Out of the cage

Chapter 317 Chapter 9.07 Haoerlang, Fighting Quartet

In February of 2284 in the Qin Tongli calendar, Bashu area. Due to the rise of the plateau's manufacturing industry relying on the Tianzhuyang Economic Belt, the entire western part of China is booming.

The employment situation has improved rapidly over the past few years. Many employers in the plateau area have found the surrounding schools to negotiate talents through the data.

The plateau economy is full of planned attributes on the data. In the course of the economic war in 1983, when dealing with the malicious persecution of business and private interests, we won the battle jointly from the bottom up.

At the grassroots level: spontaneous management by the working class. Above: The New Industry Association provided loans, key business data, and mobilized channels to maintain the local industrial chain.

This small economic battle is the beginning of a series of public-private confrontations. A series of old and new contests are unfolding in all aspects. For example, things like the current intermediary talent market are being eliminated.

Contemporary Shenzhou thugs: "Go to the fucking market to adjust talents! It's so easy to say. The market is free, the officials and gentlemen save their jobs, and the gentry have the willfulness to condescend to select people, and what they are pressing is the low price of private workers. "

Some things can be adjusted by the market, because everyone has the capital to support losses. However, some things cannot be adjusted.

For example, in the selection of professional skills, young people with a middle-aged appearance had only one chance to choose in modern times.

Let the market demand, and then change naturally, you let young people change careers again, and live more flexibly?

Gentlemen said lightly, change capabilities according to market demand. fart!


In the absence of anti-aging adjustment technology, the best period for human beings to learn knowledge is before the age of twenty-five. Damn it, a wealthy family can switch industry investments according to market adjustments.

Those who are well-connected at home will be transferred to the government's book office if they can't do a certain job.

And 90% of the children raised by working families, the only capital to earn a living in the world is the skills acquired after more than 20 years of education. Once it is not suitable, you can only choose a job flexibly. Except for a very few lucky ones, most of them are not guaranteed.

Commercial job-seeking regulation means that a large number of ordinary young adults are full of huge uncertainties when choosing a job, and cannot return their education investment. Therefore, we can only invest in the industry that seems to be the most stable, "official book office".

Throughout modern times, the biggest waste of evils lies in the so-called "market regulation of talents", which harvests the labor force's hard work and study without limit, allowing capital to freely choose talents, but making society responsible for the cost of talent training.

On the plane of China: Master Wei resumed the industrial chain on the plateau, categorically smashed the chopsticks of business and private picky eaters, and directly took the road of directly recruiting professional and technical workers through public examinations. With this alone, ordinary people in China are all on the side of the so-called "rigid" planned economy of business and private.

Note: "Talent plan training for planning economy" is not a one-size-fits-all here.

The transfer of "high school science and engineering" to the line of "university technicians" is to arrange the distribution and stabilize the technology. As for the commercial and service industries, they still follow the "marketization" route to give consumption more vitality.


In the current plateau area, public welfare undertakings such as transportation, water conservancy, fire protection, and medical care, as well as long-term investment in various industrial designs and material research and development of basic manufacturing industries, all "talents" involved are planned in advance, and private recruitment is not allowed.

On April 4, 2284, the new economic zone in the plateau officially banned the tooth shop, and the factory associations in various industrial chains directly connected with the school. Only the talents in the school can pass the unified industry examination, and they will be directly included in the big data. Of course, graduates are not allowed to negotiate with other intermediaries, they can only negotiate with this established company.

The final pass rate of these schools is about 80% to 90%. Under the slight elimination rate mechanism, it means that the relevant schools must pay close attention to the majors.

Of course, the unemployment rate of those who are eliminated every year will not be solved by the service industry. Regional civil servants still have to recruit a group of these young people. After all, these people have the social relationship of factory classmates, which is powerful for the development of the local real economy.

Society has to think about relationships, but it cannot rely entirely on relationships.

The civil service examinations in various regions of the plateau are also approved by the person in charge of the local industrial chain. In other words, the civil servants who pass the test still need to have an understanding of the local real industry.

