Out of the cage

Chapter 420 Chapter 10.17 The New Foundation of Life on Earth

What is the limit of carbon-based life?

Before the arrival of the Pandora Field, life on Earth went through billions of years of continuation, and 500 million years of vigorous evolution in the Cambrian Period, and gradually touched the carbon-based upper limit.

The hardest natural carbon-based materials on earth are natural materials such as golden nanmu and whale bone. The growth of these substances needs to accompany the development of life for decades.

Carbon-based reproduction speed, represented by mice and ants, can proliferate exponentially. Of course, the replication speed of bacteria is faster, but everything is based on the premise of simplifying the structure. The more complex organisms, the slower their reproduction rate.

Among the carbon-based animals, the largest land animals are those sauropod dragons, while the sea giants are cetaceans.

In the pre-earth era, there was an upper limit virtually.

Therefore, the life will of the earth selected human beings, and began to forge tools and smelt inorganic materials, breaking through the upper limit of materials. If it develops normally, human beings will study physics, figure out the properties of high-energy physics, and further break through the new upper limit after a breakthrough in energy control.

However, at this moment, when the laws of physics in the universe are drifting, another path has emerged.

"Flesh and blood" is no longer a "flesh and blood" that metabolizes water-based organic matter below 40 degrees, and can provide a higher energy level under the physical rules of the Pandora field.


The cadres in the unified cutting area were invited by Wei Keng and saw the strange scene in front of them.

In the almost "blazing" life metabolism, the carbon-based pipes grow in the light as if "burning".

The fiery heat and burning here are by no means temperature in the physical sense. It was the highly intense metabolic energy that the bystanders in the unified logging area felt from the life field.

The oxidation power provided by the ion torch allowed Wei Keng to build carbon-based life thousands of times faster than the natural speed in the process of continuous exploration.

[When the Pandora field just arrived, the whole person would instantly turn into a plant, or from the void, a large number of carbon bases would directly condense into a replica of the human body, which was strange to humans at that time. But after the advancement of physics, this phenomenon became controllable, and it became very scary. 】

At the scene, in the "flame-like" life activities, a main body is five meters long, and the limbs are eight meters long. Each structure is full of insect-like arcs, but the material is a carbon fiber shell, which just grows out.

Then biological blood veins grew out of the metalized bones like tentacles, leaving cavities behind.

After this cavity is formed, it can be seen that it is the cockpit, which can be operated and controlled with the language of the soul.

This is a very complete biological mech, but after witnessing such a growth process, the personnel in the logging area present were a little frightened and did not dare to request to drive it.

Because, ah, this is the life’s fear of the high-energy phenomenon.

People can’t help avoiding elephants and large trucks charging, but a tank with a perfectly reproduced turret, barrel and tracks is suddenly printed from a red-hot state. People’s first reaction is not that this tank can be driven, but I am worried about what to do if the tank immediately turns red and hot after approaching the tank.

Because this has broken through the habitual "stability" of human common sense.


Of course, there are still people who trust Wei Keng. At Wei Keng's reminder, Luo Hongxing and Zeng Shuni both got on this purely biological mecha. After the cover was removed and the neural frequency band was connected, the black eyelids of multiple pairs of compound eyes on the front, back, left, and right of the entire bio-mech directly opened.

Luo Hongxing and Zeng Shuni embedded the central brain tissue of the biological tank through spiritual language, and tried to operate it on the proving ground. But after a few minutes, he was able to flexibly move and charge. This speed seems to be the same as deer, horses and other creatures will run away within a few minutes after they are born. This shows that the thing printed by Wei Keng is very suitable for human operation.

Twelve tons in weight, the dense material casing of carbon fiber silicon crystals makes this weapon comparable to the current steel-forged mechs.

However, no one had a joyful expression on their face, but a serious one.

Because if this is true, Wei Keng's side and human civilization's side have moved towards two systems in terms of the ability to create.

