Out of the cage

Chapter 384 Chapter 9.74 Taijing's control.

In 2293, on the other side of the world island, the big food area is also undergoing drastic changes.

In the Sharon Bass Peninsula, the area surrounded by the Red Sea and Persia, the million-ton solar desalination plant built by China has been successful.

In the coastal areas, there are glass covers in the hardened cement evaporation ponds of tens of square kilometers to hundreds of square kilometers.

These distillation and desalination devices continuously transport the water source to the interior of the Dashi area. Of course, to irrigate agricultural products, the use of water resources is still controlled by the agricultural building equipment exported from the plateau area.


In the global war, the Dashi area is now gradually beginning to infiltrate towards the retreated Lihai territory of the Orthodox Federation.

In such an expansion behavior, the military strongmen in the Dashi region chose foreign strategies in unison in order to ease the contradictions.

However, in terms of internal industrial strategy, Dashi District has chosen "Taijing", a natural inorganic nano-material resource, as the main body of the economy.

Looking at the world, scientific and technological breakthroughs are being made, whether it is new ultra-deep geothermal energy, or new agriculture in marine silt light chambers. No big food region can intervene in this industry competition.

In the future, forces with industrial traditions such as Sunrise, Europa League, and Edenia, if defeated, will still have a share in the global industrial upgrading. As for Dashi at this time, it seems that Poland in the seventeenth century still has "combat military power" as a bargaining chip, but in fact it will not even be able to drink soup in the future.

Now choosing a mineral that is similar to petroleum is the consensus reached by all walks of life in the Dashi region after many obstacles in this era.


Resource Curse!

The material basis of modern civilization comes from modern organization. In order to handle all production links, modern organizations carry out social activities such as mobilization, management, and reasonable remuneration distribution——

This is a very complicated system that requires the consensus of tens of thousands of relevant departments, or a unified industrial spirit to maintain.

But if there is such a resource, it only needs a dozen or so links of personnel organization to handle mining, storage, transportation, and then send it to the market in exchange for all industrial consumer goods. For the residents of this area, there is no need to build modern organizations to enjoy modern civilization. What incentive, then, is left to try to form a modern state.

The Dashi region entered the modern industrial society because of oil resources, and even in order to ensure independence and survival, it did not even develop an independent military industry.


When people from all walks of life in the Dashi area still use naive and nostalgic thoughts to touch the increasingly complex industrial age, it is like a blind man touching a towering tree that is growing bigger and bigger.

Tiberium crystals can now be exchanged for resources, but Tiberium crystals are full of pollution. To curb pollution still need to introduce a whole set of foreign science and technology.

When Disha in China observes the trend of Tiberium core growing underground, it submits data reports to the region every year.

Then a base station was established here to provide more accurate data for close monitoring. Ensure that several key groundwater systems are not polluted. The pressure of liquid Tiberium gas accumulated in some rock formations can be released. Subsequently, a number of factories in the plateau area undertook the supply of a large number of core components of "Bethlehem Minerals".

Although the future man who brought Tiberium to the Dashi thinks it is a unique technology, he does not want to contact China, and is worried that the Orientals will affect the revival of the Dashi region.

In the eyes of these non-carbon-based traversers, people in the future can rely on mechanical transformation to adapt to the environment polluted by Tiberium,

The information they brought can carry out mechanized development regardless of Tiberium pollution, ensuring the future advantage of the food civilization.


However, the contemporary cannibals have no concept of this kind of future mechanical ascension revival, and their cognition of the concept of physical transformation is 'heresy'!

The original religious line of the entire Dashi region began to give in to organ transplants and pacemakers only seventy or eighty years ago.

The grand strategy conceived by people in the future, no matter how great the result is,

However, the strategy of 90% of other ethnic groups in the world dying and 30% of their own death is something that their own side is unwilling to accept at the moment.


The technology chain supplied by Western China has gradually helped Dashi master Tiberium minerals.

In the desert area, hemispherical glass canisters cover the Tiberium wellhead. Under the action of ionizing microwave, the purified iron element will absorb the organic oil that Tiberia decomposes the limestone in the underground rock formation.

And under these crystal egg-like wellheads half-buried in the desert, there are batches of ring-shaped restraint buildings, which firmly control the core of Tiberium that can perform natural cold fusion within the agreed range. water source for controlled growth.

And every hour, it drills into the core of Tiberium to extract the nano stock solution, deradiates it, transfers it to the power supply of the nuclear power plant, and naturally grows into safe nanoparticles without radiation.

The price of this thing is 150,000 yuan per ton. It can be arbitrarily condensed into metal materials in high-energy, repairing 95% of the mechanical structure, and it is an industrial-grade 3D printing material.


Under the increasingly stringent environmental protection regulations in the Dashi region, the production of Tiberium is also soaring every year.

The ruler of Dashi made a lot of money from this kind of trade. It maintained military expenditures for foreign military expansion, and at the same time distributed a lot of benefits internally, stabilizing its own rule.

It's just that under this superficial peace, some people always feel that after this kind of comfort continues, as technology advances again one day, after the dream is shattered, it will be despair.

This anxiety has spawned restlessness among young and middle-aged factions in the region.


May 2293.

Corvette, on the electronic terminal, a 150,000-ton freighter from China came ashore. The metal gantry cranes on the pier, dozens of times taller than the Arc de Triomphe, put down the containers.

Some crew members who were about to disembark began to hand over the cargo after handing over with the local responsible person and confirming that there were no local contraband.

After bumping elbows as a friendly gesture, the two sides got to work.

And on this pier, a very secular military officer, wearing a Chinese-style electronic helmet and exoskeleton equipment, patrolled the pier for transactions.

As the port with the largest throughput in the Persian Gulf, Kuwait's economy is equivalent to Shanghai City in the eastern part of China. And the military and political chiefs here also have a decisive force in the entire Mesopotamia.

Mutter is the chief executive of the indigenous people in this area, and he controls the 6,000-strong army.

This army is based on more than a hundred brothers and friends of its own, and the recruitment of immigrants forms the basis. Similar to the situation in the early days when Cao Cao and Zhu Yuanzhang raised their troops.

A child with a cheerful personality will become the king of children in his teens, and he will impress some people since he was a child.

Of course, this kind of admiration of personal charm, according to social communication, the scale is more than 100 people.

With more than a hundred people, it is okay to manage a few hundred people, but if you manage one or two thousand people, then it seems that the class has solidified. The people below will feel that the high position is occupied by the people around the leader and has no motivation. The original one or two hundred people would feel that the leader could not monitor themselves and set up their own small team.

Therefore, after Cao Cao and Zhu Yuanzhang reached a certain level of strength, they chose to cooperate with the gentry class to complete the establishment and select talents through the system.

However, under the oasis economy in the big food desert, the "inspection system" that transcends blood relatives and regions, and the "assessment system" that transcends personal relationships at a higher level have not developed.

Local leaders like Mutter can only select talents through the interpersonal occasions of studying abroad. For example, talents from the same school as him will work for him and will be reused. Over time, the native faction and the Chinese faction formed around him.

Of course, as a local leader, he also knows that it is very bad for foreign-influenced factions to dominate in his own system.


For more than ten years, businessmen from China (Silk Faction Chamber of Commerce) have always found him through their unique interpersonal relationships and influenced his decision-making.

There was some grudge in his heart.

Like many other local leaders, he once hoped to find other external forces to balance the pro-Shenzhou tendency inside.

Now he moved to another area of ​​the port where a merchant ship from the Europa League was moored.

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