The plateau talent system, whether it is industrial workers, the service industry, or social management, completely revolves around the industrial society. This is in sharp contrast to other parts of the world, where all human production activities are centered on business.

"Industry" is a state of the majority in society, not an industry run by a few.


Qin Sheng was born in Bashu, a young man. In the past few years, he has caught up with the good situation. When he was still in school, he was targeted by related majors.

He chose the major of physical education. According to the current guidance for this major in the plateau area, the employment direction is very broad.

Firefighters, special police officers, and piloting aircraft for field exploration all need a good physical and psychological foundation.

Of course, on the basis of physical fitness, learning more professional cultural knowledge will increase the value of the whole person.

In Qin Sheng's school, as long as he passes the culture class, he can enter many industries with a minimum guarantee.

The Chinese roll has a long history. It was the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, when slaves became nobles through military exploits, and then the imperial examinations began in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the Chinese people were quite sensitive to higher status.

Qin Sheng's grandfather's generation is the backbone of the Western Economic Union, and the family education is very strict. This also led him to not only meet the physical fitness standards after entering the school, but also to choose some highly rated majors in cultural courses. Before he graduated, he was directly notified by the "Tiance Mansion" established by Gao Yuan.


The "Tiance Mansion" in the plateau area has the function of defending the territory.

Since there are a large number of complex terrains near the entire plateau, effective investigations of what happened in these areas are required, so a lot of young men with strong physique and professionalism are needed to do it.

"Report!" Qin Sheng's voice sounded in the training camp. Xi Bafang, who was also straight, looked up at him and nodded, "Very energetic."

Those who come to Tiance are all very energetic young people.

Tiance can provide stable income, good security, and a reliable ideal.

Therefore, against the background of the gradually dissipating wind in the southeast at this time, the vigor and masculinity brought by the joiners like Qin Sheng are particularly eye-catching.

In ancient times, if someone gathered thousands of such energetic young people, he could talk to the emperor about being a marquis.

Tiance in 2284 now has a total of 150,000 people, all of whom are young men like this. They were twisted into steel by a force.

As a man, while having a strong body, he must have a high spirit. Otherwise, it is the decadent style of being a duck.

This is not a joke. When Qin Sheng's school was not yet managed by the plateau a few years ago, many ladies came to seek face-to-face.

And those court officials in Shenzhou, while being afraid of Gao Yuan's strategy, laughed at the original black history of the school that enrolled students.

But they laughed, Master Wei was very open-minded.

In other words: Before Wei Qing met Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was also the face of the princess. And when Han Wu gave this horse-raising kid life goals and room for promotion, he would be the general of the six-wearing Huns.


Since 1984, the court of the Guan family has been paying close attention to the strategic power in Wei Keng's hands.

These teams, who wear individual armor every day and have fangs and snow leopard badges on their shoulders, are quite young and disciplined, and new blood pours in every year.

These young people in their prime are assigned the task of "can really feel the value of life".

Young teams also focus on executing the plan, without considering right or wrong, and accidental interference factors.

Tiance's strong executive power in the past two years was understood by the feudal court as a terrible "brainwashed complete obedience".

New things make people willing to pay, and conservatives have always had misunderstandings.

Feudalists always think from the perspective of "loyalty". "Willing to give" is loyalty, and "unwilling to pay" is disloyal. ——Don't want to give, but get used to asking, feudalism is a giant baby.

As for business and private operators, they always think from the perspective of "exchange", thinking that they can be driven by giving a certain amount of money, so they center on themselves and digitize money to drive quantitatively, and then quantify people. ——However, hope cannot be quantified.


Tiance Mansion, Spirit Armor Department. This is where life sciences are studied.

The Luoshui Group, Kunlun and other departments provide technology, and the Tiance Mansion in the plateau area provides technical personnel. The purpose is to further expand the universality of human physique enhancement in Shenzhou.

