Out of the cage

Chapter 465 Chapter 11.21 Erase the stubborn stains of the old era

As the world begins to enter a new era. As time goes by, the conditions for each force to grasp the change are different.

For example, the first industrial revolution, the era of great leap in human productivity.

In the 19th century, the constitutional monarchy was still able to take the initiative in the transformation, and neon was a successful model at that time.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the form of reform of the bourgeois revolution was difficult to get rid of external influences, and a little development was only a short-lived "golden decade".

In the second half of the 20th century, after reaching the era of globalization, all regions and countries could no longer take the initiative in any form of change.

The same is true in the era of Pandora. The new round of global changes is not uniform. Changes must be made early, and if the determination is not thorough, they will completely miss the wave.

After Xinghan replaced Yu, the tide of the era has reached its peak. The simultaneous revival of human beings in all parts of the earth as originally planned is impossible. For the forces that completed the evolution first, it is like sailing against the current, and if they do not advance, they will retreat.

In short, there is no time to wait for human communities in other regions to slowly revive civilization. Wei Keng: We must give priority to being responsible to our own people.

The people in the cutting area are Yanhuang species, and the banner I raised is to inherit civilization, and I must be patient under the righteousness. Because you have to inherit from your "parents", you have to be responsible for the past. Xinghan is his own species, and belongs to his own "children", so naturally he has to be responsible. In the process of cleaning up the apostles in these areas, Wei Keng came here leisurely, trying his best to pass on skills, teach morality, and demonstrate the rationality of the system.

As for the old human forces in the southern subcontinent, they have different skin colors, different hair colors, different pupils, and completely different cultures and thoughts, and the debate will take a lot of effort. Wei Keng didn't have the energy, or even the extra passion, to be responsible to the end.

Wei Keng: The apostles in other regions of the world are about to be cut quickly, and it will have unknown consequences for humans in these areas that are still ignorant. Can the system and culture stand up under severe shock? Alas, I am not a free beacon of fraternity. Just fulfill your basic obligations.


After confirming the Weihai area, the settlers who moved westward from the Five Colors Federation have completely removed the influence of Tianzhulong. Wei Keng's cleaning of the world has begun.

Compared with Xinghan's internal reform war, Wei Keng's war to suppress the apostles is on another level.

In March 173, this was an era when all things were awakened, but from the north of the mountain (north of the Himalayan Mountains), silver-white bombers flew over.

This is an aircraft with an organic composite material as the skeleton and layers of ceramic scales on the outside!

This is a material body grown in a 150 times oxidative environment. Wei Keng can now master the most high-end production and construction technology.

Strategic air arming, the soldiers came to the lower reaches of the Ganges River, and when the giant water monsters floating two or three meters above the surface of the Ganges River rolled the waves to dominate, destruction came from the sky.

The metal cover of the aircraft was opened, and a lock rope hung down from a high altitude. The lower end of the lock rope was a two-meter-high cone. As the blue light on the cone barrel turned red, a large amount of carbon dioxide, salt, and phosphoric acid-based non-toxic substances 'detonated' in the barrel, and quickly transformed into carbon-based fluctuations.

Within a five-kilometer area directly below, lights like phantom bubbles flickered across the ground instantly, annihilating the vibrant vitality that was still thriving just now.

The waves that had been tumbling on both sides of the Ganges disappeared in an instant, and large pieces of floating corpses emerged on the surface of the river. With the rush of the waves, the skin and flesh quickly scattered, exposing the skeleton, and were pushed to the downstream bank by the current.

After the death wave hit. Still need to "anti-virus" carefully.

The parachute equipment dropped by the bombers subsequently fell into the ruins of cities where nodes gathered on both sides of the strait.

Highly oxidized ion torches spread out in the center of the city, and all life began to desertify as if it had encountered the atmosphere of Venus.

A few days later, the Wei Keng group arrived, sowed a large number of humane biological nodes, and started drilling.

Six days later, in the entire Ganges River Basin, tens of thousands of drilling clusters flickered, and hundreds of Wei Keng disappeared.

