Out of the cage

Chapter 277 Chapter 8.04 Today, what generation does the human heart go to?

Back then, Wei Keng broke up his clan to promote fairness in governing the world.

But the prestige left by the individual is too great. After the restoration of the emperor, the ruling class advocated the virtuous system (Nine Ranks Zhongzheng) in order to ensure the legitimacy of the world.

In Shenzhou after Xialian, each department of the Wei family has no industry, but tutoring is also an invisible inheritance. When a person of a certain department of the Wei family worked patiently in the ups and downs of the great era, and reached a certain position, he was passive. Inherited the political legacy left by Wei Keng and rebuilt the family.

This seems to be the top three before the Franco-Prussian War, but it is actually a passive enfeoffment.


For such things, Wei Keng has no such evaluation as "unworthy descendants".

This is the factor of the times. Just like being in a bureaucratic structure with collective corruption, if you don't take money, you will die! As a famous family in the past, the Wei family was still the one who caused troubles for the dynasty. If they did not accept enfeoffment when the empire was restored, they would be waiting to be the target of being established!

In the modernization reforms, the imperial system in the East is too big to lose. In addition, the great achievements of the Age of Discovery are too great, which adds a sacred buff to these 'traditions'.

Wei Keng: I, a time traveler, could not be eradicated in the last reform. You can only fight within your own generation, and try your best to pull the divinity of the emperor down from the mortal world. How could people have the guts to make such a mistake later on?

According to the spiral of history, a big step forward is always a small step backward.

As for the last crossing, why didn't it do better? Conditions do not allow. One generation can only do the work of one generation, plan the goals that two or three generations need to achieve, and leave room for reversal after five generations.

Last time, Wei Keng's vision was too far ahead. He pushed to the end and couldn't find the "intermediate and lower-level successor". As an individual, of course, you can go further, but you will create a new authority!

It was the prestige at that time that the Wei family could be rebuilt. If the prestige of Wei Keng had been higher at that time, it might not have been the Guan family who had been restored, but a little kid from the Wei family who had come to be the last dynasty.

Now, two or three generations have passed since the last time.

Relying on the residual prestige and forcibly restoring the emperor's system, it is gradually consuming the remaining authority.

The people in Shenzhou still follow the system of the Son of Heaven, because they have not yet found a replacement, and they don’t know how "there is no king in Xia, how can it beat the monotheistic religion of Yi and Di", and reluctantly acquiesce that the Son of Heaven can still represent the legal order of Shenzhou.


"Struggle" cannot be tolerated, but the investigation work before the reform cannot be panicked.

At the Antarctic Crane Station, Wei Keng was chewing potato chips. In the eyes of those big figures in the Shenzhou plane, he couldn't see the majestic strategy of radically promoting change back then.

Master Wei is so leisurely and leisurely that the guards feel that it is a big deal to go to the Antarctic to monitor him so seriously.

And behind this,

Wei Keng said with emotion: Without understanding the people's livelihood, people's sentiments, and basic international conditions in this world. Fallacies who talk about "salt and reform" are often not really seeking innovation, but seeking power under the banner of seeking innovation.

Master Wei has now opened the materials of the ancient times in the main world, and made a list of changes in "Minsi".


Social change, how can it be so easy! Behind every change requires a consensus formed by a generation to advance.

Since the end of the Second World War in the main world, Eastern society has changed and people's minds have changed the fastest in the world. But even if counting from 49 years later, "Xiaoxiao Rooster" has experienced at least seven or eight waves before barely completing the industrial society dominated by the primary society Datong.

Each wave of changes in people's thinking has a distinctive feature. Each wave is a generation's contempt for the "narrow" thinking of the previous generation, and when facing the people's thinking of the next generation, it also stubbornly believes that it is "less educated, young ".

For example, the reconstruction of the new order, 1.9K The people's thinking in the 1950s was mainly "fate according to the country".

Having just come out of the war-ravaged and devastated period, that generation saw a chance to stand up from the oppression of the past, as if they saw straws. Facing external powers, unite in the stickiness of being barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. ——All the sayings like "the highest friendship" have been swept back by the bursting public opinion of this generation.

From the 1960s to the 1970s, "Send hope for the country".

The war has been far away for a generation, and people don't need to face the desperate situation of darkness and despair decades ago. Although there are pains such as natural disasters, the basic technology of this period has also been fully developed, and nuclear weapons and satellites are in the hands one after another. Everyone believes that the Congress will become better, and the future will definitely be more hopeful. But in optimism, there is a lack of vigilance against bureaucratic breeding, while ignoring the new shocks that will come from major changes in technology in the outside world.

The next generation, however, is "in conflict with the country".

Since the war has been far away for forty years, the advanced countries have digested the military technology in the last war and promoted the technological innovation chain to transform cutting-edge knowledge into practical applications, thereby bearing huge economic fruits. Under the economic advantages, the propaganda of the first-mover countries began to exert force! This generation of young people, after suddenly seeing the new life of the development of information technology in the outside world, was stunned and questioned the so-called "advanced road" of the previous generation. Therefore, people's thinking in this period believed that personal failure was due to the country's too much restraint. This is a generation that takes a lot of hearsay concepts from the outside world as suggestions without research, and thinks it is the minority who dare to tell the truth. Began to despise the stupidity of the previous generation, and scolded the next generation for being "innocent pink".

