Out of the cage

Chapter 321 Chapter 9.11 Extra copy

On the high-dimensional space-time system, hundreds of space groups were carried out, and more than 2,000 supervisors began to be on duty in different spaces with different histories. Such a scene can only be seen with contemporary "king-level" traversers.

Qin Bai's team reviewed various memorabilia of Wei Keng's intervention in the space-time flow of the history of Shenzhou.

Currently, Wei Keng's space-time area is quite large, but they know that it has not yet reached the stage of drastic change. So these supervisors took the time to sort out the cultural background of this time and space—the ethereal and uncertain way of the immortals.

The dignitaries and dignitaries in this world always like to talk about cultivating the Tao and keep the truth. As everyone knows, at the level they yearn for, the meaning of so-called cultivation is not as narrow as they think.

Cultivation is about "possibility".

The practice of the "Shangxian" of the so-called "True Immortal" world of the Space-Time Administration. It is different from the mortal cultivation in the mortal world of the plane of Shenzhou, those who are looking forward to "the other side", to obtain the "fruit".

For mortals to practice, what they want most is to live forever.

Therefore, when the "mortal prince" learned about the fairy world, he begged for a way to prolong his life.

It's just this kind of possibility based on oneself, wanting to ask for the "possibility" of the fairy world to accept. It runs counter to the goal of "True Immortal World".

What "True Immortal Realm" is looking for is not such a "little possibility", but a "big possibility".


What Wei Keng is doing now is a major change unseen in a thousand years. This is the possibility that the "True Immortal Realm" most wants in the eyes of Shenzhou.

The energy that Wei Keng has accumulated in his daily self-cultivation (exercise and study hard), the refined "True Gang" is not a concrete power of gods and gods, but variables that permeate this time and space.

In fact, pushing the history of time and space to infinite possibilities should have been the fruit of cultivation by mortals in this time and space.

But now it's reversed. When the transcendents are taken away by the main world one by one, the "variables" of these adjacent planes are on the verge of exhaustion. When those who hold the fate of history in the world no longer seek the true result of history, Wei Keng comes down to fight for a glimmer of life in this foggy time and space.

However, the "longevity fruit" that Wei Keng has at his fingertips is the only thing in this world that can arouse the great obsession of ordinary people.

This is the tragedy of time-quake time-space in this history.

In the plane of Shenzhou, if there were no other historical lines like Wei Keng, it would be like an eternal night, with only sporadic small possibilities bursting out. These small possibilities become the only shining plot.

Now, in Wei Keng's history, the plot is also happening, and it has also played a relevant historical role, but it is not so dazzling.


At the end of the ancient martial arts contest in 2285. The tide of the rivers and lakes rises and falls quickly. There are only a few ripples in a few "water puddles".

A student named Huang Jiayu, who had just entered high school in Nandu, looked up at the excerpts of the ancient martial arts battle on the big screen in the center. (Some games were damaged, so it is not suitable for minors to watch and play mosaics.) Huang Jiayu, who was carrying a schoolbag, also looked at his blood, and couldn't help himself. A crowd of heroes, a scene of peerless leaders.

For a long time, many mouthpieces in China have been promoting the spirit of martial arts. Contemporary productivity has ushered in the explosion of ancient martial arts. Although it is still not touched by ordinary people, it is not like the past.

That child had never had such a dream in his teenage years: jumping up and down, jumping out of a high-rise window, and then rushing into the building next door without anyone being able to track him down.

In this era of Shenzhou, the children's slogans are not such words as "Giant of Light", "Sai Luo" and "Di Jia", but words such as "Tiyun Zong", "Paiyun Palm", and "Datian Sword".


This year's Nandu Ancient Martial Arts Competition was held with extra care, because a seventeen-year-old female hero stood out and took out the Junzi sword.

This has caused high school students, a group of children whose average age is only 16 or 17 years old, to have a fanaticism for chasing stars that is no less than that of modern times.

