Out of the cage

Chapter 437 Chapter 10.34 Kosa, Kou

On October 29, 163, I flew a plane over the Yangtze River Basin to watch the direction of Jiangyin, the last group of escaping dragons.

Wei Kengyou stared at it for a while, and the Tianzhulong, which was parked on Jiangyin, snorted coldly and left him alone.

Wei Keng: "The internal attack cannot be delayed, and the external attack cannot be rushed. There is always a stage, a stage, and a conclusion,"


On the Huanghuai Plain, this spanned six hundred kilometers of action. The supply lines of the unified logging area to various resources in the east have been stretched to the extreme.

Therefore, we must wait for a while, and we must wait for the newly added human regions to resume the production of bulk materials such as bricks, lime, and steel.

In terms of the strategy of the unified logging area, after the ecology of the Yangtze River Basin has been fully covered, the most urgent thing at present is how to deal with the city-state.

Nowadays, the land is vast and the population is sparse, and it is unrealistic to have a super-strong center. The situation in each region is different. The people in each region in the southeast may be governed by one country in the next few decades, but the center of the unified area will remove the ideological shackles of the Jianye era. There is no room for compromise in this regard.

In Wei Keng's words, there are too many dross in these city-states.

Young people who grew up in these city-state environments now seem to be fighting with the unified logging areas, but in fact there are still many differences that have not been exposed. Once the economy picks up, they're quick to show the cultural weeds.

In the summary of Eastern history, "taste" and "style" seem to be gorgeous, but in essence they are "specialized" and have always been at odds with "clean and fair".

For example, "corruption" is a social problem, which cannot be analyzed with special cases such as "moral character" and "disposition".

It is necessary to come up from the perspective of the whole society to find the incentives for the aging and decay of the ruling structure!

Wei Keng: "If the clothes you can buy in the society are all the same, the houses you live in are the same, the meals you eat are in canteens, and the products you buy in the vegetable market... travel is all public transportation and bicycles. For some government officials, corruption under heavy punishment is a great evil. But the social atmosphere has begun to change, consumption has begun to stratify, and people's main pursuit has changed from self-worth to material pursuits.

The class with a good family background in the city must have several sets of large-scale houses. There must be two to three private cars at home, and daily clothes must be branded and handmade. ——Then, as city officials, I will resolutely defend the gray gold flow,

If there are none of the above, then the public view of the general public will really regard civil servants and sanitation workers as the same level.

Oh, to put it another way, how did the sanitation workers, who are also public servants, gradually change from "glorious labor" to a chain of contempt? "It lies in the orientation of values.

"Cultural leanings" can affect the rise and fall of ruling forces.

The petty bourgeoisie ethos of "talented scholars and beautiful ladies" is prevalent in the south of the Yangtze River. Master Wei is now very vigilant about this petty bourgeoisie ethos.

The management class who masters "information and resources" is the most capable of chasing "taste" and "identity" when the world is in decline. Let this style grow like a poisonous weed, and eventually a group of people will say, "I'm different from ordinary people!" And it's true.

Of course, this is also an objective defect of human beings as a species. In the primate period, there will be stratification in the distribution of fruits.

The commanding area is now a new dynasty, but we still have to learn from the five-color alliance and Jianye. At the end of the dynasty, no matter how noble the slogan was, no one from top to bottom served the so-called "banner".

The people of Jianye, a series of city-states, have lived in the shadow of the group of "trainers" for too long. "Special" is the concept of "superior", which has subtly penetrated into all aspects of them.

Wei Keng never dared to underestimate the ability of "singing crooked scriptures" in Jianye.

Master Wei really did not dare to allow Jianye to self-govern at this stage, try out new laws, and establish new morals.

In such an old environment: if you say a word, people with ulterior motives will misinterpret the three versions.

Master Wei persuaded the comrades in the unified cutting area like this: "Even if a new city is rebuilt next door to Jianye, even if it is a little poorer, find a place to build an industrial city, and the long-term saving of trouble will be greater than the trouble of rebuilding today. many!"

People in the entire southern city-state region lack a cultural re-understanding course. And in this class, if those troublemakers are included in the class together, then everyone will not learn well.

At this time when all kinds of wastes are waiting to be done, we must firmly grasp the initiative of ideological emancipation. ——First of all, this lecture hall cannot be in the "Old Ancestral Hall"

After the Battle of Huanghuai, only comrades from Jianye were in the unified area, and the voice of "Jianye" could not be heard.


Back to the battlefield

At the end of November, the Tianzhulong community gathered in the Jiangyin area had already left the Yangtze River with the Tianzhulong.

One-third of the standard beast tide dispatched by the unified logging area remained in the Jiangnan water system. The other groups, led by the mechanical beast (Gyarados, with mechanized transformation) trained by the commanding army, returned to many habitat areas upstream.

