Out of the cage

Chapter 261 Chapter 7.43 Demand ~ War

After 3599, all walks of life in the Northern Territory are conducting vigorous assessment operations.

All applications for mechanical driving and modern materials need to be assessed before they can receive a qualification certificate and proceed with the certificate. ——Ten years ago, the era of using public welfare to freely test drive various machines no longer exists. Especially the will-o'-the-wisp teenagers back then, who now must have a driver's license.

For such an era, some old people (Robin) of United Industries, they are very sorry.

This can refer to the end of the ancient times in the main world. When online speech behavior was controlled by regulations, many old people began to miss the grand occasion of being a free troll and forming a navy.

However, this kind of detailed assessment of the joint industry has penetrated into the details of governance and established a public code of conduct that all parties are willing to abide by. The initial investment has been increased, but the social expenditure on related accidents has been effectively reduced.

This is the embodiment of the unprecedented power of the order system.

When all the machines are used by qualified examiners, it actually means that all the people in the whole society who come into contact with the machines have paid enough energy to understand them. Mechanical obsolescence and failure are regarded as objective phenomena, and negative spiritual energy such as ignorance and fear will not be accumulated, and naturally there is no need for additional religious systems to consecrate.

As for the rebirth of the "deceitful machine", it could only be the mental pollution caused by intentional murder.

"Science" failed, and "industry" began to fill in the gaps.


Of course, the Northern Territory used the "assessment reform" to solve its own problems, and it was by no means responsible for its own fault that the Old Kingdom firmly refused to admit.

Of course, there are many guys in the Northern Industrial Territory who took advantage of the "modest and prudent" atmosphere in the territory and began to take the initiative to admit mistakes to Iger on behalf of "Industry".

Of course, since these guys like to be modest, Master Wei will be humble to the end for him. Firefighting, environmental protection, and many departments have checked whether his family's industry complies with safety regulations. Right, check the economic entities he is associated with, and don’t engage in welfare fertilizers and insect repellents provided by industrial leaders at low prices.

Wicked Wei Keng: Oh, it was only at this time that Jingu Gongzhi suddenly claimed to apologize for the worsening of the world on behalf of his own people. And in this plane, only order and evil would intentionally mix into it and pretend to be a 'Holy Mother whore'.


In 3599, in the words of the joint industry, with the development of the times, the strange machines caused by spiritual pollution will become a common problem encountered by all countries in the world, and all parties should take responsibility.

However, under the high-sounding words, it is a sharp complaint from the people: the old forces will blame the problem on the rapid progress of the new forces, leading to rapid changes in the times.

The old forces will say: We are following God's will, so there is nothing wrong, so there is no problem that needs us to correct. It is the change of the times, not obeying the leadership of the righteous order.

But this time, the new forces have no appetite for debate.

Wei Keng: When I have solved the problems of the new era one by one here, then it is not a problem of the new era, but a problem of the old era.


On Fengfu Continent, the order side is changing. Although the god-level powers did not directly jump out to fight each other, they also competed through the air through their respective "agents".

Science, industry, and machinery do not want to be attached to the concepts of the old gods, but to establish their own concepts and become powerful gods.

The old gods were not entirely against it. But if the new gods cannot prove that their ideas are correct, they will not easily give up maintaining the old order.


In the year 3602 of the Fengfu calendar, three years have passed since the great rebellion in the south.

In 3599, the conflict between the north and the south in Aiger emerged, and two years had passed since the northern industrial territory was "forced" to carry out reforms, but all this did not satisfy King Aiger.

Due to the assessment of the Industrial Party, the formal channels for exporting machinery to the south were tightened, resulting in a large-scale flood of smuggling. However, the smuggled machinery fell into the hands of farmers and handicraftsmen in the south. Due to the prevalence of irregular operations, more "crafty machinery" appeared instead.

[This is like the Prohibition Law in the history of the United States in the main world, which instead allowed the flood of bootleg alcohol, which in turn caused more accidents. 】

The predecessors of these tricky machines were all smuggling channels, and there was no formal manufacturer's maintenance channel, so small problems were often tolerated, and finally accumulated into big problems, they were dragged to the groves and abandoned.

In the end, these strange machines were found by Iger's mysterious academics, and after intensive biological fusion, they became "evil machines".

The rebellion within Eiger broke out once again. This time, although the scale was not as large as that in the south, and they were all scattered, they all happened in the core ruled area of ​​Aiger, and cases of illegally piled up treacherous machines being used by evil warlocks were found even near the capital.


On May 3, something that shocked the entire capital of Aiger happened.

