Out of the cage

Chapter 338 Chapter 9.28 Future? a moment in the future

Qin Tongli February 3, 2289. In the evening international news, Cape Town, South Africa was bombed in Mumbai, South Africa, and 15 Sun people were involved.

Three hours later, the Sun Fleet, which happened to be cruising here, dispatched the Marine Corps, the "Water City Ranger", and took away three ports in northeastern South Africa in the name of anti-terrorism.

After taking away the power plant and radio station in the city, a large number of tengus landed on the square from the sky.

It didn't wait for the bureaucratic gentlemen in Western Europe to recover from the afternoon tea. On the coastline of the East Sea of ​​Africa, six port cities and the European Union's defensive fleet were bombarded by particles while they were anchored. The precise bombardment specifically hit the ammunition bay of the 10,000-ton warship.

The armor layer in the center of the huge battleship was melted into a huge hole, and a raging fire ignited from the inside. On the port, an explosion occurred simultaneously.

Everything behind this is a precise surprise attack launched by Shengyang's spies after careful investigation.

In addition, Sun's external propaganda department launched a very good external propaganda campaign on the Internet, whitewashing the entire Shengyang East Coast Atlantic Fleet's raid on the European fleet as a self-defense counterattack.


However, right after the first cannon was fired, there were double-cannon cannons immediately after. The United States of Edenia, who had been watching the theater, breathed a sigh of relief when it was immediately stuffed with a "mouse droppings" down its throat.

Central America, which has always been treated as a trash can by itself, has suddenly become a springboard for Sunrise to go north.

On February 7, a Cuban merchant ship Sun was detained in Mexico. Sun Sun's military base in Central America has instantly transformed from an "exercise" to an actual combat against Mexico.

More than 200,000 Chinese and American regiments and 8,000 amphibious tanks have fully invaded Mexico, an agricultural and mining country.

These amphibious tanks, like diamond-shaped steamed stuffed buns, are submarines in the water, but when they enter the land and then open their tracks, they have the style of Shengyang amphibious armed forces.

After these tanks hit the weak local defenses in the Mexican area.

A fat low-altitude ground-effect spacecraft arrived at the coastline in the Gulf of Mexico, and sent soldiers who were fully armored and filled with cannulae inside the armor to the battlefield.

Shengyang's mecha soldiers were like wild boars that had been released from the shackles. After the majors swung down their white-gloved samurai swords, they rushed towards the bewildered Mexican native army.

Central Americans, who have been accustomed to small-scale security battles all year round, have never seen such a full-scale invasion of Shengyang. They are not mentally prepared for Latin American culture.

When Sunshine invaded the city, some native Mexican gangs, big figures who boasted that they could sit on an equal footing with the city council, still didn’t understand the situation clearly. I want to ask for a toll.

Such behavior undoubtedly stimulated the wolves who restrained their fangs.

On February 9th, with the acquiescence of the general of the Shengyang Northern Army, the commanders in several cities began to preside over the "light and clean" policy.

After the population of the entire city was screened, there were several large smoking pits in the Central American jungle. The contents of this big pit were buried after being burnt out, and the tracks of the tank would fill up the soil on the big pit. In a few years, the vegetation in this area will be submerged like the Mayan pyramids, and no one will know about it anymore.

Shengyang is the most similar to the West in the middle school in East Asia, and it is also the most capable and thorough.

And this set of things will not meet effective resistance in places where the society is underdeveloped like North and South America.

In just a few days, there was machine gun fire and bulldozer excavation.

After the prime-age populations of several large cities in Mexico were eliminated, their women and children were separated and controlled with video games and drugs, respectively, and became the resources of the empire.

The United States of Edenia naturally issued a warning, launching fleets and armed forces in the sea and air.

Of course, the Edenia army, which is about to launch a battle in Central America and Sunrise, has no experience in mobilizing Central American people in the local area.

Edenia's hippie-faced cowboys will only be "American heroes" with advanced weapons. Didn't realize it was the start of a homegrown bloodbath.