The model of the "human immune system" replacing the ecosystem on the South-Central Subcontinent appeared, and all organisms swept along with the "organic refraction wave tide" and quickly transformed into "super-large human organelles". Of course, after waiting for the organic matter to stabilize, the rate slowed down, and these "super-large organelles" turned back to standard beasts.

Such a scene, to the humans of Xinghan, belongs to the top spectacle of contemporary technology. It is greatness that needs to be looked up and pursued. All this is still understandable.

But for the old-age humans on the Deccan Plateau, this is a miracle that has to kneel and tremble! For these religious people, the existence that they can't win and that presses them to the ground is the will of God. For example, the Whip of God.

Even the apostles can't solve these city-states on the Deccan Plateau, let alone Wei Keng.


On March 11, 173, at 9:44 PM.

The devourer group, facing this sudden blow, the largest node individual species crawled out of the mud in the Ganges River Basin.

In the early days of the Great Annihilation, this 100-meter-long monster was able to quickly recover to a fleshy body within tens of minutes in the organic radiation field after the nuclear bomb bombing, and gave a good blow to the self-proclaimed primate human beings. class.

But now the "little frog" demonstrates how to twitch in the experimental class of the emperor.

On March 12, 173, within hundreds of kilometers around it, 1233 dead wave strikes were dropped.

Wei Keng interrupted his channel of absorbing the frequency band of organic matter through "radiation therapy". Groups of ground artillery bombarded it fiercely.

After the smoke cleared, Xinghan's inspectors saw this 300-meter-long, six interlaced spines, and three 20-meter turtle-backed shells on an isolated island in the middle reaches of the Ganges River.

This monster that was able to infect the entire city of humans into organic liquid a hundred years ago, and finally devoured it and turned it into a part of its own body, was quietly exterminated just like that.

Its powerful body and this sudden death have left a monument that people can witness in the transition from old to new.


The apostles who once destroyed dozens of cities in the north of Tianzhu ended up under the waves of death. Wei Keng's aircraft continued to head south, crossed the Deccan Plateau, and began to fly towards the south of the subcontinent to annihilate the apostles one by one.

On the Deccan Plateau, ordinary people in the old human city-states kneel down and worship the black fighter planes flying across the sky, begging the "gods" to let them go.

Avalon, those so-called "heroic spirits" of the old era lying in the life support cabin, are the same as mortals at this time.

When the Yucheng community came, these so-called human leaders who had lived for two hundred years wondered what kind of force was "stronger than Yucheng" and drove them to the southern subcontinent.

Now they have seen it, which is comparable to the scene of swarms of fighter planes flying by in the movie materials before the Great Destruction.

Despite the news from Xinghan, the "human group" that is now destroying the apostles is a stickler for the age of civilization. No human settlement will be destroyed without reason, and in fact no human settlement has ever been destroyed.

But on the Avalon side, those 'things' living in old equipment in the dust, can't believe that there is such justice in the world! Over the past hundred years, they know that they have given up a lot of human civilization and morality! Now they are still living in the last days, the last days created by themselves.

In the "end-time logic" that cannot be jumped out: whether it is to abide by civilized morality or not to abide by civilized morality.

With the logic of these guys lying in the survival cabin, take the position of the strong, and now as the weak. They all have their own reasons for being destroyed.

Human beings who grow up in an environment of blind belief, when encountering things they don't understand, are afraid, panic, and at a loss, and can only use worship to resolve their inner anxiety.

In April 173, when Wei Keng's cluster aircraft began to fly towards the more southern region, the humanities department of Xinghan made a small report to Wei Keng about the old human city-states on the Deccan Plateau.

It is difficult for the teenagers transported from the Deccan Plateau to understand the greatness other than "gods". These teenagers who grew up in a religious environment never believed in "human beings" for the power that defeated the apostles.

Wei Keng complained quietly in his heart: "This is a matter of principle. If gods exist by default and superstitions are defaulted, then the social structure will inevitably appear "superstition compulsion", and society will regress. If you can't persuade foreign joiners to give up superstition, then it's better to cut seats break off."

