Out of the cage

Chapter 281 Chapter 8.08 School, World Clan, Splendid and Splendid

In Shenzhou, there are world leaders and sects.

Shifan holds the productivity advantage of technology accumulation, because technology cannot be accomplished by one generation, and needs to be relayed from generation to generation.

However, the selection of "technology users" should still include all kinds of people. Therefore, in China, a society with oriental traditional culture, there have been "sects" specially used to win over elites promoted from poor families.

in the east,

Schools are the inheritance system left over from the classical era.

From the origin of hundreds of schools of thought in the pre-Qin period to the dominance of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty, hermits hid behind mountains and rivers, and the prototype of the mountain gate appeared!

Scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties asked more and more questions. The path on Zhongnan Mountain has not been eliminated.

After the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, the imperial court attached great importance to the hermits of the mountain gate, and even the allusion of "the shortcut to the south" appeared.

Afterwards, the five dynasties and ten kingdoms and the two Song dynasties of the sect grew stronger day by day, and this model was passed down to the Gewu era. As the researchers in China confirmed the objective existence of psychic energy. The sect has become a social organization that gradually monopolizes the development of psionic energy utilization models.


There is actually a huge difference between the contemporary psionic system and the fairy aura recorded in ancient books. All the existing ancient books only record some psychic phenomena in a few words, which are mysterious and mysterious. The modern psionic systems are all developed through nearly a hundred years of "fine hair" progress (microphysics), but the Chinese side attaches great importance to inheritance, and there is no division.

And the development of modern psionic energy is also a trending development based on contemporary technology. "Fa-rectification" and "department" are all set according to contemporary standards.

The two major orthodox Dharmas in Shenzhou are "Hua Shen" and "Zhen Qi" - and because they originated in Kunlun and Huashan respectively, they are divided into Kunlun School and Huashan School.

The existence of the "Hua Shen" system is due to the combat needs of mental power remote control of unmanned troops.

Kunlun was the place where Wei Keng raised his sword back then, and the second generation of psionic commanders who later taught in the Western Regions naturally wanted to give their masters a name of enough style.

Let's talk about "true gas".

According to the testable Taoism scriptures, the ancestors of the Taoist sect have explored the interaction between heaven and man in some innate actions. And it is determined that famous mountains and rivers are good places to practice Taoism. In the impact of specific solar particles, "Mesons" will appear in these magnetic field anomalies, and then they will be breathed out and cultivated by the monks in the East.

And in modern times, dating back to seventy-five years ago,

That is to say, when Ke Feijia invited the ancestors from Zhengyi Sect, and when Luoshui paid for the construction of a psionic research institute for the Taoist priests of Huashan, Wei Qiang was the head of the Wei family: the site selection is of course It is impossible to donate to Longhu Mountain if it is at the door of the house.

So I chose, one of the dojos set down by Kou Qianzhi, the ancestor of Zhengyi Sect, Xiyue Huashan.

During the decades of ups and downs in Huashan Qizong, from Luoshui, to Xijinglian, Xialian, restoration,

After several changes in the government, the true qi inheritance system has not been affected in the supply of resources and personnel, and has always been the leader in the spiritual energy system of Shenzhou. After the restoration of the Guan family, the emperor admired Huashan very much. In addition to enshrining Mount Tai, the Son of Heaven invited the Taoists of Mount Hua to give lectures.

Nowadays, in China, the collateral families of the royal family and the families of military generals will send their children to Huashan for further studies.

However, the real reason why Huashan Qizong is revered as one of the orthodox Dharma is that it originated from the development of the Golden Armor Breaking Army technology in Shenzhou in the past century.

At that time, the "Breaking Army Golden Armor" was eighteen meters tall, holding a huge particle light blade, rushing into the armored cluster for devastating output. Under the complete quantum technology link, one person can break the army.

In other words, after seeing the armored groups of Soviet Russia, whether it is Shenzhou or Shengyang, the entire East is looking for super-heavy machine technology.

