Out of the cage

Chapter 193 Chapter 6.07

December of 149 was chilling for Yucheng, perhaps because of the cold front coming from the north, or of course it might have been surprised by the sudden change of thunder in Yunnan after November.



In 146, the individual sent by Shouling to the south had already fused with the mycelium, and began to guide the "Mirage Mushroom" to inject life radiation power into the branch going north.

In 149, when the commanding army and the fungus confronted each other, everything happened as expected by Shouling. As the southern human community continued to send out forces, and was seriously injured by the mycelium in the area, it seemed to be in endless attrition.

Over the course of several months, the southern human populations made very little progress.

The other human beings in the non-central group (Wei Keng cluster) have fully exposed their weakness in the biological environment.

All this seems to show that the social individual development that human beings still retain is unnecessary, and the only way to continue the reproduction of the group is to completely integrate the genetic life and then control other genes.

Those existences in Yucheng are waiting for Wei Keng to give up!


But they are wrong.

It is true that such things have happened frequently in human history, when military operations are unable to make progress due to the huge consumption of energy and materials, and finally exhausted to the point of giving up.

However, that is under the premise that the core of human society behind productivity remains unchanged. And if the "person" as a productive force grows during the war. The original prediction results are quite different.

Mycelium groups do not have complex thinking and planning abilities.

In contrast, after five months of continuous fighting throughout the summer, the commanding army's staff basically determined the areas where each sub-node group was entrenched, as well as the traffic roads.


In November, the end begins, and everything happens like lightning.

Thousands of planes took off, and thousands of soldiers directly decapitated seven hundred gene groups after airborne, and the permeating spore mist was destroyed by incendiary bombs.

The soldiers who dropped out were wearing gas masks. Although they coughed continuously and developed lung infections in the next few hours, they were quickly taken back to the rear by the transport plane at the battlefield airport.

At the same time as the airborne operation, the road roller equipped with a fully enclosed operating cabin modified by human colonization drove into the mountain along the old road a hundred years ago, and transported the materials that had been prepared long ago.

Compared with the previous battle of attrition, this sudden force is so fast and as accurate as acupuncture! The ecological community that was still firmly guarding the area was destroyed in one fell swoop.

In December, after a full month, all the communities in the area lost their nodes, and no area was able to recover.

The air force in the commanding area patrols the area intensively, and when it detects a strong radiation center, it will bomb it first, and then send war cats and infantry to completely destroy it.

Then, Dian was suppressed.

On the land where no-node organisms adjust life fluctuations, with the division of the big radish, it represents that the replacement group has taken root in this area, and a large number of new vegetation has grown here.

Radiation of these new flora, as occupants begin to repel other communities.

The Dianchi Lake, formerly occupied by the twins of fungi and insects that dominated the entire region, has become a pool of green water. Daily steam ships salvage algae from it and put them into the bio-digester next door to supply energy for the mechanical beasts of burden.

However, after January 150, the genetic influence of the mirage mirage community in the entire Yunnan region has been negligible. They were divided into two routes, one route was pushed southward to the vicinity of XSBN, while the other route fled to the Shu Basin area.


All the surrounding genetic communities were shaken by the result of such a conflict!

In the confrontation with the apostle-level community, the human community cleanly gnawed down this piece of land that could support the life of the overlord-level node.

This is enough to mean that Wei Keng's human genetic community can change the natural ecology as much as the apostle.

Of course, the loser is not satisfied with "such a result".

The apostle of the "Mirage Mushroom" in the south seemed to be extremely angry, and a strong wave of life burst out from a certain place in the Mekong River Basin. The intensity of its life fluctuations is the same as that of the previous Tianshalong's radiation.

Under the call of such life fluctuations, the entire Indochina Peninsula region, each sub-node began to take action. A large number of hyphae went deep into rivers and insect nests, forming a biological tide and began to charge north.

However, the topography of the two places determined that such a northward movement was impossible.

This is the Hengduan Mountains, and the border between the two places is a snow-capped mountain, which is a restricted area for life. Human beings overcome their physiology with their will, and they will leave behind many corpses while wearing clothes and holding a cane, not to mention the naked creatures moving forward from tropical areas.

The unified logging area has considered the possibility of the mirage fungus going north to retaliate, and made a plan early.

The tide of creatures must pass through several passages, and is contained by the gene radiation radiation tower in the logging area.