Wei Keng does not rely on steel and various complex inorganic materials, and can directly use the "ion flame" to increase the energy of breathing, and directly create large-scale carbon-based creations.

And what is the scale of this manufacturing volume? Wei Keng is sure that there may be interstellar insect swarms in this universe!


Right now, the unified cutting area and Wei Keng are still comrades. But out of the most basic practical thinking, in the future, when the two sides do not need to cooperate, there will be a gap. Of course that is worrying.

In a healthy civilization, there cannot be a situation where the emperor appears on one's own side by default, or the swarm master.

If there is no blood relationship, only the slaves will be filled with the joy of buying the right stock because of the strength of the master they rely on.

For example, now the big radish, as Wei Keng began to use the carbon-based physiological activities constructed under high-energy oxidation to build a skeleton with movable joints for it to swim in the water body, this guy felt Wei Keng's strong life The flames poured into the body, and it was fearful and joyful praise of the "Lord of Humanity".


In the central base, the red flag on the square is still waving in the wind.

Wei Keng has demonstrated the potential of high-energy carbon-based stacking on matter.

In the small building with floor-to-ceiling windows in the test site, Wei Keng turned around and faced the investigators in various areas of the entire logging area.

Wei Keng looked at the crowd and said, "Have a meeting and discuss future technology. The truth is not for fear, we need to 'face' it correctly, and then analyze the future direction together."

Wei Keng's tone was very calm, but at this moment, no matter how gentle Wei Keng's tone was, it could not conceal the fear at the moment.

The scientific seminar was not held in the venue, but directly in the empty environment of the playground.

This is because Wei Keng also understands from the perspective of ordinary people: when encountering something beyond imagination, if you still enter the same confined space with this existence that has mastered beyond imagination, you will feel claustrophobic.

However, in the open environment, this is just the right question for Wei Keng to open up and have a good talk.

Wei Keng put on a white coat and wrote on the blackboard with chalk: "You have already seen the changes when our technology advances to the next step in this Pandora field. To be honest, I know what you are thinking now. "This Wei Keng is still not human. Will he eat people in the future?" Heh, ha."

No one agreed on the scene, Wei Keng touched his nose in embarrassment, which was a common move to cover up his embarrassment.

Wei Keng: "I won't comfort you anymore, I won't lie to you, I'm also thinking, am I really a human being?"

Wei Keng stared at everyone, and said so honestly, the expressions of the people present were a little loose. Indeed, if Wei Keng covered up this problem, everyone would always feel a little bit stuck. Now that Wei Keng doesn't cover up this problem, he can be objective.

Wei Keng continued: "But from a higher perspective, if I doubt whether I am a human being in a certain state, then I will start to think about what will happen to me in the future if I am not a human being. Sample?"

Wei Keng: "I know one thing. I am a human being. I can think of some things that are not human. Then there must be existences in this world who dare to think and do more than me. Do things that I can't tolerate. It's beyond my imagination."

Just like in Journey to the West, monkeys were taught a lesson of "Being a demon or becoming a Buddha" in Shituoling.

Skeletons are like mountains, bones are like forests. Human hair was spun into felt pieces, and human skin and flesh were rotten into dust. Human tendons are entangled in the tree, dry and scorched as bright as silver. It's really a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and it really smells bad. The little demon in the east took the flesh of the living; the demons in the west boiled the flesh fresh.

What does the top demon king in the world look like? Monkey King understands that on the road of becoming a demon, he can't make it by himself.

Wei Keng transmitted the details of the principle of the high carbon dioxide-based life reaction in the spiritual language to the comrades in the unified cutting area.

From a microscopic point of view, graphene composite materials have been able to be constructed on a large scale. This kind of construction is not a tiny material in the laboratory in the 21st century, but a whole piece of uninterrupted large material, which is continuous in the entire biological organization.

If there is enough organic matter, it can even complete the carbon-based pipeline transported to space. By absorbing the geothermal energy of the planet to maintain the strength of the organic matter, the organic matter such as the atmosphere and water can be directly transported into space, and space battleships will be printed.