At a site 60 kilometers away from the capital, a group of evil warlocks found an abandoned machinery factory, and used the slaves they bought to sacrifice thousands of people, allowing the six strange machines to be fused with flesh, bones, teeth, and fur. .

But this evil fluctuation also alarmed the priests in the capital, and immediately sent out paladins to crusade. However, the strange state of the scene made even the most seasoned paladin feel troubled.

One of the boilers with oxidized spots showed two round holes, one large and one small, and a crack, like a smiling face. It rushed towards the paladins with metal steps, and sent people into the boiler entrance with a sweep of its mechanical arm. It's like eating dumplings.

And another lathe mechanical beast, entangled in flesh and blood, easily smashed several people to death, and the mechanical gears chewed up the victims like teeth.

In the end, the Griffin Corps on duty in the Royal Capital arrived and poured down enough holy water, which rusted and dulled the runaway tricky machines.

But even so, among the six treacherous machines, only two were dismantled into parts by the angry paladins. The other four were under the control of the sorcerers, dived into the mud of the river bed, and disappeared.

After this incident, the capital was shaken, and the voice of "demanding that large machinery be completely banned within a hundred kilometers of the capital" was heard endlessly.

The values ​​​​of Prince Egger Xingche Danny have also changed.

What was originally a helpless sigh of "uncontrollable industrial machinery" has become a desire to "weaken, suppress, and ban".


The white flying birds of the Royal Palace were looking for food on the lawn, but as the strange footsteps walked in, these flying birds jumped out of the way.

In the military decision-making room, Caesar placed today's paperwork aside and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses.

She used to be like a man, but after she gave birth, she grew her long hair and gradually gained the charm of a mature woman. ——As the old king grew older, she and the other two sisters gradually became the holders of the central authority of the empire.

Now, her son came in with a heavy heart, and Cizeya already knew the reason for him. After tidying up the desk, she stared at her son.

In front of his mother, Danny hesitated again and again, but he still decided to start the topic: "Mother, is grandpa still in good health?"

Caesar smiled, and her smile complemented the white string of pearls on her chest. Caesar: "His Majesty the King has recently become fond of hunting. He also asked me how you are doing recently."

After receiving such a response from the mother,

Danny then spoke his mind.


After a few minutes,


After listening to it, Caesar looked at her son and asked, "Do you really just want to meet your uncle (Carret)?"

When there is a conflict between the center and the local government, as the center, the operation of trying to suddenly recall the real power lord who is outside to the capital is in the eyes of experienced politicians: the method is too immature.

Danny nodded.

However, Caesar looked at her with a penetrating gaze.

Danny added: "Uncle Carret is a descendant of Xingche, so he should fulfill part of the responsibility for the kingdom."

Caesar looked at the child and asked, "You think so, but do you know what your uncle thinks?"

After Danny paused, he said: "I heard that when I was young, my uncle cared about me very much, but since I was confirmed as the heir..." He stopped at this point.

Caesar shook her head, she knew that these words were instilled in his ears by the nobles of the kingdom.

Caesar: "Before you were determined to be the heir, Carret had a chance to be chosen as the heir when he was the only male of the Aiger royal family for a long time, but ~ your uncle chose to stay in the north, and in Before you were born, you showed Arcane's intention to pursue higher than the throne."

It was the first time Danny heard his mother say that, and other nobles in the capital did not describe Carret in this way before.

Xi Zeya continued: "In the year 3579 of the Fengfu calendar, there was a crisis in the Xinghui Peninsula, and Carret led the army to defeat the Haizu. The imperial army I led at that time arrived after he resolved the war. At that time, I understood that he was an arcanist and didn't want to be bound by the Xingche family. And when talking about the right of inheritance,—do you know what his attitude is?"

Danny asked with confused eyes.

Caesar sighed, and explained: "He has the attitude of a businessman, and the right of inheritance is dispensable to him. I just don't want to give up for no reason, and want to exchange something with the empire."


Caesar took out the contract signed with Carret that year, which contained a large number of regulations that were beneficial to the capital.

It is also now that the young faction of the king's capital mistakenly believe that it is a treaty that the Northern Industrial Territory surrendered.

The saying of "Northern surrender" was sung by bards in the royal capital after the war of the Sea Clan and the return of the Knights, but this is not the case!

Now, the knights in the royal capital believe that when they sent troops back then, they made a responsibility to protect the vassals of the Northern Territory, and felt that today's 'protection fee' should have increased.

But this is fundamentally wrong.


Princess Caesarya knew how her son and the nobles in the entire royal capital felt about the Northern Territory.

