Out of the cage

Chapter 1551 Chapter 3103 (Part 1) Dimensional Chase and Escape

Chapter 1551 Chapter 31.03 (Part 1) Dimension Chase and Escape

At this time, the area Wei Keng was traveling through was a plane of cultivating immortals.

Wei Keng determined that this was a passage tunnel maintained by the main gods of the main world before escaping.

All time-traveling tunnels are related to the "Wanyuan" area that Qin Tian placed after the Fourth Plane War. There have always been suspicions of interference in the dimension in this area!

The current purpose of Wei Keng and Bai Linglu (branch) is not only to mark and intercept these "time and space defectors" code-named as the Lord God in the main world, but also to investigate a case that both parties had suspicions about in the pastoral era.

Narrator: Wei Keng’s consciousness comes from the 21st century, but what about Qin Tianfang? At a certain stage, he looks far more like the protagonist than Wei Keng.

Submerging into the dimensional tunnel from the big black hole, you can see the scene where "everything is changeable".

For example, a star is an almost constant system on a single plane, destined from its origin to its main sequence and then its end.

However, there are differences in the large-scale spans of dimensions. During time and space travel, the size of a star is different in different dimensions. Some burn up and become neutron stars or magnetars. In some planes, they are just yellow dwarfs, red dwarfs, or brown dwarfs.

All of this is determined by the accumulation disk that allowed the formation of matter in the early stages of the universe. - Variables exist at the beginning of star formation.

Wei Keng, who is currently chasing and escaping in the dimension, has traveled through different dimensions, but he still uses the existence of the "star" as the axis to cross dimensions again and again.

When the dimensional scale of a star axis reaches the end, transfer to the "one-dimensional line", arrive at another black hole with a "dimensional axis" on the transfer plane, and then continue the dimensional shuttle.

Shuttle, transfer, and shuttle again, this is a "railway network" that runs through dimensions.

Wei Keng marked a large number of stars in the dimension, just like building a railway, extending the plane elevator to areas extending in all directions.

Note: If Wei Keng in the 36th century had opened the plane elevator system to the main world, the main world's space-time administration would not have collapsed twice in four hundred years.

Of course, if the star fields and irrigation canal assets of Xinghai Pastoral are transferred to the inner circle of the solar system, there will be no economic crisis in the inner circle of the solar system at the moment.

But after the 35th century, the middlemen who were willing to build infrastructure began to become unruly and unwilling to provide dividends to the leadership group.

…Railways are used to transport troops, and plane passages are also used to mobilize variables and strengthen response to abnormal phenomena in territorial areas…

The Wei Keng tunnel bypassed the Taiyi (Xia Sheng) plane area, made a big circle in the dimension, and descended from another direction to the new civilization development plane of the Taiyi dimension.

Wei Keng gradually sensed the consciousness of time travel lingering around him in the interference phenomenon of the shuttle: "Once upon a time, I always brought into the main world the perspective of "starting from scratch", but now I find that some things seem to have existed from the beginning. .”

At this time, Bai Linglu also completed the dimension lock: Well, I also found out some things here. You investigate your leads, and I investigate mine.

Wei Keng: What is your clue? ——Wei Keng obtained evidence and compared the traces of the "main god" system in the Tianyuan plane with the "plot traces" found in the fossil plane.

Mr. Wei suspected that the main world had actually been infiltrated by "ancient beings in the dimension" a long time ago, but those infiltrations, just like himself, had never revealed their origins to the outside world.

Gao Wei Bai Linglu smiled at Wei Keng and said: "My meeting with you, well, it seems to be some kind of arrangement."

…new and old, interactive dividing line. …

The Tai One Plane, the plane where the Xia Sheng Civilization is located, in the year 3433 of the Zhuxia Calendar, one hundred and forty years have passed since the Lingding Ocean Inner Dimension Research Institute first discovered other human consciousness in the dimension (displacing the territory of particle magic).

At this time, Xia Sheng and various federal departments around the world had a preliminary understanding of plane detection, and began to work alone on the plane due to cultural differences.

Two dimensional cultural camps, Lingding Yang and Whale Hunter (Atlantic), were formed.

Huge crossing facilities now stand in various coastal areas on the earth, including of course Nagisa City, a city located at the mouth of the largest river in the East.

At this time, clouds appeared outside the big city, which seemed to be the leakage of electromagnetic energy in the earth's core, followed by thunder and lightning in the sky.

"The energy in the Dongsheng 7334 projection tower has exceeded the peak and is being released urgently. People in the city are asked not to act in areas lacking safety facilities and to take shelter temporarily to avoid accidents. It is expected that the city will lift the high magnetic field in ten minutes Electrical warning.”

In the area before the incident, circles of clouds appeared in the sky, just like the lenses of someone who was nearsighted and went to get glasses. But in the sky, even the innermost ring is hundreds of kilometers in diameter, and this cloud ring is spreading rapidly.

At this time, a capsule cabin four meters long and two meters wide rose up from the deep underground wellhead facility in the city.

In this energy cabin, the energy level of the originally electromagnetic human body continued to decrease, and finally the high energy level was released, allowing the life state to connect with the normal carbon-based life form and the natural human body.

This is a girl, well, physically she is an Earth girl in her twenties, but her consciousness and thinking have stayed in an alien plane for a long time.

The bed board of the capsule cabin was lifted up and she was pushed out of the cabin flat.

The robotic arm in the base coated her naked body with a liquid film, and the various details in the film were aligned with the nerves on the skin to complete the docking.

Ensure that the physiological state of humans on Earth is normal when they return from the high-energy state of the gravity well.

This returning female time traveler is named Mi Hengqian. After finishing the monitoring, she coughed and stroked her chest. She looked at the screen on the side and saw someone waiting to be connected, so she seemed to let it go through.

Yuan Yue from the Xia Sheng Time and Space Management Bureau appeared and looked at Mi Hengqian: "During this dimensional monitoring, are you sure that the phenomenon of "the tunneling consciousness is split in dimensions and formed in different individuals in the main world" is confirmed. ?”

Mi Hengqian: "Yes, Ji Xu's consciousness is still there in part of the time stream, and it did not disappear because of the accident."

Yuan Yue paused: Bringing him back now, well, it might cause political issues. For example, is he from our world now? After all, he has been lost in the dimension for a long time.

The robotic arm in the base now covered Mi Hengqian's naked body with a white testing suit. Mi Hengqian: "It's the people in the west who are opposed, right?"

Yuan Yue nodded, and then he said: "The eighth Dongsheng space-time division meeting is about to be held. - We have some conflicts with the west. We will discuss the general direction conflicts at the meeting later. As for the introduction, we will wait. Bar."

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