Out of the cage

Chapter 212 Chapter 6.26 The seed of the new force, the

Pandora March 157. On Dayuan Island, the unified logging area is counting new people who have landed on the island. These personnel are people from the coastal areas, as well as cadres in the unified logging area.

The follow-up effect of the unified logging area taking over the "dirty and tiring work" in the Qiantang Bay area has already appeared. From the perspective of the upper group, this kind of thing has no reason to do it. It is to let a group of people who were originally ignored have a reason.


The birth of new things has the following characteristics:

Under the coercion of the old rule, the team gathered by an event will not disappear quickly with the disappearance of an event. Its organization, discipline, and belief in advancing will continue and grow.

On the contrary, if an event gathers only because of its short-term momentum, no one is responsible for the construction of its organization and the maintenance of discipline, and it is only relying on the so-called "justice" in the voice to suppress the people around it and coerce it to attack the so-called enemy . Then this is not enough to be called a new thing!


In the Qiantang Bay area, the unified logging area puts in manpower, materials, and management level to do the so-called "dirty work". After achieving results for the purpose of progress, it will also be attributed to the ideal of "human development and progress".

This series of work on the eastern front of the unified cutting area needs the assistance of local allies (comrades).

If compradors are allowed to organize, it is to take advantage of the countryside first. The village community has no property and no help, and the bottom villagers gather a wave of momentum and shed some blood. Then they stand up to ease and stabilize, and take the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits. The so-called big cake.

Then when the benefits are over, these compradors are like pigeons gathered in the square for feeding, and they will fly away when the food is exhausted. Find the next scatter spot to gather.

[Wei Keng often emphasizes the appearance of a middle-aged man, and mixes into the crowd. In fact, I am wary of being labeled, then classified into small categories, and finally harvested by eloquent organizers. Such people usually first assume (drawing cakes): what results can be produced. Based on this order, people were driven to charge. 】


Wei Keng stood from Xiaomin's point of view: Either he didn't join a small group to gather crowds to make trouble, because if he went, he would have no other capital to speak well, and most of them would be sold. And if you want to participate, you only participate in big organizations and big events.

Therefore, the unified logging area is the core of the core work in the coastal area, ensuring the purity of its own ideas and teams, and using this as a standard to identify and train comrades locally.

In the current unified cutting area, the issue of who is the enemy and who is the friend is more serious, and the strategy is not inaccurate.

1: After determining the big boundary of "Chinese and non-Chinese lies in cultural identity", there is no Fujian force, no Cantonese force, and no other forces in the unified cutting area, only Yanhuang. ——As long as you think it is Yanhuang, you can cooperate in a simple way on the standpoint of control.

2: After determining the boundary of "human and non-human, it lies in the driving force of the self for labor and creation", there are no first-class purebred genes, second-class light genetic pollution regulators, and third-class heavy gene regulators in the social hierarchy... It's all rebooted people. ——As long as you think you are a human being, you can work together and distribute the rewards fairly.

Therefore, after the cleaning work in the Qiantang Port area was completed, some local youths settled their remuneration from the unified logging area, and at the same time gained considerable work skills, their thinking and mentality changed.

It's not like the local upper-class nobles yy, the local government has harvested a batch of cheap labor trained by the unified army.

Someone who is a villain wants to tell these high-ranking officials that the world has changed, how can the rotten sword of the previous dynasty stir the flames of today.


In the 156th year of the Pandora calendar, when the so-called upper-level plots of Long Mengfei and Su Lingshuang were in short supply, many vibrant small theaters took place in the middle and lower levels of the city-state.

Small scene in Shaocheng: After returning home, Wang Xiaolong, who was working and studying along the coast, was called by the nearby security chief to protect the mechanical beast for the trainer master. This Wang Xiaolong immediately cursed inwardly, "You are a bird".

That's right, the chief security officer recommended by the clan considers the protection of the mechanical beasts to be a natural obligation of the city residents.

That is to say, "Master let you work because he appreciates you.

If you dare to negotiate salary before working, the young man has the ability but no EQ, and the road will be narrowed. "

Most of the middle and lower classes will not confront them in person, but they will gradually become less "simple" and "easy to handle" in front of the gentlemen.

After Wang Xiaolong finished repairing the mechanical beast, the trainer didn't even give a compliment, and Xiao Wang was sent home by the security chief.

And because of this, Xiaolong felt that there was no future in his hometown, so he packed his luggage and set foot on the road away from home.

In the eyes of the villagers, Wang Xiaochong is going to venture into the big city.

It's just that they don't know that Wang Xiaolong's future steps are far beyond their vision.


Pandora's 156 years, under the constant insistence on being right.

With a whiz, the progressive forces in the coastal areas began to connect together like lightning, and then started a prairie fire. Under the leadership of Hengyang, they established an organizational center in Yishui City, and with the help of the sea communication line completed in the unified logging area, they began to break through the connection between city-states and mobilize the middle and lower levels extensively.


