Out of the cage

Chapter 331 Chapter 9.21 Winter is approaching

Wei Keng was farming in Sinhala. Starting in 2288, the European War has entered a state of complete tug-of-war.

Just like after Liao and Jinping pushed the entire northern plain, facing the obstacles of the Qinling Mountains and the Huai River, the offensive reached its limit. Greetings, stuck in the quagmire.

In northern Germany and France, layers of barbed wire to isolate infantry were laid along the railway line. Once a guerrilla tried to destroy the road, the plasma mine connected to the barbed wire would send a wave of high-voltage electric shock that could kill people nearby.

Both sides of the war also saw the benefits of this kind of metal isolation net. It happened that both sides of the war were superpowers with excess industrial production capacity, and then they could produce such cheap border lines in pieces.

However, in order to win the war, all parties in Europe divided the European continent into large and small grids, and blocked the rights of the people's activities. Unmanned combat robots maintain order on the streets of the wasteland city.

Some people were able to get some food from the storage area of ​​the supermarket across the road yesterday, but today they found that there was a barbed wire fence like an iron bush between their hiding place and the supermarket. The blood on the barbed wire proved that it was much more dangerous than climbing over the road railing.


European residents thought that in 2285, they could still waste a lot of food, making the rats on the street fatter than the hares. Today, in a blink of an eye, the people in Europe who have suffered from wars have realized what it means to be hungry and cold, and what is it? The violence of war.

At this time, the concepts of animal protection and gender protection, which are used to promote "European civilization" in East Asia in the peaceful era, are not worth mentioning.

During the siege, large numbers of dogs were roasted and eaten by the starving populace, while women sold their bodies to the occupying forces for fuel and food.

Transgenders also ignored flirting, and began to use their large skeletons and muscles to try to gain a survival advantage.

The underground railway is full of people, and the warmest carriages are occupied by the strongest bosses!

Europeans have always despised Eastern Europeans for not taking a bath, for being rough and savage, but now in the ruins of the city, it is precisely such a savage and strong man who can get along.

According to the standard of the East: Civilization is not about bragging about pomp in peaceful times, but how many people will die for it when the sky is falling.


In the ruins of the battlefields of the European War, a large number of guns and weapons were picked up by wasteland scavengers and transformed into civilian weapons so as to stick to the underground garage they occupied.

The infantrymen of the Eastern Federation with ray guns only guarded important transportation hubs and factories, regardless of the autonomous people in these areas.

Relatively speaking, the Orthodox Federation is also quite sorry for the ruins of Western Europe! No one wants the cities they conquered to wither.

Under the harassment of drones circling everywhere and air-dropped combat robots, the Orthodox Legion was highly nervous.

And what's worse, this is an era of "great people rise together".


The team of superpowers from England brought weapons and equipment and launched resistance all over Europe. The concealment of their own psychic powers is to guide tanks, mechas and other equipment that are transported through time and space, and they have repeatedly succeeded in sneak attacks.

The Orthodox Federation had to mobilize a team of superpowers for a tug-of-war.

There is often such a plot, the superpowers in England appear in one place, and then make friends with the people in the local area through spiritual conquest, and instigate resistance to the Orthodox Army.

Then the mission failed, and the Dongzheng superpowers rushed to the scene but failed to catch the Ansa people, only the local resisters, so they could only use cruel punishment.

Men in their prime were hung up by iron wires, tortured by the Magnetic Explosion infantrymen, electric charges flickered and screams made the people in this area realize the consequences of "stirring in".

As for the method of punishing the leader of the rebels, follow the example of the copper bull punishment in Rome. Oh, if the land occupation is simple and there is no such condition, just choose a gasoline barrel and put a flame on it outside.

The local commander of the Orthodox Army arrived, and drove everyone out of the underground garage where the resistance movement took place, and then ignited gasoline barrels in front of everyone. Let the screams deter all survivors.

The East Asian side of the main world in modern times has an unforgettable experience in anti-aggression: the occupying army has countless ways to retaliate against the people who stay in the area. So - if the resisters can't organize self-help for the people, but plant a flag of "just resistance" and just walk away, it would be really 'fucking' for troublemakers like Wei Keng.

Only the contemporary low-educated population in Europe, which has been brainwashed by democratic value movies for decades, is so easy to be fooled.

And those Ansa superpowers who replenished the ammunition, rescued a few resistance leaders, and brought them back came to the area again. The local European people who saw the casualties could only say at most: "Although they lost Everything but freedom."

It's not clear whether the Ansa shit sticks are really fighting for freedom, but it's their traditional art to leave a lot of hatred.

Even if Europe regains its territory, this land will be extreme.


The perspective came to the Orthodox Federation.

The war also made it difficult for the Russians, their total population is only 180 million, well, this is the total population of pan-Slavic nations including Ukraine.

At the end of the war in mid-2288, the Orthodox Federation experienced the strong resilience of the European Union on the southern front. In summer, near the Alps, the forces of both sides saw each other repeatedly.

The fact that the European Union is attacking the Orthodox Federation is that it has dropped densely packed exoskeleton corpses on a mountain. After these corpses rotted, layers of metal and bones covered the mountain. But no matter how much the Russians fight, Europe can always pull out more troops.

This made the Orthodox Federation decide to carry out a large defense plan.


On the banks of the Rhine, in a Russian-style military fortress, in the command hall, the glorious figure of the leader descended on the projector.

After hearing the current battlefield consumption, the leader was very dissatisfied with the results. The four generals bowed their heads and waited for the reprimand.

But the leader changed the subject: "The despicable Anza clown has been jumping around on our flanks. It's time to teach them a lesson."

At this time, the general in charge of the Baltic Sea had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "Great man, our sea power is seriously insufficient."

The leader snorted coldly: "My general, that's not what you said to me before the war. Isn't the navy of our Federation enough to sweep away all enemies?"

The admiral of the sea was dripping with cold sweat.

At this time, the leader said: "The landing battle in England will begin after the European campaign is basically over. Today, I want England to have a harsh winter. Everyone, please prepare for the severe winter in Moscow."

The words of the leader made everyone feel strange,

But soon everyone will know.


In October 2288.

Unknown forces have landed in Greenland, and planted a large number of super bombs on many large glaciers.

On the morning of the 11th, with the continuous and continuous bang, the entire Greenland glacier was shoveled off a whole layer by the special diffuse blast wave. A huge cutting line instantly appeared at the base of the glacier. All this follows the drop-off topography of the island, with hundreds of kilometers of glaciers sliding into the ocean.

The entire North Atlantic was shocked.

The temperature of the ocean currents is dropping rapidly. Europe, a high-dimensional region that relies on ocean currents to win development, is facing a crisis similar to the "New Dryas event".


In the ancient times of the main world, the reason why climate issues were paid attention to was that Europe and the United States often encountered extremely cold weather and extremely hot weather. As for East Asia, alternating droughts and floods is the climate problem in this region.

At that time, the West formulated the so-called climate policy, but there was no global win-win situation. They only wanted to reduce the extreme weather on their own territory. As for the climatic disasters in East Asia, they can't wait to see more, and even invest money in trying to develop weather weapons.

If you use their mentality to repay them.

Oriental thinking: Isn't it because the currents in the North Atlantic are chaotic, and it can't ruin the annual monsoon climate in the Western Pacific continent. Maybe the cold wave and typhoon data fluctuate a bit. As long as we unite as one, build reservoirs, plant shelter forests, and plan ahead in agricultural areas, we will surely conquer nature.

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