Out of the cage

Chapter 429 Chapter 10.26 The water of the Yellow River, the north and the south merge

In the 161st year of the Pandora calendar, as the steam train passed through the Qinling Mountains and completed the shuttle along the railway between Chang'an and Hanzhong, Hanzhong and Qin were linked.

The human beings in the two places came into contact with each other, and they were a little stunned by the other's reaction, and they were adjusting their strategies for each other.

The youth group of the Five Colors Alliance took out a full list of supplies, confirmed that the person in charge of the unified logging area had approved all of them, and allocated all "steam engines", "grain", "building materials" and professionals to posts before the end of the year.

These simple northern youths shouted happily. However, the accepting people in the unified logging area, seeing the detailed use plan attached to this list, and the ability to start production within half a year after receiving the materials, and to ensure a stable supply of basic raw materials, also feel that it is too easy!

Especially the cadres in the Yishui area are used to seeing the upper echelons of the city-states headed by Jianye in the south wrangling over some basic work, and they feel a little too relaxed when encountering the "very" in the north.

The unified logging area does not care about materials. With today's productivity, the per capita industrial production resources are extremely rich.

For example, at the end of the ancient colonial era, the United States was able to export food and energy on a large scale due to its abundant resources for a long period of time in the first two hundred years.

The current per capita resource in the unified logging area is dozens of times that of the early days of the founding of the US Empire. Now it is fine to raise the five-color alliance and the city-states of Jianye.

What is lacking in the unified logging area is talents, and the most important strategic goal supported by all human and material resources is unified logging.

Crusade is to crusade against the enemy. The system is incorporated into the system of solidarity and cooperation.

In fact, the north does not lack basic resources, but what is lacking is organizational integration. For example, Qin has a large number of former mines and rivers. The northbound workers in the unified logging areas in these areas have a headache what to do with these tasks.

The original plan was to organize tens of thousands of cadres to enter the area and collect information in detail. And in order to prevent risk events in the collection process, tens of thousands of military forces are prepared to sweep along the area in two to three years.

But it never occurred to me that there are trans-regional progressive forces in the North to cooperate with the unification operation.

The city-state forces in the Yangtze River Basin headed by Jianye in the south have the capital to engage in the small peasant regional economy and the Wubao system. Although the scale of economic exchanges is extensive, cultural exchanges are loose, and the lower-level residents across a river basin do not even communicate with each other. The resulting dialects are slightly different. On the contrary, due to natural disasters in the north, refugees moved, and cultural interaction was stronger.

The youths in the Northland took the initiative to send hydrological data, as well as the population and economic situation of each city-state, and focused on drawing brick kiln factories, coal mining sites, and iron ore accumulation belts that can be restored near the city-state.


On February 1, 162, a new batch of urban construction teams from the unified cutting area entered the area and began to restore the ruins of Xijing under the noses of the local city-state, preparing to rebuild the city-state.

During this process, the activities in the unified logging area were not blocked by the area.

Of course, it cannot be stopped. In the course of the past few months, with the 59 mechas and light tanks clearing out the remaining communities on the plain, even the most conservative city-state owners in Qinchuan clearly realized that the times had changed.

The people with lofty ideals in the Yellow River Basin, after confirming the power gap of the times, temporarily threw off the old antiques and took the initiative to contact the unified logging area.

In March, the unified cutting area initially completed the cleaning of the three roads in Qindi, which showed the determination of the local area. A large number of young people in the Northland joined in enthusiastically, preparing to participate in the battle to recover Xijing.

At this time, the local forces in the Qin land also saw the situation clearly, and hoped to negotiate with the representatives of the unified cutting area.


Zhao Feng's vehicle was escorted by Qinchuan's local mechanical beast knights to the vicinity of Mount Li.

This is the first emperor's mausoleum in Chinese history. Due to its good sealing structure, it is still well preserved even in the event of a biological catastrophe.

Zhao Feng met Chen Changluo.

In his first impression, Zhao Feng felt that this was a middle-aged man who was elegant on the outside but deep on the inside.

And Chen Changluo also looked at this vigorous young man who took off his helmet and was wearing a reproductive equipment. He couldn't help but muttered silently: "The logging area really has a grand spirit."

Whether a force thrives or declines depends on whether the young people have yang energy. And how did the yang energy come from? It is not a top-down moral education of young people, nor is it the wolf nature brought about by mutual competition.

Instead, in a fair and just environment, hard work pays off. Serve justice and help others without looking back.

[The natural yang that can be illuminated by the sun is blocked by various shadows, and it is naturally yin. 】

Zhao Feng, judging from his resume, he is an ordinary family in the unified cutting area. If I insist on calling it special, I grew up in Hengyang. And families like Hengyang accounted for 90%, even if the center was a little special, it was full of vitality, and it was enough to wipe out the whole north.

Chen Changluo has also met young people from other commanded areas. how to say? Compared with the young people of the Five Colors Alliance, they always have courage.