Helping the backward is by no means an act of promulgating a policy, letting go of supervision, and providing academic funding for overseas students.

The reason why the backward areas are backward is not only external exploitation, but also the dominance of backward thinking.

Letting go of supervision means letting go of vigilance against backwardness.

For example, in a certain ancient history: a certain health official, without on-the-spot investigations on external "bad customs" and without any data to prove it, relaxed the entry control of AIDS, showed an open attitude, and caused the growth rate to skyrocket Soaring, leaving behind a thousand years of stink.

For example, in modern times, when some colleges and universities provided funds for scholars sent from outside, they did not consider the social structure of backward areas at all. It was easier for rentiers to get places than those who were in desperate need of advancement.

So is it funding great people or rubbish? A group of experts evaded: the risk cannot be guaranteed. There is no tendency to investigate.

These so-called international experts may spend more time speculating in their own stocks than formulating policies.


In the world of Pandora, the power that yearns for progress exists.

Although these city-state forces in the Yangtze River and Yellow River basins may have been separated for only a hundred years, the concept of nationality is still there. Compared with racial identity, there are differences. I don’t know where it is better.

However, Wei Keng is still very, very cautious in formulating the "Aid Policy within the Jurisdiction".

The idea is to talk about pure ideas, don't worry about money, and the assignment of cadres. (The cadres dispatched abroad will be promoted after returning)

When doing things, even if you have a clean account, you have to make every penny clear. It's not that I can't afford to lose that penny, but that I can't cooperate with "unprincipled" people.


The middle and lower revolutionary forces formed in the Yishui area are immature, pursuing progress and capable of self-correction.

In 158, with the help of the factory industry aided by the unified logging area, and under the guidance of the dispatched cadres from Hengyang, they completed the financial balance of their own organization and made a very transparent bill!

And these bills let the logging area confirm that it can provide further assistance.

Oh, when the aid turned into income, Wei Keng immediately changed the name of Hengyang's capital expenditure in the past few years from "aid" to "investment".

This kind of change seems a bit redundant in Yishui, but Wei Keng insists on equality within the organization. They are all comrades, not that big brother.


When Yishui, a progressive force, further expanded its organization to absorb investment from the unified logging area, on the other hand it reduced the cooperation between the commercial capital of the unified logging area and the comprador level in the area.

The contradiction between the new forces and the old compradors has already emerged, and the shortest period is a few years, and the longest period is ten years. Even if the commanding area does not intervene, there will inevitably be a decisive battle between the two sides. .

That is to say, in 155, the treaty signed between the unified cutting area and Jianye seems to have given the high-level officials of Jianye a huge advantage, but the pit for burying them has already been dug. Master Wei even wrote the epitaph in advance, and everything went according to the script.


The words are divided into two ends,

During the period of 156 years, Hengyang directly issued work orders to the Yishui organization: go deep into the ruled areas of each city-state, and rescue the genetic polluters as much as possible.

Since 156, Dayuan Island has resumed the reception of genetic polluters. On the island, the Yishui organization also began to rotate more than a thousand cadres every quarter, responsible for recording the status of the adjusters.

Wang Xiaolong landed on the island in June 156. He landed on the island purely because he felt that there were a lot of people with the same face, and the work was quite friendly.

It was originally supposed to be rotated in three months, but he still hadn't rotated in March 157.

On this island, he saw with his own eyes how the unsightly genetic polluters re-corrected their bones during surgery, and then learned to walk with mechanical assistance devices, re-proficient in tying shoes by hand, washing dishes, washing clothes, Then operate the joystick to control the aircraft.

In the end, those who successfully adjusted removed the facial aids, and were taken away from the island by other instructors (not Wei Keng) sent by the organization to start a new work life, and sent back handwritten letters every month.

Wang Xiaolong wrote in his memoirs: "Here I saw great things going on quietly."

However, just when he wanted to stay here, the organization concluded his work at this stage.

In the three-story archives building covering an area of ​​one hundred acres. Wei Keng, who is also in charge of personnel management, waited for him to arrive and gave him the file.

Wei Keng solemnly announced: "Comrade Wang Xiaolong, your working hours in Dayuan Island are full, and your work is excellent."

Wang Xiaolong, no, it is Wang Xiaolong in the file now: "Section Chief, I want to apply for the fourth term."

Wei Keng looked at him: "In terms of organizational arrangements, you can only stay for three periods at most."

Wang Xiaolong took his file and promotion label, took a deep breath and said, "Chief Wei, have you stayed here?"

Wei Keng: "Yes, I applied to settle here, and I can stay here for a long time."

What did Wang Xiaolong want to say,

Wei Keng interrupted: "I am in the Pandora field, and I can grow naturally. You can't, you have to marry a girl. This place can't arrange conditions for you to follow up in life and work. Go outside, the world needs you."


In Wei Keng's eyes, Wang Xiaolong is a qualified cadre.

Be serious and be patient.

But further growth is needed.

The people arranged here by the Yishui side all recognized the importance of the work of "regenerating the genetic polluters".