Qin Sheng was assigned here. The class assigned with him has a total of 500 people.

All physical qualities are very good, and they are young and strong that can be supported by a normal family. It's not those martial arts practitioners who are big family members who spend money on them.

Of course, even if they don't practice martial arts, those who have gone through modern teaching and training are all sports students who have surpassed the ranks of nerds in high jump, long jump, and long-distance running. They are all males in China, only a dozen or so young people can pick one out.

On the first day after registration, under the guidance of a certain innate master, Qin Sheng started to assist in the measurement of life sciences, and at the same time carried out the extraction experiment of stem cells.

Qin Sheng found out later that he was Xi Bafang.


The research and development of human life science in the plateau area inherited the characteristics of the "martial arts research" of the year.

That is to say, there is a high degree of interaction between the experimenter and the researcher. ——The human experiments of Europa, Edenia, and Shengyang belong to the evil way, and behind Tiance is the righteous force of Kunlun.

After Qin Sheng took the oath of secrecy in the lobby, he quickly understood what the project he was participating in was.

Lingjia project. ——Based on martial arts technology, it is a universal technology that lowers the threshold.

Four months later, with the completion of a series of adjustment procedures, in the central laboratory, Qin Sheng took off his clothes and stood on the sterile platform with multiple laser scans.

And the Shenzhou-style Xuanniao scanner, after scanning him from top to bottom,

The medical system begins. Thin needles were inserted into his acupuncture points, and each needle was laser-engraved with complex nanostructures. After being inserted into the human body, nano-scale substances are injected to facilitate the collection of neural data by the needle-linked chip.

After ten minutes, it was confirmed that the nerve information of the scanned body was received normally, and the tight-fitting nano clothing began to be covered. This is used to completely enhance the nerve information of the body several times.

After half an hour, the last layer of biomass structure began to be fitted close to the body. These biomasses were cultivated by his stem cells, and they were connected with Jie Hongzi in a special physical environment. Now it is used as a reproductive device to fit the body, and then enter the body through the biological catheter.

This set of colony armor - it's infuriating. Compared with the tendons and veins in the body, the Lingjia builds the veins outside the body.

After Qin Sheng stepped off the armor, he felt the flowing gaseous body pouring into his body, which is a kind of ligament that changes arbitrarily with his perception.

With the visor down, you can clearly see through your pupils that several of your "meridians" have been opened up by the "true qi" introduced by the colonization armor.


Aside from the above-mentioned special terminology of Eastern Martial Arts, to explain it in terms of modern science, this is to analyze the bioelectrical information of motor nerves and use it to control the reproductive structure that can run meson energy.

These reproductive devices are cultivated by the user's stem cells, and implanted with carbon-based structures that are highly sensitive to mesons! The carbon-based structure acts like a receiver for wireless charging, accepting the meson wave energy.

Jiehongzi has a special energy storage device for storage.

This energy storage device was used by Wei Keng on the outer space satellite back then. During the Battle of Qionghai, Wei Keng obtained the energy source stored in the sky.

Lingjia understood the generation process of martial arts zhenqi from a microcosmic perspective. In the past, a series of basic technologies have been accumulated and developed, and the plateau organization has made great determination to complete public works.

Business and private business do not have this courage. The so-called ordinary people cannot pay for capital investment, while the children of the rich take the safer path of martial arts practice.


In order to develop space in the future plan of the Shenzhou Plateau, it is necessary to deeply develop human technology, and at the same time, in the military, it must achieve the effect of "one Han is five Hu".

[Chen Tang of the Western Han Dynasty: "Hu people's weapons are simple and blunt, and their bows and crossbows are not good. The former five people can be one Han soldier. I heard that the Han's workmanship is quite good, but three of them are one." 】

In the Han Empire, Bingjia had an advantage in technology, but the bone arrows of the Huns could not penetrate it. As for the knives, Han's fried steel made the Huns' weapons broken.

The brocade armguards of the Han Dynasty with five stars from the east are still hanging on the arms of the western Shenzhou warriors.


