Out of the cage

Chapter 418 10.15 Priority

In the last days, a large number of people will die, and of course a large number of people will live on.

During the period of great destruction, in the Northeast Sub-Islands, the plan of the end of the world was to carry out biochemical transformation on the selected experimenters.

The Northeast Sub-Islands have brought more heterogeneous changes to society than the five-color alliance and Jianye mechanical beast culture. Human beings have completely become a relationship between livestock and meat eater.

During the 40 years of the Great Destruction, it even poisoned the civilization of the human survivors in the North Subcontinent. Until the rise of the Tianzhulong group, the sea of ​​whales was physically cut off. Only then did the human survivors in the Heiqiu River Basin in Beibei get rid of most of the shadows. It was even thought for a time that the eastern island was completely captured by Tianzhulong and perished.

Since the beginning of forty years, as the sulfur iron basalt began to attack the Western Pacific region, Tianzhulong has drawn out the power of the group at least twice, causing the sea of ​​​​whales to cut off the gap,

And during this gap period, a very small team from the Ridge Islands once came. And it is this intermission that continues to bring a host of painful memories to the remaining survivors in the North.

However, in recent years, even though the celestial dragon has become weaker, it is even more unable to maintain a strong biological tide throughout the year, generate super air dragon units, and cut off the sea and air

However, after the Weikeng group settled in Bobin Bay, after dragging dead wave bombers and destroying the ruins of Beijia, and occasionally flying a few times towards the Tsushima sea area when free, the crossing system marked "喰人" on Rilieu Island "The" forces are obviously persuaded to go back.

Uncle Wei Keng is an existence that even Tianzhulong is afraid of now.

The group of "ghouls" who have embarked on an evil path and lingering on their last breaths can understand with a little brain analysis: the existence that can drive away a large group of people must be a more terrifying existence.

On October 25, 162, the fleet of the unified cutting area sailed on the Heiqiu River. Sailing with a large load of supplies useful to local survivor camps.

This fleet voyage has reacquired key information on the humanities and environment in the Heiqiujiang area for the unified logging area. Of course, it also brought a task, which is to help the residents here go south.

The unified logging area has completed more modern settlements in the relatively southern area of ​​Heiqiu River. A large number of residential houses have been roofed and finished. Electricity and heating have been prepared, and even the stove that can light briquettes has been changed. Note: In the current situation, we dare not engage in gas pipelines.

However, when the fleet sailed on the river, what they saw was that the city was closed.

The city here is the gathering area composed of houses in the north that look square and have no sense of art, but are very warm.

The walls are covered with sundries, of course, there are dried things that look like corn cobs, and furs peeled off from mutated animals in the wild.

But outside this layer of houses, another layer of earth wall was piled up. Teams of locals stand on the wall with guns.

People in the logging area tried to make contact, but were warned to shoot.

It wasn't until the unified logging area had a conversation with the speakers that the residents here tried to respond with a few words. There are a few sentences in which the tone is very flat. Seeing the bewilderment of the unified cutting area, I only used the regular Northeast accent. Note: Those words that the unified cutting area did not understand were in Japanese.

On the city wall: "Hey, which road did you come from?"

Commanding area: "Come from the south. I hope to exchange business with the people here."

On the wall: "What do you eat?"

The exchange personnel in the unified logging area suddenly felt that the "cut" (local slang) was wrong.


But in the end, we hit up a conversation.

"Unified logging" is a job that requires patience and seeking consensus, although the unified logging in the southern region is already overwhelming. But for the north, it is necessary to let go of pride and strive to continue the consensus of two hundred years ago.

But looking at the history of the East before the Great Destruction, the Tongliao area was largely connected to the Central Plains after the Industrial Revolution. In the past thousands of years, it belonged to Liao, Jin and other places, and its close relationship with the Central Plains Dynasty was only a little higher than that of Toe County.

After the Great Destruction, the two lands have actually been divided again.

Therefore, this time Beishang Weikeng’s suggestion to the members of the unified cutting area is: “Don’t expect people to come up at once, first open up the communication channel, then let them come over through contact, and finally have to work further to build a consensus.”


However, after seeing the people coming out of the city wall in the commanding area, he couldn't help but gasped.

These Northeast men are furry, and there is an obvious alien appearance in the genetic radiation. Is this a genetic polluter?

Their customs are completely different from the current situation where humans in the Central Plains reject genetic polluters. In order to survive, people in the Northeast have to actively carry out biological fusion.

The head is striped, apparently a fusion of big cat genes. In Beijiao, there are very few food top animals, only two kinds of leopards and Siberian tigers. The specificity of the proteins that these two animals can absorb from the ecological world is impossible for other species to obtain, so they basically maintain genetic independence.


The people in the unified cutting area looked at the armed men coming out of the village with a little vigilance.