After careful consideration, Wei Keng responded to Xinghan: After imparting skills and ideas to the teenagers from over there, they will all be sent back to the Deccan area.

Xinghan now intends: within 50 years, before the vitality of the population of his side (Xinghan and the unified cutting area) has not become the mainstream, he will not include individuals from the backward cultural areas in the outside world into his own system!

Huayi is different. It is impossible to gain a decisive advantage in advanced areas, and there is a huge gap in folk customs and culture objectively, so the export to the outside world is suspended in order to maintain the vitality of its own civilization.

On April 21, the Wei Keng Group also began to send individuals to the Deccan Plateau, determined to investigate the remnants of the old era.

On the Deccan Plateau, with the contact with the Shannan side, the production technology here has undergone considerable changes, and the areas outside the city-state can already be controlled by humans in the old city-state.

These old-age city-states began to enjoy the dividends brought by the development of the new era's unified logging areas and Xinghan.

The steam engines they imported from Xinghan worked in the ravines created by the weathering of ancient granite, and the electric towers pulled out of the biogas power station were also erected, and the specifications were consistent with the technical standards in the southern part of the logging area.

Of course, the above is just the entire decadent city-state power, pasted with a circle of colored paper. There is still no road network paved with stones between cities, and there is no dock for mechanized lifting and unloading on the river.

Wei Keng, wearing a mechanical restraint suit and a cloak, came to Avalon. In this city with high concrete walls, you can still see the metal pole sockets reserved for hanging barbed wire back then.

According to those security guards with axes patrolling the posts, Wei Keng can even imagine that two hundred years ago, when high-ranking officials and dignitaries rode in cars, surrounded by bodyguards in black suits, after entering this refuge, they held guns and wore body armor. Soldiers, how did live ammunition prevent the influx of civilians at this pass.

In order to learn more about the situation here, Wei Keng climbed up and entered the city along the sloping wall at the corner of the city wall, avoiding all blind spots and not alarming the guards of the city!

A great bell rang in Avalon.

In the largest church, one person after another knelt down in front of a small number of religious personnel in a very neat posture. ——In such a state, a rule that never allows others to stand up and raise their heads is bound to everyone. For those who do not believe in superstitions, such forced prostration makes no sense.

Wei Keng, who was keeping observation on the roof, paused, thought for a while, and decided not to break this order. The reason for superstition is that people are terrified and disturbed. Destroying this order of worship cannot save these people. On the contrary, when the order maintained by superstition is lost, chaos arises. Because worse than the "superstitious order" is the "degeneration that does not think about tomorrow."

Wei Keng saw this: "I am not qualified to change the order here, but I can take away the rotten people who created the unreasonable order."

(In Wei Keng's view, those people before the Great Destruction, and now the living corpses in the survival cabin, have grievances and grievances from the same era as himself. Maybe he is not qualified to interfere with the routes of humans in other regions in this era, but he is definitely qualified to They hang street lamps.)

Wei Keng remotely sensed the entire city with a small war cat and a bird. The location of the core building was quickly determined, and those life support cabins were sensed through life radiation!

The Wei Keng individual who arrived in Avalon at this time had a body temperature of 52 degrees Celsius, and the acuity of hearing and vision was fourteen times that of ordinary people. In this city with few mechanical roars, the difference in wind and grass within a hundred meters can be noticed.

Therefore, Wei Keng easily sneaked into the "Hall of Valor" from the blind spot of all guardians' perspectives, that is, the bases that store the life-support capsules of the nobles of the old era.

After kicking out of the exhaust pipe on the dome, he raised the arm cannon of the colony armor and fired a wave of ether carbon base, which stunned the guard.

Plop plop, bubbles surged in the life support cabin. After seeing Wei Keng's arrival, the individual with completely shrunken limbs, leaving only the torso and head, began to think hard about the "life crisis", looking for a bargaining chip to survive.

After Wei Keng came in, he was not in a hurry to deal with the "acquaintances" of the old era, but took a tour of this wealthy district.