On the map planned by the natural ecological department of the unified logging area, the distribution of standard animals is balanced. There is a limit to how many ethnic groups can be maintained in any one place.

This is artificially shifting the balance. In this dispatch, the unified logging area consumed a total of 50,000 tons of nitrogen-based organic matter.

These eco-beasts recuperate on their own in their habitats. Master Wei: Until the next time we deal with sulfur iron basalt, we have to invite them to fight.

In November, the unified logging area planned two new administrative centers in the Yangtze River Basin. The Jiangnan part is Liyang area, while the Jiangbei part is Feishui City. One south and one north, sandwiching Jianye up and down.

As the designer of the unified cutting area, Wei Keng tends to centralize power, but with such a small population and occupying such a large area of ​​Kyushu, it is doomed to be impossible to completely synchronize and coordinate all regions, so the internal geography must be well adjusted.

Especially Feishui City, in line with the strategy of guarding the river must guard the Huai River, is nailed to Jianye's forehead.

The cities in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, where Anhui Province is located, are all small-scale Jianye, competing in a homogeneous circle, so they must not be administrative centers. Otherwise, if it develops to a certain stage and is acquired by Jianye, which enjoys the dividends of the times and re-emerges, it will rise to the same power as the central government.

There is only one central city in the entire lower reaches of the Yangtze River! And after this center is established, everything else is inferior.

It's like a figure. If you have a high-quality product, would you still buy a defective product with insufficient details? Even this defective product is of better quality than other types. (The principle of the game, the re-engraved garbage, is not as good as the featured mod.)

(Puhai has formed a new center by relying on the outer circulation, but now the world is so barren, and thousand-ton freighters are rare, Puhai has no chance to become the center in a hundred years.)

Any dynasty that does not place its capital in Jianye will not allow Jianye to dispatch Jiangzuo resources. It is also impossible for the center of Jiangzuo to be set in a city that shares the same river water with Jianye and breathes out the same breath.

Feishui City is not as good as its competitors in the same province in the south in terms of convenient river transportation and population density. Just because of the dissimilarity with Jianye, it became the center of Jiangzuo.

After repeated discussions in the unified logging area, they also settled on this place.

This place is far enough away from Jianye, belongs to the Jiangbei Economic Zone, and just happens to have a canal system that can pass 200 tons of river boats into the Yangtze River.

And militarily! This distance is very close.


On November 18, Feishui City, the southern ruins area.

Huang Yu stood on the other side of the lake, on the mottled building behind him, the sign on the surface of the building was the city slogan of "Great Lake Name x, Innovation x Place". It's just that the color tone has long been dimmed by the wind and sun, and everything in the city is full of wasteland style.

When the humane ecology of the Jianghuai area was replaced, all the old biological species died in the ruins of this large city. And these dead vegetation were covered by dogtail grass.

The commercial building with the slogan is now converted into a small steel factory. Huge chimneys stick out from the top of the mall.

The urban construction of the old era is too much for the contemporary unified logging area. Before the Great Destruction, the entire Feishui City, a top-notch city in the third tier, used to be an area with a population of 10 million, divided into several areas. But in the contemporary era, there are only 5,000 human beings who have returned here.

After the team from the unified logging area came to this big city and experienced the excitement of being able to scavenge at will, they gradually felt the coldness here.

Everyone collected as much steel as possible from the collapsed buildings in the city center. The rusty cars stuck on the road were also quickly thrown into the steelmaking furnace. But five thousand inhabitants. No matter how to speed up recycling, the resources piled up here will not be used.

This situation is not only in Feishui City. The few large cities in the entire north will flash their lonely lights again.

The urgent task of the administrators of each logging area is to quadruple the population of young and middle-aged people within twenty years. Everyone wished that young men and women could get married at the age of sixteen. (Wei Keng: That's nonsense. Girls are at that age, and the risk of childbearing is extremely high.)

Huang Yu, as the first Jiangzuo chief executive appointed by the unified cutting area, looked at the steel-making furnace in the smoke and dust shopping mall behind him. An epic 'freezing' sprouted in my heart.

Huang Yu, who once traveled all over the world and indulged in love, felt a little heavy in his heart: This may be where I will work for the rest of my life. Time and space seem to have returned to the pre-Qin era. After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, the kingdoms granted soil and feudalism, and began to overcome obstacles and plow soil to build cities.

For many cadres in the unified cutting area, after victory, the next step is to test whether the faith can survive the erosion of time and become immortal.

Every brick and tile, every nail and hammer, everything has to be rebuilt. If human beings want to restore the vitality before the Great Destruction, it takes several generations.

In the second half of October, a mechanical brigade of the unified army held a military exercise in Jiangzuo.

Departing from the military base near Feishui City, within 20 hours, it was very close to Ma'anshan, oh, that is, the place where Jianye can be seen across the river. Dozens of 105mm towed cannons were deployed to accommodate the entire Jianye within the firepower coverage.

