Out of the cage

Chapter 189 Chapter 6.03 The honeymoon is over, and the confrontation begins.

In the 148th year of Pandora's calendar, Jianye City carried out many unilateral actions against the unified cutting area.

For example: Confiscate the shops in the unified logging area, increase troops on the Great Wall for defense in central Jiangxi, and prohibit merchants in the unified logging area from transporting goods on the Yangtze River route.

This series of actions made the bilateral relations between the commanding area and Jianye City continue to cool down after the Tianzhulong incident.

May 13.

The two sides had a diplomatic meeting on the current situation. In this diplomatic conference, among the team sent by the unified cutting area, there were eight crew members, and the other sixty-seven were from the local faction, and twenty-seven of them were genetic polluters.

Such a high rate of genetic polluters is not "correctness", but can be found in the unified logging area, and there are very few people familiar with the affairs of the Yangtze River Basin.

However, some people who were originally doing clerical work in the Yangtze River Basin were rejected by the upper echelon of the city-state system where they lived due to mild genetic pollution, and then were rescued, assessed, and selected into the external system of the unified logging area.

On the freighter in the middle section of the Ganjiang River, the two sides sat down.

On the conference table, compared to the various personalities of the elite trainers sent by the Jianye City side, the unified cutting area was dressed in blue homespun clothes and red star cloth hats.

The fabric is a bit rusty, but the energy-storage battery metal belt around the waist and the ligaments extending to the legs are in the style of the "predator".

From the beginning of this negotiation, the two sides did not have much expectation.

In the unified logging area, everyone has a very popular way of judging whether a certain job is important, that is, how much Wei Kengqun occupies in this job?

If it is important enough and the policy pays enough attention, then the proportion of Weikeng clusters in it will be very high.

But now in this negotiation, there is not a single Wei Keng. Before the departure, the entire team was told to "firm stand", and everyone knew that this job was to be used as a repeater.

So at the meeting,

The trainers in Jianye reported a lot of conditions: "Entering the Yangtze River waterway is not allowed", "Stop oppressing the city-states in Fujian", "The navigation trade between the Min-Liu Strait in the unified cutting area should be presided over by both parties (also That is, there must be trainers sent by Jianye on the fleet in the commanding area)"... This series of blah blah blah blah, when requesting to take advantage of the regulations,

The negotiating experts sent by the unified cutting area also competed against each other.

Wang Lekang—this is the ideological and political personnel on board, and he is the most upright and popular person on board. However, in actual work, the disadvantage is that it is not easy to bend. He is also aware of his own shortcomings in his work. In recent years, he has seldom done publicity work so directly.

But this time, Sun Xiangyang specially appointed him to stand firm. Sun Xiangyang: "Well, there is a high probability that the 'negotiation will fail' anyway. Since the other side is playing a scoundrel, we have to send someone to play our temper."

At the negotiating table, Wang Lekang shot at Jianye's unreasonable demands over and over again, and when he was tired, he took a sip of water from the tea mug and continued.

Wang Lekang: "We insist on xx", "Our actions are based on equal conditions for both parties", "Your side should reflect on your arrogance and domineering behavior."

This day is the most comfortable day for Wang Lekang in this world, leaning on his own powerful strength, pointing his nose and cursing at the opposite "feudal decay". The language can be sharp as much as you want, and you are not afraid of "the opposite party is angry and starts a fight".

Oh, and "Rush" is no big deal!

The commanding area has already prepared troops in the south, and the Lugia cruising war beasts in the sky are on standby with live ammunition. A seven-meter-high hydrogen peroxide and alcohol rocket with a range of 100 kilometers has also been erected in the rear.

As for war, there are deep contradictions behind it. If there is a real fight, the reason cannot be that one's own side is not humble enough, but that the other side is hungry and one's own side is not strong enough.

If Jianye wanted to fight, someone in the control area might be injured, but these trainers would definitely be wiped out.


Of course, what finally brought the negotiation to a complete end (broken, broke up) was that the unified cutting area came up with a solution to the Fujian city-state.

That is, the model of Guangdong, Ji'an City and other places.

From the inside to the outside, from the foundation to the top, reshape these city-state societies.

The unified logging area has always emphasized its position:

"Under the framework of great unification, uphold the people's stable life and the constant morality of the nation's upward development, and insist on implementing policies and governance under the broad supervision of the people. To guide the behavior of everyone and every class fairly and equitably, And resolve conflicts in accordance with the law.”

In short, if the unified cutting area wants to fully integrate Fujian into itself, the privileges of the minority in the city-state must be wiped out. The right to speak to determine the general direction of governance must also return from the minority to the hands of the masses.

Presenting this proposal on the negotiating table unabashedly seems to be dealing with Fujian, but it is actually a gentle and ruthless statement: "Sooner or later, I will deal with you like this."