Before the Great Destruction, this place should be a high-end medical room full of the smell of hospital disinfectant water, but now it is filled with a mixed smell of sour and essence. There are no bacteria and viruses in Pandora Field, so there is no problem with hygiene and maintenance here. The survivors who affected here lingered.

Wei Keng looked at the nameplate and tried to read it in a foreign language that he was not good at: "What's wrong with Borg? Chuck Boge, Zuckerberg brother. Oh~"

Finally, Wei Keng confirmed that this was the "oligarch" from the ancient times.

Master Wei raised his head to look at this ancient giant whose face was almost round like a ball. smiled.

These two hundred years ago, were sitting on the existence of material wealth far exceeding that of ordinary people.

They travel by plane, their food and drink can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and their private life can recruit popular models from their villas. In medical treatment, gold medicines costing hundreds of thousands of dollars per test tube are used, and the famous schools that ordinary people can only get into after exhausting all their efforts, give them the title of honorary professor in a fart.

But after the transition of the times, the once resplendent and magnificent has become ugly and ridiculous.

The people in the vat don't know the language of the mind, but after Wei Keng opens the spiritual information field, he can also directly talk to the people in the vat of the old era.

Wei Keng: "I'm here to see you on your way."

The survivor in the vat: "Are you? Are you the representative of that power in the East? You know, I like Eastern culture very much."

Wei Keng responded sarcastically: "Okay, let's not talk about fake big empty words hundreds of years ago. If you make money, you will like oriental culture. If you don't make money, it's just to 'resolutely maintain independent values ​​and maintain the freedom of speech'—— I also have memories of the ancient times, and I know about your things." As an old troublemaker, I won't be fooled.

Cylinder Stealer: "Oh, then let's negotiate a deal? How about it? A lot of old-age technology materials are preserved in this base, and only the key can be opened. I can provide it for you~"

Wei Keng clasped his fingers, sighed leisurely, and said: "The technology of the old era is not important, and neither are you, but it is very important to judge you! ——After human civilization fell into a deep sleep, what you did All kinds of things have to come to an end today."

Seeing that the chips were fruitless, the survivor in the vat sarcastically said, "You want to judge me. Come here secretly to judge me."

Wei Keng put his index finger on his lips: "Shh, don't yell. As the consciousness of the past era, I am not qualified to judge contemporary humans, but I am definitely qualified to retaliate against you. Great Mr. Entrepreneur! Freedom Financial tycoons. And the heroes of the times who can influence the political leaders of various countries, don’t you think so? In the past, you blocked your account, but now?” Wei Keng also responded with sarcasm.


At this time, the alarm bell rang, and the defenders who had been summoned by the survivors in the vat just started came.

However, just as these defenders were approaching the gate, Wei Keng's spiritual language leisurely warned: "Stop!" This voice directly blasted into the mind, bringing shock to superstitious people.

The defenders looked at the sacred column where their heroic spirit was, and the person who arrived here exuding a halo (Wei Keng), and all began to bow their heads, and put their palms on their faces like an open book.

Seeing such a ceremony and its source, Wei Keng was stunned for a moment, then turned to the "survivor" in the cylinder, and added: "It's a very low-level ceremony."

Wei Keng raised the mechanical device on his arm, and the radiation of chlorinated organic compounds emitted made the guy in the tank thinking in super-oxidation, as if he was in high spirits, floating, and finally ended in rapid arterial convulsions.


A few minutes later, Wei Keng came to the other twenty-eight cylinders and carried out the same process.

Half an hour later, Wei Keng walked out of the temple. On the marble steps of the Athens temple, Wei Keng looked at the priests and the armored tyrant with heavy weapons.

Faced with these nervous cult priests, Wei Keng said leisurely: "Don't worry, I'm just eliminating the mistakes of my time. As for you, it's not within the scope of my current task."

After speaking, there was a roar in the sky, and a tilt-rotor plane landed, and Wei Keng boarded the plane under the eyes of these old city-state religious groups.

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