Out of the cage

Chapter 432 Chapter 10.29

The Hejin conflict is a moment of great historical significance for the Eastern humans who are moving towards civilization again at the end of the Pandora Era.

After the battle where the remains of mechanical beasts filled the fields, there were sixty-seven trainers who fled back to the Five-Color Alliance, and more than one hundred trainers were released one after another.

Although the mechanical beasts were lost on a large scale, the trainers had not only six mechanical beasts, but also a large number of mechanical beasts stored in the near-zero nutrient solution, so theoretically, the five-color alliance still had considerable vitality in numbers.

It's just that in the great changes in the East, in addition to traditional military weapons, the element of "people's hearts" is particularly important.

The Five Colors Alliance has completely lost the will to fight in this battle. When this mental energy is dispersed, it is impossible to do it in a corner.

Even the trainers who were most determined to pledge allegiance to the Five-Color Alliance, after this battle, were frightened and had no confidence in victory in the commanding area.

When a force has no determination to win in the face of its competitors, the so-called "loyalty" rhetoric of the people below will also become duplicity over time.


For the unified cutting area, the battle that should be fought is over, and the five-color alliance, the northern orthodoxy that has survived since the Great Destruction, exists in name only.

The next mobilization of the people in the north will only encounter resistance from a single city-state, and will not encounter obstruction from the old forces beyond the city-state level.

Even the five-color alliance counselors will not talk too much about deepening reforms in the commanding areas and depriving the old ruling groups of the military-controlled areas and the northern city-states.


As for Wei Keng, his understanding of this battle is: "Yanzhao was known as a man of tragic songs in ancient times."

Prior to this, Wei Keng adopted a strategy against city-state forces such as the Five-color Alliance and Jianye, which was to "accumulate food widely, build more walls, and slowly become king".

Guangji Grain: Do a good job in strategic logistics, build farms, restore steel plants, and improve technology.

Build more walls: Do a good job of strategic defense, expand step by step, build railways, ecological radiation towers, and cultivate standard animal colonies.

Slowly claiming the king: Don't rush to declare things that have not been achieved, but make a strong declaration after achieving them step by step.

Wei Keng's attitude towards the "material selection system in the unified logging area" is because of his own identity as a troublemaker.

Wei Keng: I am a troublemaker myself, and everyone is a troublemaker. But it’s good to be a troublemaker, try to maintain a correct attitude of not stealing or robbing in society, and don’t let people take advantage of you.

Wei Keng believed that as long as he did it step by step, the troublemakers from the Five Colors Alliance would definitely come to him.

But Wei Keng had to admit that he was wrong. In this world, apart from groups of troublemakers, there are also groups of righteous people.


March 4, 163.

In the adjustment base in Jingzhou, the second batch of adjusters in the north has already adjusted. In the No. 4 adjustment area, the Wei Keng group lost its spiritual connection. Watch these adjusters leave.

As for one of the adjusters, Wei Keng maintained enough respect throughout the process.

Taking a screwdriver, Fan Tangwen removed all the auxiliary medical facilities on his body, looked at Wei Keng and said, "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Thank you for your guide."

Wei Keng: "The responsibility lies."

Fan Tangwen: "Before I came here, I had a lot of doubts about you."

Wei Keng: "It's normal to have doubts."

Fan Tangwen: "I heard that your memory comes from before the Great Destruction. Then it suddenly appeared in this world. It is the reflection of human information absorbed by Pandora Field in the last era, and then delayed appearance."

The information Fan Tangwen heard was a hypothesis put forward by the official scientific research organization in the unified logging area.

Wei Keng: "Well, I'm not sure, I can be sure that I live here. And human beings will surely be revived."

Wei Keng stretched out his fist. Fan Tangwen also stretched out his fist and touched it. Fan Tangwen agreed, "Yes, it will definitely be revived."

For those who have righteousness in mind, it is natural to give back righteousness frankly!

The banner of unification is no longer held by Wei Keng and the crew faction, but a mission that all aspirants in the entire China region urgently want to complete.

The large map has been placed at the center of the logging area. After going north across the board, it achieved success beyond expectations.

Next, it is necessary to quickly formulate the next strategic plan, sweeping the world like a bamboo shoot.

Now there are two strategic directions.

The first is to insert directly into the Bohai Bay to complete the cleaning of the entire northeast subregion. This was the original plan, and it was also the original plan of the unified cutting area to encircle the five-color alliance and Jianye strategically. But it is no longer applicable, and the five-color alliance has languished. Now ignore them completely, and now directly surround Jianye.

But now, Jianye's last strategic reserve area, that is, central Anhui, northern Anhui, and northern Jiangsu, has become more important.

When the unified logging area took Yuzhou, it went down the Huai River and strategically merged with the forces of Yimeng in the East China Sea. It can completely cut off the connection between Jianye and the north. Of course, it will further cut off the communication between the sea and the inland.