After the opening of the two battlefields in Africa and Central America, when the whole world thought that Shengyang was crazy, the fact is that the brain circuit of Shengyang is really different from that of human beings.

Shengyang's gang: they don't think about how miserable they will die next year, but only think about how brilliant it will be after winning the bet, so they opened the third front.

On February 10, Sun's Pacific Fleet arrived in New Zealand. The fleet has six floating warships and eighty-seven 40,000-ton battleships.

Capital ships are attack ships such as aircraft carriers, battleships, and nuclear submarines.

Super-large supply ships, exploration and research ships, these are also warships with a large enough tonnage, but they are auxiliary ships protected by a large number of frigates. Sunrise has invested very little in this area in recent years.

Back to the international situation, although the major powers in the world are already jealous, they are still surprised by the unique madness of Shengyang!

When the other family expands in the world war, it first suppresses internal conflicts, wins together and divides the spoils, and then explodes if they can't win. Shengyang is good, and each does his own thing. And it regards the direction of expansion as a benchmark for party struggle.


In the records of Chinese literati and poets, New Zealand, a country with kiwi birds, is a contemporary paradise.

Hanging alone overseas, away from the hustle and bustle of major powers competing for hegemony, there are green grass, green hills, and cows everywhere. How many literati and poets put their "local affection" on the place, of course, it also makes people pop out the flower of "I don't care about the rise of a big country, I only care about the dignity of the small people".

However, the reality is that in this land of the southern hemisphere, the major powers are unwilling to expend energy across the sea to rule, and they will also not uphold justice for this land.

And once the invaders start to step in, the people here will be like their national bird "kiwi" encountering the fate of foreign "cats, dogs, and wild boars". Their weak bodies cannot resist the fierce aggression.


Sun's expansion in New Zealand has been smoother than the other two, with little resistance.

On the coastline of New Zealand, the mechanical shadow of the Tengu 70 quickly dominated the sky. As beams of light streaked across the sky, old-fashioned Apollo fighter planes were destroyed and smashed into the ocean on fire.

Compared with the Tengu-1 nose inlets of the year, this fighter has now been changed to double inlets on the back, which is a heavy armored fighter.

Although Sun's design is slightly inferior in performance compared to the fighters of today's mainstream industrial countries, it has a combat system to support it. It is by no means non-industrial. can resist.

Behind the cluster of Tengu fighter jets, a central fortress with a body length of one hundred meters, relying on anti-gravity and particle propulsion to move, floated in the air like the head of a giant soldier.

The "head card" on the top of the fortress (big head) is slightly tilted, irradiating radar waves to the front, maintaining a strong search capability for targets within a range of thousands of kilometers, and then providing information to the frontier own fleet.


And out of state (Australia). When Tang Family's Jiedu Envoy got the news, he was interacting with famous actors in the south of the Yangtze River in the Binhai Grand Theater.

Compared with the Tianzhuyang region, the Sinhala side keeps an eye on all foreign forces and is always ready for war.

The governor of Lizhou is completely incompetent.

Of course, this is also the ills brought about by deindustrialization. Without an industrialized society, there would be no concept of duty in society, and not having a concept of duty would be total slack.

In the words of martial arts masters, the whole body is full of flaws.

Using a biological analogy, warm-blooded animals sneak up on cold-blooded animals at night or in autumn.


On the plateau, Wei Keng, who was intensifying his training, was poured into the big news of Shengyang in those few days.

Also a little confused.

The people of Shengyang are frantically looking for the sesame seeds they can pick up at this time, taking advantage of the fact that the major powers have no time to care about the fringe areas.

Looking at the Sun news on the projected interface on his arm, Wei Keng couldn't help muttering: "Have the people of Sun Yang thought about the future? Well, maybe they have, but it's just: the future at a certain moment."


When seeing a virtuous person, he thinks of Qi Yan, and when he sees an unvirtuous person, he introspects himself.

Wei Keng's psychic energy field began to expand, speeding up the dynamic metabolism, and linked to Tiance, ready at any time.

Regarding that Omega, Wei Keng is still preparing to "subtly influence", but his vigilance needs to be strengthened.

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