This is similar to the technology of space elevators. Of course, it must be bigger than a space elevator. Because the duplication link of the organic matter is one of the most efficient creation links.

Master Wei introduced in a very serious tone: "If you can do this, will there be such a group of life in the universe that can plunder organic resources like a swarm of insects?"

Just as the comrades in the commanding area are worried about Wei Keng becoming demonized, Wei Keng is worried about the situation outside the earth.

Wei Keng did not choose to respond arrogantly to other people's concerns, but handed over his own concerns to these people.

That's right, after Wei Keng explained the greater fear, scientists in the commanding area finally turned their suppressed attention to the universe.

As a rudimentary civilization on a star, the earth is far from reaching the level where justice can be done in the universe.

Before the Great Destruction, if the governments of human beings encountered the super civilization behind the Pandora Field before encountering the Pandora Field, and could see the horrific consequences of life radiation, then they would definitely "agree to the aliens for the continuation of the race." Everything you ask for."

The representatives of the unified logging area accepted the "new scientific hypothesis" to theoretically predict the existence of interstellar insect swarms. Wei Keng is far from being a "threat", but is the core trump card of civilization on earth.

Even though the commanding area can use all its strength at this initial moment to kill Wei Keng, who now has the "tyrant potential", this will only make the threat that can be seen now disappear. Greater dangers ahead remain.

However, just as the meeting participants were struggling to accept the fact that Wei Keng developed into an "inhuman" carbon-based existence.

Wei Keng shook his head, and whispered, "I am born a human being, and I am sincerely afraid."

Wei Keng's talk about the interstellar insect swarm to the commanding area was not intended to cover up the internal threat he caused with a greater external threat.

That is the ruling logic of Western civilization. Mr. Wei is a very traditional oriental man, he pays attention to the prosperity of family and everything.

Wei Keng wants to be a human being. The form of human beings from 1 to 60 years old is the form of a sacred base accumulated over hundreds of millions of years. Wei Keng does not want to overthrow the old evolutionary achievements, but to stand on this evolutionary achievement and add a touch.

Wei Keng stomped his feet on the sand, letting everyone listen to him. The stomping didn't make much noise, but the movement brought everyone back to their senses.

Wei Keng: "'You can't be subdued by power, you can't be moved by wealth, and you can't be moved by poverty.' This is my favorite adage.

However, 'Mighty can't be subdued', when I first came across this sentence, I thought that 'When you see a strong enemy, you can't give in, you have to fight to the death'.

But in essence, when I really encounter difficulties, can I really fight to the death? I thought about it carefully, and I thought I might kneel.

So I think 'it's not that you can't give in until the mighty power is on top of your head', but that when you foresee the 'powerful', you are ready to grow your hard bones. "

Wei Keng reopened the hypothetical "space carbon-based civilization" concept.

Wei Keng: "Now that we have foreseen the 'mighty' in the future, we now have to look at it objectively and see where we will be unyielding in the future. Yes, that is, everyone, help me to make sure that when facing the future space civilization , How can we maintain the unyielding nature of 'earth humans'."

Wei Keng gave everyone a period of time to accept the information, and at the same time restrained Zeng Shuni from wanting to "approve" for herself. (Wei Keng: This caring little padded jacket, I really agree with everything.)

Wei Keng: "We need to have a clear self-knowledge. In the future, when we on Earth encounter alien creatures, which aspects of competition must be maintained at the same level!? What are the aspects that we need to firmly hold on to? origin?

Don't subconsciously think that when we witness the strength of alien civilizations, their paths are correct. How important it is for us to start ignoring the basics we take for granted.

I am a middle-aged person, and I know one thing, that is, if I follow the path of others, I may always be behind because of lack of foundation. Even when choosing the path of others, one loses one's own foundation.