When Wei Keng planned the technology tree for the psychic commander, a large number of sensitive "Jiehongzi" components were mass-produced, which even opened the way for the further upgrade of the Pojun Golden Armor.

The Sun scientists across the sea have been unable to improve the performance of the Ghost King Mecha, and can only pursue the pseudo-technology of a larger general and executioner. However, the large robot uses the energy system of the floating battleship, which is expensive, and the actual combat effect is equivalent to a large figure.

Compared with Shengyang's technical route, the army-breaking mecha specially developed for martial arts is developing in another direction. It has not continued to grow larger, and has remained at the level of a large 540-ton unit. The ability to receive electric energy has been strengthened, and it is developing towards a higher end.

After the technology integration after the last World War, in addition to the "Yuan Shen Interlocking" and other cruel black technologies, two key unique skills have been developed.

First: It can take off directly and taxi for tens of kilometers. Of course, the flight altitude does not exceed the near-surface layer (below a height of one hundred meters). This is a reference to the sea deformation fortress in the late rising sun.

"Shengyang's fortress can float in the air and become a 'big head'. Then why can't Shenzhou's "Breaking Army Golden Armor" rush to the deck of the battleships of the Sunny Sons to fight?" said the veteran of the intelligent warfare of the Gyeonggi Research Institute. Super expert Xiao Sheng thought so.

Second: Expand the hyperspace warping field. With an armored force within a range of 30 meters around (probably almost an armored platoon), ignoring the line of defense, they descended directly behind the enemy's rear and blossomed in the center.

The tacticians in China think that the super-time and space technology of Europa in the "Great Food" area is very valuable. After the World War, the Shenzhou family also carried out the technological progress of "I have what I have, and I have what I have not".


Of course, whether it is to operate the anti-gravity field to "fly against the wind", or to keep the internal space field of the mecha in a shattering vacuum, precise control is required.

In the past, the Golden Armor of Breaking the Army was "training the bones and skin outside", colliding with barbarians such as the ghost king, but now it is "training with one breath inside."

The cockpit of a mech is very different from what it was decades ago. The gap is equivalent to the gap between the second-generation jet and the fifth-generation aircraft.


In the era of Wei Keng, the two major laboratories of Hetu and Luoshu completed the physical survey and mapping of "Jiehongzi". Western Economic Union Industry has made a series of progress in the research and development of "Meson sensitive materials".

Although the structure of China has undergone a series of shocks, the research project is still progressing. In 2256, Luoshui Industry made a breakthrough across the ages, creating "Qihai" and "Waidan".

The "Qihai" is a precision device with metal palladium as the carrier and carbon tube as the control network. It is soaked in high-pressure supercritical liquid to allow tritium to penetrate into the interior, forming a controllable continuous output of energy.

Every "hole" inside the Pojun mech, that is, the control node, has such an energy storage structure, and such an energy storage structure is finally integrated into the cockpit.

Compared with "Qihai", "Waidan" is much smaller, and it is a personal portable energy storage structure. The materials are carbon molecules and rare earth microstructures.

The appearance of the first generation of Wai Dan made Huashan faction's efficiency in accumulating true energy dozens of times higher than before.

In the specific artificial magnetic field training cabin (academic name: Dongtian), contemporary warriors can boil their true energy an order of magnitude faster than in the past.

In other words, this allows martial arts practitioners to operate the Great Circle in the traditional way, forming a revolutionary breakthrough.

Today's martial arts practitioners don't rush to gather in the dantian when they are running a big cycle, but store it in their own outer elixir first.

After the outer elixir gathers several cycles of the big circle, the density of true qi inside it, that is, the sub-quantity of the meson, will be very dense and gentle. At this time, it will gather in the dantian, and it will be easier to take a breath of innate zhenqi.

In the past in martial arts, those who could reach the realm of innate masters were revered as masters, and no more than five fingers in each era. There are 567 people recorded in the contemporary Shenzhou Dynasty.

As for the part that is not in the court records, there will not be many missing parts.

Wu! It has always been to serve the king's family.

