Out of the cage

Chapter 424 Chapter 10.21 The Temptation of Returning to Humanity

Tianzhu was the last area covered by Pandora's field before the Great Destruction, so it was also the last place where the last refugees from the old civilization gathered in the world at that time. If viewed from space, the concrete walls of the city-state here are far taller than those of Jianye. On the ground, these city-states are like the high walls of the Khufu Dam, each of which is more than ten kilometers or even thirty kilometers long, full of the grandeur of the doomsday fortress of Gothic civilization!

This is the last human force to create a miracle, and of course it seems to be a magnificent tombstone.

[In the ancient times of the main world, when the great river basin on the eastern subcontinent was sinking and changing, all the gold, silver, and talents from all the provinces in the old era gathered on a small island in the east, which could give birth to a "little dragon" that has been prosperous for decades. But such an old essence is still covered with dust after a long period of time. 】

In the Pandora era, the world's best technology and talents gathered in the last zone, naturally clustering to form "doomsday prosperity".

When there are still city-states in the east, there are naturally a large number of city-states on the Deccan Plateau. It's just that the life of these city-states is no better than that of Dongya after more than a hundred years.

In the Dongya area, there is a super-powerful "Apostle of the Dragon of Heaven" in the east. In the west, there are only some "regional overlord" groups. Although human beings are suppressed, there is still room for breathing.

On Tianzhu's side, the climate in the north is equivalent to Jiangnan in the east, and the climate in the south is equivalent to Sanya in Qiongzhou, which are good places for powerful groups to settle down.

So the north is the "devourer" community, and the south is the Tianzhuyang "smashing snail" community. None of them are good stubble.

What Yucheng faced was the apostle code-named "The Great Devourer".

The apostle community is a catfish-based species, which originated in the northern part of Tianzhu in the early days of the Great Destruction, and then spread to infect all life.

The Tianzhu River and the Ganges River are distributed in the shape of a "human", one "丿" is the Tianzhu River flowing into the Arabian Sea, and the "乀" is the Ganges River flowing into the Bengal Ocean.

Now the entire Devourer community traverses the two river basins. It has a wide range of ecological zones on land and in the Indian Ocean. Its total area seems to be smaller than the area occupied by the Tianjiaolong group running from north to south through Dongya 40 years ago, but it occupies a golden zone at 30 degrees north latitude.


The birth of the Devourer community in the Tianzhu River Basin is the only complete record of the origin and development of the apostles in the existing human city-state.

A hundred years ago, the "Face Code" database of the last doomsday civilization recorded: At the end of the old civilization before the Great Destruction, the ascetic monks who lived here were isolated from the world, and the local people's education level was low and superstitious. That day, they saw the catfish in the river climb up, and at one point they knelt down and worshiped as a manifestation of the gods.

But when weird limbs grow out of these catfish, after crawling on the ground, they start to devour monkeys and dogs, and make all kinds of scary sounds, they realize that the end is coming, um, these people "the messenger of Lord Shiva is coming up". After devouring a large number of human genes, these devourers have the nature of general intelligence.

On this land, some "architects" among the Great Devourer have built eight-meter-high, or hundreds-of-meter-long, circular upside-down mud bowl-like buildings to prevent exposure to the sun. And under the big mud bowl are the entrances of passages. Below these passages are dark rivers run through by devouring catfish.


When the Yucheng human biological battle group entered this area, although they easily swept away the vegetation on the ground, they encountered counterattacks from such creatures in the area near the river. This kind of creature relies on the underground river and is quite tenacious.

how to say! On the current earth, except for the "dead wave" weapon in the commanding area, or Wei Keng coming over to suppress it with "high-energy carbon-based life radiation", this kind of loach-like existence is really difficult to eradicate.

The Yucheng side used air blocking, injected hydrogen to detonate, and various methods, repeatedly saw-and-saw with the Devourer group. Such a battle naturally attracted the attention of other local human forces.


Pandora March 163.

On the Deccan Plateau, on the city-state of Avalon. The Minbu of the Dragon Department from the north quickly fell into the intelligence records of the city-state minds in the area.

They launched the only remaining solar sail plate aircraft, and after investigating the north, they just ran into the metalized propeller-powered mechanical beast of the human beings in Yucheng.

The group consciousness of the two human survivors after the catastrophe realized the existence of each other in the 163 years of the Pandora calendar, and started "communication".

Communication is difficult. Humans in the Yucheng family use Dongya Chinese characters, while those in the Deccan Plateau use English. Well, although the native aborigines have been almost eliminated long ago, of course, the English department is still permanently stained with curry. Whether it is the unified cutting area or Yucheng, it is difficult to understand the English phonetic symbols that passed a hundred years ago.

Even the language of action is difficult to understand. For example, to the people in Yucheng, what does it mean that these people from the southern subcontinent always shake their heads.

People in Yucheng were puzzled: the head is such a precious organ, if you shake it around, wouldn't it affect the orderly supply of blood to the brain?


The point of view shifts to the other side.