What is the basis of life on Earth? Since the birth of the Ediacaran macrobiotic group, and then to the Cambrian explosion, our life is based on the establishment of sexual reproduction and stable genetic inheritance. This determines our physiology, values, and the moral outlook formed when human beings start to recognize and pursue civilization.

And the arrival of the Pandora-type life group, this new rule imposed on life on Earth by outsiders, obviously does not require the accumulation of genes from generation to generation, and all life can communicate, and this communication is even essentially war and plunder.

The advanced life forms of the Pandora system do not have the concept that the human civilization on earth is accustomed to. Their birth of powerful macroscopic objects is a victory.

And what is our victory? The race continues.

In other words, let the next generation, like us in terms of basic ability, do things that we have not tried in terms of "possibility".

For this path, life on earth has evolved the nature of dying and reproducing. Before the cataclysm, spawning was the final journey of migratory fish such as salmon. Even after being hunted by countless predators, it has to reach the upper reaches, and finally die after laying eggs.

Mammals have evolved maternity, women are inherently weak, while mothers are strong.

As the highest animal, human beings have evolved their own morality on the basis of the above. "

Speaking of this, Wei Keng paused: "As long as the Tao lives forever, death will come home, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"


On the field, many people were silent.

Wei Keng: "So, in my opinion, unyielding means unyielding for this reason. When facing the future, we stick to our basics, so that we can retain the basic advantages that our earth creatures have gained from basic evolution.

This advantage is that, as beings on earth, they have the freedom to develop into incomparable strength, and they also have the freedom to face destruction and remain stubborn to the end. "

Wei Keng expressed his request: "I need it, the continuator."


The continuation here is not the mother body of sexual reproduction, but the organic information that can carry Wei Keng's verification on the "road of high oxidation".

The unified logging area must support a group of humans. When Wei Keng is moving towards the accumulation of biological genes step by step under high oxidation, they must passively synchronize with Wei Keng's perspective and thinking on a large scale, and finally accept a series of technical experience of "high-energy carbon-based" summarized by Wei Keng.

During this process, Wei Keng's personality and even thinking will even appear.

This process can be said to be a mode in which offspring inherit "genetic information" from their parents.

When life is almost docked, the bearer will basically become the second Wei Keng in addition to remembering his initial memory. (The Son is like the Father.)

The result of this fusion, if it is before the Great Destruction, is a bit daunting. Because human beings in the culture at that time were very arrogant and valued "self and freedom" very much. Maybe in the teens, if there is no outside pressure, start to reject the knowledge of society.

As everyone knows, the real upper class who had the upper hand in that era (modern ancient times) began to indulge this kind of freedom and no longer open knowledge to the new generation, which is the real tragedy of civilization.

Due to various internal and external reasons, individual organisms on the earth who abandon the purpose of reproduction will make various abnormal behaviors.

In the history of human social development, women have no offspring, and the mentality of complaining about women is often out of balance. As for men, in the feudal era, rebellious and saboteurs had no home.

Now, all the thoughts and experiences that Wei Keng injected left behind the hint of "this is not perfect". So this is not the control of "mind encroachment", but the "reproduction" including thought.

When reproduction leaves complex inheritance, it will leave room for development for the next generation.

The supervisors on the system silently recorded this moment: Judging from Wei Keng's performance during the development of the entire unified cutting area, Wei Keng is a man who cares about his family.

There is a higher level behind Huiren's stepping on the stars. The wider Wei Keng does at the beginning, the wider the follow-up civilization will have. Also, as for the swarm, you can’t eat it, that’s locust, you can eat it, and it has a variety of proteins, that’s the interstellar seafood group that you’re worried about running away.

Human gene chains can replicate more proteins than insect swarms.

What Wei Keng is doing now is not simplifying the gameplay of protein, but also allowing future generations to increase it.

This is another disadvantage. There are only a few families who are finalists on the timeline and cannot match!

No matter how small the population of the unified logging area is now, millions of people will be able to participate in the next 100 years, and nearly tens of millions of people will participate in the next 200 years.

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