Wu Sheng is Guan Erye, not Lu Bu. The difference is that one only recognizes "Han Shouting Hou" all his life, and the other is a family slave with three surnames who recognizes his father indiscriminately.

The warriors must choose the best boss at one time to be loyal. As for riding a donkey to find a horse and constantly changing jobs, they can only be the lowest-level thugs.

The army of Shenzhou has absorbed a large number of innate warriors. As for the outside of Kyushu, there are very few innate warriors.

For example, the local vassal forces in the "Liyang" camp, unless the members of the family go to the Central Plains to worship the Entrepreneur School, and then become innate and return to the place where they belong. It is basically impossible to wait for an innate master with a clean net worth to come to work. This also makes the foreign vassals lack the "golden armor for breaking the army".

As for the farther Europa? There is absolutely no martial artist of the Shenzhou system.

What, too absolute? Some European storytellers believe that there are always exceptions, and exotic romance will attract warriors to exotic adventures! It's still so romantic these days. hehe.


Europa's research on superpowers starts from scratch on the basis of modern science!

What is starting from scratch? This is not only technically, but also culturally.

In the West, after the superpowers are discovered, they are in a state of being studied without any social capital, unlike the East, which has maintained inextricable connections with all social classes since ancient times.

The Pojun Golden Armor is a magical weapon specially developed by the Chinese society for Wu Zun!

The government allocates funds, and half of the research leadership is in the hands of the sects behind these innate warriors. The royal family of the imperial court respected him three points.

The "burning of witches" had just ended hundreds of years ago in the west, how could the power user organization have such social capital. Therefore, Europa did not gather the power of the society to allow superpowers to participate in the development of such a mech from a high-level perspective.

They can only take the road of human-machine integration, without similar equipment.


Although the main function of Xiantian Zhenqi now is to connect with the mecha cabin. But please note that innate qi is still a type of super power. The policies of various countries on power users are not only co-opted, but also suppressed.

It can also be done without wearing a mecha every day, avoiding the continuous fire of the pistol within five steps, and the warrior who is the first to knock over the gun-wielding man with the external qi within five steps. These are supermen not to be underestimated, and they are under the supervision of Europa!

So how could a martial arts master give up his status as a general in the east and go to the west to accept supervision!

This is equivalent to the fact that in the 21st century of the main world, Professor Qingbei sold his ancestral courtyard and immigrated to the United States to wash dishes in Chinatown. The family next door is a hip-hop singer. ——The reason is that you want to experience freedom and multiculturalism, and love the land of freedom?

Brain watts.


Only when the Chinese civilization is prosperous and the science is advanced, can the extraordinary ability of martial arts be raised to the level of "high, handsome and rich". As for looking for approval from the outside?

No matter how miraculous the Chinese martial arts imagined by Hollywood in the main world, it tells the story of defeating gangsters in the lower class area to become famous, and then being appreciated by the white justice organization.

Now, there are many blond-haired, blue-eyed, foreign-looking people in Shenzhou who have practiced martial arts and reached Xiantian.

Some of them are of mixed blood, and some are simply adopted sons and daughters adopted by Wu Zun when they were stationed overseas.

After these foreigners arrived at Xiantian, none of them had their elbows outward. They all stole the "Huayi debate" and claimed that they were from China.

Because everyone has brains, no matter how bad they are in China, they are still generals, and they go to the barbarians and use them as slices of 'spraying rice' on the experimental bench?


"So what's the situation in today's martial arts world!" Wei Keng saw that the members around him were wearing strong, but not modern, Tao Jia martial arts uniforms. Inexplicably, I feel like I am in a world where modern and classical blend

When they were discussing the latest "Dongtian" cultivation, as well as the effects and topics of "Waidan" Zhiyang Zhigang and softness.

The reborn Master Wei decided that he wanted to revise his world view.

After checking the system, he found that his Wei family still had great prestige in this martial arts world.

Bai Linglu: "You have left too much money."