The current spirit of consensus in the unified cutting area was drafted by Wei Keng, and it comes from the modern summary of the oriental nation-building spirit in modern times in the main world, "constant righteousness, public law, and clear governance".

Constant righteousness is the reason for unity: since ancient times, we have been united by integration, going up to the sky and down to the loess, bearing disasters together, and moving towards prosperity together.

Mingzheng: It is a method to reduce conflicts and frictions when united and gathered on the basis of constant righteousness! Everyone has enough to eat, everyone has clothes to wear, roads are built, and fields are farmed, all of which are manifestations of Ming government behavior. The essence of Ming government is to allow the voices of all kinds of people who maintain the world to reach the center and become the guidelines for formulating policies.

As for public law: law governs rewards and punishments. And the consequences of all actions should be fair and should not be distorted for any individual or a small group.

The city-state system of Jianye City does not account for any of the above items! It can be regarded as a substantial degradation of civilization.

Over the past hundred years, these people in the east of Pandora have claimed that "the stones from other mountains can attack the jade from their own side", and they have played with the city-states of the Mediterranean civilization. This is not a pioneering work, but an old thing that was abandoned long ago on this land.

Master Wei Keng: The allusion of "One man flies over the sun, Jie's only husband" comes from the Chinese city-state system. It can only be said that the upper class in Jianye who regard old Hollywood movies as "enlightenment cognition in the old civilization era" are uneducated.


At the meeting on May 13, Tongfa and Jianye had a frank wrestling, exchanged views in depth, and then enhanced understanding. In the end, the two sides reached an agreement to strengthen border control.

The so-called enhanced understanding:

Starting at 3:30 p.m., the aerial mechanical beasts of the two sides demonstrated against each other in the sky over southern Jiangxi.

The air array formed by the Rogia clusters on the commanding army suppressed the trainer's mechanical beasts. On the premise of not firing at each other, Rogia pulled out the flying feathers behind the buttocks of the trainers' flying mechanical beasts. ——That scene was a flock of big geese chasing and biting.

Due to the advantages of informatization and productivity, the commanding army dispatched twice as many Rogias as the opponent, equipped with a 50-kilogram turbojet engine, and the sprint speed was three times that of the opponent. This is a gang fight of justice! The trainers in Jianye City yelled and cursed, but they didn't dare to fire.

Wei Keng: "Logistics, information command, I have the advantage. I can fight in groups, why should I fight alone?"


After June, the city-state districts in the Yangtze River Basin issued official documents and began to strengthen border controls.

This decision was made unilaterally after Jianye fell into a disadvantage after the air confrontation on 5.13. It can be regarded as feedback on the behavior of the unified logging area.

Following the order of the Trainers Association, at the same time, the bureaucratic decision-makers in Jianye no longer issued passes for the commanding army.

Jianye's decision made the city-states in the central Jiangxi region celebrate. This group of brainless local city-state nobles put up warning signs of "No Passing" on all roads, completely sealing off the trading routes in central Jiangxi.

In the confrontation between Tongfa and Jianye, the politicians of these small and middle Jiangxi city-states were the most active promoters of the deterioration of the relationship between the two behemoths.

According to the assumptions of these small city-states, the path of the commercial export of the unified cutting area to the north must rely on them. ——This is similar to that in the late Ming Dynasty. The big clans in the south of the Yangtze River strongly supported the sea ban in order to facilitate their own monopolization of smuggling interests.

They believe that if they actively seal it off now, merchants in the unified logging area will definitely come to ask for it, and then they will be able to collect a higher proportion of tolls.

However, these "old country rich people" in the inland areas were wrong.

With the ban on the border, the trade volume of the unified logging area through central Jiangxi has really decreased!

The city-states in central Jiangxi didn't even know that this land passage was no longer the only commercial route between the unified cutting area and Jianye.

After the commercial channels along the coast of eastern Fujian were opened up, the goods in the unified logging area entered Jianye's sphere of influence through multiple routes in various coastal city-states.

Jianye's ban couldn't stop the city-states in central Jiangxi from smuggling, and naturally it couldn't stop those city-states in the East China Sea area either.

After all, everyone wants to live. It is wrong for Jianye, as the boss, to have enough to eat and give orders to make the brothers and city-states hungry.


After August, the city-states in the central Jiangxi region have been able to make money directly from lying down, and have returned to a state where they can only be full.

After the complete severance of commercial contacts, the city-states in central Jiangxi have developed consumer demand over the past few years.

With the complete desertion of the fighting business, these interest groups in the central Jiangxi city-state couldn't sit still, and started an "inexplicable" protest, protesting that the unified logging area would destroy regional harmony and stability.