That's right, the second strategic direction is here.

To sum it up with a classic line from a certain movie: Xuzhou has had more than 50 large-scale battles in the past.

At the internal meeting of the unified logging area in 163.

Sun Xiangyang said this, the people of the world are determined, and after the Shanghuai area is settled, it means that many strategic areas in the eastern and central regions have become strategic rear areas!

Sun Xiangyang pointed to the area where Yishui and the Central Plains were located. These are important areas for the growth of new cadres in the unified logging area in recent years.

Huang Yuhua, the former irascible ship engine boiler inspector, now added the reason in a mature tone.

Huang Yuhua: "Only when the situation is stable can we have children and raise a family. People who devote themselves to the repression want to see the light quickly. This war cannot be delayed.

In recent years, population growth is still dominated by the south. The reason lies in the unrest in the north.

If you can't use great determination to stabilize the north and let the people in the north live and work in peace and contentment.

Instead, it is not enough time to shirk, and continue to slowly manage the south. Then we will always only represent half of the country. This is for sinners through the ages. "

On April 2, at the general meeting of the unified logging area. Representatives from all over the country unanimously passed the unification resolution to open up the "Beijing-Hangzhou Canal" area.

Immediately afterwards, the unified cutting organizations in various places, such as the earliest Zhuxin region, the eastern Fujian region, the Xiangjiang region, the southern Jiangxi region, the Yishui organization, as well as the newly established Qinchuan Construction Committee and the New Yellow River Alliance, all expressed their positions and firmly supported the unified cutting resolution.

From then on, on the entire land of Shenzhou, under the call of righteousness, all new regional new forces will be systematically merged into the entire unified campaign. Great momentum!


In the direction of the southeast, although organizational mergers are the general trend, each department is also a little bit cautious.

For example, in the case of the newly established fleet, the commander of the fleet just gave a lecture on "stick to the post and work hard" to the cadres under his command.

Then an accurate call list came down directly, and all the backbones were dug.

This behavior of snatching people made the naval factions so angry and helpless that they directly sent the report to the center of the unified cutting area, claiming: If all the people are gone, they will go to Dayuan Island and arrest Wei Keng to become a strong man.

Of course, arresting Wei Keng was a joke. But the local departments are really angry now. They have worked so hard to cultivate talents in the past few years, but they are going to be taken over by one pot.

These years! There are a lot of assessments, and all departments have skill tests. Even experienced boiler maintenance will have a certificate after the annual assessment. And the annual routine assessment of these units gave talent certificates, reported to the general organization, and then the general organization gave rewards.

But while the current region has received honors and awards, the general organization has also received a list of local talents. No, there are needs now, and they have been dug up one by one according to the list, and they can't be hidden below.

But look at it from another angle. In addition to the call of the general trend, the unified cutting area has also been well aware of the development of advanced forces in various regions in the past few years, so in the early stage of the merger, it has grasped the personnel and affairs of these regions.

Now the center of the unified cutting area has a mobilization system several times higher than the five-color alliance and Jianye.


April 4, 163, Jicheng. Under the rule of the old city-state.

The painted city wall is now mottled and peeling off, and the wall is full of potholes, like an old woman with insufficient makeup.

In the hut with the white mercury lamp, Su Lingshuang looked at the sand table in front of her.

Beginning in March of this year, troops mobilized from east, west, north, south, and north by the unified cutting area have entered the Huanghuai alluvial plain in the south.

Flames soared into the sky, and cloud bombs were also dropped. More importantly, the dead wave weapons she saw back then are now frequently appearing on the southern front. Of course, the unified logging area did not use it in the battle between humans, but used it to clean up the biome.

This woman is no longer the little girl she used to be. The death of her father a few years ago forced her to mature and began to use all available power to deal with the current changing situation.

"You can't directly compete with the commanding area!" This is the judgment she had to come to in the face of the hatred of killing her father.

In the entire Jicheng City, there are only 45 towed artillery pieces that can be used now. As for the larger caliber cannons, their lifespan was exhausted early in the early stage of the Great Destruction, when dealing with round after round of beast hordes. And at the moment, there are only a thousand rounds of shells left.

Compared with the arrogance of the unified logging area that has dumped more than 200,000 rounds of gas tank ammunition on the Huanghuai Plain in a month, Jicheng is like a praying mantis blocking a car.

But you can't just let those people in the unified cutting area just traverse things like this! Su Lingshuang pinched the map with her fingers, trying to grasp some manageable points. This movement habit is exactly the same as her father Su Qianqing.

In the past year, she has also been in contact with Jianye in the south, and near Jicheng, a set of aviation maintenance system for Tianzhulong aircraft has been specially built.

This is for Qiu Mengfei. The love when I was young has long lost my feeling at the moment, but if I give up, I will lose the thread that can be used.

