Out of the cage

Chapter 366 Chapter 9.56 The Unstoppable Road of Trial and Error

In the Holy City of Sharonbas, the top is a hemispherical fortress in the Dashi area.

The Persians are facing the Europa League negotiators, and they feel incredible when they see the requirements in the terms. They felt that the entire European Union suddenly became indifferent, and the transfer of technology and industry began to attach conditions.

Persia and other forces felt that the changes in temperature and temperature were extremely obvious after the retreat of Shenzhou in the Chihai Bay War. At this moment, they felt very clearly that they were far from being a powerful country.

After those new intellectuals dispelled part of the power of the Chinese side, what they ushered in was not independence, but self-reduction after treachery.


Ounion's technology industry chain transfer is incomplete, so what advantages does it have compared with the technology industry chain already provided by China? A full set of self-produced mammoth tanks, replaced by a large number of 30% core equipment, all of which are supplied by Eurolink for future tanks?

However, the Persian region has already been set up. In order to maintain part of the industrial chain already provided by Europa, it has to supply war supplies to Europa.

After the negotiation meeting, the Dashi delegation sat on the sofa in the office in frustration, looking at the agreements that had changed midway, and couldn't help feeling annoyed at those idiots in the Dashi public opinion circle. .

When these regrets were passed down and finally turned into the loss of the nation, the time travel downstream came.


In March of 2291 in the Qin Tongli calendar, in the dry desert of Dashi Peninsula, a magnetic storm unfolded. A base car with a curved shell and a star and moon logo arrived.

After the advent of such high-tech technology, the people who came down were all semi-robots whose bodies were made of ceramic armor.

Dashi sent people to greet them: only from the three rows of small holes reserved in their nasal cavity, and the exhaled carbon dioxide breath, it can be seen that the brain is still carbon-based.

Apparently this is someone who is the scourge of the Ascension cult culture.

When these time and space visitors got off the base vehicle, the several-ton truck with four mechanical legs behind them walked into the desert, and then drove a steel cylinder with a blue core into the desert at a position 500 meters below. .

After the crystal came into contact with the groundwater source, the liquid nanostructure penetrated into the groundwater, and under the supply of surface electricity, the value of these crystals increased rapidly, and soon dyed the entire underground area green.

This kind of crystal farmland is just like this, quietly expanding underground.

Of course, this behavior is not silent under the current earth evil supervision system in Shenzhou

Even this kind of behavior beyond time and space was discovered in the earth evil network for the first time.

The underground changes caused by the growth of green infected crystals in the Dashi area are very strange in the monitoring of the earth evil, because the energy generation of the core is actually the same as the intensity of the nuclear reaction.


Nuclear fusion life ore, that is, Tiberium crystals on certain timelines, is a common sense phenomenon of this cosmic civilization that must be encountered after the earth civilization is projected onto the timequake plane.

The natural cold fusion mineral group similar to Taijing is a life species as common as carbon-based life in the universe.

These types of life minerals, which naturally originated near the stars and whose climate is similar to Venus, will be cultivated and transformed to produce energy and tools when most carbon-based life on this plane evolves into civilization.

In the end, this part of civilization had a large part of branches, which evolved into swarms, crinoids, and other Cambrian-style creations.

Let's put it this way, people on Earth are a different kind of civilization in this universe. The earth has developed a magnificent mechanical civilization, and bypassed Tiberium to develop cold fusion energy technology, bypassing the so-called detour.

Civilizations on other planets use genes to control nuclear fusion life ore crystal technology, and then control energy production and the specific environment generated by the ionization of raw materials.

Take the Scrin people as an example. Their mechanical technology is not as good as that of the earth people. After they came to the earth, they could not come up with the earth's chip production, smelting and forging technology. Their corresponding tool manufacturing technologies are all hundreds of thousands of years old. They use their own life to evolve the associated Tiberium and transform the Tiberium into industrial tools.

Their warships use special encrypted crystals to control ionized clouds to integrate minerals.