This is the same as a port city that made a lot of money from entrepot trade in ancient history. After losing the privilege of the only channel, it is difficult to adjust the mentality.

From 145 to 148 of the Pandora calendar, there were only three years, but the local forces in central Jiangxi had gained enough prestige in these three years.

Take Poyang City as an example: the concrete and steel imported from the unified logging area were not used for the construction of dams and power stations, or to strengthen the defense of remote strongholds. However, they were squandered by the four big families in the city, and dozens of six-story watchtowers were erected directly after comparing with each other!

As for weddings and funerals, after the import of canned food, a large banquet began. Within the export range of the unified logging area: they use the most pepper and star anise. The sewage they discharged towards Poyang Lake was all oily.

In the past three years, the number of places to study in Jianye City has increased from 23 at the beginning to 78 recently. These were bought from Jian Ye with profits from the business.

After the Tongfa District and Jianye communicated directly, they have been instigating and making troubles in the past two years! Attempt to continue to monopolize trade. Now everything is as they wished, the official connection between the commanding area and Jianye City is broken! However, other trade needs in the unified cutting area and the Jianye control area were not controlled by them.

It is not so easy to "be frugal" when you fall from a high state!

For the entire month of July, they did nothing and were still waiting for the entry of goods from the unified logging area! In August, they belatedly determined that after the opening of the trade route to the east, the goods would not leave them. The response of the aristocratic families in these city-states was not to beg for mercy, but to send "threats" to the unified cutting area. "!"

That's right!

It seems that the logic is very abnormal,

But this group of guys who "obviously made a mistake on their own", now their first reaction to the unified cutting area is to threaten! And the declared method of revenge is self-mutilation!

On July 7th, the city-states including Poyang City sent defense line representatives, went south to the unified cutting area, and found the Ministry of Trade to make a notice.

Claiming that due to improper trade practices in the unified cutting area, the eight city-states in Poyang Lake will follow the instructions of Jianye City and consider permanently sealing off the southern border!

They suddenly jumped out to say such cruel words, as if Teddy on the side of the road didn't get the meat and bones like in the past, and suddenly jumped out and barked!

The threat was not great, but it was considered a success in attracting the attention of the top decision-makers in the unified logging area to this corner force.


Sun Xiangyang, who was investigating in eastern Fujian, allocated an afternoon in his schedule to discuss the meaning of the release of the eight city-states headed by Poyang City.

In fact, it didn't take an afternoon, and it was quickly analyzed.

Wei Keng: "They are threatening us with the 'total fall' of Jianye City as a bargaining chip."

Wang Lekang: "Aren't they the followers of Jianye City? Why are they still falling behind?"

Wei Keng: "There are three forms of selling one's body. Following behind as a younger brother is a kind of follower. Being willing to kneel down and crawl along is another kind. Another is to rush up directly and be cannon fodder."

Wei Keng described it well with expressions and gestures: "Being a dog, they have multiple thoughts."

Wei Keng's description made everyone in the meeting laugh.

After laughing loudly, Sun Xiangyang signaled the venue to be quiet: "Then, what do they have to do with us!"

Wei Keng spread his hands: "Yeah, it's none of our business. Just watch the jokes.

Next, they may explicitly threaten to fight us head-on on behalf of the forces in Jianye City. That is to say, he dared to be cannon fodder. Then he would kneel down and lick Jianye even more to show his awareness, but in fact he probably didn't have the guts to do so. "

"Militant" Bai Minghui asked: "What if, I mean what if, they are really angry and then take the risk?"

Wei Keng: "The first shot is fired from the opposite side, then we can only reluctantly and be forced~" Wei Keng looked at Sun Xiangyang. (This needs to be said by the top leader.)

Sun Xiangyang, the supreme military commander in the commanding area, set the tone solemnly to his comrades: "If these few right forces insist on provoking our bottom line by force, then we will also recover the Poyang Lake area, and at the same time hold the Jianye forces accountable for their breach of peace. !"


In 148 years, there was no accident of misfiring the gun.

Although the unified cutting area has slightly increased the patrol on the Jiangxi Great Wall defense line. The voice on the other side just got louder at first, but then it disappeared.

During the patrol, some tracked units raced repeatedly along the Jiangxi-Central border, and then the Northern 18th Regiment in the unified cutting area, wearing colonial uniforms, surveyed the area's landforms. Tripod shots are set up on various heights.

The officers and soldiers of the commanding army shouted "Always be ready!" every morning, lunch, and before going to bed at the station.

The high fighting spirit radiates outward in the radiation field of life. The emotional adjective "full of blood and blazing sun" in the past is now really happening in the military camp. Mosquitoes avoided the camp.


Compared with the looseness on the outside and the tightness on the inside in the unified cutting area, the city-states in Poyang City are "serious and soft on the inside".