The men in the north are also passionate, and they are also aspirants who shout "Yellow River". But when compared with the young people in the unified logging area, there is always some lack of confidence. Because knowledge records and an excellent inheritance system represent "culture", this is also a strength that can convince people.

Chen Changluo is from the same era as Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang, and from the same era as Zhen Xinzheng.

In terms of "gloom", ten years ago, the master Wei was also in the vat of the times, and Wei Keng looked much more gloomy than Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang.

For example, Zhen Xinzheng is introverted and not good at speaking. After being rejected by Qiu Mengfei, he dared not speak in embarrassment.

But when it was extended to the next generation, Wei Keng taught it, and everyone went forward bravely, full of yang.

In Pandora from 140 to 160 years, Wei Keng sucked away the "yin" of the entire era, leaving behind a gentleness.

So if Chen Changluo wanted to face this doubt to Wei Keng and ask Wei Keng, he would get a strange response from Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "You want the young people to be positive, because no one will push you forward, and no one is willing to trade hard work for praise from others. So you think young people are dark."

Bai Linglu concludes: The yang of young people in the unified cutting area is because there is enough room for their growth. As for the future guidance, if they are wrong, try to remind them not to let them try, and only if they are right, let them try boldly. ——Their struggles can be rewarded, so they become more masculine.

Wei Keng knew that he was dark. This may be the refinement of the ancient times.

When I was a teenager, when I didn't want to study, I got hints from the mainstream society to persuade me to give up my efforts, such as "have the courage to go out of my own choice" and "success does not have to study".

Young people are encouraged to "start a business boldly and get out of the comfort zone."

When entering the society, they were accused not to be indifferent, but to help others and be brave enough to help the old and the weak. However, all these so-called positive guidance have no bottom line.

In the end, when Mr. Wei faced these "no credit guarantee" encouragement, he would only respond in a gloomy way: "Ah, that's right."

But Master Wei never wanted the people after him to be like this. So leave the remaining warm side to the innocent next generation, and when they grow up, keep wrapping them in shells to prevent those "heat-absorbing" strangers with cold hands from rubbing their hearts.


During the conversation, Wei Keng looked at these guys in the north through teleportation transmission.

Once Zhao Feng, this cub is in danger. Master Wei's special forces will drop in directly to ensure the safety of the negotiators in the unified cutting area.

After all, in the recent period, the words of the Five-color Alliance have become more and more sharp, and Chen Changluo is from the Five-color Alliance. Master Wei must prevent the "true new" incident from happening to the boy he is optimistic about.

The unification talks between Zhao Feng and Chen Changluo lasted for five hours, and the two sides reached a number of agreements.

In the agreement, the youth organization of the Five Colors Alliance acquiesced in the construction of the unified logging area in the Guanzhong Plain.

Chen Changluo, who was in his forties or fifties, vaguely gave a promise that in the eyes of Master Wei was a promise, that is: as long as Xijing was restored in the commanded cutting area, it would acquiesce in its legality in the Guanzhong Plain.

As for this guarantee, let alone Wei Keng. Sun Xiangyang and the crew could see that more than half of the regulations promised by these city-state personnel were verbal checks.

But if the unified cutting area can restore Xijing, then there is no need for them to admit it.

Xijing, as the transportation center in the Guanzhong area, has a natural ability to absorb surrounding resources and manpower.

And right now, the cleaning work of Xijing by the unified cutting area has integrated more than half of the youths in the five city-states into their own organization.

During the day, these young people learned how to operate farming equipment and steam engines from the unified logging area, and at night, they took spiritual language classes, mathematics, physics, chemistry, natural science popularization, and thought classes.

In the process of rebuilding the civilization of the Qin land, the unified cutting area has essentially mastered the local personnel.

Now, does Chen Changluo from the Five-Color Alliance need to admit 'legitimacy'?

Moreover, he did not admit it until Xijing was fully recovered. — but does he deserve it?

This is equivalent to the bayonet rushing in front of him, and he raised the white flag at this time, saying that he had rebelled before the battle. Who can't see that this is actually a surrender.

Master Wei secretly commented on Chen Changluo: Compared with the group of people in the Five Colors Federation, he is considered a new school, relatively knowledgeable about current affairs. But don't call him gay.

Although he is now progressive compared to the conservative faction of the Five Colors Alliance, he is leading the new youths in the north who are seeking change. But it still cannot wash away the bureaucracy soaked in the old era.

Habitually, he hopes that others will charge forward, and after the results are achieved, he will stand in line calmly, calling him a leader.

This kind of people is in the stage of violent alternation in history, and they belong to the "Fatty Li".

Wei Keng: For this kind of person, we must stabilize him and prevent him from jumping backwards. But don't pin your hopes on him, let alone let him become the only and irreplaceable collaborator. Find more people in a similar situation to him. Do a good job of getting rid of him and still find other people's multiple choice questions.


Master Wei dialed Peng Haitao through the system.

On the site of the Five-color Alliance, in a certain earthen house, in front of an old mechanical beast, Peng Haitao was hesitating which plug-in to install. At this time, facing the sudden communication from his senior, Peng Haitao was a little embarrassed.

