Out of the cage

Chapter 36: Chapter 1.36

The main plane of the earth, the gravitational balance point at the center of the earth, is more lively than ever before. The information from the surface is continuously sent here, then annihilated, penetrates the space membrane, and then comes back from the space membrane. It seems that too much information has been sent, and the quantum effective field in the center of the earth's gravitational field has also undergone unique changes.

Throughout the core of the earth, the regular echoing of information changes the microstructure of nickel-iron atoms in the core of the earth.

Technological changes are ongoing!

Now a large number of Shangqing traversers have made new breakthroughs in the plane system. In order to obtain information support more conveniently, they simply carved energy chips directly near the center of the earth.

That is to say, the iron and nickel atoms are arranged according to the structure, and the energy absorption of the fusion of iron elements is completed in the nuclear reaction, and energy is absorbed with other heavy elements. Information processing is carried out on each plane in the dimension.

The war allowed the first batch of shuttlers not to rely on information from the earth in the short term.

Financial independence is real independence! These first shuttlers were the most progressive and successful in this war. Gradually, the space-time management department has a higher say in the plane policy decisions.

And Wei Qiang is a part of the first wave of the Earth's crossing.

He is not the strongest, and the energy chip on the earth's core is only enough for him to carry out three time-space transfers independently.

Some people who are stronger than him control the nuclear energy information tunneling facility near the center of the earth, and can even directly set up an information tunnel between the two planes.

But Wei Qiang has access to this technology at present, and with future development, he is destined to become the veteran of the Space-Time Administration.


Wei Qiang is looking at two files now.

One of them is the information about Wei Keng. Wei Keng's space-time tunnel has been communicated. Due to the high velocity effect of time and space, the Pandora plane is regarded as a "mine", and the high time velocity is continuously extracted, which is convenient for speeding up. Originally, it was a decisive battle on a plane with a low time velocity.

Oh, this extraction of time-space velocity and acceleration of another plane's time-space velocity is also a new technology of the time-space managers in this plane war. This was originally a concept proposed by a traveler named Su Jie in this plane, and then successfully developed. In the contemporary war of planes, wizards and ghosts have emerged in various fields.

Regarding Wei Keng's encounter on the alien plane, 57 of the 1567 initial individuals died due to various factors, and when three of them fell on the plane, the system had not yet preserved complete consciousness and thinking, as if they had disappeared out of thin air Same. Oh, to some extent, this is equivalent to the death of a part of human consciousness.

Wei Qiang was very angry when he first saw this content! In the final analysis, the time-space management department still didn't keep his stupid brother safe, but after thinking about it, it was fine. After all, it was a war between planes, and even if he was in the time-space management department, he couldn't keep enough The focus is on people who are not absolutely life-threatening.

Now Wei Qiang also saw the reaction of Wei Keng Group after many distresses.

The sky is falling and the color remains unchanged, the tyranny is unyielding, the hardships are not short, the majesty is not scattered, this brother of mine is finally a bit of a man.

Wei Qiang turned to another file, which was sent by Luo Hongxing, a veteran Shangqing traveler. In the space-time area where Wei Qiang is located, there is a timeline that will start a strong confrontation with the Western Space-Time Bureau of the main world. Ask for your own help in this confrontation.


Pandora plane 2433, May 19th.

Wei Keng was conducting a military deduction in front of the exquisite sand table in the earthen house. Of course, during the deduction process, a small number of them are doing training to provide a real basis for the deduction.

Marching, how much material can you carry to continue marching, how much progress can your physical strength support the forced march, and how long will it take for your physical condition to recover after the forced march.

And after facing the enemy, whether to launch a charge and cooperate with the various fire teams to organize effective resistance against the current enemy? The training data is the key basis for the formulation of tactical specifications.

Wei Keng even practiced crawling forward when the machine gun fired at a half-meter-high ballistic.

Since Wei Keng is trying to understand himself, he can't use the instructor's one-way point of view to state: this is a test of the psychological quality of his own group in the face of fire suppression.

In Wei Keng's record: This is to inoculate himself, to understand how it feels to crawl forward under machine gun fire. It won't be so that I will panic collectively and lie on the ground and can't do anything.

The object of this staff deduction is the human city-states including Ji'an City.

