Out of the cage

Chapter 30: Chapter 1.30

Confidence——this is actually an empirical judgment of things after the self has obtained enough information. Whether a racket can be caught or not can be grasped before the ball falls on the racket, and whether the test can be passed? Students are confident the day before the exam.

On the top of the mountain, Wei Keng looked around in groups and began to make sure that he was so sure that he could pick up the wreckage by himself.

As long as you are proficient, you can complete the expected results that you think you can achieve, because your actions can be faster than the reaction speed of these groups.

Right now, the bamboo trees on the hillside were cut down, and Wei Keng began to prepare a batch of tools for the last time.

After comparing the series of records he made on the system, Wei Keng believed that when he came, he could always detect the direction of the enemy with this "sixth sense". Then he used his eyes to determine the threat, to make sure that the perception was not a coincidence made by his brain.

Previously, these gene groups rushed here because of Wei Keng's life radiation, and because of Wei Keng's approach, they were like a formidable enemy. —— Correspondingly, when Wei Keng arrived here, he also completed the positioning through the radiation of life.

Moreover, Wei Keng felt the wreckage's position more and more accurately!



Trembling, Wei Keng began to make a hypothesis!

This feeling is like dismantling a bomb that will explode at any time. Do you really grasp the line of life and death in the future! There are various reasons to prove that I can do it, but the feeling of "if I miss it, it will last forever" makes my heart gripped and unable to move

Wei Keng: If the spider that steals the mind, would it wrap the wreckage itself?

You can know the temperature and geometry of the flame by touching it with your hand.

When one's own life is wrapped by the enemy's life radiation, then can one's own precise positioning! ?

If this is the case, Wei Keng feels that he has a chance to destroy + save.


At this time, Wei Keng, who arrived at the battlefield first, was five hundred and thirty-seven people, equipped with light weapons, and the projectile weapons were grenades.

And there were 120 people in the follow-up, carrying four heavy machine guns! Sixty mortars, as well as forty rounds of nitrous sugar rockets and explosives are also heading towards this battlefield, and there are still two days away.

Of course, the sooner the better to save people, one more hour, one more variable.

To minimize casualties and annihilate the enemy requires heavy firepower.

This is a choice similar to a train fork!

Option 1: It is possible to save one individual, but several times, or even dozens of times, may die.

Option 2: It is very likely that this individual cannot be saved, but when the enemy is eliminated, many individuals will die less.

However, after Wei Keng's hundreds of heads communicated with each other, the logic was not confused. On the contrary, it gradually became clear.

Wei Keng: "What is the purpose of my fighting? To destroy the enemy? Or to protect myself? Most of the time, destroying the enemy = protecting myself, there is no conflict. But at the moment, the cause and effect must be clear! Because I want to protect myself, I must destroy enemy."

"So?" Wei Keng was completely relieved at this time, and made a decision on option 1 very flatly.

If you are in a weak situation and keep insisting on not giving up, even if there is only one person, you must protect it.

As for myself, who is relatively in a strong position, even if there is a danger of death ahead, I still have to defend the bottom line.

If you can defeat five hundred enemies by yourself, you are in a strong state. No need to explain, no need to consider the pros and cons, in principle, it should be done!


In the last five minutes, each individual in the Wei Keng group determined the data of thousands of observations just now, as well as their own predictions of a series of positions in space.

Don't stop for a moment, take action now

The two wings of the Wei Keng group spread out directly, and launched an offensive from the front.

Things like life radiation make both sides feel threatened by each other, so sneak attacks are useless. So Wei Keng is not a sneak attack, but aboveboard, and starts to move quickly in a very short time, so fast, you know, but he has no ability to stop it.

In short, it is spell operation!

The detour is just a detour in front of the genetic community on the hilltop, neither hiding nor avoiding, because it is certain that they cannot draw strength from the front to repel the detour.

Giant beasts weighing half a ton on the top of the mountain began to charge downward. When these large predators charged downward in groups of seven or eight, they felt like a torrent. Wei Keng, who was attacking upward from the hillside, , very thin under such an impact.

Ten days ago, Wei Keng's ability plan for himself was that when encountering a big guy with a size of more than one ton, he must avoid it and destroy it with a sniper rifle and heavy firepower.

But now, there are only twenty-six sniper rifles, and they must suppress the targets on the top of the mountain. They can only block two-thirds of the giant beasts coming down the mountain on the frontal battlefield.

"Whoosh, whoosh," the grenade fired, and at a distance of two hundred meters, Wei Keng, who was attacking upward, sent a barrage of bullets. Although the black powder and shrapnel had limited damage, they still exploded in an instant. Confused by the charging monster, its vision and hearing are useless during the explosion process, so it can only rely on the road it saw two seconds ago to launch the charge.