Huang Jiayu looked at the peers next to him who twisted their school uniforms like twists and bragged: "I have seen how Sun Xianzi used the sword", and couldn't help curling his lips. He thought disdainfully: "Fantasy."

In fact, at this age, who doesn't think wildly, it's just that some people can proudly say it in their own small circle, but many people don't have a buddy circle, and they will be laughed at by others when they say it.


After passing through the downtown area, Huang Jiayu entered the alleys of the city. The road here can only pass one car, and the shade of the trees is very dim. Usually, you can see cats looking for food on the wall, but today it is very quiet. The atmosphere has become unusual.

He walks here every night, the route closest to home. Now the security forces in mechas blocked the place, and the lights on the vehicles signaled Huang Jiayu to detour.

On the other hand, the casual people chatting together were discussing: discovering unidentified foreigners.

The age of high school students is the most rebellious age, if you don't let me go, I will go.

Huang Jiayu walked 500 meters, seeing no one around, he climbed up the tree, and then swished, followed the big branch and turned into the closed path.

With a sound of "swipe", after the boy landed, the branch he pulled loosened and bounced back. He patted the dirt on his pants and began to continue to skillfully detour, but he didn't know that there was a shadow floating behind him.


Half an hour later, he arrived home, and today he came back all the way over the wall, feeling lighter than before, much more.

After finishing speaking, he took out the key from his chest, and at this moment the door opened with a click, Huang Jiayu was stunned: "I remember locking the door, maybe a thief broke into the house."

He took a pen in his hand and walked into the house.

A few seconds later, the door behind him slammed shut, and all the lights couldn't be turned on. Just as he looked at the dark house.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the ceiling. A woman with twin ponytails and military restraint clothes was lying on the ceiling and looking at him.

"Ghost" he didn't yell out, but felt choked.


On August 8, 2285, Qin Tongli, Huang Jiayu met an unknown psychic, and his own psychic power was stimulated by Bai Hezi's psychic indoctrination.

And the rising sun power user who inspired his psychic power left after he stayed here for two days,

Three years later, he has become a member of the Imperial City Dragon Team, responsible for tracking down overseas invasions. After witnessing the peak super power battle on the plateau in 2290, did he realize who he was meeting?

Afterwards, he was almost killed by the impact of Yuriko's broken psychic energy. ~Of course, this belongs to another story line.

At present, the supervisors of the main time and space are not interested in wasting energy and paying too much attention to this plot.


The perspective turned to Yuriko.

In 2285, Yuriko ended her layout of Edenia and began to turn to what she identified as her old enemy.

The psionic energy in this No. 20 individual has become more and more violent in just a few months, and the psionic energy must be poured into the receptor along the way.

This is why Huang Jiayu can obtain spiritual power.

But not everyone is as lucky as Huang Jiayu. Since 1985, there have been a large number of strange murders in Nandu. The public security officials found a large number of corpses of unknown death in cities along the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Some are bleeding from the seven orifices, some are eyeballs popping out directly, some are poking holes in the broken intestines on the navel, and some are brains exploding. There are hundreds of people who can be found, and almost thousands of people who cannot be found.

Huang Jiayu is special. He is a person with hidden abilities, that is, after he turned on his superpowers when he was a teenager, but due to special reasons, he became an innate seal. Now when he bears the impact of Baihezi's psychic energy, the seal is just blown away like a balloon. Be part of the tragedy.

And his old psionic sealing system is still there. It will absorb spiritual energy, and this sealing barrier will grow and thicken.

Using the words of some Kunlun Taoists from other timelines to evaluate: He is a natural sealer, and he is the one who responds to the catastrophe when the catastrophe comes.

So when Huang Jiayu broke into the psionic power surge in "Omega", the thickening and sealing and the infused psionic power formed a balance.

His originally hidden psionic energy was like a rigid and tough sac, and when he met a rising sun who was about to release the flood, he was inflated just like that.

This can be said to be the largest in the world, full of wonders.

Of course, this kind of skyrocketing is limited, and with the shock brought about by Omega Yuriko's final catastrophe, he will also experience a life-and-death catastrophe.

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