On the Deccan Plateau, in the city-state of Avalon, under the protection of a 50-meter-high reinforced concrete wall, the city center is five kilometers away from the city wall, in the middle of the sacred tower. Although the main structure of this tower is a concrete base, the top structure is made of excellent marble!

[This is about extravagance. Among all ancient civilizations, the Xia civilization is actually restrained. Other major civilizations have built flashy wonders, maxing out the country's points, and Tianzhu is even more outstanding. The Moonwell, an underground palace, has no real military defense at all, and it is purely pretentious. It is not uncommon. This kind of pomp and substance has been extended to modern India. 】,

In such a hall made of marble, Havasi looked at the information from the north.

These mechanical fusion beasts from Toya shocked him very much.

Shocking this technology tree can really develop into this?

As the last refuge in the world, Avalon is able to know the last data of various laboratories around the world when it has not lost contact with the world.

One hundred and forty years ago, before the communication of civilizations around the world was completely broken, Toya's mechanical beast technology was also in the database, but it was a technology that allowed human life to control the core. This kind of harnessing carries serious risks.

Please note that at that time, the founders of Dongjia Jianye and Five Colors Federation chose the mechanical beast technology route, which was a very decisive behavior.

At that time, the successful fusion rate was only 70%, that is, 30% of the people would die. It wasn't until later that the mechanical beast genes mixed with the genetic information of these pioneers, and then the trainers would be safe when they controlled the mechanical beasts.

The first batch of trainers in the early days really risked their lives to defend the continuation of human civilization in the East.


As the last refuge of mankind, Avalon accommodates a large number of superstructures, so naturally it would not choose the cruel technology tree of the East.

Even if other people in Avalon were willing to risk their lives, the upper echelons who fled here at that time were not willing. Because of the model of the mechanical fusion beast, it was necessary to absorb the resources mastered by the upper layers of Avalon at that time. And it is also not allowed to become a challenger to challenge their power structure in the future.

After the human civilization was completely cut off, Avalon adopted the "soldier slave" mode technology.

That is to let "voluntary experimenters" fuse with genetic organisms to form tall and mighty humanoid fighting machines. And they control these minions by inserting pipes and electronic components into the neurons of their brains. And through deployment from generation to generation, the most loyal soldiers are deployed.

What is loyalty? That is the model that can guarantee the priority obedience of the master's orders under various "human nature experiments".

These "humanity experiments" tested many requirements in extreme situations, including what the master wants, and can the slaves sacrifice themselves to satisfy it? It is the standard of whether the technology can be qualified.

At the beginning of the First Plane War, explorers of the main world commented this way: a group of people who are most afraid of being betrayed by others actively test the "heart" of others in the cruelest way, but they don't know that they have no heart.


It is obviously impossible for "soldiers" to complete the cleaning of the ecological world. This kind of biological fusion weapon is not strong enough against genetic pollution.

Jianye's mechanical beasts can fight for hours under the frenzy of the swarm, killing swarm creatures dozens of times their weight without being polluted.

In the early days of the Great Destruction, relying on this technology, Dong A once took part of the control of the Yangtze River and the lower reaches of the Yellow River. In addition to the fact that the Tianzhulong colony is too buggy and the humans in Yucheng are too evil, the key living space is still destroyed.

Looking back at the last civilization of Tianzhu, it has guarded the city-state area of ​​the Deccan Plateau for a hundred years. It cannot expand the ecological living space.

Perhaps it can be said that the person who put forward the concept of "soldiers and slaves" did not have the belief in restoring mankind from the very beginning. The first priority of these survivors of the last days of mankind is to continue to control the ruling power of human city-states on the premise of ensuring that they have no risk of death.


Now the Tianzhu Deccan city-state group is curious when it encounters this standardized mechanical-biological fusion of the Yucheng group. Just like the medieval Europeans looked curiously at the silk porcelain from the East.

When the Deccans came into contact with the eastern human community, they discovered that this human force named "yucheng" had organs that matched the mechanical device.

Havasi and the think tanks obviously believe that this is the model in which Toya's mechanical beast technology tree has developed to today.

Little do they know that at least twenty years ago, the Yucheng community was still the most conservative community, and it had almost become a "weird community with human genes".

And these mechanical beasts were not obtained from original forces such as Jianye and the Five Colors Alliance, but were thrown to Yucheng for confiscation after second-hand analysis in the unified cutting area.

As for the extent to which the strongest human force in Dongya has developed, these Tianzhu city-states don't know at all.

It's like the Middle Ages, when Europeans regarded the eastern palace as a model of a wooden yurt, and mistakenly believed that this was the place of the oriental silk civilization. The word china may come from the pronunciation of Khitan.


Havasi showed the information to the congressmen who are now immortalized in the medical cabin.

He narrated: "The human forces from the east have developed to a level beyond our imagination."

Rockefeller in the third cabin: "If they want to gain a firm foothold in the north, they must compete with the Apostles of the Devourer. Judging from their current capabilities, this is a very long process."

Cabin No. 15 Tesla: "We should acquire their technology, and we need to find out the current situation in Dongya. The power of 'yu' seems to be driven out by some force. Has Dongya born a powerful force? apostle!"