October 2284. Snowflakes have already appeared in the plateau area. Oh, snow on the plateau, it will give you some cold wind after a while, and it will give you bright sunshine after a few hours.

In the Shanchuan camp, Qin Sheng returned to the camp after going straight up and down the cliff. After successful breeding, he has been training for three months.

He is becoming more and more familiar with controlling the sense of qi in his body. Contemporary zhenqi is not used to support people to go high and high. Well, there are many young people who have just obtained the spirit armor, shouting "Tian Ce Lang guards the four directions" Jump there.

Zhenqi is mainly the ability to convey information. In the ancient martial arts era, its role was to allow the brain to accurately perceive every detail of the body. In contemporary times, it directly extends the perception to some larger "waidan equipment".

In China's military equipment, the Pojun Golden Armor is the top outer alchemy equipment, but the Spirit Armor technology has not yet been able to connect with it.

In Xiantian Zhenqi, the information stored in one unit of sub-band is thousands of times that of Acquired Zhenqi, which is the difference between 3g and 4g.

The current group of "soldiers" in Tiance Mansion do not have the ability to control the innate qi. However, even if it can only be extended to the operation of some information equipment, it has caused a new technological revolution.


Three hours ago, Qin Sheng completed the cut-in exercise with his teammates in the snow-capped mountain environment. Three groups of ten people mobilized 189 units.

These include dozens of ground patrolling warhawks, as well as civilian search and rescue equipment modified from the higher-altitude Huntianling ground attack aircraft.

On the ground, at the same time, a mechanical dog is driven in front to collect temperature, humidity, and smell. The search and rescue work of the ten of them in the mountains can surpass the search and rescue work of a battalion of three or four hundred people.

Of course, according to the needs of the battlefield, changing it can also replace the strength of a battalion.


Qin Sheng, who had completed the task, was now accepting the award from the Xuanwei Department with his head held high.

The purity of his qi, um, the information content he can carry, is now the highest in the entire group.

Such grades are also related to his good grades in mathematics. When constructing the sub-structure, he adopted the most suitable programming to enhance his sense of qi to the level of acquired Qizhong.

Qin Sheng was trained emphatically.

Tiance is ambitious! How could it be possible that so many youthful young men had no ambitions.

According to Tiance's internal plan, it took ten years to prepare and train a group of people whose breeding system was comparable to innate. Isn't there an operator for this broken army mecha?


Tang Tianyou of Kunlun presented Qin Sheng with a sword as a reward.

Looking at the proud young man, Tang Tianyou couldn't help thinking of "Wei Xin" who was the promoter of all this.

Tang Tianyou was stunned: "That guy is too unknown behind the scenes."

At this time, the Taiji diagram interface in front of him, following the rotation of the Yin-Yang fish interface, ejected to the file of the next spiritual armor adaptor. There are more than 300 such files. .

You know, the technological progress on Tiance's side is really going to explode, and Huashan's side is definitely going to explode. "Ten years of hard training in martial arts can't stand in the way of a year's training for a young and middle-aged man." Tang Tianyou, the current head teacher of Kunlun, found it interesting to think about it.


But Tang Tianyou needs to correct his thinking. Wei Keng sees it this way:

These young people like Qin Sheng are not ordinary young men. After more than ten years of hard study and maintaining physical exercise without resources, the effort they put in is no less than that of the disciples of the big family.

It's just that the accumulation of the upper-class "a dozen generations" makes them think that their efforts are more rare than ordinary people.

This was the case in ancient times, when the rich could not compete with the poor in the fair education system, they felt that it was useless for the poor to learn so well, and began to suppress public education, while gently persuading the lower class to be happy and not to work so hard.

And once social justice invests in resources and allows ordinary people to catch up, the original upper class will change their face, thinking that the world is so "aggressive" and that they have spent so much effort, why should ordinary people catch up.

As for Jian Tiance, all I know is that this group of huskies messed with the planner, and there is nothing left to be cut.

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