuan began to read the information about the captured consciousness, and found a piece of important information.

The light group dealt with the situation: "I am the collector in the dimension, you can call me the Lord God."

Ji Xu: "Did you create this plane?" His perspective was still stuck in the positive displacement particle magic plane. Because of this obsession with teaching others, he was caught by the Black Alliance.

At this time, the light group started manual transfer, but Ji Xu didn't know it.

Guangtuan: "The war you just experienced was between us and another force. Unfortunately, you were dragged into the battle by him." (As the loser, the Black Alliance will not give up the opportunity of Black Guard Keng)

Ji Xu: "He?"

The light group began to explain in a humane way: "A demon that destroys the stability of the plane!"

At this moment, a branch of He Qiuye's consciousness began to compile information.

After thinking for a while, she decided to reveal part of the "truth" to this time traveler, so she sent some information.

In He Qiuye's narrative view: There is an evil dimension group (Wei Keng) in the dimension, which sends an individual to open the plane passage and guide the plane invasion.

In the data sent by the light group, Wei Keng's projections appeared one by one.

Ji Xu went from surprised to shocked - because for the first time, he knew that the "plot character" of the Iron Collar was a time traveler.

He Qiuye's consciousness made the final verdict in the form of the Lord of Light: "He is the cancer of the plane!"

...And on the other side, in the same main god space, a certain Keng consciousness rolled into it, and also faced the option of "is life meaningful?"...

Wei Keng, who was fishing on the plane, chose the "Yes" option when faced with the inexplicable pop-up window on his computer.

Then he sealed away all his memories from the main world. Wei Keng became confused

Of course, some of the information about the main world has been forgotten. When the main god checks the memory, he will not be able to find himself. (Master Wei is definitely a ruthless person for doing this. He has some class hatred towards the Black Alliance)

Then the adventure began, and Wei Keng's clone entered the adventure dimensions arranged by the Lord God.

The first world is the apocalyptic world. Background: The mind virus turns 90% of people into the living dead - but this is not the worst. The remaining 10% of people can eat each other and gain the ability to transform into various monsters at will.

This is a world where people must eat each other to survive. So much so that ten years after the virus was developed, the existence that eats the most people will keep a large number of humans in captivity.

The space for cultivating Gu created 3434 times of parallel time apocalypse to release Wei Keng’s consciousness. Wei Keng, who was "fiddled with" by the plot of the Lord God, survived 833 times.

Of course, being manipulated by the plot of life and death, Wei Keng's undercover consciousness always hid a resisting self-variable in his consciousness that was not calculated by the Lord God.

According to the Lord God's calculation of human consciousness and personality, people who are repeatedly manipulated by life and death are like people who are set on fire by incendiary bombs. No matter how strong their will is, they will definitely be burned to the point of screaming. It is impossible for any human personality to hide core variables in violation of "common sense of human personality".

The Black Alliance territory where the undercover Wei Keng's mission is located is 345 dimensions away from the control area of ​​the Pandora world. It is very close to Wei Keng's dimensional legion. After the undercover Wei Keng completed his mission, the Wei Keng cluster next door was laying out.

The second world is the world of war light.

World background: This world is a technological world. In a thousand years, it has evolved from swords to muskets and cannons, then to the age of internal combustion engines, and finally to the world of advanced technology, and then wandered in the bizarre cyberpunk economic crisis.

Politicians fool the people, and the rich continue to accumulate wealth. However, at this time, a crashed unmanned spacecraft arrived and changed everything. This spaceship is filled with a large number of geometric objects that make people look up at them. The world is reflected on the interface of the geometric objects, and then the reflection on the interface is like a dream, showing various bizarre paintings. ——This is actually a temple of high-tech civilization

As the temple unfolds, the "human consciousness" on the entire planet can suddenly be uploaded to the chip, and then the plot begins.

As the first batch of rebirth chips were produced, humans implanted with chips found that they could seize their bodies through "chip information transmission."

They embark on extreme real-world adventures.

Killing, destroying, everything can be crazy, ignore the rules, and do whatever your desires tend to do.

As missionaries, Wei Keng and other team members must complete the side mission: obtain the "Temple Chip" before the energy of the rebirth chip is exhausted.

In this mission, the space carried out 14,434 parallel drops of Wei Keng, and Wei Keng survived 4,335 times.

Then came the third mission, the fourth mission, the fifth mission, the sixth mission...

As the "space-time" flame burned repeatedly, the undercover consciousness completed the information transmission in the dimension, guiding Wei Keng's main consciousness in the dimension to move closer to the group.

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