Immediately following the arrival of the 2K era, the people of this generation think of "prosperity with the country". This is a bit similar to "We hope for the country", but it is fundamentally different.

Unlike the previous generation who were obsessed with "criticism", this generation of young people is the strongest wave of baby boomers in East Asia in modern times, and it is also the most extreme baby boomer. Growing up in the fierce competition for education, he was assigned to all walks of life to experience the difficulties of catching up, and he also witnessed that "criticism is not as good as a weapon of criticism" when "external world powers interfere". I have come to the truth that "no matter how hard it is, we must pursue it. In order not to be beaten, the sacrifice of several generations is worth it".

Compared with "standing up" decades ago, this generation is an important generation that has truly pushed China toward "rejuvenation".

Yet this generation is neglectful at its most adolescent stages. Go forward blindly, ignoring the "resistance" that is growing.

Although the behemoth of the private sector can pull the two chariots of "economy and technology", the nature of "cannibalism" cannot be eliminated. It is too late to recover from the prosperity of online consumption and virtual economy.

So there was a conflict with the next generation of people's thinking.

In the 2K era, the characteristics of people's thinking in the 1920s and 1930s were "the country and the country have different paths?" '

This word with a question mark seems to be somewhat similar to "conflict with the country", but it is still different.

Conflict with the country is to try to find the country, not to deny it. Because I have suspicions in my heart!

The country and the country have different paths. This is amidst a large number of contradictions. Are you trying to determine which side is responsible?

This generation of young people has to admit that the first-class companies supported by their own business and private companies play a huge role in industrial competition with the outside world. However, he found that he was a victim of this. ——"Could it be that shark's fin and bear's paw cannot have both in one's own development and life to compete with the big picture?"

This is a confused era.

2K At the end of the 1950s, "China and I share the same destiny".

At this time, the world situation is turbulent, and at the same time, the economic statistics of major countries are becoming more and more accurate. The role of the market as an equivalent of economic activities has the possibility of being replaced.

Decades ago, what financiers emphasized: "You can invest your own money as you want." It has evolved with the times and has been proved to be a false theory. ——If the people agree with you, you will be able to make money. If the people don’t agree, go and cool off.

All economic entities in the world have blocked the outflow of capital reputation, that is, the first-mover countries no longer follow the market rules to transfer technology abroad, and the local policies of the East have been adjusted, and assets related to the safety of the industrial chain are no longer allowed to be acquired by outsiders.

At this time, whoever dares to invest internationally will be harvested by the shameless "virtual digital economy".

The raw material exporting countries at the lower level of globalization must embrace the thighs of big countries to ensure that they will not be subverted. All trades have become direct settlements dominated by major camps. The capital that cannot escape in East Asia can only be pulled out in the face of domestic social will.

The world smells like war is coming! ——Although new energy sources have been developed, reactors have started to restart one by one, and the production of weapons-grade fissile materials has begun to accelerate.


Going back to the plane of Shenzhou, where a certain "troublemaker" returns, history is about to proliferate exponentially, and there will be all of the above.

In the Crane Station, Mr. Wei's strange behaviors became more and more frequent.

In the confinement room, Wei Keng, who is speculating about the world with the most malicious attitude, is walking on his head while following the robot vacuum cleaner with a straw in his mouth

At this time, there is a drink on the body of the sweeping robot, and the straw must keep up to suck the drink. This damn robot was imagined by Master Wei as the evil Chinese ruling group.

Wei Keng bit his straw and thought: "In this era, what level has the development of people's thinking in China reached?"——At a certain stage, we must prescribe the right medicine for this stage.


At the same time, Xijing.

In the ancestral hall of the Wei family, a powerful man who looks young and promising is looking at the site information of the Antarctic Crane Station that is now open. He just took a sip of tea, and after seeing the situation in the observation room over there, he spouted water, which was warmly reminded by the intelligent housekeeper system in the room, "Do not pollute the operating platform."

Wei Qiong, forty-five years old this year, is the leader of the Industrial Development Party and the eighth head of the Wei Clan. The first generation is Wei Keng's father, the second generation Wei Qiang, the third generation Wei Keng, and then the fourth generation——

At the same time, the fourth head of the family, Wei Jueming (the son of Wei Zhong), rebuilt the Wei family.

Speaking of Wei Jueming's generation, in fact, at that time when the emperor was exiled, the Wei family also suppressed several treasures just like the Zhuge family back then, so Wei Jueming was the right one.

When Emperor Guan Shiyuan decided to fight against the outside world, the Wei family was reused and assigned to be in charge of industrial affairs.

This is actually a dirty job, but Wei Jueming has worked hard for decades, and it can be regarded as a good recovery of Luoshui's industry. At least it did not make the products of Suhu Liangong, Fenghou Group, and Jibei Machinery Group irreplaceable. (At present, the world is in a state of technological stagnation, all under the rule of Shenzhou culture, and there is not much difference in the level of traditional industrial fields among various family groups.)