Narrator: During the Tianzhulong Rebellion, when Zhenxin was driving Tianzhulong No. 2 to entangle Tianzhulong No. 1, the firepower dispatched by Jianye was 105 towed artillery. ——The defender Keng felt that this cannon was good, and it could cure the fear of insufficient firepower by building more.

After this exercise, the commanding army also recognized the stationability of Feishui City militarily.

During the exercise, if an air force raid is launched, there is a more than 50% chance that the bridge will be directly taken away. After one day's defense of the bridge by one's own troops, the tank troops can directly cross the river and attack Jianye City.

The 50% here is based on the fact that the Jianye defenders have sufficient morale to defend the bridge under shelling. However, Jianye's defensive record in history is really "dismal".

Of course, even if the Jianye defenders hold on here, their main force will be restrained, and other sections of the river will be defenseless. It's just that it can withstand one more week in the plan.


In the current unified cutting area, Jianye is only put on a slow-shrinking noose, not a single click. After the conservatives in Jianye confirmed that they were 'not exhausted', they gradually fell back from being intermittently excited to their original sensuality.

Of course, the trash in Jianye will be even more trash, and this also gives the craziest group of people a chance to be on stage.


October 25th. On the bank of the Yangtze River, when the real artillery shooting in the unified cutting area of ​​Jiangbei was confirmed, Song Heng's expression was gloomy.

He got through to No. 034 Biochemical Center in Jianye.

Here, Hemeng got on the phone. Song Heng heard her voice, paused and said, "Where is Wei Renlu?"

Hemeng looked at the biological culture tank of silicon dioxide behind him. Said: "Dr. Wei is integrating."

There was a pause on the phone for a few seconds.

Song Heng: "If Wei Renlu can't answer the phone anymore! Then you can answer the phone."

The corner of Hemeng's mouth twitched slightly, and said, "The leader of the alliance, I, Hemeng, am here."

Song Heng: "Come to my place this afternoon."

Crane Dream: "Got it!"

In the experimental base, Hemeng turned around, looked at Wei Renlu who had become an octopus behind him, opened the carbon-based frequency band input keyboard, and said to Wei Renlu in the training tank: "Grandpa Wei, now I can inherit mantle."

The octopus-like Wei Renlu opened his eyes, with icy gazes in his pupils. Then she responded with a sentence: "Kill me."

He Meng shook her head and said, "This experiment is what you requested for fusion. If I kill you, then I won't be able to explain anything."

Hemeng's expression showed excitement and enthusiasm: "You have obtained eternal life, and I can obtain achievements. This is a win-win situation."

He Meng didn't know that her frantic expression at this time was exactly the same as Wei Renlu's frenzied expression when he persuaded Zhenxin to merge with Tianzhulong.

However, at the moment, Wei Renlu personally walked into this kind of fusion in order to get rid of physical exhaustion. During the fusion process, he gradually came into contact with the weakened soul of Tianzhulong. Only now did he know how taboo his experiments and pursuits were. Of course, he believes that only he can grasp this kind of "taboo", and young people cannot grasp it.

Wei Renlu looked at Hemeng: "It is me who is talking to you now, but it may not be me in the future."

Crane Meng seemed to coax the old man: "Well, well, the consciousness of the Heavenly Dragon! Trying to be compatible with humans, Dr. Wei, you must be able to control it."

She glanced at the data on the side, and the life radiation frequency of Wei Renlu's neurons still firmly occupied more than 85%. If Wei Renlu's neurons are gradually invaded, she will load the electric shock control loop. Jianye's family education has always been "respect the old and love the young"

Wei Renlu: "You also want to touch this thing in the future."

Crane Meng: "I won't 'touch the dragon from heaven'!"

Wei Renlu twisted her sucker tentacles, and understood something: "Your target is the one in the commanding area? Are you crazy?"

Hemeng: "I'm not crazy. My goal is not to capture or detain people with the same face (Hemeng means that you were really crazy when you wanted to control Wei Keng). What I want is to get in touch with the secret of their spiritual communication. Then~"

Wei Renlu: "Then, you want to replicate yourself!"

Crane Dream: "This is the only way for Jianye to regain his leadership position. I am the leader and I will save. And you~"

Speaking of this, Hemeng looked at Wei Renlu expectantly: "This is my ambition, Dr. Wei, your experience in contact with Tianzhulong's consciousness can help me."

After explaining her reasons, Miss Hemeng believed that Wei Renlu would take a step forward for her.

Wei Renlu smiled. It's really interesting that she firmly believes that she is righteous and can inspire others.

Wei Renlu: "Actually, your thoughts now are the same as those of Tianzhulong's original consciousness." His tone carried the vicissitudes of more than two hundred years.

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