Without the Tiberium mine, Scrin people are like earthlings whose hands have been chopped off, unable to make a single gear.

Now their own physiological structure can't bear bricks and tiles, and can't hit an anvil. Encrypted crystals can only be controlled through information tentacles, and natural crystals (Tiberine) are used as raw materials to manufacture tools.

Of course, their adaptability, that is, the number of births of psionic bodies, is higher than that of the earth.

Therefore, most of the carbon-based life forms of war in this universe are to launch their own "Tiberium Mine" to invade the planets of other civilizations, and achieve the biological invasion of the Tiberium Mine. Then wait for the minerals available to you to gradually gain an advantage, then drive the fleet over and annihilate them.

The earth has developed mechanical warfare without using products similar to Tiberium.

In some time and space, when the Scrin fleet arrived on Earth, Tiberium was extremely barren - only one in 20 places suitable for Scrin to settle. There are very few Tiberium mines that can manufacture military weapons, and they are being chased by the unlimited output of the earthlings' mechanical production lines.

The embarrassment of the Scrin people in those timelines is equivalent to the embarrassment of being chased and bitten by a group of Velociraptors when a thousand Earthlings landed in the Cretaceous period without iron tools.


The space-time travel in the Dashi area originated from the downstream one hundred and fifty years ago. The time and space downstream is actually already a great unity of the world.

But on the eve of the future space-time center deciding to completely block time and space, some marginal religious people on the earth began to want to go back to the past. Therefore, the last wave of space-time smuggling was carried out before the global space-time defense system was established.

So this group of people took the Tiberium crystals smuggled from Mars and opened the smuggling space door on the earth. This is also the crossing that appeared in the Great Food region of the Divine Plane this time.

After this crossing happened, in terms of anti-time and space travel in the plateau area, it was impossible to complete the traceability to the downstream. The group of travelers from Dashi chose the time very well. At this time, when Shenzhou tried to travel in reverse, the downstream space-time frequency band had been blocked.

However, after the downstream earth confirmed that there was a fish that slipped through the net, it still sent a reminder to this side: "As the last sealing area where the space-time dam closes, we have carefully selected it. Please continue to correct the correct history."

What does this sentence mean?

The personnel of the Hetu Research Institute in the plateau area felt baffled.

But Wei Keng knew the thoughts of the Lower China Space-Time Administration. In the final closing stage of the space-time dam, three spaces are surrounded and one is missing, and the last traversable place is reserved, allowing those time-space smugglers outside the system in the world to rush to those past historical lines with powerful "time-space correction power".

What is this powerful "space-time correcting power"? ——Of course it is "Dancing Shoveler. Wei".

Wei Keng assigned some extra tasks to his early self on some timelines after his anti-virtual self.


At Eye of the Earth 34. In the dark room of the underground space. The projection is flashing this group of photos quickly

Wei Keng adjusted his optical eyepiece and looked at the map of the West Asia area to accurately observe and map it.

The current Tiberium crystal has only one core. This core is responsible for providing energy for cold fusion while producing raw nanomineral crystal cells. The large number of ore bodies spreading around are only responsible for the formation of water sources and materials for raw material minerals.

In theory this is the best time to decontaminate Tiberium now.

But—that piece of land may carry too much dissatisfaction and resentment, trying all different paths is inevitable in history.

And as an outsider, trying to cut it off would be met with hatred.

So, at the foreign decision-making meeting in the plateau region.

Wei Keng: "Let's remind them with an equal attitude, I hope they can take care of themselves."


On April 15th, the plateau area published the related "possibility of cold fusion mineral life in nature", which was theoretically published.

In terms of diplomacy, it reminded the Dashi region that the Chinese side knew what they got from the future. I hope they can peacefully use this alien technology tree for the purpose of the future of mankind.


As for Shenzhou? There is no need to rush now, just be a "good guy".

All advances in science and technology are based on basic theories. There is no shortcut to the self-awareness of civilization and the cognition of the world.

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