Of course, judging from the information of the main world, although it cannot be denied that Wei Jueming is talented, he is by no means the most talented. In fact, it was Guan Shiyuan who gave Wei Jueming a chance to turn into a dragon.

In Master Wei's opinion: the last time he burped, his cubs were considered well-raised and basically grown up, but if you say they are "big talents", it is really flattering them. In this troubled world, how many talents with the same scientific talent as them in their youth have been buried. The distribution tendency of the top buildings in China has handed over accomplished researchers to talents from aristocratic families.

The inequity of channels and opportunities will smooth the belief of sweating and working hard for the aspirants in the world.

This is an element that the generation of "prosperity with the country" failed to notice. During the "young period", they were fooled into believing that hard work would be rewarded, and ignoring "reward" was based on fairness.

Master Wei doesn't know if the same is true for contemporary Shenzhou Minsi.

Anyway, during the last time travel, the common people had formed a family of scholars, so they failed to effectively form vigilance, and felt that it was normal to have a "scholarly family".


Wei Keng's state is being played in front of Wei Qiong through dozens of interfaces.

Wei Qiong really wanted to be more serious, but this "regenerated body" was really, really out of shape.

Xuanfeng in the study looked at the person drinking water upside down in Wei Qiong's interface, and then at the master who was watching intently, and seemed to be caught in Tori's suspicion.

Then the silly bird was also led astray. It first stepped on the pole and tried to eat upside down in the cage.

It turned out that it was obviously not good at learning, and it hit the bottom of the cage with a "plop", shaking the small porcelain cup in the cage tray out of the cage, and fell to the ground, spilling yellow millet all over the floor.

Wei Qiong turned around helplessly, picked up the love bird to check it, and let it out of the window.

"Maybe it's been closed for a long time." Wei Qiong gave such an explanation for Wei Keng's various "strange" behaviors now.

Qin Xiaohan and Bai Linglu were no strangers to observing Wei Keng as well.

Wei Qiong began to look through a series of super power data after the recovery of the "regenerated body", especially the performance of sudden awakening when encountering an unknown invasion from the outside world.

Wei Qiong confirmed that the operation to awaken the "regenerated body" was successful.

When Xianhe Station resuscitated Wei Keng's life body, if there were "mental instability uncontrollable" or "body necrosis" and other situations, there was a remedial plan.

In the backup plan, the experimental department prepared prosthetic limbs and organs to ensure the integrity of the overall body functions, as well as quantum intelligent thinking tools for better physiological control.

Wei Qiong leaned on the mahogany armchair, rubbed his temples, and ended the last page: "Have you lost your memory?"

In Wei Qionghe's report, the last page is "Deficiencies", and on this page there are only blue notices such as "Amnesia", "Inattention" and "Hyperactivity Disorder".

Items such as "homicide" and "self-mutilation" are now greyed out. If there is, it is red.

Wei Qiong picked up the text, which is a "Guarantee Letter". The Guarantee Letter is to ensure that "Wei Keng's reanimated body" will not cause major bad events and will not cause adverse effects.

After Wei Qiong signed his name and sent the "Guarantee Letter" into the scanner, a response from the highest authority in Shenzhou appeared.

The contemporary holy emperor Guan Shiyuan appeared on the interface, and his environment was the command hall in the air palace. This old man has practiced psionic energy (immortal cultivation) intensively in the past few years, and most of his body has energy disorders, and he must rely on machinery to maintain his life.

As for his palace, it is this floating battleship from the last century. The hull length of this battleship is twice that of today's standard floating ship, and the tonnage has reached 160,000 tons after multiple modifications. But because of the advancement of hyperspace energy transmission technology, this battleship can stay in the air forever.

Sheng Tianzi clicked on the report: "Are you sure?"

Wei Qiong: "Yes, Your Majesty."

The Holy Son coughed, his brows eased, and he sighed, "I know, the world is difficult, and you and I must do something to save people's hearts."

The industrial development party led by Wei Qiong, whose support rate in the parliament has been declining year by year, has become the fourth faction. Wei Qiong also had to do something internally to maintain unity.

On the side of the Holy Son of Heaven, the conflict between the northern faction that now occupies the mainstream in the Shenzhou court and the southern Donglin faction is irreconcilable again. This malady existed seventy years ago, and the only time the two factions of the North and the South united was when the Xia Lian was strong. Of course, Xia Lian fell decades later, which made all parties feel sad.

Compared with Xia Lian, who once had excellent governance ability, Sheng Tianzi is an incomparable "headache" for the two parties in the North and the South - narrow perspective and mutual constraints.


Sheng Tianzi also stamped the upper seal on the guarantee letter. This seal-shaped thing is an information storage, and inside is a complex information key.

After being approved by the Holy Son of Heaven, Wei Qiong performed the court ceremony.

After the Son of Heaven finished writing, he seemed to have a warning sign in his heart. He said to Wei Qiong: "Your family's resurrection should be a divine sword in my dynasty. You should guide it more and pay attention! There are some things that should not be rushed .”

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