Out of the cage

Chapter 376 Chapter 9.66

On May 7th, Lizhou mainland. From 19° to 35° south latitude, on a wide front of 1,800 kilometers, Lizhou social governance and military forces, after the Tang's army's key offensive, rows of Qilin tanks poured into the southern commercial city.

From the 6th to the 8th, when the main reactionary force in Lizhou reported to President Tang and the media how to find the armored forces of the United Army in the southwest for a strategic decisive battle, the situation changed suddenly.

The three columns on the northern line inserted obliquely near Tang's old nest, cut off the railway center, and stubbornly blocked the first mechanic of Tang's army for four hours, winning critical time for the big battle in the middle.

The two columns on the southern line dragged most of the main force of the third and fourth mechanic divisions of the Tang Army on the broad southern highlands in the hills.

In the words of military commentators of later generations: Tang Zhutou sold his underpants to the "Red Army" as soon as he drove out of the Nantianmen Mountains with a total of 6,000 tanks.


In order to cut off the Nanyang Group's intervention forces at sea to Tang Jiajun's naval gun support.

In the depths of the ocean, volunteers from the Fourth Army of the Indian Ocean carried out support operations with 160,000 UFO-shaped shallow sea engineering boats. Its appearance is somewhat similar to the "Sea Wing" a hundred years ago.

The tonnage of these engineering boats is less than 150 tons, and they have only been slightly modified, such as the installation of torpedo tubes, anti-air laser arrays, and integrated unmanned signal launch towers.

As for the issue of "seaworthiness", these small engineering boats are not rushed across the ocean from the sea, but are the combat forces that are placed on the sea after the large submarine motherships rush to the theater.


On the morning of the 7th, the frontline generals of the Tang Army announced excitedly that they had discovered the last main force of the Red Faction on land.

In the combined fleet sent from Nanyang, General Zheng Jianing was preparing to provide fire support based on the coordinates provided by the Tang Family Army on the shore.

The Nanyang Fleet experienced a large-scale response in the sonar arrays deployed on the periphery.

A large number of unidentified underwater swarm forces are approaching. This approaching cluster is not a school of fish of one or two kilometers, but a stretch of tens of kilometers and three attack waves.

In the shallow sea layer and the sea surface, this offensive force is like a group of tanks, forming an array at a distance of 100 meters, approaching the large battleship.

From the deep sea to the shallow sea, relying on the waves on the water surface, approaching at high speed like a cavalry in the posture of a hydrofoil boat, no longer afraid of the attack of air firepower. On the contrary, the low-altitude anti-submarine drones were destroyed in batches in the attack wave's machine guns.

In the entire harbor, rapid-fire naval guns are constantly intercepting. The azure blue light from the large electromagnetic gun was reflected in the waves, but it couldn't stop the waves rushing in the distance.

But everyone on the battleship knows that such a large number of hulls that can be used for both diving and floating are 100% unmanned, and only a few hulls serve as the integrated command center. But it was too late to tell.

The Nanyang Intervention Fleet, the two 10,000-ton capital ships Changqing and Luoxia were locked by as many as 60 torpedoes.

At this time, the crew controlling the ship's machine guns were already desperate in the face of such a surprise attack, and there was also a ballistic missile fire attack cluster in the sky?

General Zheng, through the protective shield above his head, looked at the cluster of missiles coming down from the sky—at the last moment before he passed out, his last words were: "When and where did they deploy the missiles?"


According to General Zheng's cognition at this time: the launch platform of China's sea-based ballistic missiles is a 40,000-ton Xuanwu-class submarine.

The Battle of Lizhou was a contest between the two ideologies of business and private affairs and social governance in China on a worldwide scale.

The Nanyang Fleet led by General Zheng received the full support of the Eastern Sea Region of Shenzhou, and the Shendu side specially mobilized satellites for the Nanyang side and provided intelligence support.

The Nanyang side can easily determine that there are no large ballistic missile submarines around, so how did these anti-ship ballistic missiles of the Nanyang Joint Navy appear on the battlefield without conscience?


Technical introduction: Sea-based ballistic missiles do not necessarily have to be carried by nuclear submarines. In ancient times, Soviet Russia developed an alternative way of launching underwater ballistic missiles.

The plan is to tow the cylinder carrying the ballistic missile to the launching sea area through a fleet disguised as a fishing boat, and then fix it underwater in shallow water. And this cylinder is deployed on the seabed, and after receiving instructions, the missile body can rush out of the water and launch.


