Out of the cage

Chapter 1586 Chapter 3135 Ending the dimension, coming up the dimension

Chapter 1586 Chapter 31.35 Ending the dimension, coming up the dimension

3965 years after the main world, the Orion Arm, the Pleiades, and the solar system star field are undergoing the latest wave of changes.

The dimension has been turbulent for many eras, but the time of the main world seems to have slowed down, which means that the current era has returned to fertile ground. ——This is the data observed by referring to the new space-time planes such as "Taiyi".

The innermost star field of the solar system has begun to turn into a "militarized" state. Prepare for the upcoming solar system "contradiction" plan

Among them, in the area of ​​the eighteenth to thirteenth imaginary planets in the solar system, all the "nearby" dimension projection channels of the inner circle of the main world solar system are monitored.

In the high-energy particle area at the core of Pluto, Wei Keng's consciousness is wandering in this gravity well. In the central facilities of the main world, the Pastoral School has also been competing with the Black Alliance.

Wei Keng saw Bai Linglu and asked leisurely: "Is the historical evolution system completed?"

Bai Linglu: "Yes, it has been completed. Also, won't you participate in the first generation of evolution officers?"

Because, at this time, Wei Keng handed the first generation of evolution officers to people like Ji Xu who came from Xia Sheng civilization.

Wei Keng looked at the dimension and said: "Things in the dimension should be handed over to people in the dimension. Next, we have to concentrate on completing things in our world."

Wei Keng used "real world" to refer to the main world as the beginning of "eliminating the concept of primary and secondary in the dimension". The meaning behind this is that "the legitimacy of the Space-Time Administration in the dimension since the 27th century" is no longer recognized.

In fact, at this moment, the inner circle of the lower solar system, which inherited the nature of the Black Alliance, has gone against the trend to the extreme. It began to implement the so-called "talent theory" with the "main world" as the center.

This made people in the inner circle of the solar system of the main world begin to be obsessed with the talent channel, and then ignore the simple accumulation of "digging the soil" and farming.

At this time, the so-called evolutionary space-time system is to carry out evolution falsification of those planes interfered by the inner circle of the solar system!

Wei Keng looked at the evolution system and frowned: "Why is it a military rank system!"

Bai Linglu: "This is a spontaneous internal naming. In fact, everyone in the evolution space has their own understanding, but at present, this military rank system is a consensus reached by everyone. In the era of muskets, technology is a major, and in the atomic age, it is a major general."

Bai Linglu glanced at Wei Keng: "I know that you want to divide the levels according to the level of social cohesion and the consensus system, that is, primitive tribes, feudal productivity, modern industry and commerce, this kind of classification, but your set is too complicated. Only war! The clearest and clearest, it can allow humans to quickly recognize their own level."

Bai Linglu added: Don't worry, in this system, I also added conscience, and will not allow individual cases of opportunism to take advantage.

Wei Keng nodded silently: Throughout the history of the development of earth civilization, only the society at the time of war (non-upper class) thinks most rationally.

In this long 1,400-year history of crossing, as a "troublemaker", I have decided to have a final battle with the "leader".

Narrator: Yes, the "contradictions" in the final development of history are not that complicated. They are just conflicts between "troublemakers" and "leaders". It's just that "leaders" stand high, have eloquence, and have the ability to explain the contradictions in various ways, making the causes of the contradictions very complicated.

Just as in Eastern history, when the excited troublemakers in the soil are ready, heroes will come.

For the "leaders", the future may not be "burial" but "cremation". The ending may be a "coffin" or an urn.

... In a broader dimension, the two consciousnesses have different paths in the fertile soil, but they will meet periodically. ...

This is a main world of "Mediterranean and Great Rivers", and there is also the "Taiyi Main World" of Xia Sheng people, a phenomenon of space-time civilization on a higher breadth.

One "dimensional civilization" after another is like a flower blooming in space-time, blooming and withering.

And every so-called dimensional civilization main world, at the end of its development, will degenerate into a corpse, and the "bugs" breeding on these "corpses" will try to infect the "flower buds (new space-time civilization)".

That is, what the main god of the Black Alliance has done to the Taiyi plane.

However, the fallen group in these corpses does not know that when they have fallen to the most thorough level, the fierce light will penetrate the decay.

When the lightning and thunder drop a little spark, the ignition of the fire can burn these dirt.

The next generation of dimensional civilizations does not know what happened in the autumn. When the spring rain starts, they shuttle through the planes and look at the sky, and can only see the afterimages reflected by the "mysterious side".

But this time is different. On the latest time and space line, the appearance of Xinghai Tianyuan makes this main world possible!

[Note: Wei Keng on the plane is like a cell, unable to accept his own senses in a higher dimension, and Wei Keng in the dimension near the main world is just an "organ tissue", and does not know what his overflowing consciousness has activated at a higher level in the past thousand years. However, Wei Keng, a "middle man" on the plane, is now more and more clear about the meaning of life]

Therefore, a hot existence that came to "pollinate" has been getting closer and closer to the main world of "Tu Kang".

Of course, before arriving, I first greeted the existence in the dimension that was gradually activated by Tu Kang!

…The dimensional interlayer of the main world…

The fiery high-dimensional consciousness narrated the upcoming plane walk with an optimistic and fearless attitude: Every time I arrive, I catch the world off guard. But time and time again, the world is becoming more and more open to the young me.

Tukang existence: "Okay, I'm very kind and won't care about your mischief. You should keep your pride, it's very cute."

The fiery existence seemed unhappy and said: "Don't use "cute" to define the handsome me! Hey".

However, the fiery existence looked towards the plane where Xinghai Tianyuan was located with vigor and vitality, and made a firm voice: "Every liberation does not mean the end, we have to exchange the fruits of victory."

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