The radiating surface of the fixed radar transmitting station on the transmission tower, which is shaped like a "paving claw", directs the exciting biological radiation in the same frequency band as human cell activity to the entrance of the channel and sends it. After flying over, all the small creatures died like mosquitoes sprayed with insecticide.

As for large creatures, they can withstand the radiation of life, but they still can't stop the bombardment of the artillery on the fortress.

In the end, the organic matter that came from the north was returned to the furnace, and the methane bacteria pool was used to destroy the corpses and traces, and then power the emission tower, making the defense of the area more stable.


When the emperor is in power, all the monsters are afraid.

In the north of Yucheng, there is a human town. This place belongs to the new stronghold that emerged after the expansion of Yucheng.

This town is very similar to the standard town in the southern unified logging area, with residential areas, handicraft areas, and shop areas, but this is not a purely human area.

In the center of the town, in the main beam structure supported by the stretching of natural trees, and in the oriental-style temple building with fired blue bricks and tiles, each "sub-human" walked along his own road under the protection of the same ethnic group. Road, walked into it to pay homage.

Long Ximin is the mistress of this hall.

At this time, she was leaning against the forked branches of the tree that served as the main beam on the second floor, listening to the report of the "flying humans", the leader of the tribe she named "Feathermen".

Feathermen are more similar to cranes, because they have longer legs than humans, and the reflexion of the soles of their feet elongates their height.

Their leader, on the other hand, is more humanized, leaving only the feathers on his arms, and his eyes have bloodshot "eye shadows" and other facial features. Obviously, the human genes are stronger.

And the language that Long Ximin communicates with these Feathermen now is the language of the soul. ——If Wei Keng listens to it, this life frequency band will be more sharp. This is because these bird-bodied human genes are different from the original human genes.

Long Ximin raised his hand, stroked the hair of the bird leader, and then turned to the others.

Those few have the scales and long letters of the snake man, the claws and tails of the tiger and leopard, just like the heaven where the big monsters in the book of mountains and seas occupy.

They are all several genetic groups under Long Ximin's command, and without exception, although the characteristics of group beasts are obvious, their leaders are highly humanized.

The reason for giving up natural abilities such as flying and swimming is also to be humanized.

The reason is very simple: the most important ability of a leader is the ability of information communication, and the complex language of the radio frequency band of life radiation can only be achieved by human genes.

As the "Queen Mother of the West", Long Ximin,

Now it has built a brand new system independent of its parent.

She opened the map, and her mother was on the south side of the map, while her own city was on the north side. It seemed that it could be further north.

She put her hand on the sand table, human genes can make fingers move on the map, it seems like a villain, trying to escape from something.

Long Ximin looked away from the location of Yucheng on the map, and said absent-mindedly: "Mother is getting more and more crazy. But the only way out now is to leave the key point of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, otherwise we will continue to go our own way, and our family will be in danger."

However, she couldn't say these words directly to her mother like in the past.

In the past, no matter what the consequences were, he would speak out to his mother, even if the result was that he was eaten by his mother.

But she senses her community, and she feels that her presence is important. Much more useful than a wayward mother.

Since her birth, she has gradually begun to experience the selfishness that was originally "genetically eliminated".

Motherhood is one of the most primitive selfishnesses.

Mammalian females' admiration when selecting males, and their dedication to raising their offspring after giving birth, can all be regarded as a kind of selfish desire to expect their own genes to be continued.


On the two lands of Yunnan and Guangxi,

The war is almost over. Except for the rocky caves and underground rivers, there are still extremely limited areas left, and most of the sunny areas on the surface are already human ecosystems.

The roads are being restored, and the railway tracks of the old era have been re-laid. In December 149, the gas train with a green front, slamming, has begun normal operation. Fifty thousand people have entered the area.

The Wei Keng group also has 8,000 people and entered this area.

In the unified logging area, although the number of Wei Keng is increasing according to the statistics, most of the newly arrived Wei Keng are invested in the frontier, so it feels to the people in the areas where production has resumed in the unified logging area: "Compared to the previous Over the past few years, the number of Wei Keng has become less and less."

In a new area like Yunnan and Guangxi, the scale of Wei Keng that the public can see is definitely not too much.


Zhaotong ruins area, north of Yunnan.

The ruined area of ​​the city has been rearranged, and about 3,000 Wei Keng are operating mechanically.

This is the famous open-pit coal mining area in the south. To some extent, it is also one of the important reasons why the unified logging area must attack westward.

After taking this place, the unified logging area will have a stable steel and chemical production base in the inland area.