At this time, the Shenzhou plane has better technical conditions than the main world in modern times.

With the development of economic and industrial chains such as underwater mining and smelting, the military is also advancing with the times.

Before participating in the battle, the Lizhou Marine Engineering Volunteer Army found a shallow sea position, and deployed a large area of ​​ballistic missile cylinders on the position by taking advantage of the submarine engineering force.

The unprecedented submarine "second artillery position" has taught the arrogant fleet of Nanyang a lesson.


After the missile fell, the maritime intervention fleet composed of forty large ships emitted thick smoke one after another. And the formation of hydrofoils charging from the sea rushed into the group of enemy ships to do the final mopping work.

10:30 am on the 7th. The shipboard fire support on the sea, which the Lizhou Tang Group relied on, was completely removed.

At the same time, after receiving the news, the Lizhou social governance army began to accelerate its movement.

South Tianmen Mountains, Sunset Mountain Pass area. The red star marks the mechanical armor of the Lizhou National Front. Under the cover of sea missiles and light howitzers deployed in the mountains, they attacked the scenic area called Sunset Mountain at 24° south latitude.

The 019 and 044 regiments of the Tang Group surrendered without even holding out for half an hour.

Important electricity, fuel supplies, ammunition in the area, and more than a thousand armored vehicles still in the tank repair factory have all been "logistics".

The frontline combat officers of the Lizhou People's Liberation Front summarized the battle after the battle: the attack was quite smooth, and they didn't even deploy landmines.

According to the plateau's analysis of this battle, the loss of the Tang Group in the Nantianmen pass area is comparable in strategy, comparable to "Wuchao" (Guandu of the Three Kingdoms).

Of course, behind this, the deep-seated problems of the Tang family's army are far more serious than the fall of the "strategic location".

The military quality of Tang Jiajun's defenders here has nothing to do with modern troops that strictly observe discipline and obey their duties.

It is now 2292, and the war between World Island and the New World has reached the second half. The local troops of the Shenzhou system on the mainland of Lizhou not only stayed at the level of tactical training a hundred years ago, but also used tactics at this level. There are so many loopholes that make it more like a local security army with advanced weapons. It really deserves to be a paradise away from disputes.


The Battle of Sunset Mountain ended within five hours.

Volunteer military technicians sent by Western China to Lizhou deciphered the seized military material system of the Tang family army. Since these tanks, armored vehicles, and missiles belong to the same Shenzhou system, these tanks, armored vehicles, and missiles were quickly incorporated into the combat system of the Lizhou Social Army.

At 9:00 pm on the 7th, in the northern part of Lizhou, Eucalyptus Village.

The third regiment, fourth and fifth regiments of the direct descendants of the Tang family group tried their best, and finally sent a message to the outside world amidst the information blockade.

In the interface displayed on the global public channel: their faces were dripping with sweat, and they cursed "friends are like pigs" to the outside world, and let the rebels beat themselves with their own equipment.

After such information was broadcast, the entire world was in an uproar along with the annihilation of the intervention fleet.

The big business and private families in Nanyang and Jiangnan were celebrating their victory ten hours ago, and believed that order would be restored before the Dragon Boat Festival. This sudden wave of reversal made the hearts of this wave of investment powerhouses suddenly start a roller coaster ride.


On the morning of the 8th, in the southern plains, Tang Tianci, who had originally planned to fight the last main force of the so-called rebel army, was under pressure from the outside world, holding a wine bottle and looking at the projected strategic map with dark eyes.

He, who was still in the glory of victory before, is like a businessman who has just encountered a sharp drop after seeing the market soar!

What happens when a guy with such a businessman personality crosses borders to command the military? When encountering difficulties, we did not rationally judge the comparison between the enemy and ourselves, nor did we revise our strategic thinking.

Instead, I was eager to continue to prove that "the advantage is with me", and decided to invest capital to stop the decline.

Tang Tianci's soup pig's head became famous after the eighth battle.

Strictly speaking, the Tang Group still holds a huge armor force at this time. If you choose to retreat and hold on to the coastline to wait for supplies, then the Red Army will really need to work hard to annihilate them, and later it will change.

If the Tang Group is lucky enough to block a wave of attacks by the Red Army, it will restore the confidence of the businessmen in Dongbin, China.

Then it is guaranteed that they will not receive support from the Nanyang side during this period of time. After the war is delayed, the problem of leaving the state will be prolonged.