In the past, the three-meter-high concrete walls on the periphery of these city-states and the two-meter Changluzhai on the outside of the city walls, as well as the artillery and machine guns in the watchtowers, made it impossible for Wei Keng to attack. Now, whether it is the new artillery or the chemical industry Explosives that can be produced in factories all have a certain ability to tackle tough problems. It became possible to break through this wall.

Of course, the current strategy is to economically integrate the humans in this area, and the probability of a hot war is very small. Wei Keng's policy towards humans is also to avoid hot wars as much as possible.

The reason why small probability things are practiced stroke by stroke is because the 10 self-individuals lost in the second conflict with the Guangdong genetic community made Wei Keng do well in all serious consequences regardless of probability made a plan.


The time came to June, and the typhoon came. Regarding the typhoon, Wei Keng did not preset a weather station on the sea, but Wei Keng determined that there was an anomaly in the life radiation on the ocean based on his perception of life radiation, so he guessed that it was a typhoon.

When he first arrived in this world last year, Wei Keng was only in one place of residence, and only felt a few heavy rains.

The path of the typhoon often makes a circle. It lands on Baodao every year and sweeps across the land. The rest of the mainland is only affected by the cyclone.

And this year is obviously a big one. The main body of the typhoon is here.

A super-large-scale torrential rain swept across the entire Pearl River Delta, and Wei Keng, who was shirtless and wearing coir raincoats, couldn't help feeling emotional when they saw the mighty power of nature.

At the same time, I feel wise for my own operation!

A certain Wei Keng was full of pride and thought: I am worthy of being a Yanhuang, and I am born with the ability to control water. This should be a genetic talent, right? Well, it must be.

Due to the lack of historical climate data, historical precipitation data, and records of hydrological data in various regions, Wei Keng was unable to analyze the amount of annual precipitation and the amount of water flow in each river channel. Therefore, the effective dredging strategy of "reinforcement of key river embankments" cannot be adopted, but the method of focusing on keeping one's own area is adopted.

That is to blast and block the place where the upstream may encounter a large flow of flood, so that the upstream water flows away from both sides. This is like a slope. When you block that place with your hand, the water will flood from the other two sides. As the flow slowed down, Wei Keng didn't use much labor, that is, he built several dams on the seven river channels upstream of him. Specifically, the earthwork to be dug by myself does not exceed one thousand. It successfully blocked the upstream water for dozens of kilometers, and 40% of the water diverted from hundreds of small streams, filling these waterways that were not full in previous years.

Wei Keng's residential areas are basically in the highlands. As long as the water level of the nearby river does not exceed the ruler engraved on the big stone, then there will be no floods.

But from the perspective of the outside world, there is an allusion of the same type in history, and a classic idiom "beggar your neighbor" was created. If Dayu saw Wei Keng's water control like this, he would definitely grab his straw sandals and lash out at this unworthy descendant.

Wei Keng's water control can be said to add his wicked points to max.

Wei Keng's residential area and farmland areas were all preserved, while some jungle areas, uh, these areas that may be higher than the farmland areas all suffered.

In the disaster-stricken area, clusters of treetops were directly overwhelmed by the torrential torrent, and groups of animals gathered on the huge few high grounds, and then saw the water flooding up, desperate and helpless.

In the area submerged by the rolling flood, sometimes there are seven or eight weird herbivores on a tree, rolling the branches with their tentacles, looking at the terrifying scene of the Qianli Ze Kingdom with great timidity, but in the end the soil at the roots of the big tree was washed away. After falling, dozens of animals all plopped into the water, struggling in the torrent.


Chinese civilization has long recognized the power of natural disasters and invented the term "water and fire have no mercy".

Wei Keng's travel to this plane can be described as the arrival of the Scourge. A few months ago, a large-scale fire was set on the mountain, and then the flood flooded the land.

By the way, when the mountain was burned, a large number of huge trees were burned to death. At this time, there was no vegetation on the hillside, and a large amount of sediment was poured into the river, which is why this flash flood was so terrifying.

In other words, landslides also occurred on the hillsides in many areas upstream, and a large number of animals hiding in caves in the mountains were also flooded by mudslides for no apparent reason.

In this natural disaster, Wei Keng had the advantage in surveying and mapping, and was not retaliated by nature. This may be the advantage of being able to grasp the number of days after mastering wisdom.

Based on the observation from Wei Keng's perspective, the system estimated the situation of flooding: After Wei Keng's actions, according to the situation in the main world, the ecology of this area will be severely damaged for at least ten years, and the populations of all local large species will be destroyed. With such a flood, the game is basically over!