Although many patents of Jie Hongzi's "Qihai" of Pojun Mecha and Waidan technology have been transferred to other aristocratic families under the pressure of the Shenzhou court to share.

In the past few years, "Fenghou Group" and "Su-Shanghai Joint Industry" have developed more distinctive technical routes. For example, it is more suitable for converting into electricity "Thundering Magic", switching towards cold and hot "cold and heat" and other products

But the earliest products in the Shenzhou Waidan series are still classics today.

Since the technical route led by Wei Keng in the past has always followed the stable path of "storing Jie Hongzi's information stability", the Wai Dan in Luoshui has always been based on Zhongzheng Pinghe, and has been recommended first by famous teachers from various sects.


Looking at the surrounding mountains and rivers, the antique pavilions not far away.

Under such a mood, Wei Keng strangely found a metaphorical word: "Famous Sword Villa?"

Qin Xiaohan: "Yes, Your Excellency the first generation of the owner. Since you are of great significance to the origin of contemporary martial arts, the portraits of you and Wei Qiang are hung in the Patriarch Pavilion of the Huashan School for worship."

Then Qin Xiaohan added: "The swordsmanship you are practicing now is actually the product of Guan's Royal Technology when you traveled last time, and it is just a side door now!"

Wei Keng: "I am enshrined in the Patriarch Pavilion of the Huashan School? What about Kunlun?"

Qin Xiaohan: "Also, you are a layman on the Huashan side, and you are the first teacher on the Kunlun side."

Contemporary—Kunlun is stronger than Huashan. Because Kunlun is a cultivator!

Congenitally infuriating, following the route of martial arts leading the army. Coming up is the start of the Lu division (the lieutenant colonel starts). However, if the "transformation of God and distraction" is successful, it's not just the Lu division, the navy and the air force are rushing to get it. Now all the psychic commanders entering the command cabin on the Azure Dragon battleship.

Psykers of the "God Transformation" department don't necessarily have to join the army - each family also has a group of "God Transformation" people in key technological fields to ensure the stability and order of technology.


after a long time,

He felt that Wei Keng was holding back something under his "dazed" expression.

Bai Linglu asked: "Do you think there is something wrong, Shenzhou's spiritual energy inheritance system is not good?"

Wei Keng raised his head and said: "When the thinking of 'everything is inferior, only xx is high' appears in certain areas of society, then the new route may be blocked."

Bai Linglu's eyes lit up, and he asked with a smile, "Do you think there is a newer mode of psionic energy?"

Wei Ken: "The better model I'm talking about is different from what psykers think. Because individual needs are different from social needs."

After Wei Keng let out a long breath, he further explained: "Let's put it this way, Bai Linglu, to make a fuss with the purpose of 'the book has its own golden house, and its own Yan Ruyu'. And reading for the purpose of 'the rise of the hot land under your feet', There is an essential difference between the two.

The latter will suffer personally, and if the society does not tolerate the latter and allows the former to weave splendid splendor, then development will fall into a dead end. "


Today's Shenzhou Celestial Dynasty has been able to select a group of psykers in proportion through screening and training.

Thanks to the fact that Chinese culture is more mature than Europa civilization, the society can effectively give up social space for it to participate in the operation. But comparing yourself with others is useless, you have to be self-reflective when you are mature.

Master Wei: Whether it is martial arts or cultivation, they have not fulfilled enough obligations in today's development.

These two types of psykers, who are known as the Dharma-inherited people today, have received too many resources, but they have not made the effort to match their hard work.

Of course, this is due to the general background, and the ideological system of the whole world is at an impasse right now! Never thought of creating a force to break through.


Since he is regarded as the patriarch, Master Wei really wants to say something in a strict tone to the contemporary psykers: How do you manage to sleep? In your state, I am thinking every day, how can I not be beaten in in the future.

If you do this, sooner or later you will say "the building is crumbling and there is no way to recover"!

Master Wei felt that he was a bit like the math teacher who used to nagging him. As for which teacher it was, I can't remember. But now I can understand the feelings of those teachers.

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