They didn't have the guts to really start a war. When the plan to rely on external pressure went bankrupt, internal conflicts ignited everywhere.

Due to the stupid behavior of several major families, some greedy forces have risen in the past few years, and the force system originally used to maintain the system has also been abolished.

On September 2, the ammunition depot in Ganlu City exploded.

On October 6, in Poyang City, the Huang and Tang families merged.

On November 1, the Yan Gang forces in Yingtan City ousted the city lord from power.

All three are big things.

There were also dozens of small frictional incidents, which were also spread to the border post of the unified cutting area along with a few individual small businessmen who came to collect goods.

And in December, as the cold and icy rain spread across the south of the Yangtze River, the wet winter in the south became the last straw that crushed the city-state in central Jiangxi!


A year ago, due to trade needs, the unified logging area funded the renovation of several combat preparation highways from southern Jiangxi to the Yangtze River Basin. This kind of renovation is to remove the vegetation, then sprinkle with stones and lime, and then use a steam roller to flatten it. Therefore, the tanks (62-type light tanks) of the commanding army can be used on the hundreds of kilometers of roads in southern Jiangxi.

Especially in winter, when the weather is cold, the activity of wild gene communities in the wilderness is greatly reduced, and the road traffic conditions are better for ordinary people.

You should know that in the vast area where there is no intimidation by the emperor, some grass grows very viciously. For example, there is a kind of grass that will suddenly rise up when people pass by on the road, and use the burrs of "foreign peppers" to give people Take a sip to warn people not to continue stepping forward.


In late November, first a small group of refugees, traveling in groups of two or three, arrived at the border of the unified logging area. But in less than ten days, dozens of people, hundreds of people, and finally thousands of people migrated southward in groups.

The word "refugees" is actually not accurate. "Flow" means "displaced", which means leaving property and becoming propertyless.

In the city-state system, these people are originally proletarians. Winter is coming, and they lack all kinds of supplies. With the trade of the commanding army in the past two years, let them know that the human forces in the south are willing to accept them.

For these immigrants, the unified logging area is of course willing to absorb them. Register, sort, shower, collect personal items, join a group, sing, take an oath! This set of procedures, grassroots civil affairs are skilled.

However, with the migration from central Jiangxi to the south, there are more and more migrations.

The problem that the leadership of the unified cutting area needs to study now is not the group of people who have come here, but the people who have not come here yet!

According to the descriptions of the refugees who have arrived, those who can run 100 kilometers to the south are all physically strong and have a mouthful of food. There are still a large number of people who have no conditions and are stranded in the north.

The unified logging area has this burden in concept! ——The inland city-states to the north obviously had a humanitarian disaster, which must be dealt with.

According to the "axiom" formed in the Zhuxia period, when the king of a certain country has no way and is displaced, he can hang the people and punish crimes.

This kind of thinking came to the Qin Emperor and Han Dynasty, and it was a crime if the governance of a certain place was not good, and the neighbors helped you govern, and after the people were settled, they had the right to crusade against the sky.

After modern times, any great unified regime must take concrete actions against the lives and property of compatriots after a disaster occurred within the eastern territory, otherwise the legitimacy of the "great unification" would be lost.

But in fact, it is still the area where the local forces control the cutting. If you extend your hand to Jiangxi, it is very likely to trigger unknown consequences.

Although the unified cutting area has not yet swallowed the governance capacity of dozens of city-state districts within the sphere of influence of Jianye, the unified cutting area does not want to use a large amount of manpower and materials for the internal struggle between human forces. But it has to be done.


In the signal tower link, the high-level leaders of Tongfa started a meeting about the hotspot area of ​​Jiangxi District. The keynote of the meeting was "peacekeeping".

In the newly opened venue in the center of Xingan City, Sun Xiangyang rang the microphone. The six Wei Keng of the staff center made a sand table and summarized the strategic information, and then Wei Keng, who served as the general staff, reported to Sun Xiangyang: "We need a special military operation, which must be restrained and have clear boundaries. , and try not to fire the first shot as much as possible."

Sun Xiangyang passed the plan to others.

In the military, the "Rogia formation" spreads leaflets in the city-state area. The leaflets use comic strips and maps to mark the safe routes outside the city, and strive to be easy to understand.

At the same time, the ships in the unified logging area went north along the Ganjiang River, set up temporary bases in many places, and delineated "peacekeeping safety zones."

In terms of diplomacy, Sun Xiangyang found Wang Lekang again and asked him to go to Jianye again, asking him to express that he had no intention of expanding. The peacekeeping mission will only end before the beginning of spring, and in order to prevent the two sides from ignoring each other in Jiangxi, Jianye can send people to jointly carry out the peacekeeping mission.

After the meeting, Zeng Jiakan frowned: We have to deal with Jianye again!

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