After all, there are many shrubs on the hillside, and the ecology can only support small and medium-sized predators such as bobcats and cheetahs. Everyone hunts in the lowlands and rich areas. For these species, the flood came so suddenly, they would detour along the low-lying places, encircle them, and wipe out one by one completely.

In the early days of Eurasian civilization, there were legends of a great flood. To a large extent, it was not the climate, but the agricultural civilization that began to settle in the fertile river basin, unknowingly destroying nature, and having no experience in water conservancy to deal with it. After the huge damage, literature These floods, which may not appear to be large in scale, have been recorded, but they have been very violent in killing concentrated areas.

Human beings' continuous development will inevitably offend nature, but Wei Keng, who has a certain amount of knowledge and experience, is purely a dead friend who never dies.

There was thunder and thunder in the sky, but it still couldn't give Wei Keng an effective warning!


On the distant Eastern Ocean, there are continuous five-meter-high winds and waves on the sea. If a 10,000-ton ship is sailing in this sea condition, the bow of the ship will continue to rise, and then fall into the waves.

But now there is a small island floating steadily on the surface of the sea, and even the waves have not hit it. If you look carefully, there are countless tentacles like sargassum floating around the island. Weakened into a fluctuating sea surface.

Take a closer look at these sargassums, it seems that they all extend from the belly of the "island".

Suddenly, there was a "volcanic eruption" in front of the small island, no, it seemed to be the spray of a whale.

Two seconds after the water mist was sprayed, a boa constrictor the size of a bus stretched out its head. It seemed that it was too heavy to lift its head up. It could only wriggle against the ridge of the island and reach a high place on the island for a bird’s-eye view. looking around.

This is an apostle-level existence, a node creature of a super-large-scale gene community.

The code name in human civilization is Xuantie Xuanwu. Of course, the model can't just imitate the giant tortoise in the human impression.

The turtle's head is an extensible body that protrudes forward, and the entire turtle's back is high in the middle and low at the edge.

And this thing has small peaks high on the outside, low in the middle, like a bathtub, and the head is drilled out of the back like a whale spouting water.

Anyway, most of the contemporary node organisms have not developed according to human aesthetics.

Such a gene group can even interfere with ocean currents, so the typhoon heading towards Guangdong this time has the same effect to a certain extent.

The head of this huge boa constrictor looked towards the direction of Guangdong from the mountain peak, and there seemed to be some doubts in the eye sockets full of algae.

In its perception, the typhoon caused unexpected damage to the life community on the land there, but the new community that made itself feel threatened so much that it now took out means to intervene didn't seem to be killed.

The giant python retracted into the hole in the mountain peak, and then a thick cuticle of the same color as the rock blocked the hole. This can refer to the cap at the exit after the screw is retracted.

This basalt has not continued to pay attention to the southwest for the time being. It has been fighting with the gene community on the continental shelf of the Yellow Sea to the west for more than ten years. In human terms, the enemy of one apostle is another apostle. It's just that Wei Keng has attracted attention this year. For the time being, the genetic community represented by Xuantie Xuanwu has a little free hand to interfere.


At this time, in the north of Guangdong, a large number of gene communities fled north, which caused a great impact on the ecology of northern Huguang. The vegetation along the way was also impacted by the foreign gene communities, and the leaves and fruits also appeared in strange shapes. form.

The node creatures that escaped from the south were terrified, because this time, Wei Keng really let these creatures experience extinction.

At the end of the Quaternary Epoch, that is, the Anthropocene Era, before Pandora's field came, the speed of species disappearance in nature was already at the level of mass extinction. Human occupation of natural areas has cut off the habitat of large swathes of life.

The rise of human beings represents a natural disaster for the entire natural world.

When human beings are aware of this after entering the civilization era, they cannot change this contradiction. They only hope to develop rapidly and separate their material energy acquisition from the natural world, so as to end the competition with other natural creatures at this level as soon as possible.

However, after the era of Pandora destroyed human beings, it has not been completely destroyed now, and someone has returned to the original attitude of human beings towards nature!

In the north, those consciousnesses in Yucheng also had to shift their attention away from the traditional competition of the old human city-states on the eastern plain of the East Asian continent, and pay attention to the existence of this "extreme" in the south.


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