But Tang Tianci did not choose the "guaranteed bottom line" plan.

What he felt: the supply had disappeared, the retreat was defeated, and the attack also failed, it was nothing more than a matter of more defeats and less defeats. Ever since, I asked for help from my hometown in the rear, and sent a letter saying "The general's life is not accepted". It was decided to take the troops to attack the armored forces on the southern plains.


Such a battle decision made Wei Keng feel a little incredible! After the war, I once asked the comrades in Lizhou: "Is this Tang Tianci sent by you, a fighter on the dark line."

After a period of long-distance raids by the mechanized troops, supplies are urgently needed in all aspects, and even the physical strength of the soldiers has reached a limit, which is the end of their strength. And the rear was taken away, and it was impossible to bring in supplies. The legions should be allowed to alternately cover and retreat.

Damn, he dared to fight decisively, who gave him the courage?


Eighth at 3:29 p.m.

In the flat agricultural area in the southwest of Lizhou, the decisive tank battle between the two sides began.

Tang Tianci's tank group ran over the agricultural ditch, smashed the frame-shaped agricultural building, and moved forward with the main gun.

After impacting twenty kilometers in this way, it quickly hit an anti-tank trench that stretched for tens of kilometers, and the impact speed began to slow down.

At the same time, the armored units of the Red Army had sufficient horsepower and began to make a big detour. The track raced for forty kilometers, and went directly to the rear side smoothly.

This detour was so smooth that the staff officers trained by the plateau faction in rotation felt their faces twitch. How many dishes are there on the other side?


In normal armor confrontation, there are detours, and there are also anti-detours that separate the company. This is the same as the reason why battleships in the era of great navigation snatched the T prefix from each other.

However, this unit of the Tang family’s army did not respond to roundabout measures, which made the Lizhou People’s Liberation Front wonder whether the mechanized equipment bought by Nanyang was a beggar’s version, and its information dispatching was castrated.

After the post-war investigation, it was found that these weapons were all active equipment in Dongbin, and their performance was very good. However, according to the confession of the prisoners later, they did not know that their equipment had these functions.


The feudal warlord troops of the Tang family were fully "tried" on the battlefield for two crimes.

First, there is no running-in with the equipment. When they got this batch of new equipment, their superiors excitedly launched a war.

It takes a week for an adult to understand all the functions of a new smartphone for the first time, not to mention the holographic cockpit, which has thousands of combinations of functions. As for cooperating in combat, it will take multiple exercises.

Second, there is a problem with the system. In order to effectively control the troops and prevent the "anti-bones" who were influenced by social governance concepts from being mixed into the troops, the Tang family had to deploy a large number of their own cronies.

An army is cronyistic, which means that the assessment, reward and punishment mechanism has been paralyzed. But the president of Tang Jiajun in Lizhou just overly believed in his own vision and was able to pick out talented people. At the same time, I also believe in my own charm, and talented people must be loyal, brave and upright.


Back to the moment, during the battle between the Tang family's army, when Tang Bu was facing the "Red Army"'s detour, someone did find the side danger. These ordinary low-level soldiers of the Tang Family Army were afraid that they would be blamed for their crimes instead of credit, so no one reported to Shangfeng. This is not to mention active interception.

After the war, the investigators sent by Western China asked the captives why they didn't turn around when they found the flanks were dangerous during the war.

The reasons for the captives of the four different companies are as varied as the ancient national football teams.

"My own fuel and ammunition are not enough to complete the detour mission."

"I am behind, too late to intercept."

"I saw it myself, but I couldn't be sure. It was too late when I was sure."

"Our side was ordered to attack from the front, and to attack from the side, so it has nothing to do with me."


At 3:45 in the afternoon, just as Tang Tianci's armored forces launched a charge "in one fell swoop".

With the turmoil on the flanks, the outcome of the largest contest on land in Lizhou has been decided. The tank cluster marked with a red star in Lizhou smashed the armored vehicle formation behind Tang Tianci like a hammer smashing a blade. Every time the flames of the tank's muzzle flickered, there was a tank in Tang's army's armored group that flickered.

With such a harvesting speed, even the Tang family's army, which also controlled the unmanned chariot combat sequence, was defeated.

A hundred years ago, the abandonment of cars in second-tier countries was the loss of one car after another. But now the Tang Jiajun is composed of seven or eight cars, and they are thrown away one after another.

Although unmanned is safe, the operation required is actually more work than driving a car. So when morale collapses, the speed of the collapse is also faster.