These upper echelons are planning their future.


In Avalon, groups of soldiers and slaves are guarding the city gates, while the survivors in the city-state wearing white printed and dyed clothes are working day after day. They wear shackles on their helmets, well, these helmets were converted to mechanical devices eighty years ago to save costs. Once receiving a special electronic signal, the gear will shrink and pierce the forehead, and the accompanying severe pain will stop their resistance to the rule of the "sacred and wise" human senate.

Different people are fixed to live in different areas, just like worker bees and ants.

As for the Supreme Holy Tower, except for those of blood, only children and young women can enter.


On the banks of the Tianzhu River, the Yucheng community is also planning for the next step.

After the expedition, the biological community of human genes grew from 6,000 individuals to 24,000 individuals. And with the exchange of spirits, there are more individuals who are enlightened.

Yucheng is a community, and its main mode of reproduction is not the breeding of two sexes, but the breeding of new individuals by a huge plant mother. Of course, this kind of reproduction is still uncertain. At this time, Long Ximin himself belongs to the second sexual development similar to human girls aged 12 to 16, so that the Yucheng community is very sensitive and special.

In the base in Yucheng, placentas will appear in the amniotic fluid of these plants, which can be said to be the tree of life, and then they will evolve into various forms of animals and begin to fall to the ground.

These fallen animals are not human beings to some extent, and their forms still look like animals. Some have bird wings, and some have fish breathing gills.

Only after being incorporated into the life link by the existing Yucheng humans as children, these "animal" individuals will "develop abnormally" and return to human form.

This process, like the transformation of tadpoles into frogs and caterpillars from chrysalis into butterflies, is the evolutionary trace left by the people in Yucheng in this century-old community. In the future, even if it changes back to human form, it may not be erased during the development of amniotic fluid in the future.

[Just like the whale in the species era was originally a land creature with lungs. Even after entering the water, the lungs are still used to breathe instead of opening the gills again. Of course, there will be a profound evolution in the technology of animal lungs. 】

The same is true for the human beings in Yucheng. Although they evolved back after a detour and reappeared in the state of human society, the development process still left these.


Long Ximin is the "head spirit" who now controls the tree of life, but her "head spirit" is no longer in absolute control like her mother.

Instead, it introduced the personnel management before the Great Destruction. Established military, agricultural, industrial, and transportation departments.

After the human order was reintroduced, a problem also appeared, that is, Long Ximin is now held hostage by the genetic descendants created by himself.

Now Yucheng regenerated from the body of an animal into an individual of the human race, which comes from 87 species sequences.

Birds, fish, lizards, carnivores, primates, and phytospermia, six major categories, miscellaneous.

Although after becoming a human being, the genes have already converged, and the spiritual language based on the radiation of protein organic matter has also been unified. But these categories all have the concept of ethnic groups, and I don't want more miscellaneous categories to grow on the dragon family.

Because genes are selfish, while they are loyal to Long Ximin, they also tacitly believe that they are all a branch of human beings. But I really don't want another class to appear.

Especially after the different existing 'secondary humans' have mastered the key resources, Long Ximin can no longer have a "second child" without sufficient reasons and under the circumstances that these existing 'children' do not allow .


At the meeting, generals wearing various uniforms were seated on both sides. After Long Ximin sat down, they had a complex spiritual exchange, and then came to conclusions one by one.

Owl can also (female, derived from the gene of owl): "The output of our Air Owl Master is now at most eight sorties a month, and we seriously lack a high number of small and medium-sized air suppression units."

Her big eyes are very pretty. There is a yellow bone in the middle of the small lip, which is a genetic inheritance. But even so, it is also Gu Panshenghui.

The other one, Bao Hongmin (female), also gave the same suggestion, that is, in the face of more and more wetlands, there is a lack of war beasts.


After these daughters spoke one after another, Long Ximin understood the current situation of the ethnic group and the solution they wanted. That is to ask for the machine transformed from the mature "standard beast" from the logging area.

Long Ximin looked at the slender girl on the left who was recording the meeting, Qing Hengxi.

The girl's complexion was very white, and her hair was also white, but the hair was as thick as a porcupine's backthorn. Of course, this is not a porcupine gene, but a snake gene. Her hair is actually in the process of scales turning into hair again.

Qing Hengxi: "Mother, there is no credible possibility for the human city-states in Nanya. To unite with them, it is better to turn to the King of People. He (Wei Keng) has fulfilled all his promises to us so far."

Seeing that Long Ximin was still hesitating, Qing Hengxi added: "If the king wants us to disappear, there won't be so much hope left."

Long Ximin looked up at the daughter.

Qing Hengxi lowered his head, revealing his snow-white neck, but pouted his small mouth as if muttering something.

There is one sentence that Qing Hengxi did not say: "So far, the Human King is still trying to deflect the entire human community in Yucheng. Mother, as long as your posture is not unlocked, he will always help us."

Note: The "posture" here refers to the completeness of development. According to genes, Long Ximin is only sixteen now, and has not yet matured.

I have never been here

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