The fringe area of ​​Dayuan Island wants to become important, that is, to become the link that determines promotion.

Wei Keng’s reply to the unified logging area: “The comrades who accompany me to adjust the genetic polluters on Dayuan Island and have my “recognition of their work ability” must be promoted in the organization. I don’t need to arrange other manpower and material resources here. Yes, I need policies here!"


On the morning of March 25, in front of the pier, Wang Xiaolong left, following a new batch of gene regulators.

Looking back to the east, he couldn't help humming, the song on Dayuan Island: "Our troops are facing the sun."

As he hummed, the successful gene regulators on board, after watching him for a few seconds, followed suit, singing along in a chorus.

A few kilometers away, Wei Keng, who was operating in front of the pier, felt the singing from the distant sea ship through the life frequency band. There was a moment of silence.

Here, many idle individuals in the Wei Keng group looked at the sky and said silently: "Yes, we are facing the sun."


Two months after Wang Xiaolong left, Wei Keng started operations on the Eastern Peninsula on Dayuan Island.

After gradually completing the ecological replacement in the mountains, it is time to launch an attack on the sulfur iron basalt in the Pacific Ocean.

During the time when the two sides were in contact with each other, while Master Wei was busy with his own work, he discovered that the sulfur iron basalt was not idle, and began to evolve terrestrial species.


The thickness of the oceanic plate is thinner than that of the land plate, and energy is usually erupted in the cracks. Humans use this energy through geothermal power plants, but in the past, few species have effectively used it in the ecological world.

The scaly-horned gastroped snail, before the Pandora field came, was a creature in a marginal area, and the environment it was in was very quiet.

In human society, when a region's external information exchange is cut off, a single environment will lead to a single thinking.

The same is true for species. A single environment will make the evolution of species fall into a dead silence. In the past, the deep sea was such an environment. All the species that have retreated to the deep sea are going extinct after raising the diversity of species in the world into the only middle finger.

But the Pandora field has changed all of this, the external biological gene activity information is transmitted to the deep sea, so that there is potential for diversity among the dead deep sea species.

This originally endangered species quickly evolved its own mollusk family towards the metal punk model after genetically intersecting with other species of its own mollusk family.

The iron shell snail soon began to grow in size, and began structural transformation. Functional cavities appeared in the metal shell, and some of the cavities began to be batteries, allowing it to jet maneuver after accumulating energy on the seabed.

But now after landing on land, Wei Keng discovered that he had evolved something quite interesting.

They may be the only creatures that have evolved a wheel structure, with tentacles protruding from a wheel-shaped horny shell, and the flesh inside the wheel is essentially separated from the axle! Through the hydraulic effect of inhalation and exhalation, the wheel meat tissue creates a driving force between the wheel and the shaft, allowing the wheel to rotate on the shaft.

Wei Keng dissected its development process, and found that the wheels and shafts were glued together in the early stages of development, but suddenly broke off after maturity, forming a tissue that communicates with each other.

Wei Keng's record: "Although the wheels and shafts are not supported by nerve chains, they rely on electrical frequency band signals to control the speed of the wheels. The temperature and pH of the liquid secreted by the wheels make the body tissue feel the fatigue of the wheels."

As for the suspension, it's a hydraulic suspension of muscle and body fluids. Although there are bumps in the process of exercising, it can still charge from a large slope.


Speaking of which, Master Wei doesn't want to destroy this thing anymore, and is considering whether to get a branch, suppress the synthesis of its key protein, and let it be a cow and a horse.

Of course, I did calculations later, and the current evolution is still not as efficient as the bearing gears in my own machinery factory, so I gave up.

The sulfur iron basalt that just came up from the sea seems to be conscious.

When Wei Keng discovered that he was paving the road, this thing was also paving the road, to be precise, it piled up calcium substances on the flat ground.

From a high altitude, these stacked calcareous objects look like white trails left by snails after crawling.

After the sulfur-iron basalt colony landed on the mountains, the radiated genes changed the vegetation in the area into purple trees in large numbers. Good guy, the test found that this is not using chlorophyll for photosynthesis at all!


Now Master Wei's motive for attacking the Eastern Peninsula is not the threat of sulfur, iron and basalt,

But when the unified logging area was carrying out technical assistance with the coastal areas, there was a shortage of chemical raw materials. Among the three acids and two alkalis, the production of sulfuric acid requires natural sulfur, or pyrite.

this? The sulfur-iron basalt community crawling out of the trench and the ecosystem built on the eastern peninsula are very valuable for mining after investigation.

so! The spring of 157 came, and Master Wei's military operations began.

Dozens of large trucks drove into the ecological area of ​​sulfur iron basalt, and after the bombing ended, they specially found dozens of bioaccumulation sites for transportation. After shipment, it is transported back to the traffic station.

Then it is shipped to the chemical plant in Qiantang Bay for refining.

From then on, the endless war between Master Wei and Sulfur Iron Xuanwu began. How long this can last depends on how rich the sulfur iron basalt is.

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