On the afternoon of the 8th, in Menshen Town, Tang Tianci tried to disguise himself as an ordinary soldier and abscond, but was intercepted by the battlefield search team.

Dressed in civilian clothes, he was captured and published in the newspapers, heralding the end of Lizhou's plan to "sweep Lizhou defectors" since last month, just like the bubble dissipated.

On May 9th, the left-behind troops of the four mechanical regiments encircled and wiped out in the north, among them, there was an uprising in front of the battalion-level organization.

The Tang Group failed too quickly, and no one wanted to be buried with it.

Moreover, in recent years, the ranks of the Tang Group have been severely hierarchical. Under the influence of the concept of "anti-imperialism, anti-commercial privateness, rather have a kind, do you have money?" in China, there has been resistance for a long time.

What are you fighting for? If this issue is not answered well, it will be impossible to organize morale in the industrial age.


May 10th.

As the frontier of great changes in Lizhou, the "Social Governance" faction began to announce that it would carry out the stage of "it is appropriate to chase Yu Yong to the poor" for the Tang family dynasty!

The third red star broadcasting tower made a broadcast to everyone in Lizhou and the old Nanyang ruled area at 8 o'clock in the morning: "Yanhuang is a distant ancestor, Qinhuang Hanwu created a governance model based on the unification of all Xia, it is worthy respect.

Now that old emperor who I have never seen in my whole life and only knows to stay in his own palace to worship the heavens, my good men and sisters, why should I be suppressed by his Jiedushi and Wangjue. "


After the 13th, the Southern Army Corps completed its repairs, and the eight columns moved northward across the board, with red flags rolling around. The Tang Group, which was extremely arrogant a few months ago, has now collapsed.

The Tang family, with hundreds of descendants and concubines, knew that the situation was over, so they ran away by boat. Elegantly called, exile, ensure the continued command of the resistance.

However, at this time, no matter how loyal the descendants of the Tang Group were, facing such a master, they lost the morale to continue resisting.

Facing Tang Jiedu's official appointment and making a wish before leaving, he ran to the boat and talked about the "importance of resistance" and other coquettish operations.

Of the three old army commanders, one responded with a miserable smile; one scolded him for being shameless; one directly read the letter of surrender.


At this stage, the Nanyang Jiedushi Alliance is still trying to save the final battle.

In the port of Lion City, a fleet sailed west from the Strait of Malacca to the Indian Ocean, trying to launch a surprise attack on the west coast of Lizhou, that is, the rear of the west coast of Lizhou.

But the fleet drawn out by the Nanyang Group, after leaving Malacca, bumped into love around the corner.

On May 11, the commander of the Tianzhuyang Navy, Wei Zhanchu, sat on his battleship and ordered the cruiser Tianhu to ram the battleship ahead.

On the blue ocean, the Nanyang Fleet evaded urgently and had to retreat to the Strait of Malacca.


From May 21st to 23rd, in the northern coastline of Lizhou, the largest city, Nanpu City (there is no Baifan Opera House in this time and space, and a 100-meter-high pagoda is replaced).

Inside the Tang Family Army, the uprising troops in front of the battle sent out the defense map in advance. The attacking troops in Lizhou knew in advance that the east-west connection of their front was weak.

So at 11 o'clock in the evening on the 21st, under the bombardment of 6,000 towed artillery, things went side by side. The 270,000 reactionary forces that hastily retreated, as well as the python mercenaries who came for reinforcements from Nanyang, were all destroyed by artillery. (Post-war comment: The mercenaries did not dig trenches, they just found bunkers to garrison. That is the quality of assisting the security forces.)

Commander Li Ruixin's team took thirty hours to plant the flag on the Huabiao Building. And the morning sun just happened to shine on the red-dotted Huabiao.

Who would have imagined that three months ago, the party that was determined to lose by the Taiyang public opinion power, the war that Lizhou's social governance forces themselves were not sure of, has ended so undoubtedly!

The entire Nanyang old forces trembled in the face of such a result.

However, in the past two years, the Taiyang foreign businessmen who have continuously transferred their technical assets and regarded Nanyang as a paradise in the world war, collectively fell silent at this time.

The back route they originally arranged was now clearly arranged. Let these high-ranking people have a bit of a dead end.


After Lizhou became popular, a ballad was sung in the cultural circle of China.

"The tiger made of paper, the light silver bill, runs fast, shouts loudly, he dare not tell the truth, he dare not come back, how strange, how strange!"

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