These young political forces want the Northern Territory to bear the part of the increase in military expenditure due to the inevitable growth of the empire's military power. He also believes that "it is the king's capital that protects the north, so that the north has the opportunity to develop to where it is today."

Princess Caesar, who knows the reality, does not want her son to be held hostage by the nobles of the empire. In particular, the North cannot be forced by military force.

Because she knew that her cousin possessed an elite combat power no less than that of the King's Capital Knights twenty years ago.

Over the past few decades, Carret, as an excellent lord, has managed the north in an orderly manner.

Dozens of combat teams have also maintained standing training. The military strength of the capital was weaker than that of the north before the rebellion. As for now, it is unimaginable.


It was the first time for Danny to hear such information. Before that, the attendants around him had never said such a thing.

After defeating the strange machine three years ago, he has a certain experience in the combat effectiveness of mechanical units.

Moreover, in the narration of the Arcane Master of the Capital of Egg, the treacherous machines are more terrifying than the war machines operated by humans because of their characteristics of not being afraid of death.

Oh, Prince Danny's cognition is based on the fact that Iger's old forces are illiterate.

Under the governance of the Northern Industrial Party, all ordinary members of the regular army regiments are mechanics who can operate the three-ring rune.

The rank of captain is a knight who drives a mechanical motorcycle and holds a mechanical spear that can shoot ten meters. Their mastery of runes is level four. Even if it is a weird machine that encounters slight mental pollution, it can determine the "weird vital position" and load some rune parts to control it.

The school level is the fifth and sixth rings, and the directly responsible persons of all kinds of large-scale armed forces are at this level.

As for the higher ones, they are mechanical generals, who are the controllers of mechanical runes above seven rings.

The mechanical generals control a whole mechanical armored force, and the combat machines under the command of the generals are the difference between a real combat weapon and a dung fork compared to a cunning machine.

Under the current management of Northern Industries, the military has thirty-four mechanical generals. That is to say, there are 34 mechanical regiments on the establishment.


Educated people in the main world in ancient times understand the role of technology in the age of war.

But the warriors of the Old Kingdom did not understand what the advancement of "science and industry" meant.

The aristocrats of the royal capital’s understanding of the country’s combat power is still limited to "knights, great knights, sky knights", "arcane apprentices, junior arcane masters, intermediate arcanist masters, and advanced arcanist masters"...the number of these old age power levels superior.

Understand it this way: Before the first British-Qing war, the Qing Dynasty, which had a vast land and abundant resources and a population of over 100 million, did not know how big the gap in technology had been between generations. It felt that firearms were all firearms, and cavalry was just the number of horses and bows and arrows. It is only after being beaten up that one understands the effect of one level of poor technology.

In short, before the power of science and technology shines, the self-confidence of the old era is so fascinating!


After Danny came out from the Central Military Intelligence Office, the followers around him were holding thick documents.

At a time when papermaking in the north had turned books into cheap products, the Secretariat of the Kingdom of Aiger still used regular parchment for official records.

Danny took a book and kept flipping through the materials, which came from the analysis of northern military intelligence. His expression was serious, but not shocked.

It's not that he "doesn't panic", but that he thinks the description above is too unbelievable and has doubts about its credibility.

Although Danny believed that his mother would not lie to him, he felt that his mother might exaggerate because she did not want conflicts within the Xingche family in the kingdom.

And when he was praying to the gods, he felt that in his destiny, he was destined to have a relationship with his uncle in the north.


A month later, in the Northern Territory.

In the industrial planning central hall, before the round table, members of the "Industrial Executive Team" started the latest meeting under the chairmanship of No. 1 Wei Keng.

Most of these participants are "Mechanical Rune Arcanists" who have grown up in the industrial area, and there are a total of fifty-four people present.

Before the meeting started, facing the "Industrial Badge" on the round table, everyone stretched out their hands and handed them alternately to the left and right, holding the wrists of their companions, and at the same time letting their own wrists be held by their companions. After the ceremony, everyone turned on the projection.

The projection is the latest decision made by King Aiger on the Northern Territory.

First: Demand an increase in machinery taxes on the Northern Industrial Territories. Second: The kingdom's taxation must supervise the production chains of eight industrial cities in the northern industrial territory, including Xiangeling.

If such nonsensical demands were made public in newspapers in the Northern Territory, they would definitely be ridiculed and abused by all classes.

But in the industrial planning center, everyone seems to be used to the "ignorance and arrogance" of the capital.

Everyone looked at each other and agreed with a judgment: "Over there in the capital, maybe this time they really want to provoke a conflict."

All the attendees looked at their lord Carret.

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