Chemical industry - is a short board that is easily overlooked by all countries with a backward industrial base. Take Soviet Russia for example, the production and processing of titanium alloys are mentioned in material science, but as an oil-producing country, there is no independent refining process level, which is really sad.

In the plane of Pandora, although various wonderful biotechnologies such as biological power stations and algae processing into industrial oil have been developed, Wei Keng still set a plan for the industrial development of the unified logging area, which uses coal mines and petroleum as raw materials. technological breakthrough.


In the field of organic synthesis,

Master Wei focused on planning a 4,000-ton-per-year methanol protein production line using coal mines as raw materials.

As early as May 148 of the Pandora calendar.

Zeng Shuni conducted research on the evolutionary direction of the big radish. If it is only used for photosynthesis to generate nutrients, the synthesis efficiency of many proteins is very slow, so it has to be fed "meat". After the special digestive organs of the pitcher plant are implanted, the protein will be drip-fed regularly every day, and the result will be more efficient. Of course, the protein obtained from fishing and mopping up the biome is unstable, while the production of methanol protein is large and stable. .

This is just one of Zeng Shuni's many biological discoveries. During the 149 years of Pandora's 149-year battle in Yunnan, Master Wei quickly discovered the strategic value of this scientific research while thinking about how to deal with the natural ecological counterattack.


The unified logging area quickly carried out corresponding experiments in the newly included plantations in Yunnan and Guangxi.

After cultivating plantation plants with the nature of "new nodes", with a sufficient supply of protein, the impact of life radiation within a range of tens of kilometers was quickly established.

Let's put it this way, this meat, egg and milk tastes better than others of the same kind, and can establish dominance. As for the source of meat, egg and milk? Whether it is self-produced or rewarded from outside, the inertia of living things will not allow independent thinking.

This is like the end of the twentieth century. Because of the many resources they enjoy, those Americans can always establish the right to speak in public opinion in the country of birth, although they are only second-class citizens in the lighthouse.


In Wei Keng's research report, he identified such an interesting phenomenon that in the plantation, those huge trees bearing thousands of kinds of fruits will exchange the energy of the protein frequency band for the energy of the sugar frequency band in the life radiation frequency band.

In terms of energy, it is usually one serving of protein bands that can be exchanged for twenty servings of sugar bands.

And these "Thousand Fruit Trees" in the plantations themselves do not have the ability to synthesize proteins, and rely solely on human injections.

This means that humans in the unified logging area have cultivated "compradors" in plants.

The synthesis of carbohydrates into proteins in nature requires a complex life system, such as cattle, horses and other herbivores. This requires many elements such as maintaining a constant body temperature at all times, which is equivalent to an "independent basic industrial chain".

But after becoming the running dog of "Master Wei", there is no need for such a "basic protein production chain", and protein will be globalized, uh, the entire ecological supply.

In this way, it is enough to wait for humans to feed. It's the nature of creatures to eat and be lazy. Don't you see that after the end of the first and second mass extinctions on the earth, the ecological restoration depends on the flat development of a large number of benthic filter-feeding systems.

"The growth of compradors can squeeze local industries."

There was no human interference before, even if all the animals in a region's gene group were killed, the remaining plants would still pick up the animal's genes to synthesize proteins, and finally become animals.

but now! As long as proteins can be exchanged, those genes that consume energy to produce proteins will become a burden on the plant genetic system.


So starting in 150 years, human beings tried in Yunnan and Guangxi, which made human beings' command over ecology reach a new peak (in the space of supervisors, there is a new milestone).

On both sides of the railroad track, in those ecological circles affected by plantations, the human beings with high spiritual language discrimination ability will feel that these ecological circles are very pure.

Just like the grass and jungle in fairy tales, it is pure green, and the lake feels like sapphire.

In reality, it is different from the various centipedes and blood-sucking insects in the grass on the roadside, and the feeling of leeches in the ditch.

And the "Mirage Mushroom" in the south also stopped attacking the north, because it sensed the changes in the north from the fluctuation of life radiation.

System supervisor's comment: It has already felt that Hengduan Mountain has been annexed by the "Human Emperor".

"Xuanyuan Sword—the sun, moon, and stars are engraved on one side of the sword, and mountains, rivers, and vegetation are engraved on the other. On one side of the hilt is the art of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side is the strategy of unifying the world." Wei Keng looked at this ancient Internet information rather strangely: "What the hell is this?" who passed it on"

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