Out of the cage

Chapter 351 Chapter 9.41 Thirty-three years of suffering

Before the seventeenth century, Leeuwenhoek's name was shining in the history of natural science. His handmade microscopes opened up the world of microbes. but! How did he get the technology to make lenses?

For a long time, stories have been circulated in the world that the lens has been sharpened for more than 60 years. Yilin readers praised his perseverance beyond ordinary people.

But in fact, after observations in ancient times, it was found that the glass balls were fired from the glass column, then squeezed, shaped, and then polished.

At that time, other biologists were lingering on the technical threshold of grinding lenses!


If this story is placed in the ancient times, the meaning is: don't listen to the "success story" of the rich, the real elements of success will not be shared reasonably. They just say they are more diligent than you.

And the meaning of this story on the current time-shock plane is,

When scientific discoveries are monopolized by a few people and cannot be spread, they gradually become legends.

For example, "Time Travel" is like Leeuwenhoek's "Lens Technology".

Although it is on the time-shock plane, it was discovered by various scientists on this plane on multiple timelines in the ancient times. But the people and forces who made the discovery, like Leeuwenhoek, did not spread it for their own benefit.

Every time you change time and space, you will regard it as your monopoly'crown'.

They are a minority. Their actions simply allow history to align interests with those of their approved groups time and time again.

In order to monopolize this benefit, they put it in a beautiful name: to prevent the evil villains from obtaining it, and they have sealed it very well.

What is an evil villain? ——No freedom, no democracy, no justice, different beliefs, different cultures, and different races.

If you really want to discuss "good and evil", why don't you want to publish your findings in the sun?

Wei Keng, who also concealed his identity as a time-space passenger, realized that this era will unveil the curtain of time and space after receiving the data observed by Disha in Shenzhou. He whispered, and sarcastically said to the downstream Airbus: Although I am not suitable for the name of "justice", you are even more unworthy.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Wei Keng raised his hand: "Then let the people who were born and bred in this time exercise justice."


Qin Tongli 2290, January 23.

On the plateau side, Xiao Yaheng (a collaborator of Wei Keng Disha) published a heavy paper, which is suspected to have been observed in the global jiehongzi, Qin Tongli 2290, January 16, at 9:33 (Shendu time). It is suspected that the global space-time vortex event occurred at 277 degrees 45 minutes longitude and 44 degrees 32 minutes latitude.

The global hyperspace technology includes space-time warping and space-time concave.

Warping is to speed up the space-time speed of a certain area, so that items can be moved to another location abruptly. (Represents hyperspace teleportation)

The depression is to freeze the time and space of the target. For example, the space rift is to create a static space bubble, so that things can hide the turbulent changes in the smooth world. (e.g. Allied Tactical Support: Space-Time Gap)

But does the application of these technologies have no impact on the global time and space?

The earth's space-time field is huge, and it has a certain ability to smooth out the space-time fluctuations, and it seems to have no effect.

However, the team of Xiao Yaheng, the author of the paper on the plateau area, believes that there is an upper limit for everything that artificially produces space-time wrinkles on the earth. Once the hyperspace activity accumulates to a certain extent, a future wormhole will be formed in a certain natural area.

Now Disha has detected the super-temporal vortex phenomenon that will be "naturally formed" in the Great Lakes region of North America. Chinese scientists have speculated theoretically that it may be the space-time after decades of connection downstream.

What impact does this have on the earth? Experts in the plateau area are contacting similar scientists in North America and have sent observation reports, waiting for confirmation from physicists in the Eden sub area.


After the publication of this paper, it was very strange that some scientists in the Great Lakes of North America responded that the space-time experiment was being carried out in this coordinate area, which may have allowed the plateau to observe meson fluctuations. Their experiments are controllable, stable and safe.

Regarding the collapse of time and space proposed by Shenzhou, Edenya officials quickly denied it: claiming that this is an unscientific speculation, but refusing to give relevant information, and inexplicably gave a sentence to put an end to unwarranted guesses by Chinese people and speculation about the area. spy.

The Shenzhou side hasn't talked about spying yet, it looks like there is no silver three hundred taels here.

In fact, on the day the thesis was published, the entire Edenya executives held a small meeting intensively. In this meeting, a special person appeared in the top management of Edenia.

The whole body of this person is wrapped in a psionic restraint device, while the head is sealed by a glass cover, and behind the glass cover is a glowing face.

This is the continuous communication energy furnace of spiritual energy, resulting in high-energy fragments of its own carbon-based structure, which must be restrained by mechanical devices to prevent itself from being burned.

And this person's face can be vaguely seen as a very standard white man.

His name is Jason! He comes from 33 years later.


The savior that Edenia summons through space-time technology will be 33 years later.

Whether there is a Primarch today, the high-level officials of Edenia have repeatedly investigated in North America, but they have always found nothing.

However, the technology that Jason brought was Edenia's technology. The test records above are also the specifications of Edenia’s technical documents that have been extended to 33 years later, which shows that 33 years later, Edenia exists.

Regarding Jason's future time and space, the monitor behind Wei Keng has information files, after all, he is also an "important plot character".

The time-shocking plane, the plot is forked.

When the European Union takes the lead in collapsing before Edenia in the campaign plot, a large amount of assets and high-quality immigrants will flow into Edenia, giving Edenia a shot in the arm to complete the continuation of life.

At the same time, the rising sun forces, which have the characteristics of the Eastern Dynasty, will later show their disadvantages.

This disadvantage is the same as that of "Liao" and "Jin", and the expansion of its power in the first few decades was very strong. After one or two generations, the soil protection began. There may even be internal factional conflicts.

As long as Edenya can survive for 20 years, just like the Southern Song Dynasty could survive the 20 years before the rise of the Jin Dynasty, he can continue to linger on.


Jason came from the Europa League, but was born in the British Isles.

In his time and space, as the "big aunt" of Greenland continued to add ice to the North Atlantic Ocean, the whole of Europe fell into an unprecedented cold, and the British Isles were directly frozen. The British came to the European Union as refugees.

However, the Gauls are the first to gain a foothold in the Europa League in Africa, and the British are squeezed out as latecomers.

It was at that time that Jason underwent a brutal energy transformation. His psionic ability was only C-level, and he was directly promoted to B-level after the transformation, but the price was that he was no longer a carbon-based creature. It is necessary to maintain its own stability in a special device.

Moreover, he needs the electric energy of the energy station to maintain his life state. Once the electric energy is cut off, his mind will lack energy to sleep after a few hours, and after a few days, he will starve to death due to lack of energy.


As a power user, but unable to control his own stability, it is like a scary upright ape that needs oxygen, falls into the sea, and will be mocked by the lower fish.

On that timeline, all the energy station operating rooms that "strengthened psykers" rely on, Oulian are all operated by stable natural people.

Because it was impossible for the British to master such means of production later, Jason was not only unable to speak for his compatriots for a long time, but he was treated inhumanely by the bureaucrats of the European Union.

After each experiment, they were indifferently invited to the small metal warehouse, which was called protection. But in fact, through the protective force field, Jason knew that these smiling lab staff were treating him like a tiger or a lion.


In that timeline, for the suffering Anza psykers, the turning point among all the misfortunes is: the European Union collapsed.

Jason also moved to North America. And he and his compatriots, like the Jews, migrated to Edenia, and were once again rejected and humiliated by the new place.

However, the time-space thrust machine studied by British scientists discovered the space-time throbbing from the upstream in the Great Lakes region.

Ever since, Jason also traveled over. He arrived with "unwillingness".

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