And now she doesn't want to marry some idiot who is overconfident in Baogang City of Five Colors Alliance. It must be an excuse to maintain contact with Jianye.

Su Lingshuang got on her flying beast and started a new round of inspections.

When she rode the 'flying machine' into the sky, she frowned. The iron tower in the south has been repaired, and this is the twenty-eighth iron tower completed in the unified logging area this month.

The powerful life radiation was activated, and waves invisible to the naked eye surged.

Su Lingshuang felt that the mechanical beast under her seat was extraordinarily panicked.

Su Lingshuang looked at the iron tower, such a technology that makes all human beings feel warm and can no longer be threatened by genetic pollution directly in the ecological circle, but it eradicates the meaning of the existence of mechanical beasts.

Su Lingshuang remained silent. This technology that made her generation think it was wrong ten years ago is now recognized even by her own new generation.

This carbon-based radiation tower, in Su Lingshuang's view, is the technology that the human apostle tried to change human genes, but whether it is a unified logging area or a city-state, the education level of this new generation is much higher.

Pandora’s 160-year-old new generation accepts more popular science, and their understanding of information is like the gap between the 1980s and the new millennium. And in the 1980s, they still maintained the arrogance of looking at the world first, which is not necessarily the same as the generation of Su Lingshuang and Jianye today.

For example: How much is the total information content of genes? How much information can a carbon-based radiation tower emit? Counting on this radiation to inject genes is equivalent to counting on Nokia-era mobile phones to be able to download hundreds of tons of small movies.

And even if it affects the "process of nucleic acid replication protein", it only affects some somatic cells. If it is expected to affect the reproductive cells, then I am afraid that blood must be drawn directly from the body of an apostle for injection.

——This is the subjective acceptance of the new generation, not the generation of Pixel Lingshuang who refused to understand it because of their inner resistance

So far, Master Wei has drawn blood, only providing blood support to those who need treatment for severe genetic contamination!

And the 'apostle' gene of the same-faced person is a standard human gene.

On the contrary, from the perspective of the new generation, the mechanical beasts of the older generation are likely to pollute the genes, and carry the fusion beast genes in the next generation.

Of course, this genetic fit will make it easier for the next generation to control mechanical beasts.

But ah~~ The age of adults has changed! According to the scale of the humane ecological system, it is hard to say whether the mechanical beasts will still exist in a few decades.

Moreover, the latest contemporary breeding equipment is much stronger than mechanical beasts in terms of firepower and development prospects. You must know that the first-class electronic control technology that is now matched with the colony has been updated for several generations.

Of course, the above-mentioned reasons are still incomprehensible to the older generation.


Su Lingshuang, who is riding on the mechanical beast, is now troubled by the rebellion of the new generation.

This is like, in ancient times, the public knowledge before the millennium had a headache and the little pink who "don't read more books" after the millennium.

After Su Lingshuang rode away on the flying dragon, some guards in Jicheng looked at her figure and whispered: "Old hag who has passed menopause."

After confirming that Su Lingshuang was gone, the guards immediately took the broom and hung it on the window of the city wall. (The function is similar to a message tree, which is often used in intelligence work, and various daily necessities are placed at the door to deliver messages.)

Soon someone started to act at the biochemical pool in Jicheng.

The biochemical pool that the underground organizations are now targeting was built by Su Lingshuang for the landing of Qiu Mengfei's Tianzhulong fighter jets.

The "usable" biological equipment in Su Lingshuang's plan, but in the eyes of her team members, this is real biochemical pollution. In the past few months, there have been four cases of genetic pollution, and the victims' backs are covered with spots. Bits of fish skin.

Su Lingshuang repeatedly emphasized that this is "safe and reliable." Because in the past "for the sake of the Yellow River" it was borne, so why can't it be borne now?

For her own purposes, she unilaterally beautifies the projects she supports without acknowledging the risks at all. It was exactly the same as when the death wave incident happened back then, when the death dragon was out of control, but the recruitment was still going its own way.

Even Su Lingshuang didn't even want to see the victim. The face of swearing and declaring "this is what we can bear" for the victims.

This made the Jicheng youth team secretly curse Su Lingshuang with the most vicious language.

Wei Wei Keng commented on the incident: The reason why the underground workers in the commanded cutting area are elusive. It is because the behavior of the reactionaries disgusts people and arouses public outrage.

Three hours later, when Su Lingshuang returned.

She saw white smoke rising from the biochemical pool that she spent a month repairing. The quicklime in the four snakeskin bags was smashed into the newly built biochemical pool. The water temperature was just right, but the alkaline substances killed everything in the pool.

The residue floating in the biochemical pool is like the white foam floating out of boiled meat.

The person in charge of guarding the biochemical pool, together with the personnel on duty at the city gate today, all escaped. The empty gate mocks the ruler here.

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