However, Wei Keng who charged head-on predicted these processes when the bullet fell, so they took the opportunity to roll aside.

On the battlefield in World War II, when a tank charges, there is a kind of warrior who will mix with the dead. When the tank rolls over, the machine guns of his teammates provide cover at the moment. grenade.

This behemoth is nowhere near a tank.

The submachine gun was aimed at its side waist for output,

The moment the giant beast passed by, he pulled the trigger in his hand. Before shooting, he held the gun with both arms and raised it obliquely. After shooting, he held the gun with the muzzle slanted downward. These dozens of bullets damaged the giant beast's fragile viscera at zero distance, destroying its temporary fighting ability.

When the giant beast fell behind the gentle slope before it could get up, Wei Keng, who was holding the blasting pole, stabbed the bamboo pole into the belly or throat of the giant beast while the giant beast was bleeding, and then threw the bamboo pole away. (This blasting rod is also a grenade tied to a bamboo pole)

Around Wei Keng held up his gun and crackled and fired indiscriminately, hitting him on the ground until the grenade exploded.

In this way, nine out of ten successes after hammering stunned (throwing grenades), maiming (side strafing), and making up (explosive rod piercing), fully embodies the "premeditated plan". long" word.

As a human being, Wei Keng tried his best to make up as many plans as possible before the battle, rather than purely muscle output.


At this time, the total BMR values ​​of the two groups fighting at the same time were about the same, but from the perspective of the situation before the war, Wei Keng appeared thinner in appearance. Every giant beast in the genetic group seems to have the ability to cull Wei Keng. But a war. With only sixteen casualties, Wei Keng rushed directly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Wei Keng's attribute lies in the brain, and the energy of metabolism supports the complex coordination of a large amount of consciousness. At this time, it proves that this addition is more excellent.

In the 15th minute of the battle, Wei Keng charged up the hill head-on, detoured left and right and climbed halfway up the hill obliquely.

Judgment of the genetic community: At present, the strength to face the "natural calamity" is not enough, so we should leave here.

The droplet spiders in the group swallowed Wei Keng's wreckage again at this moment, trying to completely digest Wei Keng in five minutes to obtain life energy, and at the same time obtain a message for the last time.

And this thing didn't know, its last greed just met one of Wei Keng's best expectations.

Three hundred meters away, grenades were placed in the pits one by one. Most of the tubes were basically buried and fixed. The direction of the grenades was aligned with the general direction in Wei Keng's perception of life radiation.

Now, after the wreckage was swallowed by the droplet spider, Wei Keng had a precise location.

One and a half times the charge is put into the grenadier. After this charge is used once, the grenade will be irreparably deformed and cannot be reused. However, in the short term, it can obtain over-range. In order to prevent its possible The phenomenon of bombing occurs, so it is buried in the soil pit in advance.

After confirming the position, Wei Keng picked up the military shovel and slightly pried the grenade in the soil. The fine-tuning of the ballistic is completed, and the stone is inserted to stabilize it. The ballistic landing point provided by the system coincides with the position perceived by oneself.

The Wei Keng consciousness group "visited" the artillery position, and loudly shouted: "Let go!"

Eight projectiles smashed in the direction I expected! With a series of explosions there, countless tiny shrapnel shot into the air and then fell again.

Everything came to fruition.


When Wei Keng rushed to the top of the mountain in a group, the gene group had already broken their tails and escaped, leaving a large number of corpses to escape from the north.

And Wei Keng dug open the spider's stomach, and found the wreckage of himself inside.

Seeing that he was only the surviving self, it was hard for Wei Keng to imagine that a person could reach such a level, without skin tissue and even most of the muscles were stripped off.

Perhaps the limbs were digested first, so the skeleton left behind was skimmed. The eyes are also invisible in the eye sockets, and the empty interior leads to the brain. The internal organs were covered by silk threads of unknown origin, and did not protrude from the gap between the ribs.

However, although such a self cannot breathe normally, he is still alive and has a heartbeat.

Under the action of the life field radiation, the related organs will be forcibly kept alive. At this time, there are many opening and closing holes in the muscles of the wrecked Wei Keng to forcibly absorb oxygen into the abdominal cavity.

Now transport it away first, just when Wei Keng and the others want to carefully drag the wrecked self out of the spider's liquid abdomen,

It turned out that Wei Keng's hindbrain and calf muscles were connected to spider remains in many places, and it was difficult to distinguish them from the tissue.

But then, the spider moved suddenly, and all Wei Keng couldn't help being startled. Except for the two near him who kept observing, the rest of the staff retreated and picked up their guns to be on guard.

Is this spider still alive?