These armed men with guns looked at the soldiers in mechanical armor in front of them in surprise.

Although in the eyes of the black land residents in these villages, the soldiers driving the colonial armor in front of them are "non-integrated" who are not strong enough, but these weapons are enough to make people awe-inspiring. And they have all heard through the schoolteachers in the village that before the Great Destruction, the Human Nation Group was able to drive automatic steel machines.

Everyone exchanged gifts.

Canned food, large-caliber rifles, and sufficient bullets were sent from the logging area. According to the experience of dealing with them all the time, these are the hard currency of the outer human settlements. The elders of the village felt overwhelmed when they saw the boxes of these things.

A box of bright yellow bullets, who has seen it these days.

One hundred rounds of self-made bullets are enough as a bride price for the watery girl in the village. Five boxes of bullets and twenty semi-automatics were sent to the commanding area.

How should I return such a heavy gift?

Fortunately, they were relieved by the unsolicited gift they asked for in the unified logging area, which was the bones of large animals.


It was Song Zhengyu who took the initiative to ask for gifts, because if he didn't want any more, the other side would start sending Huniu over.

This is not the catwoman in the anime, with cute ears on her head, but the one with a beard on her upper lip. Such a face, even if the waist and legs are good, I dare not want it.

However, in this black land, this kind of fusion with carnivores belongs to the upper class of the village, and it is the kind that can eat meat. Most of the people in the village are ordinary people, and the food can only eat potatoes.

After entering the village, these children didn't even know about sugar. After drinking carbonated drinks, they started chasing after the stars.


The name of the tiger leader is Dong Xiao.

The tiger-headed man asked: "You came from the sea, didn't you encounter a vampire?"

"Vampire?" The exchange faction in the unified cutting area felt baffled.

In the past ten years of fighting, the cadres in the unified cutting area have only heard of the group headed by Tianzhulong, but have not heard of any other things that dare to be enemies of humans.

Dong Xiao: "Didn't you come here during the tide of sea creatures? Could it be that the vampires on the eastern island didn't come out this time?"

This sentence finally matched the key word: sea creature frenzy.

The cadres of the unified cutting area opened several images. On the image are several commonly used biological species that Tianzhulong likes to use.

Dong Xiao had never seen it before, but the elders in the village recognized it as the dangerous species of the Sea Dragon Clan.

The cadres in the unified logging area laughed, and began to popularize science to them: "Now, human beings have begun a full-scale counterattack. These biological communities are being completely wiped out in the south with cloud bombs, mechs, and dead waves. At the same time, the entire natural world is replaced by humane frequency band."

After this narration, these people in the Northeast looked stunned: these southerners said that they came here on the back of the cycle of the biological frenzy, and they are already talking nonsense. They even said that the biological tide in the south was wiped out.

However, a young man in the village said: "Today in the southern summer, the animal flood (the flood of dragons) did not happen, and there appeared in the sky an iron bird that seemed to fly from the south."

The cadre of the unified logging area hurriedly asked: "Wait, are there any iron birds from other places?"

The elder of the village said: "Forty years ago, in the east, vampires still came to us in iron birds to catch people."——

Hearing such a thing, the unified cutting area quickly became serious, opened many photos immediately, and asked what kind of iron bird it was.

The villagers couldn't recognize the model of the plane, but they clearly pointed to a chubby plane. Obviously this is a strategic transport aircraft.

The cadres in the unified logging area became excited. It was definitely a rare thing that this thing could fly at least forty years ago.

Due to precipitation and climate problems in the large area south of the Tropic of Cancer, under biological infestation, it is difficult to preserve the aircraft before the war. ——The fighter planes before the Great Destruction are still here today. This is why I can't wait to head east immediately.


Of course, Zhao Bolong, who led the team, was very steady now, and began to ask in detail what the vampires were like.

Knowing that this group of people from the east will come to the mainland to "eat people", its height is 2.5 meters, and its movements are as swift as swallows.

Everyone is serious. This kind of thing, according to your existing information, only corresponds to one thing, that is, the humanoid node creatures in the Yucheng community, relying on the powerful life radiation to capture energy from the community.

During the interrogation, I learned that these guys have amazing strength and speed, and can spread countless tiny filaments to suck the human body. But the number is not large, there are only a few hundred people looting the land each time.

Thousands of people were mobilized in the unified cutting area to go north this time, and the spiritual language is generally above the third level. In terms of fighting, as human orthodoxy, of course, ten fight one when organized. Oh, something is really going to happen, no, the Wei Keng cluster in the south is still on standby.

Regarding Wei Keng, people from the unified cutting area have a kind of blind confidence in him.

This is like a little boy admiring his father's omnipotence when he was a child. In the army, everyone has seen the peak cooperation of Wei Keng cluster.