It's as embarrassing as running away from home, going out to eat dirt, and being asked "how are you doing outside" by the parents who protected you before.

For Peng Haitao, no matter how unpalatable he chooses, he has to study happily.

However, Wei Keng did not dwell on this issue after the call on China Unicom, but praised Peng Haitao for being in the north.

Peng Haitao was confused, facing Wei Keng's praise, he muttered in his heart: "Did I do a good job?"

But Wei Keng asked him for help next, which made Peng Haitao really proud.

Master Wei's request for Peng Haitao's help is very simple, that is, in the past few years, he is ready to take over Chen Changluo's shift.

Wei Keng: "Don't worry, I'm not trying to kill him. I'm not that sinister. What I want is for you to play a role, understand? You are a time traveler, do you follow the natives for the whole mission? You have to decide."

Inspired by Master Wei, Peng Haitao's ambition was aroused. It can also be said to be wolfish.

The rapid advance of the unified cutting area in the north has shocked the contact side of the Five Colors Alliance.

In Master Wei's eyes, "Chen Changluo" is just a slightly enlightened upper echelon of the city-state, neither friend nor enemy, they can unite. But in the eyes of the spokesperson of the five-color alliance, who is one-sided and blocked at both ends, Chen Changluo is a standard sophomore.

Chen Changluo's formation, in 160 years, brought a large amount of fuel and machinery resources from the Five Colors Federation to build the Qinchuan defense line.

Back then, Chen Changluo worked hard on these constructions. The five steam cities in the Qin Dynasty closed the gates to clean up the walls and ditches, cut down many trees around them, and refused to defend.

During the fire in the Qinling Mountains, a large number of biomes frenziedly ran across the Guanzhong Plain. Although these cities fought unconditionally, the fuel injectors burned up a large number of biomes trying to attack the city.

After watching the battle, the special commissioners of the Five Colors Alliance also praised it greatly, "Chen Changluo is sincere in his work." It is expected that the northward advance of the unified logging area will also be effectively prevented.

However, in a blink of an eye, as the commanding area entered Qinchuan, these five cities opened their doors to welcome the "Wang Shi"?

Note: When the commanding area entered Qinchuan, why did the special commissioner of the Five Colors Alliance disappear? Some people suspected that Chen Changluo directly killed him.

The conservative mechanics of the Five Colors Alliance were afraid of directly confronting the mechanical regiments in the commanding area. Therefore, I chose to retreat to the back as a "solid backing". They were counting on Chen Changluo to charge. It's no wonder that Chen Changluo sold the Five Colors Alliance instead.

The unified cutting area did not attack these five cities in the follow-up, let alone settled in them. However, the five cities all used the materials from the unified cutting area, and the young people also lived in the camps in the unified cutting area.

The supplies that Chen Changluo took away from the Five-color Alliance are huge for the Five-color Alliance, but for the unified cutting area, it is only the amount of a train.

In fact, the only choice for anyone in Chen Changluo's position, both public and private, is to cooperate with the unified logging area. The only difference is that at the beginning, I wanted to take advantage of it, but I was swearing at the disadvantage. Or simply skip the above-mentioned passive mentality conversion.

Chen Changluo was relatively straightforward.

Wei Keng explained: This is the cultural custom of the Northland. Due to the relatively thin output per unit of farmland, a large number of labor flows. For example, "Maike", a group that rushes to work as the wheat matures. This force is in the calamity year, that is the source of the pole. If it is poured into the castle, a big family can be wiped out.

And because of this, the clans in the north, who cannot rely on the "stabilized small-scale peasant economy" to support themselves like the south, will adjust their perspective far away in the face of "general changes" and are sensitive to the situation.

In the spring of 162, Chen Changluo made the "first day of junior high school", which opened the exchange between the city-state and the unified cutting area in the area. There were old forces in the north who wanted to do the "fifteenth day".

In the summer of 162, Hanzhong New Center, the upper-level decision-making committee of the unified logging area was before the meeting. As usual, Sun Xiangyang approached Wei Keng to discuss the latest situation of the Northern Command.

Wei Keng smiled after seeing one of the so-called "latest situations": a large number of protest notifications and threats from the Northern Five-color Alliance.

Under Sun Xiangyang's questioning, Wei Keng gave his own opinion: "Let's hold on, now you see they are in a hurry, well, as time goes on, the five-color alliance is becoming more and more divided in the north."

We are ready to fight a war, because as long as we win the first battle, the next will be the battle.

But this war should be postponed as much as possible, because the slower we grind, the more we can see the problems in the north that are difficult for us to find now, and the more straightforward we can win in the final battle, the more thoroughly we will get rid of the old ones. "

Sun Xiangyang: "If it is postponed to the end, will this war be eliminated?"

Wei Keng stared at Sun Xiangyang: "Don't have such illusions, the privilege of a mechanical beast trainer, and the arrogance of mastering nuclear weapons. This old force is destined to jump when it perishes."

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