Wei Keng felt that this was unreasonable, he had already cut several main nerve centers, and in his own sense, he couldn't detect the threat of this spider. Well, that is, the life radiation recorded by the system may not be the natural twitch of the frog's muscles.

However, Wei Keng soon determined that it wasn't the spider that was alive, but that he was struggling in the wreckage, which seemed to have caused the spider's current tissues to twitch.

The next change made Wei Keng? ? ? ?

Twenty minutes later, during this observation, it was found that the body of the wrecked Wei Keng was extracting tissue from the spider into the body, and the tissues attached to the eye sockets and skin were regrowing.

All this reminds Wei Keng that this is the earth in Pandora Field, and carbon-based life can be very tenacious.

Previously, this fused human spider engulfed Wei Keng through a symbiotic dominance, trying to seize the information of Wei Keng's thinking. At that time, Wei Keng resisted tenaciously and never gave up. Even some of his nerves entered the wrecked Wei Keng and were assimilated by Wei Keng's life radiation. A more anxious state. But until the last moment, when the spider was ready to digest Wei Keng, it was already too late.

Now that the spider has been bombed and crippled, its main nervous system has been ripped off, and it can no longer lead the symbiosis process, and Wei Keng is clustered here, and the life radiation will be even more tyrannical, so it has no effect.

Looking at the wrecked Wei Keng lying inside the spider, and the amniotic fluid environment around his body, Wei Keng was sure that the next step might be much better than he thought.

The system, which I haven't seen for a long time, suddenly spoke up at this time, and gave a suggestion that may be very reliable!

Bai Linglu: "You can try a blood transfusion."

Wei Keng paused for a moment, then immediately summoned the first aid kit and found out the needle inside.

Wei Keng, who was closest, rolled up his sleeves to find a vein, endured a bit and stuck it in. A tube of blood became full with the stretching of the needle piston. After pulling out the needle tube, Wei Keng pressed the wound, but the small wound healed instantly.

In the Pandora field, there is no need for very strict medical conditions. When groups of genetically similar species gather together, all alien life forms are vulnerable.

And Wei Keng, the wreckage in the vacuole, directly broke through the vacuole skin and stretched out the shoulder of the growing forearm. As the shoulder squeezed out the bubble, the translucent growing arm bent like a noodle.

When a tube of blood was injected into the blood vessel of the wrecked Wei Keng, with the injection, the naked eye could see this ray of red flowing under Wei Keng's transparent skin. Wherever it went, a large number of tissues and capillaries were like plants that accelerated time. The veins also grew out.

Effective, quite effective.

In the field of life, the same kind of life can only convert carbon-based energy, but the material exchange! It still depends on the body.

Tube after tube of blood was injected into the wreckage's body.

A large number of bubbles emerged from the transparent spider's body, and a large amount of sweat-like liquid dripped from the outer skin, and the bubbles quickly collapsed. Obviously this is being forcibly metabolized.

The wrecked Wei Keng felt thirsty, and Wei Keng immediately poured water from the kettle into it. So the sweat on the spider's remnant became more intense.

within three hours,

Missing eyes, skin, and even hair have grown back. This suffering body finally survived.

Of course, everything is not over so far. The Wei Keng group entrenched here exudes an evil spirit. This evil spirit makes birds within ten kilometers around dare not approach.

[When life is preparing to prey, the metabolism of the whole body is different, and in this Pandora era, it will be reflected in the radiation of life. Although Wei Keng is not preying, his thoughts and emotions are linked to the state of life when the body is tense. Maintained, this state is radiated with the life field, and to other weak creatures, it is evil spirit! 】

In this battle, the Wei Keng group lost three bodies! Everyone's scalp exploded, and Wei Keng also felt that there were many sources of life radiation that were hostile to him within a range of tens of kilometers around him.

Recalling the battle process just now, he found that when he attacked, the three Zhan Yun himself suffered fatal head injuries.

The system clearly recorded these three moments of his own death. One was caught by the dying monster when he charged up with the blasting pole, and the other two were directly thrown down by the giant beast and held down his body. The common point of these three self-deaths is that after being controlled by the giant beast, they could not escape, and their eye sockets were inserted by long sharp claws and sharp teeth, and they died completely.

Wei Keng, who had just experienced a bloody fight, was a little nervous after being stimulated: "This group of things seems to be accumulating experience in killing people, so they must be exterminated for this one."

In the 21st century, all ferocious beasts that have hunted humans must be controlled, and in the process of sending people to capture them, they can be killed directly.

Therefore, Wei Keng gave himself a very good reason to "initiate a pursuit": "Only by killing him thoroughly can the hidden danger be eliminated."

five hours later

The wrecked Wei Keng returned to the team after fully recovering, and soon joined the mind link, and in the next series of work, thinking consciousness was also integrated into it.

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