When Wei Keng charged, if the enemy dared to stand up and block the attack, they would all be killed first, and when the headshot was shot, the left eye would be hit, never the right, and the balls should be hit, and the left and right legs would never be hit.

Back to the present, although it is the end of the world, the talkativeness of the people in the Northeast is still preserved, especially after the people on board carried a box of medical alcohol and began to mix it with carbonated drinks and distributed it to them to warm their bodies.

The elders in the village directly brought some textbooks, which recorded in detail the memorabilia of the past hundred years.

In the early days of the Great Destruction, there was still a large human community north of the Heiqiu River, but they were betrayed.

Dongbei Yin’s current village elders are still angry when they mention this incident. One hundred and forty years ago, when human beings had entered a critical stage, human communication in the entire Beibei and the south was cut off, and they could only help themselves in the Beibei circle.

But, people who are used to helping each other in the Changhe River Basin and helping selflessly before disasters never imagined how low the moral bottom line of the seemingly polite scorpions on the island is.

In the early days of the Great Destruction.

After everything was negotiated and the details of the Heiqiujiang survivor camp were known, these bastards sent agents to blow up the weapons depot in the 37th year of Pandora's calendar, and then directly dispatched a team to invade. After directly looting all the resources, the survivor camp in Heiqiujiang was devastated.

And after grabbing the first-time bonus, the East Island Survivor Group will come to snatch the population for the next ten years. In the first ten years of the Great Destruction, batches of Heiqiujiang people were transported to the other side of the sea. Never to be seen again.

The people on the north bank of the Heiqiu River were forced to disperse into several small camps under this kind of plunder. Such large-scale plundering was not interrupted until 80 years ago when the Tianzhulong entrenched in the Whale Sea, creating a natural sea barrier. However, when the tide of Tianzhulong weakened, the planes would still let the "vampire" biochemical fighters come down to try it out. refining.

And it was at that time that people on both sides of the Heiqiu River were forced to start fusing beast genes to resist this kind of plunder by increasing their strength.


These past events in Dongya made the commanding area sigh.

But for the traversers, Ji Hechenhao and Song Zhengyu thought it was a stupid joke!

How can people who live in the great river basin civilization use themselves to deduce the idea of ​​​​the "day gathering place"?

After the twenty-fourth century, scholars of oriental civilization. It is a detailed analysis of the thinking of island civilizations such as "English" and "Neon".

This is the standard zero-sum thinking of island civilization, that is, "you eat one more bite, that means I eat one less bite" on a pirate ship.

When land and river civilizations are in disasters and want to tide over difficulties together, island civilizations think about eating as little as possible, so that the probability of my survival will be higher.

From the perspective of the 28th century traveler who has such a cognition: more than a hundred years ago, the group of survivors in the Heiqiu River Basin in Beibei during the ecological disaster. Well, how stupid were the local administrative and military helm teams at that time to think of joining hands with the "island power" to tide over the difficulties.

Of course, to the confusion of the two Orientals in the 28th century, Master Wei casually replied: "How is it impossible? Maybe some people in the previous management team before the catastrophe had commercial interests in cooperating with the island country, and due to the peaceful The era has a good foundation for cooperation. Or, the large-scale external propaganda of the island country, by emphasizing intentional cooperation, made the group give up vigilance, so that they were not vigilant during the Great Destruction, and were taken coldly. In modern times, intellectuals, The media world is in turmoil."

Wei Keng heaved a sigh of relief about the events of a hundred years ago.

In the Northeast Sub-Islands, zero-sum thinking ended up harming oneself. — Can you survive by eating one more bite? No, just for one extra bite, you'll never get off the boat.

After the rise of the dragon that day, the Northeast Sub-Islands, which were isolated overseas, must have suffered a greater blow. However, they were unable to land.

If you eat one more bite to survive, you will completely become a 'trapped beast' who cannot escape from the trapped ground.

If you don't fight for that, you may not be able to survive, but if you let the people around you live with your hope, you can have a long history.


On October 28, Wei Keng ordered to move all the people in the Heiqiu River Valley to the south as much as possible, and organized local members to notify each settlement. At the same time, he accelerated to open the railway to the north and transport the supplies to the north bank of the Heiqiu River. Even if the residences on the north bank of the Heiqiu River are willing to stay, they try their best to ensure the smooth communication of personnel between the north and the south and the smooth transportation of materials.

It is precisely because of the difference between "island civilization" and "river civilization".

Wei Keng asked the commanding area to selectively contact the survivors in the Heiqiu River Basin in the north. The survival resources and medical resources that I developed in the south should first try to satisfy the human survivors with similar kinship.

Although Wei Keng will also go to the Northeast Islands to search for survivors in the future. But ah, this has to be queued first.

Even the selfless construction of a "community of shared destiny" must be prioritized.

Historical reconciliation does not mean condoning "non-recognition of history".

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